/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

Let's all get along Edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like Evolve
It's not. Survivors have to teabag the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to suffer trying to catch them. Everyone has their own objective.

>Official Wiki

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.2.1b)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:


>the wraith will never love you
also me on the left

report korbin

>Current version is 1.3.0
>OP patch notes still at 1.2.1b

>want to play trapper
>need to dump points into him
>no free points like from myers
I hope hag has default killer move speed like trapper/wraith/billy

didn't work

delete system 32

With her teleportation, most likely across the map, i wouldn't be surprised if she's slower than the others. Or will be slower, after the whining stage.
How about usual shit, antivirus, firewall, ports, etc?

Someone last thread mentioned the new swamp map. There footage? Live stream or what?

I tried my best.

>i wouldn't be surprised if she's slower than the others.
if so then shes garbage
its not like nurse blink or myers reduced terror radius

Who ever made this needs to die holy shit thats awful

>Clearly signalling that the killer is camping me
>Stupid fucks keep walking towards me anyway
These are the same people who say that killers are overpowered

There're screens on DbD site.

>Game with lots of action
>Everyone gets tons of points
>This is the games where survivors talk the most shit
I don't understand. You made the killer have fun, you surviving when you had 20k and he had 20k isn't going to make him salty. You want to piss off a killer? End the game in 5 fucking minutes where he couldn't even break 10k.

killers killing survivors is toxic

How much would I have to play to buy all the shrines this week?

A fuck ton.

The most I've seen per game is like 10 shards usually less.

15-20 min per 10 shards per match, is how I'd estimate it. That's with counting in loading times and waiting for lobbies to fill while also an avg of game length where you dont screw around and don't die in the first 2 minutes.

How much would I have to play to get agitation and brutal strength teachable on trapper if he's level 1 for me?

>Just saw the trailer for new shit
New characters are free, right? Nurse was the Chapter 2 release?

no you have to buy it for like 7 dollars
nurse was only freelc

Says right here its $6.99


>Spend $20 on game expecting to get full package
>1/3 of the Killers behind additional paywalls and 2/7th of the Survivors
I'm not impressed.

>tfw this is the guy that reports you for ds exploit and comments on your profile

Hard to tell. Depends how much you suck at the game and if you properly invest in your bloodweb. 40 levels is... 1.2m~ bp?

>Everyone gets downed by the trapper because one dumb shit gets caught in a trap and Dwight can't figure out how to run away after getting healed
>Get hooked
>Manage to slip off after third try
>But lol it's the basement
>Get caught in a closet and killed
Love it when my teammates are braindead

>Depends how much you suck at the game
I play killer only and average at least 15k
1.2m doesn't sound that bad. Like 3-4 hours of consistent play?

Hope you meant days, if so then yeah.

>Survivors break all your hooks
>Get mad when you slug and face camp them in the basement
You asked for this.

>Just realized new map has so much ground clutter that seeing blood without Bloodhound at least 2 is gonna be nearly impossible
Man, they sure do love having useless perks, huh.

I've never actually followed blood, just the cries

They're just trying to cash out before Friday obliterates them.

Blood's insanely useful actually. Sloppy Butcher's optional with Bloodhound 3 and you can follow them even if they have Iron Will and mad jukes.

>DS exploit
>When that's been fixed now

And the sad part is, I'll probably end up buying it anyway just for the Hag.

I'm all for dbd dying, but friday the 13th doesn't seem that good in terms of replay value/speed

With how low of a chance you have for a map to show up, it's unlikely anyone will ever touch those perks unless they'd throw in an offering.

I still pretty much land most of my ds drops, maybe failed one today.

people were showing it off since the patch but havent really talked about it since.
you can get the off at the right time and it doesnt happen like originally.
otherwise you push them off and it interrupts you mid dropping animation and makes you look like an idiot.

>Everyone downed again due to machine gun meme perk setup
why hasn't this shit been nerfed yet?

If you fail to do it, just try to throw them down earlier.

Actually that animation wasn't only when you try to drop them, that's the new DS animation altogether. Looks incredibly bad.

Paid DLC, gotta let killers and survivors have the fun with the perks they paid for.

>instead of leaving survivors dance around and chain blind me at the exit.

The only reason DbD has replay value is the insane grind.

Game is frozen like this, hello?

change the quality settings in your games options

>Kill some infinite abuser
>None stop stream of tears saying how trash I was, and I "camped"
Being a killer is truly the best.
>killers keep finding the best way to kill
>Survicucks cry for nerfs
>They get those nerfs
>rinse and repeat
As some point survivors are going to have to just suck it up and deal with perks they don't like.
You know, like killers have had to deal with most of this game's history

Anyone notice that it's hard to instadown unhooked survivors when hitting from the back? Now it almost always leads to the person unhooking.

Didn't notice the pallet, happens when you grab survivors from pallets.

the sequel

>Perks are just as game breaking as self care and saboteur are
>L-lol s-survivors just need to suck it up!!! it's l-legit
Killermains, every time.

The difference is that it's a 4vs1 game. The machine-gun build doesn't stomp a 4-man running the meta. Just like decisive strike isn't overpowered on its own, it needs to be paired with the other perks, and everyone needs to be running it for it to get its full effect. It's all about force multiplication.

