Veeky Forums I need your help

>in business class
>group presentation time, our topic is stocks
>sjw girl gets paired with us
>she fucking believes that the CONCEPT of owning stocks is evil and that no human should be allowed to do it
>she refuses to work on anything stock related which is our entire fucking project
>professor is a cuck who won't allow a transfer and days we have to "diversify our beliefs"

How the fuck do I convince her stocks aren't evil? If all members don't present, we all get ZERO.

>How the fuck do I convince her stocks aren't evil? If all members don't present, we all get ZERO.

Don't convince her.

It sounds dumb, but it's the best approach. Think about it. If someone came up to you and immediately said YOUR WORLDVIEW IS WRONG and you are wrong, would you listen to them and fully appreciate what they have to say?

Answer: probably not. You'd instantly be set up against them in your mind and ready to blow away any of their arguments.

So agree with her, but set seeds of doubt. Just drop little things like, "Wow I totally agree with what you're saying, but what about .......?" and "So this makes sense, but how about this? I'm kind of on the edge of it, what do you think?".

if all else fails figure out some way in order to get her to work on the project.

Try to make her part about "anti capitalism" or whatever the fuck she says, but offer that up only as a part of your presentation. So you present "one half" of the story and then the other part.


No point in arguing with retards like that.

If you all get zero if you have one fucko then just compromise and make your presentation about the impact of the stock market on the concept of trickle down economics. That way you'll make her and her 'fuck the stock market' sentiment happy but will also present something coherent.

Thanks I'll give it a shot

Nigga I can't afford a zero

Then complain to the professors boss.


Regardless of her belief of she won't participate and the prof still will give you a zero you need to see his boss.

Give her the D
Makes the worst b.... into angels if done properly

>Thanks I'll give it a shot

What im basically saying is that be Diplomatic and think with the end in mind.

Don't try to "always be right" and prove her wrong and make her look stupid. Just agree and try to make it go your way. Don't even take credit, just act with the end in mind.

simple, you an your teammates just do the technical part, explaining how the stock market works, what kind of stocks and financial instruments there are bla bla and let her do a part where she can do the criticism part considering stock markets or hedge funds etc. and everyone is happy

let her present a counterpoint to your pro stock argument you douche

Stuff like this is why I absolutely refuse to go to university and view them as worthless as long as they are infested with communists and marxists like these.

They make up a miniscule percent of the population dude

Cucking your life because yoi want to avoid a small handful of people is retarded

just have her stand up there with the rest of you?

fuck her in the ass.

the universities are basically run by marxists and communists. and any students for any students who arent yet, the professors are indoctrinating non-marxists into becoming marxists. even at the elite universities like harvard. its sickening.

Only in meme courses

Stem and business doesn't have any of that horseshit

1. make an argument that owning your own business
2. expand to partnership
3. expand to 20 partners
4. now ask her why she thinks 20 people owning a company is not evil and 4000 is

Owning and using stocks are gambling.

>Muh SJW.

> group projects
> women

Doing group projects with women is literally the most challenging thing I had to deal with in my entire college career. Even if it's not a cunt/SJW women just work differently.

> Plan
> Separate the work
> Combine work
> Execute the plan

> Meet
> Talk for hours, on and off topic
> Eventually an idea forms that doesn't even really address the assignment
> Work on it TOGETHER for hours and hours, with continuous debate about how certain things should go
> Finalize it and rehearse 100x more than necessary
> End up with a B+
Thankyou hippies for this bullshit you created.

Ignore her, do it about stocks anyway. Why the fuck would you listen to her?

Literally just had this experience. 3/6 in my group were women. At least everyone did a part but:
-could've just met virtually 80% of the time, girls always force us into meeting in person despite the time waste.
-meet one day planning to do something we had to meet for, ended up just working on stuff we could have done individually, one hirl says "Wow we were so productive today"
-They name me group leader, girls plan everything anyway
-Technologically inept. No idea how to use cloud services, bad grammar for essay we are working on.

It's better than group members who do nothing, but the past week has been just time sunk into this project going in circles and fixing mistakes by the girls.

If you're actually believe this stuff you're not good enough to get in kek

Do you really expect her to work on the project when she is carrying around a mattress?

I fucking love that the most often way I see my university referenced online is this dumb bitch

like thanks senpai

all the cucks in this thread,
>dont tell the dumb bitch shes wrong
>try to reason with the ignorant
dear god, sjws are everywhere