no let's start this thread positively and post about one of the most positive players that contribute to our server the grey alien yahir who wants to go first?
John Rivera
Second for I'm going to marry my waifu!
Jordan Hernandez
Oliver Roberts
2nd for singularities are trash. TRASH!
Samuel Watson
>Sodaloose was saved
What was the worst betrayal you've suffered from a department member you trusted?
inb4 >trust
Ryan Watson
Intigracy just self-merged attack animations.
Jose Turner
Evan Smith
TG overthrows debate again
Jose Howard
>work xenobio for two hours with someone >get trick penned and spaced >come back as a golem with them >few minutes later they tell me that they are filled with sadness over their lost friend >he lets the slimes eat him and says I'm sorry >look in logs later and see him asking if I was in dead chat and saying he felt bad >objective was kill me and die It never had to end like this.
Jacob Clark
>Veeky Forumsstation will finally have what every server's had for years now
I never thought I'd see the day
Caleb Thomas
>something being common means it's good This is a fucking shit meme.
Joseph Baker
Guys I'm actually afraid now
Julian Lee
yes that's exactly why I put them there. hydroponic trays are actually atmospheric pipes. when you toggle the lid (i.e. gas can't leak out) and connect a canister with a wrench, all the gas produced by the plant will go into the can.
Asher Evans
Exactly that. Flip the lid up and it makes a closed atmos for it.
Dylan Reyes
Literally a fake link to a pull request 1000 PRs from now. Y'all incapable of clicking on a fucking link or do you fall for every meme in existence?
Leo Phillips
>something being outdated means it's good This is some retarded logic.
Alexander Gray
>like they're not just meming about it and know damn well what they're doing
Jayden Taylor
I never claimed that a lack of tableclimbing is good. But "every other server has it" is not an argument for claiming that having tableclimbing is good.
David Wright
muh outdated code is so good whats wrong with table climbing? Arent you fucks known for being the biggest powergaming server of ss13, this way its easier to access all those items you so enjoy
Julian Cruz
>m-merely pretending to be retarded
Ian Bennett
Sorry man, I didn't realize you were just hear to argue on the internet, I don't usually bully the mentally handicapped
Juan White
Anyway the reason tableclimbing is shit is it means any asshole can climb into a department they don't work for and steal shit immensely easily It LITERALLY only encourages greyshittery and never anything else
Adam Nelson
>Arent you fucks known for being the biggest powergaming server of ss13 Literally no. TG holds that title.
Angel Kelly
Let's allow furry gay sex too, since every other server has it too.
Connor Parker
You damn well know that's exactly what they're doing.
Angel Phillips
Honestly here's what I think.
I think that we could add it but we'd have to redesign a lot of departments entrances to have windows/windoors to prevent this kind of behavior. However overall, if that was done, it would not introduce new entry points since a player would still have to smash through windows and most departments already have that vulnerability to begin with.
Adam Hughes
Why don't borers have directional sprites?
Carson Martin
I can't believe this. He's merging it as a test. It will never get reverted now, fuck. I know that a lot of people voted Yes for this merged, but right now you cannot use Veeky Forumss server-base to poll these things. All we have had lately is refugees from other servers, all who are used to this thing, so of course they are going vote Yes for this. The original playerbase of Veeky Forums, albeit small, would not want this change in such a majority because it isn't Veeky Forums.
Asher Allen
>Veeky Forums admins go to other server >shitpost and become a piece of shit sawbones if I find you in lifeweb again I'm going to web you, you waste of life I'm going to kill you too kolith
Ryder Gomez
Because you haven't sprited them for us.
Brandon Ross
Luis Hill
It's better this way
Brandon Rivera
That's a fair point. Still, windoors being broken is less noticeable than windows being broken. ALSO, replacing windoors is (realistically) never going to ever happen, whereas anybody with metal and reinforced glass can re-window a department.
Isaiah Jackson
>However overall, if that was done, it would not introduce new entry points Then what's the point of adding tableclimbing at all?
Also the bartender and the chef's counters would have to have windoors placed along their whole length, which would look like shit.
Josiah Kelly
Bartenders got a shotgun.
Eli Taylor
With finite ammo.
Chase Perry
I agree friend, no TRUE vg player would agree with this change
Ryder Bennett
>true scotsman fuck you, I like it
Joshua Scott
10/10 satire
Cooper Ward
[citation needed]
Daniel Moore
Why should we base decisions on the small minority of original players rather than the majority of current players?
Oliver Flores
What do you consider the "original playerbase"? I've been here for two years, am I too new to be allowed to have an opinion?
Camden Morales
because you other shitstains have TG/hippie agendas you're trying to push because you're banned from your shit servers fuckface
Caleb Brown
I'm not exactly saying that, I'm saying that most Veeky Forums players who don't go onto the other servers because they like how Veeky Forums is don't like the feature because of how goofy and ugly it is. If you read the github thread, a lot of people are asking for it to be toggle-able and they would all be fine with it if it was, and so would I, but it's not. Because then, as we gather more refugees from Eros, TG, Hippie, we become like them. We stop being a unique server and start being a generic pubbie server like the rest. We already have some Veeky Forums refugee coder trying to push tonnes of other stuff to make us like Veeky Forums, if it carries on these will just keep picking up.
Sebastian Scott
So what? They're still players. If the majority of the playerbase wants it to become TG, then it should. Because the purpose of the server is for the most players possible to enjoy it.