>can't run off "ranked" to practice a new character
>Gotta play my level 1 shape vesus 4 rank 1 P3s

>being a sniveling survivor cuck

rank reset in 5 days, you might want to put it off

wether you're exclusively a killer or survivor player


>Get killed by retard teammates
>Infinite loading screen
>Infinite loading screen
>Restart, solo queue
>Find match
>One survivor drops out of the lobby at 10 seconds for 5 minutes
>Infinite loading screen
>Solo queue again
>Get into match
>Killed by retard teammates dragging the killer over to me again
>Finally get a match
>two survivors disconnected, other just stands there and gets hooked immediately, get assraped by wraith within minutes
GG devs

>can't connect to server
>You've been kicked because anticheat says you're probably a cheater
>go back to validate files
>they wont fucking install and I'm still not anticheat approved

That early?
Guess I'll just BP farm on trapper and dump into nurse and try again next week,

They're just burning off the adrenaline, I think.

What really butters my biscuit is when they use obvious voice chat to smash all the gens and leave before Dwight's halfway through his pallet circuit, then have the gall to act like hot shit over it.

I leave to play monster hunter for one day and we get invaded by some shit survivor sullying my good name? Wtf, go home.

Reported for farming. :^)

>needs a poorly worded food analogy for a simple point
People watch this moron?

Here some two japanese assholes.
Thanks devs for reporting system.
Also, anyone know how he got there?

>Every other fucking cuck has twitch in his name

This shit's getting out of hand

sprint burst is always the answer, maybe found a nice edge on the rock that's next to that spot


>tfw i normally play survivor because I play with friends
>when i play killer by myself i kill all or most everytime
most killers are easy to trick and most survivors are too stupid to realize it

Need to hide? Go to a already active gen. killers won't check them because they're not an active objective.

I would hope that "trick" would be obvious though

Just ebony mori me now senpai.

That's one of my tricks I use, that and the basement. They work very well provided you dont leave tracks

I wanted to check one day how many claudettes are there. Or rather what's their ratio compared to the rest.

Anyone else invited to this super elite club?

Pretty jealous you must be doing something right teach me your ways senpai


Face camp an infinite abusing claude, you'll get right in.

Has Claudette dethroned Dwight as the biggest meme survivor?

it's not a meme, just people being told to play meg/claud first, then realising they have so many points in them that they don't want to start over with a different one

Ah that makes sense.

I dont even camp but I got invited

No, Dwight will always be the ironic meme shitter. Claudette is the tryhard people who suck ass at hiding and staying out of sight so they need a dark as fuck character model to "hide" with before they get found and run to an infinite or pallet town

Hoo boy

Wait a fucking moment. Did that shit got into the game? youtu.be/CmTmyd4CPQ0?t=3m36s

Another patch without fixing the ironworks infinite

A+ work on their part

Occupied hooks no longer glow. Thanks frogs.

He's actually pretty good.

You didn't like the stealth nerf to camping?

3:36 user, stopping charging billy. Isn't that supposed to be Nurse-only?

I bet it doesn't go for both sides. Survivor tears are going to kill this game. You will drive killers away.

I main killer bro.
You have to literally be a gold fish if your memory is so bad you can't remember where a hook is on these maps.
That said, I was being sarcastic, the change was unneeded and stupid.

I remember a time when survivor loved the idea of killers camping because they knew the killer was pissing away time and letting them get free gens.

As far as I know it's been a thing. It was just basically impossible to do before.

I can remember where it is, but it's still a stupid change. It's literally removing information for no reason.

I know making video games can be hard but if this game is so buggy why the fuck did it leave EA?

Because EA doesn't care?

Also, they know this game is dead once f13 comes out, so they threw it out barely passable to try and get as much money as though could before it was driven out of the market.

Does he use a button to spin around.

>Killers just swing randomly without trying to reacquire 72 first
>Killers don't stand still when he's running around them
>"Good" killers


>being jealous of the wraith getting all the bitches

Fun killers to play against:

Boring as fuck killers to play against:

If you're playing Trapper you're literally worse than Hitler. At least Hitler played aggressively.

There is a grand total of ZERO fun to be had when playing against a good nurse.

Literally the only reason you people whine about trapper is because you're too dumb to look down or can't live without free unhooks

No, it's people picking Claudette because of her camouflage potential.

You can simply avoid a nurse. She's slow. Don't go for aggressive play.

>Trapper sets a trap underneath a hooked survivor
>Proximity camps

>Walk 5 steps
>Billy chainsaws to me and kills me
>No Points
>Two back to back games found first vs Trapper
>No Points
What am i doing wrong?

>be survivor
>go against Mike
>he spooks me and it feels like he just appears out of thin air right on top of me

I swear EW1 Mike feels like he has offscreen teleportation or some shit. It's great.

problem against a good nurse isn't that you'll eventually be downed, it is on how fast it happens. sure you can juke her for a bit, but a GOOD nurse knows how to play against survivors' tricks and the dumb autoaim to some extent.
the best play against her is just RUNNING and try to make as much distance as possible, and when she starts to blink try to juke her in tight spots to make her AA fuck up, then when she fatigues bolt the fuck out of there.
as for actually losing her, good luck, the only way is for her to fuck up one of her blinks, which works well in 2 story building or big buildings
t. p3 nurse