Do monarchists see themselves as nobility or something? If they get their way...

Do monarchists see themselves as nobility or something? If they get their way, they'll likely end up serfs and worse off than before.

Of course, it's just another version of the "it's happening" and "le zombie apocalypse" memes. Unhappy losers can only imagine themselves happy if everything is completely different. Because of course the problem is not them, it's every other thing in the world.

Monarchists have simply ignored or forgotten the 20th century

no, of course not. we see other things as more important than mere monetary gain, which materialists of all stripes will never understand, since they're spiritually and morally bankrupt.

The world is fucking shit and this is a fact, people merely react to the horrors of it

Of course you can be a blind imbecile and continue to hide your head in a sand or be a man and fight the system

>memers think that monarchism = feudalism

Oh sure and all republicans just want to recreate the Roman republic right? I honestly can't comprehend how Americans can be this stupid. It doesn't matter whether it's right wing Americans, left wing Americans, fat Americans, skinny Americans, white, black, poor, rich, rural, urban Americans, all of them are fucking retards, the entire damn country.

No, you are fucking shit. The world would only be shit if people like you had their way.

>says the irrelevant europoor
enjoy being our buffer with Russia for the rest of time

You're too dumb to even be alive.

>Guys someone says he's a MONARCHIST that means he's obviously pro serfdom and feudalism because obviously monarchy cannot exist without those xDDD
>I learned that from my Hollywood movies about the middle ages

Monarchism is retarded dude, have you read about WW1 or the Thirty Years War? Giving absolute power to some dumb fuck with a fevered ego in an industrial age only leads to everyone being slaughtered

>waah anything i don't like is wrong
This is exactly why violent revolutions and genocides happen, because people in the power are blinded with it and can't look into their own mistakes rationally

Madness has to be fought with madness

>Madness has to be fought with madness
You're only perpetuating the cycle of violence

Also praise Kek for these numbers


Republicanism is retarded dude, have you read about the Balkan Wars or the WW2? Electing some dumb fuck with a fevered ego in an industrial age only leads to everyone being slaughtered

>If they get their way, they'll likely end up serfs and worse off than before.

And? Literally not an argument.

I'm a monarchist and a feudalist. Many medieval european systems had better checks and balances than modern republics.

Monarchists make three rather strange assumptions: that either they themselves would be the monarch, or have a monarch that somehow had the exact same views as them, or, lastly, that that they themselves would be a part of the nobility or landed gentry.

Idiotic, of course.

None of of them believe any of that. There's more to politics than just self-interest.

>that that they themselves would be a part of the nobility or landed gentry
>its monarchy=feudalism episode again
I've seen enough of you fuckers on /pol/ on /int/. Can you at least fuck off from Veeky Forums?

Some monarchists - like in the Hapsburg, Ottoman, and Romanov empires- argue that it is far better to support a monarchy as it does not discriminate component nationalities of a state, than listen to nationalists who will see the state divided into smaller, insignificant, tribalnigger lines to satisfy some notion of a nation-state.

In the case of the Hapsburg, Romanov, and Ottoman Empires, they were right. Nationalists emerging from the corpses of those empires created shitty successor states.

>Nationalists emerging from the corpses of Romanov empire
Didn't they get commied?

Yes, but not before Russification policies by nationalists in the Romanov empire alienated whole swathes of non-Russians to the Romanov dynasty.

Also it broke up into multiple states before the Soviets manage to cobble the whole thing back together (sans the Russian bit of Poland).

I'm completely historically illiterate, didn't the Hapsburgs rule over Germany, which is today the strongest economy in Europe?

I was referring to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Hapsburgers ruled large parts of Europe depending on the time period. Even Spain at one point.


Doesn't that latter part dispute your central thesis? A nation-state republic (admittedly not a terribly free one) emerged following the decline of the Romanovs which held sway over a wide variety of ethnic, cultural, and linguistic groups as the Romanovs had previously.

Currently, the most powerful nation on the planet is a massive republic composed of a diverse array of ethnic groups as well.

>Yes, but not before Russification policies by nationalists in the Romanov empire alienated whole swathes of non-Russians to the Romanov dynasty.
Are you talking about the ones that caused January Uprising in Poland? If yes, then it was caused by tzar reforms, not nationalists.

Ah, well in that case there have been several states since the decline of the Hapsburgs, some shitty, some not shitty. It's not like the Hapsburgs were all that great for their entire run either (if my memory serves me correctly).


The only serious monarchist I ever met came from a family of the lower nobility.

But yeah, everybody else is most likely just a romantic who yearns for the return of monarchy, thinking their support of the noblity will be rewarded with an elevation, should the system ever change.

But i am well-born
Work my fields, peasant

Make me.

Meritocracy is retarded dude, have you read about the Mongol Invasions? Choosing some proven dude with a fevered ego in an industrial age only leads to everyone being slaughtered

Whatever chance he had of being a good monarch was ruined by the inbreeding of his ancestors to maintain their own grip on power

pic related: his family tree

The factor that cheated him out of his destiny was something beyond his control. DO NOT BULLY

Why not? He's dead, aint gonna hurt his feeings.

But it's not nice.

From this tree I learned that it's possible to be more inbred than the child of a straight brother and sister. Thanks Charles II.

True user. But if you want to make heads fall down you need to destroy the trust between the governement and the army and people in each country. Destroye economical structure because everything that's happening is directly linked to infinite growth and cocks fight between greedy and selfish people.

>marrying nephews from cousin marriages

The world is objectively fucking at its shittest right now.

Just look at all the fucking rapefugees and how everyone hates the nazis.

If we had a monarchy, we would have a redpilled leader to make us great again. If only Trump would become King.