/tesog/ - The Elder Scrolls Online General

Elves Are For ________ Edition

Elder Thread: >Official news
One Tamriel/Update12 is finally here!

>Latest patch notes

>Sales and deals
dlgamer.us/download-the_elder_scrolls_online-pc_games-p-19435.html (authorized reseller)

>Beginner's Guide by Alcast

>Online lore portal and map

>UI addons for PC

>Assorted links

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] message (not whisper) @Geobasket or @the_kyrox for invite
[PC EU] message (not whisper) @Hatebr33d3r for invite
[PS4 NA and EU] message PSN: kibukj for invite
[XB1 NA] message GT: Arick556x45 for invite

>Platform poll:

Other urls found in this thread:


I've gotten all of them in glenumbra, deshaan, and most in malabal tor, and I'm only level 4, is it possible they changed it recently?

>elvish OP
cucks btfo
feels good being master race

>Five pieces of the Tormentor set
>Que for Tank, Healer, and Damage
>Roll Tank
>Keep everyone alive with heals even when I can't grab all the aggro
>Roll Healer
>Effortlessly keep everyone alive, even the stereotypical DPS faggot pulling shit like he's the tank even though he's wearing robes
>Roll Damage
>Tank goes AFK after the first boss (I was stealing all the aggro and out-damaging him anyway)
>Vote not to kick him, tank the rest of the dungeon, healing the healer and DPS when I can't draw all the aggro
>Finish that shit a man down with no issue

This fucking class, man. I know I'm still in the early-game but goddamn.

>be human
>worship other species
>call others cucks
What did cuck mean by this?

>be in an rpg general
>take every post 100% literally
really makes you think

>ywn experience mutual manual stimulation with your bosmer waifu in the missionary position for the sole purpose of pleasure in this sweet lighting

Life's rough.

>uses cancerous meme word
>"Don't turn the tables on me, I was just pretending to be retarded"

>it takes a year to become a master blacksmith

what if you just made 4 characters, got them to level 50 (6 hours) maxed crafting (1 hour) and each made them learn 4 traits of each (about a week total)

you could be able to craft anything and everything within a week

You forget that what matters isn't the traits themselves. It's the sets you can craft based on the number of traits you know for each piece of armor/weapon. Doing that means you wouldn't be able to craft the best sets.

Ah, right, okay

Then you can only craft four-trait or lower sets. The lions share of the time comes from researching the 8th and 9th traits

>get called a cuck
>call them a cuck back
Wow you really turned the tables on me there

Templar is the best fucking class in the game right now, early game and late game

That wasn't the point.

Why does that Bosmer have a staff?

if she's anything like mine, she probably thinks it's a bow

Make sure you're doing research in all your slots constantly - that's the main thing with crafting. If you're just doing it for the daily quests, prob just get it up to 9/10 unless/until the highest level mat converges in price with the second highest.

>fly though a town on horse
>get hit by an unbreakable CC that locks you out of every action
>run away from guard with vampire mist
>get snared
>cast purge
>get pulled
>cast purge + rapid maneuver + mist + invisibility potion

Retarded Bosmer are so cute.

What's the fastest way to level? Is it spamming dolmens? Because that sucks for melee. I can't handle doing all these quests again on another character.

Wait one week for the event which will probably include an xp bonus, then spam dolmens

They're fine for melee though, just keep spamming cleave or whatever the shield morph is.

I don't know about fastest, but I've been slowly leveling my tank through daily quests, public dungeons and low-level dungeons that I know the mechanics of/know won't shit on me for not being max level with purple+ CP160 gear.

I really enjoy the PvP in this game. A lvl 15 can take down a lvl 40 if they play properly.

How do I deal with damage shields? I believe that they are making my fight ridiculously difficult versus some players.

Also, are poisons useful? I have been seeing conflicting shit on the web. Is there a stat lookup I can check out?

Yeah I did a little bit of that during halloween to get my CP numbers up, but I was busy with family the majority of the time. I managed to get all the motifs but with the skull achievement bug lasting a week I didn't complete the meta achievement. Only problem is how damn fast everything dies at dolmens.
That's a great idea since I'm also leveling a tank.

This reminds me, can people tell what CP you have somehow if you're on a lower level character?

Doing a similar thing on NB tank; collecting skyshards and books, levelling the non-research profs, and the only quests outside of LFG dungeons I've completed are thieves guild.

Just hit level 42, gonna do DB for the first time and hope it takes me to 50

>Only problem is how damn fast everything dies at dolmens.

Using executes should guarantee your 3% on a boss. DKs don't really get one, but poison injection + reverse slice spam should be plenty.

With my sorc spamming mage's fury I missed maybe 1/20 boss drops, and ran with a dolmen group for shared xp ffrom trash

The fuck is a dolmen?


But really though. Is this a 1T thing?


