League of Legends General - /lolg/

Raven edition


>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

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na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Mïster Nobody
na.op.gg/summoner/userName=míster nobody

First for Ezreal, my sun and stars, moon of my life. You are the closest thing to God there is.

she isn't your waifu
she is just a champion you enjoy playing
kys fagglord

wew lad

First for losing a 50 minute placement game because of one guy

Xth for autism man of le 4 shots



Camille hook shots her way into another cancerous hyper mobile bruiser meta, expect Lee Sin, Irelia and Fiora to trail behind.

No longer is she hilariously small, also gave her that rich girl laugh/pose because I wanted to


What are the odds this skin gets a splash update?


fuck you Ask play RE6 with me you ass

Just fuck my shit up senpai, this loss really hurts and I don't know why.

>get preferred role
>someone dodges
>get pref. again
>game throws me to another role now
oh fuck off riot

anyways,what are some mid mages that didnt lose much from rylai changes?

Buy it for me faggot

can you add ezreal?

Hopefully very soon, but it probably won't happen.

They really should've let her keep her pole dancing recall animation.

If you want to play Jax, just do it man. Nothing is stopping you from doing so, and the Champ is still fun.
It is also fun to make people angry with the dodge.

TFW I posted this on the old thread


fugging kekko


champs whos kits work around rylais instead of just building it cause OP OP like Azir, Brand, Karthus since they can reach powerspikes faster

once it hits late then it becomes worse than old rylais

>Autofill enabled
>Get support
>Get into game
>"Autofill protected"

Top Taric is so fun

The sheer pleasure of humiliating edgy blade-wielding edgy waifubaits with your big gem hammer while healing and shielding out of the ass

Flashing into the enemy adc and whacking him to death with your sheen procs

Make your entire team invulnerable after teleporting into the Baron pit after splitpushing bot and making them think they can take baron because they're plat babbies

Truly the best husband


I will never
get over that changed recall animation

Fucking Ironstylus.

>he gets it

That's pretty funny.

>Hopefully very soon
Fingers crossed that the champion they've got in the works that may or may not be C from Caitlyn's lore is super cute.

Not a girl

TF is C

>Already 0/3 for placements

Maybe I should stop for the day.

What if he's wearing a maid outfit?

>C is a cute thief that wears a cat-themed costume and constantly meows
C could even stand for Cat Boy. How would /hsg/ feel?

This and stuff like Leona solo lane have always puzzled me. Specially the Leona, like she can't even proc her own passive. I've never played those matchups but I used to think they were free food, then one day there's a mid Leona on the enemy team and I think the game's in the back then 15 mins later when I check the scoreboard she's been running a train on our midlane and I'm like how the fuck does that happen?

hes a girl for Talon

3/0 here, probably just gonna stop now and probably mess around in flex

Still not a girl

Alternatively, Cat Thief Ezreal.

How is new Garen /lolg/?

>giving Lamb clothing

For what purpose?

whats the latest in freelo

same as old garen, dont play him

(plz just dont make him fotm)

Stop posting characters from other media and claiming they're Ezreal because it's making me want to do the same.

Maid Ezreal you say?

I think it's supposed to be a feather suit for her new theme there.

I know it's not Ez. That's the joke.

They're feathers.

That free black cleaver is literally going to put the spot light on him.

>go Support/Fill
>get jungle
>tell team i dont like to jungle and that i'd rather support
>someone looks me up on op.gg
>asks me if i even play


Xth for Katarina
best girl

To be honest, I like the buff they gave Garen. The whole SPLIT THEIR RANKS concept is miles better than the "dive their backline" thing that Riot tried and failed to make work for him .

already played him two games, its not noticeable early so low elo shrubs wont touch him

once you finish that black cleaver things get spicy as fuck

tham kench roflstomp ezreal so fucking hard. it was hilarious. 5vs5 days ago.

and now i'm fucking reminded of homestuck general
goddamn that place was a cesspool


Did you lick every inch of Ezreal's smooth, supple body?

Oh fuck. I messed up real bad. P-please imagine I put down /lolg/ instead.

Find a fucking flaw

You literally can't

Kitty Kat Ezreal plz


Transcendent (Passive):
Force of Will (W) bonus changed to "Deals 20% bonus true damage." from"Grabs 2 additional spheres near the target."

