League of Legends General - /lolg/

Jhin edition


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He's the best!
Debonair Draven when???

>its another "our jungler doesnt know how to right click champions but theirs has played the game more than twice" episode

I suggest you do the same.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Ezreal a CUTE! A CUTE!

Ah it is another "this item does the same thing to everyone but i think Zed is weaker against it XDDD" retard opinion again


I wouldve made another but two in a row makes the ikes start writing up essays

I want

I love Aniva. Is she a good choice these days?

>Started playing Aatrox ironically
>tfw can't stop playing him
>tfw starting to win games with him

h- help

>Kog blames me for not Braum E'ing to him when he is so horribly out of position and gets dicked by enemy fire
>dies 4 times, calls me shit and afks

Ironically thats a problem with both league and their design philosophy behind hyper carries. They all scale so that their late-game is virtually unbeatable. The happy medium they seem to want is that when you do land the two item power spike, you are finally worth a damn and actually a good-ever increasing powerhouse. Some are more obvious about this philosophy than others, Jinx has a really strong early-game but late-game is a walking delete button.

Azir however falls in the category of having (quite alot) for his kit. I love this champion to death but it is noticeable that he has quite alot of power behind the kit, so their idea was take away alot of the actual damage power early-mid and give it to him late-game.

Until sometime this year when they rework/retool his E or R or whatever they want to do, the W/turret buff is the best thing we'll likely get as a buff since they want Azir to be good, if today's buffs and patch notes are anything they want him to be good, but not so overbearing that he's nigh untouchable.

Okay, /lolg/ here's the fucking deal. l'm sick and tired of all the fucking bullshit posted here. Every day that l scroll through these threads I find the same fucking posts, it's like deja fucking vu. The same "swimming in lulu" shit, the same bandlebro shit, the same sona shit, the same "impregnate/raise family" shit, and the same fucking silver shitters arguing about game balance. All of you worthless sacks of shit should just fucking die and quit posting your anime girls and "waifu" shit. Maybe instead of sitting around shitposting about "Sona best waifu xDD" and other cancerous fag shit you could be getting elo and actually improving at this shit game. Fuck all of you and fuck your shitposting, I'm fucking out of this shithole.


URF when?


>Riot is planning on giving Garen FREE Armor Shred on his E
>Immediately drops a 1320 skin for him

>ult target
>they zhonyas/GA
>their team kills you

>any other assassin
>kill target
>they activate zhonyas before they die or get revived by GA
>walk away as their team comes
>kill them again this time while GA/zhonyas is off cooldown

seriously, zed is a trash champion right now and im glad he got gutted

I want to motorboat Trundle's butthole!

i dont even understand this image when used in relation to ANYTHING anymore

Remember when people were whining about how Lux had nothing but military skins? Yeah, how come they don't do that with Garen?

forgot my picture

Reminder that AP mids are the Pantheons of mid lane
>maw of malmortius
>mercurial scimitar
>edge of night
>mercury treads
>locket of the iron solari
>abyssal scepter
>guardian angel
>banshee's veil
>the assassin doing their job
>the initiator doing their job

Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.

I want to marry Renekton

>hes "fucking out of this shithole"
>comes back every thread to post this

I know you love us buddy~

>the same "impregnate/raise family" shit,
>People are FINALLY complaining about my shitposts

Holy shit this is an amazing day for me.

are you seriously this butthurt?


>tfw Dark Lux will never violently ride you

Why live?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>tfw same but with Pentakill Sona

>Ult target
>They Zhonya / GA
>Blink away as their team comes
>Kill them again this time while GA/zhonyas is off cooldown

>any other assassin
>kill target
>they activate zhonyas before they die or get revived by GA
>their team kills you

Pic related, it is you


IIRC, splash arts are confirmed to be the true canon representations, since in game models can't have all the important details.


Daily reminder that Bard is the coziest champion in League of Leagends

>nobody bans Hecarim
>we lose
Gee golly gosh I wonder how this could have happened

Don't you mean (You)?

Remember to eat your kale everyday to keep the doctors away!

>Rek'Sai still isn't the fun Bruiser she's meant to be
>Jhin still doesn't have a new skin
>Illaoi doesn't have a new skin
>AP Kog was the only viable way to play him and now it's getting gutted tomorrow
>Azir is still in the trash
>Kindred was dumpstered in 6.11 & 6.13 and has been left to rot ever since
>Zyra is still in the game

I want to die

>adcs build maw
>adcs build scimitar
>adcs build edge of night
>adcs build zhonyas
>adcs build banshees
>adcs build mercs
>adcs build abyssal
>mage not having enough range to distance them selves during a GA revival and then killing the target with one of their regular abilities
>assassins getting close to a mage
>initiator getting close to a mage

dont know what world youre living in there bronzie, but that doesnt happen in my elo

>being able to kill anyone without his ult


What's the best Annie skin?

How bad is new Rylai's going to hit him?

>not at least S

This is ironic right?