If the minority doesn't like it, then they can make their own server where they're the majority.
Logan Myers
>you other shitstains Hi, different guy I've played spess for about 4 years, never taken a permaban since Dec. 2012, played on some older serb I forget the name of, Paradise, Urist, and alium deathtrap. I haven't even had attack anims in my knowledgebase for more than a couple months because I took a hiatus And I still think they should be put in. Sorry for pushing my TG/hippie agenda since I'm obviously banned from those servers
Aaron Richardson
How large would you say the pool of "original Veeky Forums players" is? Ten people? Fifteen?
Jordan Flores
>Veeky Forums taking in eros and hippie refugees >still doesnt believe its becoming hippie 2.0 take a look at the chat box, its full of memes and shitposting
Joshua Johnson
>get idea rejected by players and the host >wait for holidays when my TG ""friends"" come over >make PR for my idea >all my ""friends"" will vote yes >merge it in less than 48 hours
Easy like pissing in a pool
Brandon Reed
Benjamin Mitchell
On the other hand, windoors (even unreinforced glass ones) are significantly more durable than reinforced windows.
That is a fair point but bar raids isn't high on my list of concerns.
Cooper Lopez
>Looking at the chatbox
What is this, Bay?
Kayden Phillips
>majority of actual players who have played long enough to be eligible to vote want it >majority of people on github vote for it >TG IS TO BLAME
If you assholes would express yourselves it would make feedback a lot better instead of just blaming the boogeyman that fits best.
Dominic James
>the chicken spoke >and inTGracy ignored him really makes you think
Dylan Thomas
>self merging There is literally no worse sin on github
Adrian Perry
>I'll re-examine whether this is worth keeping/adjusting in a week. >The keep/revert/change poll will get started on the 14th
>Deadminned himself so he can't make polls DEVILISH
Bentley Walker
>Deadminned himself so he can't make polls Holy shit intigracy you stupid fuck
Colton Perez
pomf doesnt matter anymore, if the vast majority wants something then they will get it
Nathan Hill
>let's not have attack animations because muh casuls >but let's never reintroduce body drag damage, and let's never nerf EZ PZ fast cloning medbay REALLY MADE ME THINK
Eli Gutierrez
but he has a point if you don't need to look at the chatlog during combat, new players will not look at the chatlog to see anything actually valuable like people talking
Camden Watson
What exactly is BAD about the animations? Just the fact that new players will be even more oblivious to the chat?
Adam Brooks
He does but in this case it's something he's never wanted and he admits he's not an active player anymore so he feels like his opinion isn't paramount on this particular topic.
Thomas Fisher
I've been to TG, they look like ass
Lucas Bell
Ayden Brooks
Is the playerbase dead yet?
There was a chat window before?
Camden Phillips
>implying we're playing by staring at the chat log and not looking at it when someone gets a ... ? ! over their heads
Jose Roberts
If you could have chat near the players instead of off to the sides that would also probably be cool, but the problem with that is that it'd obscure a lot of the screen, more salient than "looks humpy ew".
Adrian Wood
If you see pomf post, he talks a lot about his depression and the condition causing him to be unable to find enjoyment in anything anymore, which is why he doesn't play and why he feels like he doesn't matter any more. But he's still our server host, and the highest authority, and well, it is HIS server. If he doesn't want something, the players and admins and coders should respect his decision.
Eli Cook
nah it's still roughly the same size it always is.
mid 30/40s during the day. 50s during the evening. 10s/20s during the australian hours.
got up to 75 last sunday but thats sunday evening its always busy.
Cooper Lopez
>Nobody coded stripped features
Brody Cruz
Isn't it just the player going forward a little bit? I've only played on vg.
Aiden Cruz
Alright, user, add them back and make a pull request! You can do it!
Daniel Mitchell
user you don't want something. Don't try and use Pomf to override what most players want.
Pomf is the ultimate authority but that doesn't make him right every time. The stability of our server is thanks to his willingness to accept when he doesn't get his way over the majority of players. Emulate him.
Zachary Wilson
Good to see it's still kicking, thanks
Why are so many people depressed? just take vitamin D to help
Kevin Sanders
>yog >Polaris vore
>inb4 "moths/dinosaurs aren't furries!"
Asher Perry
Several people were acting against the removal of speedclonebay on github you know.
Connor Jackson
just fucking code it if you want it. I have shit to do I can't do your shit too.
Tyler Bell
>Just don't be depressed bro
Austin Collins
Not speedcloning isn't robust, though, it's just slow. In fact, due to the amount of doctors who don't know how to speedclone, a doctor who does is a good sign.
Jaxon Turner
Of course it doesn't, but when he forced MMO progress bars on the server he gave everyone an option, you can have them on or off, because lots of people were against it. Except this time, when lots of people are against it, there has been no option, just a straight merge.
Brody Hall
I'm not saying that, I'm saying take steps to help fight it. It's a chemical imbalance huffing and puffing about it doesn't help
Nathaniel Torres
The only options were to change how the game works dramatically or change how the animations worked dramatically and none of the collaborators were satisfied with the hacky way of doing it. That doesn't mean it can't be done in the future but we don't know how yet.
Charles Turner
>talking about it doesn't help ok BRAH dude you get your psych degree from broversity?
Adrian Bell
Then why add an ugly, unfinished product then, instead of waiting until someone has found a way which will satisfy everyone?