Force of Will (W)
AP ratio lowered to 70% from 80%
Damage lowered to 70/110/150/190/230 from 80/120/160/200/240
Unleashed Power (R)
Cooldown increased to 120/100/80 from 100/90/80

I must say, these are fair changes. As long as they remove that dreadful multi-throw everything is fine for me, but overall it gives her a way to deal with tanks without being overwhelming.



>post have cat ears
>post in a similar pose
>both posted 1 second from the other
What does it mean, /lolg/?

>Quinn's entire design
Possibly the worst mistake Ironstylus made. How do you make Leona, Diana, and then that thing?

so how about jungle Taliyah?

Yes this is goat.


We already have Kitty Kat Katarina you shitfucks

No one else better get a cat boy/girl skin where they meow before hers gets updated.

Yes I can.
She's a dumb annoying babbie.
Come back when she's older and less irritating.

>sjw Rito on damage control

this is why we cant have nice things


no mobility?

So, what's better? Rush BC or rush Ghostblade then BC?

>tfw riot will never make a adult Annie win

first game of the season.

place em

I wish they pushed more of her ult damage into extra spheres instead of slowly removing sphere juggling and turning it entirely into a "press button for nuke" skill.

>Ssumday and Chaser on Dignitas.

What the FUCK

>removed the dumb W that allow syndra to get 7ball ult
>still nerf everything else

so she is now back like before her "rework" but with less damage and more cooldown well done riot

In all honesty, Annie would be a more interesting character and not fucking pedo bait if she were slightly older - maybe around Taliyah's age or a bit younger.

why don't they make a loli ahri/kayle/leona


always rush bc, ghostblade is shit and you dont NEED the damage, especially now with the buff

if you get a second damage item it should be IE

>Talon is the only one of the assassin reworks confirmed to be in a bad shitty state right now
>He's the only one they haven't touch

Uhh, dorito?

>your team has bronze to silver
>their team has assorted golds and a plat
>your team is 4 squishies and a support as the frontline
>their team has synergy and isn't a fucking meme
>your jungle is trying a new champion for the first time
>their jungle knows this champ so well he can play while masturbating
>your adc struggles to last hit a minion and breath at the same time
>their adc can easily 1v2
I love matchmaking

>this goes through
>Heartseeker Quinn doesn't


I thought Dignitoss were gone forever after that two game self destruction?

im actually happy
cant wait to see how it turn out
gonna buy it no matter how it turns out anyway

>unironically thinking annie is pedo bait and not the "DUDE SHE SO STONG NOW IMAGINE WHEN SHES OLDER" trope they tried so hard to push in her old lore

>unironically thinking annie is pedo bait
I'm not saying that's what Riot intended her to be.
I'm saying that's what a majority of people who waifu her see her as.

>tfw just got an S on Talon
>get a message asking which version I prefer
>strongly agree that new Talon is better

I swear if they take my new fun and make him the old "worse Zed" im going to be pissed

Fact: Lulu is the cutest!

Team APEX got bought and renamed to Dignitas because the 76ers bought them out too.

They've got big VC money backing them now so I'm not surprised this is happening. Sooner or later the old guard of C9/TSM/CLG will fall victim of it as well

guys I fucking got a S3 TSM icon the other day

like, i wasnt even logged in lol that day, i had it uninstalled

wtf happened and why did it have to be tsm (im eu btw)

Can you give a direct link? I wanna talk to this her.

>Full Machine Ghost Viktor
This man is going to carry your ass to victory, mark my words.

thats now what she looks like

They fucked up the distribution of Alpha Client icons and gave the TSM ones instead.

>lane Evelyn locked in

I REALLY REALLY want to get good with support but sometime I'm at a loss of what to do when everyone is feeding. My main sup champs are (going to be)



for secondary

I know I'm still doing things wrong but I'm not sure what. Can anyone look over my profile at my last 3 games and my runes/masteries and tell me if you see anything really wrong?
Alt: na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Mïster Nobody
Main: na.op.gg/summoner/userName=míster nobody

Talon is a bit worse now than before I feel.

tfw you get 420 cs on singed

mistletoe qt!

You enjoy the massive delay on rake and ult canceling when you use your walljump?

what in the fuck, i dont even play varus

this build is fucking stupid, just land a fully charged Q and you just halved their ADC

jesus christ how fucking horrifying

>"i dont even play varus"
>literally playing varus

>You are the closest thing to God there is.
you want to fuck god?

>ult canceling when you use your walljump?
It only cancels the invisiblity part, and thats reasonable.

as in this is probably my fourth game with him since his release

theres really nothing to learn on him, its amazing