League of legends general /lolg/

No gay shit edition


How may i support you today?

Not a slut

>No gay shit edition

xth for Orianna has free will and her new lore is great.

I know the no taste losers here in lolg like to antagonize you over everything, so thank you Riot ;___;

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.



Tanks are tanky if played correctly, a proper tank late game has about 8 times the effective health of a carry.

That just doesn't mean you can blindly tank and expect to be useful, big part of tanking is avoiding damage, correct positioning and properly timed tanking.
All real tanks have an ability that lets them survive longer and usage of these abilities is the key to succesfull tanking.

Take Garen for example, his W reduces the damage he takes by 30% properly timing this ability can extend your life in a fight significantly.
Another one would be Rammus who gains a massive 120 armor/MR when he activates his defense mode for 6 seconds but the ability has a 14s cooldown so if you get caught out without it you will die much faster than normally.

Items are also important. You want to generally build items that both work well with your champion and will help you against what you're playing against. A tank who hasn't built any tanky items will still pop like a zit the moment they initiate a fight regardless. Remember that the enemy ADC and Midlaner will probably have a LOT of damage output once the mid-lategame hits. Even being able to survive that insane amount of burst for a short time means a lot in this game.

>No gay shit edition
I want Renekton to fuck me silly

>Bandle city is implied to be never discovered or set foot by humans.

>Rumble's lore says that human graduates from yordle academy go to Bandle City to pay tribute to Heimer and cucking Rumble in his own homeland.

>Humans can't see yordles true identity unless the yordles consent to it.

>Humans know Veigar is a yordle and know they can't withstand solitary confinement and do just that to mind rape him.


I want to have a threesome with Vlad and Brew!

Be a good slut and peel for me

this is so dumb but it still happens more often than it should

Tell me a secret, /lolg/

Anthony Burch

>play nautilus support
>dive in
>die because support has notank

wtf how do I initiate and solo kill like this




garen with this new armor shred + black cleaver is fucking crazy

It looks slightly worse, but the real problem is just that quinn is an ugly bitch who nobody should love

looks like average animu garbage
no thighs
no hips
torso is all fucked up

heart shaped pupils are my fetish

Isn't her new lore just old one without mention of a "league"?



No, it's worse and less tragic. it does not even make sense how they could not construct a heart but a brain...

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>a bad thing

>play flex since i wanna get good or test some champions
>three matches in a row in placements have been vs diamonds
nice hahahahahaha

user that's mean



God, items. Honestly I just look at what the game recommends for me and go based off that.

>TFW he wants to contract down syndrome through aquatic intercourse with purple goblin.

>mfw im actually getting better quallity games on flex

I get annoyed whenever someone in game automatically assumes I'm male. Like holy fuck, it it that weird to see a female ori main?

No. Do you think they'd make a big deal about lore if they were just going to remove mentions of league and call it a day?

Reverse is nice

But I like frost fire better

You better back the hell off, she's mine! And i love her the most!

I genuinely don't waifu anyone in this game. The in-game art and character models aren't exactly waifu material after all. The fan art is great sometimes, but it doesn't really affect me much at all.

started playing league again since stopping in season 3

what champion is the hottest?

add me I can boost you! IGN: ImThem

But if i get close to peel i might die!

She doesn't look right. I think there's something wrong with her proportions, or maybe it's just the angle. Legs look too long and/or body looks too short. Also looks older than she really is in this.

>getting mad that people assume you're a male when you're in a game played by 98% males and you have no way to tell people's gender

Do you also get mad when men spread their legs when sitting on the bus


That's okay for someone new to the game but at some point you will want to look at what the items do more in the future.

For example, let's say the enemy team has a Master Yi jungle, Yasuo Mid, and Jinx ADC.

That's a lot of auto-attack based physical damage. Jinx and Yas are almost certainly going to build crit and Master Yi might build crit. Thus Ninja Tabbi, Randuins Omen, Thornmail, and Frozen Heart all are viable items to build against them, but you'll also want to consider how much magic damage their toplaner and support can put out because building straight armor might be a mistake.

With time I'm sure you'll do fine.


man how the fuck am i supposed to get used to drawing on tablet i have no fucking control over the pen and my lines are all squiggly

annie xd brand xd gragas xd urgot xd

Is Zyra good mid?

Without a doubt.


facial edit when???

Recommended items are usually alright. The most important adaption you need to do is the order you build them based on who you are playing against and who is fed.

Y-you too.


Well playing against better players than you actually helps you get good.

Stop complaining fucking cunt.

okay i see a lot of tristana, annie and lulu.

but i need someone who can bake me cake but also has a cake you feel me? need a grown woman.

>diamond darius
>learning anything than just not go vs him at all in lane
Wow, I learnt a lot, user!

