Ponytail Edition
Old: Eyosongive.us
>Patch notes:
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Ponytail Edition
Old: Eyosongive.us
>Patch notes:
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New player here, these are my top champions
What do they say about me
A gift
From the forest
who do you do it for lolg?
>tfw cant read moonrunes
I need to get some chinkbro to tell me what it says
>Can't stop playing Aatrox
>Get tired of winning, open Cowsep's stream
>He's losing to an Aatrox
... Are the League Gods trying to tell me something?
>Pretty cool dude
>Pretty cool dude
>HASAGI levels of cancer
I am conflicted about what to say about you.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
I've got two thumbs and a shield
Early post for all champions are canon pansexual furries, and they are all involved in a gigantic poly relationship with every other champion in the game.
Yes, even Urgot.
Yes I don't see it
I'd rather have a tall woman with a fat ass, or just a shapely ass actually
>Shyv, TF and Karthus
You have not completed your time machine yet I see.
>2% of the population is actually gay
>this means it's already retarded to assume somebody is gay by default
>not only that but ezreal has shown canon interest in a female
>"nuh uh he's totally gay because riot hasn't confirmed anything"
Tumblr was a mistake
>tfw no adc gf
>no Rengar nerfs on the PBE
really makes you think
How do you even accomplish that with the worst edgelord in the game.
pls I don't want to relive that moment..
>Tfw ImThem x Katarina is not canon
>Tfw Marcus x Vi IS canon
Yes, a mistake you should go back to.
You gotta spew a few more memes to earn those (you)s if you really want them, you dumb whore.
>Have rengar on my team
>Playing Ahri
>He pings me in to take a 2v5 fight with him
>I go in with him for some reason
>I get a double kill and he gets a triple
>None of us die
I was terrified.
>hes still going on about this
>no one even said ez is gay
>they just post gay shit
can you fucking write a blog about it on redit already?
Playing like an absolute madman whenever his passive is up, powerfarming when it's not. Also I seem to be the only one taking Red Smite on him for some reason.
You're right, it's in the patch notes instead.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA
pw: vidya
this shit gets worse every time I see it
>champion extremely weak to being kited
>don't take the slow smite
shit I didn't know 6.24 was out
well that's good
>Tumblr was a mistake
They really were. They couldn't even meme Hilary into presidency. What good are they?
Well if you miss your Q you're getting kited no matter what. I build bork immediately after Bloodrazor tho which helps.
Garen, after being materialized by anons through the power of memes, barges in with a look of anger on his face.
He raises his sword and a villain icon appears over your head.
you have to kill someone to be the villain though, imthem isn't strong enough to bend a spoon let alone take a life
Does Riot just not fucking realize you can't keep Azir as a 1300 range magic damage AD carry while still having the insec shit?
They have to choose one or the other
>Wasting his time on imcuck
He's too busy being balls-deep in his wife.
they mentioned a rework was in development some time ago
Ho ho a story and a challenge you seek, but garen you are yet led on by silver tongue for if you knew my intentions you would but bow your head in humility, however you are set to purpose from minds beyond your control and I would seek to free you from such misery, en garde. *draws rapier and tenses on tiptoes*
>ImThems face when
The Aatrox teaser had a drawing of Lux and Ezreal together on his desk, and when asked he was embaressed about it and hid the picture afterwards. Lux is also on Ezreal's friends list now, the Howling Abyss Piltover shopkeeper will tease Ezreal about "The rumors about him and Miss Crownguard". At worst their friends and he has a big crush on her, at best they're dating, but we haven't gotten an outright statement confirming it one way or the other. It's certainly more canon than anything else, though Taric and Ezreal still gets jokes about it since it's been a fan joke for years now.
It was a board game but it got a whole radio play with it. You should listen to it, it's actually somewhat long and entertaining, and has most of the actual VAs for the characters. Also, Rumble isn't a playing piece because in the games lore he's mission control and telling them what to do over the radio (he's the players essentially).
Is the Rengar dunkey build back?
>Tumblr was a mistake
tumblr's founder said that also
I miss the days when you could buy wards.
I never said he was gay, just that they were kind of vague about his deal.
Maybe it's just me but you can't really have a serial killer who's sexually-fueled by his murders and then call him an asexual.
if its just that dont fucking post that its CONFIRMED that theyre dating
dont get my hopes up with bullshit
everyones seen this outdated shit that is in NO way a confirmation of anything other than them being friends
someone should just make a ticket and ask a rioter already so we can get this fuck out of here already
Man i wish Aatrox would get some love. He's a pretty neat character and I like his design
>inb4 ow the edge
Here's to hoping his eventual rework makes him live up to his potential.
Garen's force of will allows him to choose his target in this instance. His love for Katarina gives him power beyond his normal capabilities.
Garen charges, and makes a mighty swing right at your torso.