That's it, that's the last fucking drop, I'm out of here for good. This worthless shit dank hole that is /teso/ isn't worth my fucking time anyway. I did not come here with the intention to shitpost or circlejerk or whatsoever, but it seems people can't fucking deal with an opinion. But who the fuck am I kidding I have not ever seen someone on here who doesn't go full retard or spend all their time shitposting. Every fucking day in the 2 years that I have been here have has every fucking day been repost day, with the occasional memes and trends that effortlessly overthrow the god damn faggotry that has infested that cursed fucking place. You are no better than /xivg/, you are no better than /wowg/ and I bet even /ksg/ laughs at you pieces of shit. Everyone is fucking denying that they're a bunch of circlejerkers, but I am seeing the same fucking pattern, uninterrupted, seamlessly every fucking week without the slightest bit of change. And if there is a god damned baitpost, how about you don't fucking feed the god damn troll, don't play their stupid fucking games. Holy fuck, I am so fucking sick of this fucking thread, all of you, kill your fucking selves. You are intellectually, emotionally and socially incapable to argue over anything, you are a fucking waste of time and space and if I could I would gas you all fucking Hitler style. FUCK YOU AND THIS RETARDED ABYSMAL HELLHOLE.


>Elden Hollow 2 vet
>teamed with a friend, want him to get no deaths challenge if we can
>doing fine all the way up to second boss
>1 DPS standing in red circle in the entire fight (the ENTIRE fight) spamming flurry over and over
>red circle doesn't do that much damage so i dont say anything
>get to bogdan
>doing fine
>suddenly its execution phase and he runs up to bogdan who is surrounded in fire
>starts fucking spamming flurry
>spamming springs over and over ontop of him
>another fire lands where he is standing
>start spamming breath of life
>another fire hits him and i run out of fucking mana



New Player Guide first draft



Fucking fantastic. Cheers.


10/10, it's alright

W-wow, user...

What's t1 stand for?
sry noob here never really touch mmo guide before.

Tier 1, means is top tier or strongest. Tier 0 is obviously better.

>implying they'll actually read it and not just ask the same dumbass questions for the 1000th time
Nah it is nice seeing all the new players but if we were to make /tesog/ thread simulator it would be 50% the same 10 questions being spoon-fed every thread since 1T dropped.

Thinking we stick your one in OP paste, with a couple of the latest power levelling guides because of the new year xp event will be coming and people will be like "how do I powerlevel" which you can already see at least 3/4 post in this thread talking about it also put down links to UESP and the ESO wiki.fextralife, like reformat lore portal into "LOOK HERE, INFO ABOUT GAME HERE!"

See who can't even just fucking google the word "dolmen" and then look at the uesp page.

t. askjeeves (apparently)

just picked this game up, should i play it? and can i be a stealth archer like in skryim?

>Stealth archer
this meme again

Not sure what the big meme is concerning stealth arching but there is no aiming so archery is dogshit

You can stealth arch in PvP but it'll probably be boring shit too

Fucking City of Ash II, fucking ridiculous. It's like overcompensating with bosses and minibosses like a man with a nanopenis with showing off his wealth

btw, how effective are DKs as dps? Because I never quite liked tanking, I have no problems being healslut, though. I was thinking about picking up my DK alt after my healtemp hits c160. If not, I could try tanking I guess.

Are there any decently-sized tower shields in this game? The best I could find is Kothringi, which can't be crafted, and only drops in CoS.

Like 2nd best stam and mag dps, I think, because muhh DoTs and AoE.

Not really. Closest you're gonna get is the Order of the Hour shield.

>btw, how effective are DKs as dps?
Really good. IIRC, DK, Templars and Sorcs are pretty even, it's only NB that's somewhat lacking.

So if you see a NB dps, kick him.

Where is the best place to farm for gold jewelry?

That shield would need a very long arm

Idk man people ask spoonfeed tier questions, but then other questions are more opinion based and reflective of the current state of the game that is not always easy to look up because very few guides are kept up to date (it's really easy to find out of date guides). I mean if you're asking how you feel about something like stam or mag [class] it's not something you can just google. The influx of newfaggy questions is real but I think it's because of how hard it is to find current and accurate info.
I'm CARL.png and also Pence.png, but I'm just fucking around keeping the thread bumped during what I consider late at night, I figured anyone asking what dolmens were and any wall of text like (that I didn't even read) is either doing the same or posting pasta so I treat em that way.


/tesog/ has problems. Talking about it is great but sub 100 replies well it won't do anything and you'll see the same copypasta OP a few days from now in the new thread MOST LIKELY.

Magicka sorcs, are they shit this meta?
Thinking of changing my old one into a stamina sorc race. Mainly for pvp, but a bit of pve also.

>Official news and patch notes sections are never updated in the op unless called out.
This right here triggered me. Why are we talking about anything else?

>Buy a house at Khenarthi's Roost
>Set up your own moon sugar bakery
>Force your moon sugar biscuits onto new players


magicka sorcs are great for pve

they're about as good as your skill level in pvp though, if you're good, then you can make them work, but don't be expecting to 1vX a group of 10+ with reactive/black rose invincible templars

is templar good for tanking?