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

>choose to play the shitfest mode
>complain when the games are shitfest



>SS (Absolute NO counterplay, strong at every point of the game)

>S (Insanely fucking strong, pick or ban tier, basically)

>A (Overall strong picks, might be picked and sometimes banned, safe picks)

>B (Everything else)
Everything else

I had the same issue but you get used to it eventually, just imagine you're drawing in paper but just look up.

Mouses are weird to use for everyone at first but you get used to them and then it seems natural to use them
Also download SAI


Big boobs best boobs!

Why not look at when he does engage on you and when he doesn't and try to figure out why he's choosing those times specifically to engage on you. What do the two of you have up when he engages? What is he doing with his lead against you? How is he either spreading it around the map or extending it against you?

The only correct answer.

>bake a cake
sinful succulence morgana.

Here are some pre-30 Sion support games.
Where I forget to buy wards and change trinket.

Why do very few people buy banner of command?
It's stats for it's price are very good.

>Implying tristana can't bake your an excellent yordle meal and then offer her plump ass to you

Cute things only deserve pain and suffering and torture.

Best thing in the world.

Move Kled down, Nasus is SS, Ekko is S-/A, Akali is A, Yas is S

Annie can make you a cake!

>Sion support

oh it's nothing

Remilla a cute!

Do you draw on SAI or Photoshop?

I just can't get used to this at all and I wanna make the jump to digital

>In dragon form
>A form that is reptilian in nature

Nigga what?

Shyvana just needs to be a dragon in dragon form instead of a wyvern.

>Be me
>Have a dream
>Be me as a captain in Bilgewater
>Hunting sea monsters
>Except my ship is a 2 level tourist boat that barely floats and can't be controlled for shit


No, that's what YOU deserve.
For hating on best girl.

lmao he looks like an average swede, just a bit smaller and more gay

who would mistake that monster for a girl?

but user that's her humanoid form

>Meme answer
Brand xD

>Objective answer

>Subjective answer

I dont use this skin anymore because of this retarded deformed splashart riot brought

fucking retards

The things you love the most must suffer the most.

Dragons in LoL are based on D&D rules.

Which means that they can appear in human forms that are human enough to trick people into believing they're human.

And Shyvana has half-human blood on top of this.

Shyvana could look like Ironscale in her human form naturally and it would make complete sense.

I draw in SAI, it's so much easier and comfy.

You'll get used to it in a few days, although, you should check some SAI videos in youtube, but mostly about coloring, it's the weirdest thing.

SAI is also free, and photoshop isn't as comfy

I haven't played this game in years, what happened to Soraka? Her heals now sap her HP and she doesn't restore mana anymore? I swear her star call spell worked differently too, but it's been so long I can't remember. What's up with this loot box thing as well? You have to play with pre-made teams to get them? Well fuck me then, since I don't have any friends who play this game and the ones I do are just those people who you added to your friends list and never fucking spoke o them again.

>tfw no cute blonde metal bf

>tfw no adc gf

>people complaining when tights are just as good as ZR

>tfw so deep in i think >she looks like a girl
i don't know how it all got to this point and i don't want it anymore

Her is an aoe skillshot and it gives you a heal over time for hitting heroes. W costs %hp and heals allies, and it gives them a copy of her heal over time if you have it up. No more free mana.

You need S- or higher ranks on heroes to get a chest, one chest per hero per season, you get key parts for winning games. You don't need to be premade but it does help

No, really, what said
The first thing I thought after seeing the skin for the first time was "Quinn looks kinda spergy... no wait that's the base model"

The problem isn't the """"""censoring"""""" at all, it's the champion design itself

Its fucked till they update most if not all yordle lores.

is Homodinger the most fun champ for stomping low level fags? It's hilarious how they have no idea how what the fuck to do against him and just cry in chat all game about how broken he is. What other champs are this fun in down in the trench?



Shaco, Nasus, Teemo and Alistar

Annie or Lulu??


Any non meta and off role champs are good.
Stomping with an assassin is easy but they can easily rationalize to that champ just being busted and their team beeing feeders. Spanking them with Taric top or Galio mid or something they think is weak is the best feeling.

Futa version where?

No she is essentially what Viktor is suppose to be or at least wanted to be, To change from human to all machine.
She is an inventor instead of a dancer who just happened to like dancing. So one day there is a huge chemical explosion and she wanted to save the people. Her father tells her no but she goes anyway.
She saves a bunch a people but burns her lungs and is slowly dying, He father then gives her artificial lungs but the disease slowly starts spreading. She then has every part of her being replaced and starts becoming more machine.
Finally it ends with her having no human organs but her heart and it happens her father needs a heart. So she then makes herself a new heart and gives her old heart to her dad.

>No, it's worse and less tragic
This. Old Orianna being a bad simulation for a man who couldn't let go was great. If Riot wanted a mystery or growth that much they could have gone about the nature of The Ball, not killing Orianna's original intent.

It was a bad skin then and it is a bad skin now.