>200 damage off his E at 60 minutes and substantially less before then
>compensation buffs to his W so he can now do ~20%MHP per fucking auto
Stop talking.
When they entirely remove the AP ratios on E and R, then you can talk.



hes gon be fucked

Splash arts are subject to frequent changes though. It's best to just go with whatever you like more.

>assassins getting close to a mage





feels bad man

>Azir will never force you to eat out his cloaca

Is it gay if you fuck a bird man in the cloaca?

That new GP skin really wants to make me play him. How likely is it that a silver 3 shitter like me can hold their own as GP?

>Ezreal is literally a better Corki in every other way besides "lol early game"
>Twitch is still a better all-in early game champion
This guy needs a rework.

You're doing this to trigger me.

It ain't working.

Zyra is fairly manageable to deal with as long as you bring counters and/or have had enough experience laning against her.

Absolutely agree with everything else if you've said though.

>In my elo.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't even care about you. Azir is just so hot.
I bet his cloaca pussy feels good.

What are the counters?

that new karma skin though

You can pretty much say the same thing about everyone else?

Fuck dis nigga keep going on about?

>It's another "Lee Sin ult/kicks a low health enemy out of the Vel'koz ult," episode.
I'm going to fucking start banning Lee Sin players, I swear to fucking God. I'm tired of losing games because of these pieces of shit.


>Ezreal is literally a better Corki in every other way
Wow it must be rough to be such a shitty champion that you somehow manage to be a worse ADC than a champion that's not even a real ADC.

>>Twitch is still a better all-in early game champion

Yeah... about a month ago, that wasn't really the case at all.

His early game was utter shit and he was one of the easiest ADCs to bully in laning-phase.

I'd say any aggro/burst bottom lane can beat her down. Especially with colossus. Leona is a preferred one.

One of the most important things to do though is get jungler help since her laning is strong. If she gets behind she doesn't have enough tools to keep her safe.

Yet again I don't play much bot so take what I said with a grain of salt.

There aren't any.

>one spellsheild is going to get you through the enemys frontline long enough to save you from the mages cc

man nocturn must be the strongest champ in the game now

good champions dont need their ults to kill someone

lots of champions arent reliant on their ults to kill someone, ANY mage for instance

>it's another sideshow bob try to kill bart episode

>t. Hasn't played a single patch in current patch.
Twitch is good throughout the entire game

>Assassin player just casually strolls through the entire enemy team instead of flanking the backline
I'm sorry user, I should never have told you to KILL YOURSELF. That was a very insensitive thing to say and NO ONE should say it to anyone. I'm sure you have family that LOVES YOU, and I'm sure YOU think I'm a PIECE OF SHIT for saying something so awful. JUST pretend this never happened, I promise I'll never DO IT again.

>Using Nocturne as your "bad example" about getting on a backline.

Being a hypercarry late game is so damn glourious, I was shredding everything

I love Bandlebro and her content and wish she would make more of it. She is too hard on herself and is better than she thinks.

Sorry, it's my duty to destroy you.

>That secret message.
My fucking sides. Nice.

For ADCs, it's Miss Fortune, Corki, Jhin and Twitch. Their passives do huge damage to her plants.

For support.

Anyone down for some aram

>Their passives.
Don't do shit. It's minigame with the plants, not damage.

>trying to find more ezreal art
>only find images of him fucking every single female champion in league, even the non-human ones
I don't even understand. Wouldn't people rather see someone like Jayce or Darius fucking their waifus instead of some small twink?

I've played Twitch after the assassin update.

He's too good now. But that's more or less due to the fact that other ADCs received stealth mastery and itemization nerfs, while he received kit buffs.

>Dying that much as cait


how good is singed

can she destroy my erection?

no, they wouldnt want to see bigger stronger men fucking their waifu

do you think all waifu-fags are cucks or something?

thats why imthem hates Garen

>Triforce Cait

You are now aware that there is a class of champions known as "divers" which exist in this game called League of Legends.
You're welcome.

Are you Lux?

Their malphite pressed R and I was gone. I guess I should build Banshees against malphite? Or Maw of Malmortius? Anyway it was a pretty troll game

Yeah I sold boots for it late game

Because these people are themselves small "twinks". They're skinny heterosexual manlets.

try not being shit????

Well I hope the rework actually makes him what he's seen as rather than what he's known for. Changing his E into something that provides defensive and offensive benefits would be a great start

>Queue up for some norms
>Go J4 support thinking it will be fun
>Top goes AP sion
>ADC is Soraka because they assume I am trolling
>Everyone feeds their ass off
>Sion starts stright up running it down mid
>Go 0/10/11
>No fun was had

Last fucking time I meme pick some shit

You should not be in range of Malphite ult

I conferred my associate and he concurs that it is in fact gay.

>ywn have a threesome with jinx and lux

I would've built banshees or GA last item before Triforce, but I suppose net headshot crits one shotting people is pretty fun.

I ended up in a 1v1 against him, he was hitting our inhibitor and I couldn't even defend or do anything against him. My team spam pinged me to attack so I did and he oneshotted me, lol.

when are you gonna let me in that cute boipussy?~