Novus panem edition
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Novus panem edition
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first for liara a shit
What is Novus panem?
2nd for truth.
>Novus panem
new bread
I like Jack
this is tali thread now
shit i posted same photo
yur gey
>having feelings for worst girl
Tali is all fungal under her suit.
I've never seen Liara with tan skin...
>Cozy Tali.
Best Tali.
There's something about quarian wearing their suit but with something else too. Like a blanket on top, or a sweater around their shoulders. They look so comfortable.
>tfw will never share a blanket with qt femquar gf.
I like Jack too, She's pretty great. I've never understood what purpose that big gold thing serves though.
>I've never understood what purpose that big gold thing serves though.
hearing aids, her ear drumbs exploded when she crashed a space station into a moon
>hearing aids
lol i wrote that and still find it funny.
I actually like that idea. Sort of.
no she isnt
ctr shill pls go
i hope when we die we go to ME universe so i can have femquar gf
she might be, hell all Quarians might be,
i bet their skin is filled in fungus's, skin infections, and their own bile
Dumb nurglite doesn't even know how the fuck stilsuits work.
>life uneventful life
>maybe marry a qt
>have 1 or 2 slightly disappointing children
>qt and I stop living each other but keep going for sake of kids
>stay together cause we can't do better
>get old
>be on hospital bed
>kids not there
>old bitch wife is watching tv
>silently slip away
>everything goes black
>suddenly hear the tone of a heart monitor
>open eyes
>see her face
i know words too you know,
What happens when Shepard or your waifu dies of old age?
Better written then Mass Erect 3's ending
Winning "Highest IQ on the Short Bus".
i quite literally hope and pray that this is the reality. Maybe the afterlife is some abstract existence where its like a dream. fuck this universe dammit
>big gold thing
I thought I read that it was part of her implants/biotic shit. Might've just been a theory I read here though.
at that point id be okay with eternal blackness. Just getting a chance to live in that world would make it all ok
>not wanting to be king of the retards
>not wanting the loyalty of legions of dim wits with retard strength
I thought it was like a future earring. Someone else wears them. Can't remember who.
All the waifus, mudwrestling.
Who wins? Biotics are discouraged but allowed.
Ash wins, has had experience in mudwrestling.
fuckin country trash.
The people watching
She has reach
>Implying she wasn't Garrus' flexible counterpart.
Nah I think she's a biotic, not a scout
I haven't been following shit.
So where and what the the hell is Andromeda even doing?
How are they dealing with the color endings from ME3?
Why are there humans with N7 emblems running around if it has nothing to do with the first trilogy?
Are there any connections at all?
Why should I care?
Andromeda Initiative is a bunch of people from a bunch of races getting sent off to the Andromeda galaxy between the events of 2 and 3, in case the Reapers kill everything
They aren't
They came from the Systems Alliance N7 program
Only basic ones, most likely
and Vetra is why you should care
>So where and what the the hell is Andromeda even doing?
what this guy said >How are they dealing with the color endings from ME3?
they are avoiding it by saying the colonizers left for Andromeda before the events of ME3
>Why are there humans with N7 emblems running around if it has nothing to do with the first trilogy?
cause they are alliance military, Shepard isn't the only N7 soldier
>Are there any connections at all?
same universe, that's about it.
>Why should I care?
ever wanted to bang a female version of Garrus?
If she's not romanceable, I will have lost my last bit of faith in Bioware
tali-, femkro- and femtur-cancer get out
>didn't help the Batarian Admiral in ME3
>Batarian race is completely extinct by the time the Arks reach Andromeda
Don't worry, I have sacrificed many virgins to the Slaanesh. Not just bitter men of Veeky Forums but actual, quality females. We will the Turian waifu we deserve.
you just need a million or so people to restart
so, you think there'll be potential to sacrifice companions in this one? it's practically tradition at this point
please let me kill beepbeep
Mac said in that 101 Questions video that no companions can die in this game.
no companions can die in combat u mong
doesnt mean they cant die in cutscenes ;)
>allowing liarafags to larp
ur the real cancer here
good thing i also destroyed thier system in me2
I brought peace to the milky way, one dead BT at a time.
>kate_n_bd finally learned how to put just a tiny little bit of dynamic into her pics
>her characters don't look like cardboard cutouts any more
didn't think the day would come.
oh hey someone else calling her beepbeep.
i started doing that like 5 generals ago.
did i start a thing!?
yes, yes you did
woops wrong webm
Is submission not preferable to extinction, /meg/?
is this turning into a Germany/Sweden/Europe /pol/ thread again?
although i took part in that
not again
I-is there any pics of Jack in comfy sweaters?
Why was ME not even able to produce one decent villain after Saren?
I never felt saren was a good villain
I want to see Tali and Shepard having a cozy cuddly night in a mountain vacation house while it's snowing outside. Preferably with cocoa/dextro cocoa while ribbing on B-movies based on their adventures.
>tfw will never share a blanket with qt femquar gf.
you're asking the wrong questions, lad.
I thought he was at least decent. Head and shoulders above the villains in ME2/ME3.
Also Sovereign was cool.
I just want Jack to be warm.
Let time pass quick
Let death come swift
Soon among the Normandy
My soul will drift
Did me2 have an actual villain? Like a single guy to call the "bad guy"
Me3 had TIM and the reaper hordes but even that felt kinda "meh"
I guess like harbinger
Yeah I guess, with the whole "assuming direct control" thing
So is harbinger also the moan bad guy in me3? Also when exactly did we learn the leader of the reapers was named Harbinger.
Daaaaw. I wanna hug her, and give her hugs!
1. Yes. Either him or the Starbrat. But only technically, since Harbinger doesn't even say a single line.
2. We learn that there's a Reaper named Harbinger on Horizon in ME2 (he announces his name in his combat taunts), we only learn he's the leader at the beginning of ME3. It's in the codex.
Oh my.
Ok thanks
>i cant believe she used the wrong pronoun I am literally shaking right now
Leviathan mission
Harbinger was the first reaper
The real leader is the starkid ai thing
afraid this is all I have
Oh right, it's just been a while since I've played me3
>For a second I thought this was a YURI! on Ice crossover
>posting a watermarked version when I posted the one without above
xenoboys ww@
What if cloneShep tried to steal your waifu instead of your laifu?
I'd introduce him to my raifu
>not up close and personal with your knaifu
Post Quarian bunda
>"Hey Shepard, I was wondering which movie you'd like to- keelah, are you staring again?"
"I have another activity in mind for tonight, Tali"
a control ending femshep of mine
There is no Shep in the Control ending though? Their body gets disintegrated, and a new AI is spawned. It's not even Shepard. The new AI is just supposedly based on them.
all I see are the aztec faces on her back
Post Javik or Protheans in general