Dueling Network General - /dng/

Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2384

Sign of the Cross Edition

Last thread: ● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
YGOPro (Windows): mediafire.com/file/baj95caex5si0n3/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy.exe
YGOPro (Mac): Shit outta luck
ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project (High Quality YGOPro images)

Useful Links:
Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:
OCG decklists:
TCG decklists:
TCG/OCG news sites:
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:
Official /dng/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Pendulum Evolution (December 23rd)
●OCG: Tyranno's Rage (Feburary 25th)

●TCG: Pendulum Domination (January 20th)
●TCG: Raging Tempest (February 10th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.

Other urls found in this thread:


What deck would he use?

Posting best OTP

Posting real best OTP

the true best OTP is me and ruri

The real, true, final OTP is me and my hand

Ute is right

Exodia with 3 pot of greeds.


Here for a shitty Christmas

Max Reasoning, Monster Gate, Left Arm Offering
Max Frozen Void, 2-3 Void Imagination, 0-1 Seer
2 each of Devy and Onuncu
2-3 Seitsemas
And then I would pick the rest of the noid ratios depending on what you think you are likely to play against.
I'd post my older build but it's literal shit

Is this because of bad breath, or because she swallows?

Screw tomato, post your cutest yugis

>you consistently end up with a board of Omega, Toad, stunshit traps and perhaps even a quickplay Raigeki early in the duel by opening a 3 to 4 card combo
Thanks percy

never post that discord again






they'll prob get top first
likely considering ptol's
ocg did, let dark synch have a chance here man dindu nuffin

stop being epic

>Ban Eater
why? the problem is literally just omega

xth for waifu power

Dark Synchro has literally done nothing significant in the TCG

Since Omgega is limited in OCG, how long until they print a new PSYFrame synchro to compensate?

Only because synchro masturbation is too complicated for TCGtards




doubt it since most they got was multithreader and another trap(?)
the nu psy is just for show

>r4 toolbox ever getting hit

Your opponent summons this EPIC boss to the board after fulfilling its spectacular summoning demands

What do you do to dispose of it? Can you even?

Bye losers

the superior game came out, no need to play bootleg unlicensed shit anymore.

Enjoy not being able to attack

We already talked about it in the last thread loser.

top kek

Any decks that are better than D\D ?

>This item is currently unavailable in your region

Shapesnatch ZTK

True Kings.

Digital bugs

>paying full price for it

>screw tomato
You asked for it

I can't even see the page.
I just want to see the screenshot and gameplay damnit.

Nigga it's been on consoles for like a year and a half. Just google some videos.

Post cards you like even if they aren't top tier


I can't be arsed to do that.
I got that steam link from last thread.

What are the best cards of each Rank?

>paying for virtual cards
>paying for a half-assed simulator with PS1-tier graphics in 2016
>paying for anything that uses dubshit
>paying $20+$85 for a still outdated cardpool with retarded A.I. and half-assed "anime duels"

It's one thing to be cucked by the TCG all the time. It's another to allow yourself to be cucked when you have the option to say no.



Currently, Princessprite, Centaurea, Break Sword, Drancia, LIGHTNINGU, Infinity, Big Eye, Cipher, Dark Matter, Ravenous Tarantula, Pain Gainer, Seven Sins.

Why is 5Ds music SO fucking good when the show is the worst YGO anime? It's almost a crime.



>>paying for a half-assed simulator with PS1-tier graphics
God, why Konami's games still look like YGOPro?
That Chinese ADS 3D has so many good concepts, why Konami can't implement an interface like that one?

Because you're a Slavshit that likes technoshit and 5D's is heavily technoshit.

>not titanic

>worst YGO anime

>worst YGO

But that's not GX user.

According to the Nips, DM > ZEXAL > GX > 5D's > Arc-V
So you're wrong on that front.

>Not the fucking toad
>Not Number 38

what the fuck, this is some impossible to believe shit taste.

>Zexal that high
>nips in charge of having taste

You're not really proving a point user.

>using nip taste
that is known shit
only shows the state of what will get support which is shown
all the nostalgia pandering, xyz's power, fusion+arche rise
synch's hate and V's fall, no wonder the dark's got hit rip LE

welcome to jap

why do i feel like the synchro arc of arc-v was meant to pander to bernie occupy 2.0 retards and failed because that isn't as popular as people think it is

>resist capitalism
>buy children's trading cards

The Synchro Arc was a poor man's pre-Dark Signer Arc, the difference being that class warfare had actual meaning in 5D's apart from "ZA WAN PERUZENTO"

I want to fuck Ruri

>Wanting to fuck scribbles on paper

i understand and agree with that sentiment



Why gx anime was so shit but the cards were so good?


>good cards
What the FUCK are you talking about?

I'm guessing they mean yuki's which are banned


Never, take the Ono dick and love it.


>giving a retrain to a retrain

It's shit.


anotha one?

oh shit

i see 3 effects

Looks like a new Red-Eyes for me, please.

>that feel when konami will keep making gandora over and over until they make one that's not shit

>once per turn, when a card effect would shuffle a player's deck, negate that effect, then destroy all monsters your opponent controls, and inflict damage to your opponent's life points equal to the highest ATK amongst them
Konami needs to cool it with the anti-meta.


Gandora + Red-Eyes fusion.


Giga Raze

I want to lick CuteGirl's butthole!

I want CuteGirl to lick my butthole!

Nips are saying it's good

It can't be worst than the others.


Tell them to translate it and that they're all weebs.

>duel links
>uses cyber stein on 5400 LP to summon a BEUD
>sure whatever
>on 400 LP uses it again and summons another

pic related

From /a/rc-v
Cannot be NS, can be SS from your hand by sending 2 monsters from your field or hand to the graveyard.
1. This card's attack is increased by the total number of cards removed from play times 300.

2. Once per turn, pay half you LP to activate this effect. Depending on the number of unique-named Gandora monsters in your graveyard, resolve the following effect;
1: Destroy all cards on the field except for this card.
2: Remove from play all cards on the field besides this card.
Greater than or equal to 3: Remove from play all cards on the field and graveyard besides this card.

To no one surprise EM are in Premium Pack 19

Absolute shit, I refuse to believe this is real.

Manga EM are alright.


How often is it you get beat the fuck down for beating someone at YGO in real life and you being not guilty of anything but winning

>there are only 3 Gandora monsters
>greater than or equal to 3
New archetype?