You've taken 2d8 physical damage from Garen's greatsword, and an additional 1d4 of true damage from being the villain.
>Trying to argue with fags
Don't bother, the only thing that works on them is electricity.
when he was fired from head of the design team morello cursed aatrox with his dying breath so he'd be shit forever
Somewhere under there is the enemy Lee Sin with a crying Yasuo nearby.
God I miss ward forests
ALL THEY NEED TO DO is buff the toggle-on of his W. THAT'S ALL HE NEEDS.
>tfw garen will never be balls deep in you
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
Did this drawfag die? He was pretty good.
>those thighs
Is she even able to wipe her ass after shitting
I unironically miss the days when all you had was boots, a sightstone and a pile of wards. You had to actually be good at support back then, because if you fucked up at all you were as good as dead. Now some faggot mid or top player just picks something like Brand, Vel or Naut, shits out damage or tanks like it's nothing, and don't actually bother to learn how to support besides placing a few paltry wards every now and then.
What is this they come into battle with hands of die? *vanishes from your decisive strike and appears at the vital point behind you* I learn many fighting styles there is no technique that mere die could bring me to harm you are in over your head *sheathes rapier vanishing from sight again, only to appear behind an individual summoner, blade resting in sheath as his form collapses*
Polymorph/whimsy is the best non ult support ability in the game debate me you will lose.
>akali literally has a move where she fucking flying kicks someone from 1000 yards away
>B tier
>actually lower than ashe and azir
Imthem i know you think this is hilarious because it's soooo ironic XD but it's really not its straight up pathetic
>A sightstone
How about when you actually had to manage your gold and wards instead of having free gold at all times plus free wards at all times and getting to buy tons of ap.
Back then you actually had to be good at playing support instead of bringing literally any AP carry to support and buying frosts queens.
It's obvious they are dating and that Rito ships them.
That picture looks like two people who like each other or are dating and get teased about it. Which is the entire idea Rito pushed with them. Either way, it's a pretty clear confirmation they are heterosexual and want to fuck each other.
first game in new season is a remake, nice
:100: :ok_hand:
Riot gutted the role to be as braindead as possible, now are freaking out because they don't get why nobody wants to play Support.
Have you seen Ashe m8
She wears skirts to flaunt
She got legs for days, Akali is a skinny asian
I'd say TK's Devour is on an equal level of impactful.
If they're not secret lovers, which canon points to them being, then they at the very least want to fuck each other. End of argument.
2-3 more for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums have a gay ol' time with your friends
I'm the other autist and I made myself laugh. It's all in good fun user.
I'm happy rengar got nerfed and I'm going to buy the heartseeker quinn skin. There, league of legends.
ashe's is a fucking archer who stands still 90% of the time, her legs are fucking flubber
akali is a nimble ninja who spends half her day working out her body and kicking adcs like ashe for a shitfuckton of damage and killing them in 0.5 secs
lol fucking what
when sighstone was introduced nobody bought wards, especially since the ward trinket was introduced about then and it was more powerful than now, also it was about when they buffed the gold income for supports
supports with a lot of wards and hog/philo were before sightstone
Oh now everything makes sense. I didn't know you played League of Legends Mike Pence. Are you an Ezreal main? Maybe with a side of the old Kennen? I know you can't resist electro-stim, and I bet furry little boys just tickle your fancy almost as much as the electric current does.
>tfw I unironically like cheesy rival/love stories like Garen X Kat
I honestly just want Garen to be popular so he becomes good
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
they already buffed him, what more do you want?
>tfw didnt find my ez duo before the season start
feels bad man,
I hope I can get a few /lolg/ bros to chill in flex at the start of the season while the shitters and high elo players do their promos
Garen is good, you just gotta be good with him, new patch is gonna be fucking rad
Bilgewater main here only play the pirate champs i want a summoner name to reflect that. Help a gp main out?
+4 for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums!
pw: vidya
>Caring about thighs instead of midriffs/hips
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA, please join
pass vidya
that's what her husband's tongue is for
>not side boob and shoulders
>explicitly mention Garen's weakness, lack of utility compared to other bruisers
>wew let's just give him more numbers that he won't be able to apply
Based balance team
>not armpits and shins
gimme dat booty
>Scurvy Wretch is taken
It's too late, might as well give up now since the best name is gone.
the L in metal is a capital i
also Captain GangpIank again with the L being an i
2 for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
>Not personality
That's like talking about how food tastes when we're just talking about how it looks, user. Different conversation altogether.
y would you like janna for that when ahri exists!
Sightstone was added pre-season 3, and that was when philo was still the mandatory support item. Typical build was boots, sightstone, runic bulwark if your jungler didn't get it, a mountain of wards and anything else you might be able to scrape up. The current support items, trinkets and the ward limit weren't added until pre-season 4.