Good story, anticipate an update that looks like
>>Official news
>One Tamriel/Update12 is finally here!
>>Latest patch notes
fucking EBIN
Or maybe whoever it is that makes these threads will check this shit for once

Do you think mag sorc has a higher skill req for same potential in pvp, compared to stam sorc?


stam sorcs have access to proc sets like veli/viper/red mountain/widow maker which makes killing people a joke

but if you roll in a group with lots of mag users that use the destro ult eye of flame, you will burn so many motherfuckers down

got it, cheers

>being so vain you put your own character in OP

MagDK is fucking great, I run into resources issues on my stamDK but Khajiit+don't like it as much as MagDK. I'm 100% sure they do well though, and the poison morph of fire breath is GOAT

Stam NBs are fine, but there's a far greater amount of less than average players with them because stealth archer.

Magblade have a much lower cap on DPS than other classes, but can make the best use of molag kena w/ siphoning strikes so I dunno. Still the worst class/spec combo for dps though.

How's my new healer?

Also, Post Characters.

>Still the worst class/spec combo for dps though.

that's such a shame, because they are so fun. and have a tougher rotation that pretty much all other classes, that isn't even rewarded if a player can pull it off perfectly, because something like a magplar with a much simpler rotation will still do more damage

where can i get the cheerful personality?

>Chasing someone 7 miles across Cyrodiil on horseback with 4 friends just to gang rape them
I shiggy fucking diggy, Aldcuck Domincucks.

Actually really nice.

>Orc Templar

I have a dunmer templar, this guy will likely end up for stamina and maybe pvp. I also have reasonable altaholism, so he very well might get rerolled to something else

Glad I goyed out; even though it contradicts his name this hair is great

I need to find a good costume to match my hat.

Being able to have vanity pauldrons at least would be nice. Monster sets often clash with any other armor.

It's a shame the actual dwarven armor is so lackluster. Same with glass, absolutely terrible.

I like the robes, but I wear heavy armor for my chest.
Hopefully clockwork city has some good looking technology armor.

>Same with glass, absolutely terrible.
Wouldn't be glass armour if it weren't terrible

jfc my eyes

How about some Morrowind dwemer armor?


Anyone else finding Breton to be mind-numbingly boring? I got the whole nature aspect and how they have witches sent out in the woods and such but I just couldn't get into them the same way the other races intrigued me.

crown store, my good goy

>be ganking in cyrodiil
>going to a keep where there was recently action
>on my way there see two DC running on foot somewhere
>easy targets acquired
>closing in for the gank
>see behind them this massive AD zerg, also on foot, with no less than 30 people chasing them
>start backing off
>DCs still running
>some ADs have mounted up and catch up with DCs
>DCs rooted and snared
>entire zerg comes crashing down upon them
>DCs ded in a split second
>people from the back of the zerg running up buffed up and ready to fight, looking for enemies, jumping around
>they realise they were chasing literally just 2 guys
>zerg makes a 180 and goes back to where ever they came from
>tfw had just witnessed a 30+ man zerg chase 2 people from I assume ash to nikel
>tfw often hear people say "AD don't zerg"
>tfw some latecomer from that zerg actually teabags one of the DC guys who hadn't released yet
>decide to gank him for great justice
>tfw get a hate whisper from him calling me a piece of shit

AD are best faction, truly

Well, staves are made of wood. Many Bosmer have never seen them before.


>tfw often hear people say "AD don't zerg"
Truly the greatest lie in all of the 3 banner war.

>can people tell what CP you have somehow if you're on a lower level character



>I really enjoy the PvP in this game
I don't even know what to say. Just wait until you play with the big boys in all their proctarded glory.

>How do I deal with damage shields?
shields are pretty expensive to cast, so just apply pressure, time CCs for when shields are down. invest in shattering blows when you have cp.

>Also, are poisons useful?
yes, the resource poisons are pretty OP. there's really very little counter to them, so you will have a bad time when someones procs on on you. be prepared to get hate if you use them in duels, don't be shy to straight up tell the guy before a duel to not use poisons. 90% of the time everyone will agree to not use them, if they know that their opponent will also not be using them.

What the fuck? Is that an actual term or have you made a spelling error? Second time I've seen that today for the first time

>lockpicking requires actual player skill
That's some damn good anime

>Is that an actual term

reminds me of that pathfinder story about a paladin who healed people by punching them

you need a bright baby blue daedric skirt with silver trim instead of those pants

Nice. This must be that new meme I've heard so much about.

There was a guy here, a few threads back, who would use 20+ lockpicks per chest.

What build/gear should I run to best exploit heavy armour and procs on my stamblade? Wood elf.

>heavy armor
>on a stamina character

PvE-ers need not apply

This is sad, lockpicking in ESO is easier than in any other ES game, and most others were pretty simple as well. I was opening Master locks within my first two hours of playing

>tfw pugging wgt with level 20s

>X faction doesn't zerg
Nice meme, welcome to ESO. Whoever's on top will be the only one called out for it, as usual in large scale pvp games.

Apparently it's the new thing to do in pvp, because heavy is just better, and there's lots more damage out there now from the new sets.