Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/


>What's new?
Two new heroes, Varian and Ragnaros announced at Blizzcon, along with a new brawl map and a couple of new skins.

>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Where do I find you Vikings-as-first-pick-drafting faggots?
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o fug
actual previous thread, my bad

1st for Brightwing

>tfw i want to make hots videos but i'm shit at the game and I can't even meme properly in-game

RIP dbro

>catch somebody out
>auriel knocks them to safety

1-3 tychus to 10
4-6 raynor to 10
7-9 lunara to 10
0 uninstall

Is /hotsg/ ready for the Dehaka domination?
Global, wave clear, ice block in basic kit, (dis)engage, longest non heroic stun in the game and sustain out of his ass.
Better get your first ban ready because ETC will look like a choir boy compared to this guy.


not enough to solo tank

Funny since he's already pretty good. Now they've made him S-tier.

aoe 15% vauln too for the duration of his dark swarm, and he will be taking 40% less damage while that is up as well.

I don't know why they buffed him so much, he was good already.


Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

How does ability power buffs work?

It buffs the damage of any ability. Anything on the Q, W, E, and R.

what about Li ming cannoneer?

Considering it converts it to Ability damage, I imagine it would work on that as well. Good question, nobody's ever talked about that before. Probably because there were no ability power buffs in the game until somewhat recently.

But yeah, it states that it turns it into ability damage, so I think it's pretty much assumed it would work on that.

Well it says I have a permanent buff but when I hover my mouse over the skill the damage shows the same

Tried chromie in the ptr. At level 21 it said my damage was 945 on the skill but with the 5% buff from her new talent it was hitting for 996. Some reason your skills don't update the text to show your damage buffs

>tfw get a game with no healer


>needing a healer
git gud

Classic Xul when?

won towers of doom no healer

>those tychus talents


>losing to a gazlowe team without a support

tilted off the face of the planet

>those talents

yo hol up

Pretty sure it also increases healing

The thrall was being a little bitch last pick "i dont heal" only tanks leoric arthas

>tfw the whole team came in the game to lose

I just don't know what went wrong.

your low damage :v

Gul'dan was apparently really tasty.

Blizzard Matchmaking (tm) enforcing your 50% winrate.

Not much worse than the Xul's who was never with the enemy team.

who counters Ragnaros?

>xul, sylvanas AND kael'thas
>on tomb
>having ANY hope of not drowning in catapults and spiders

Probably Leoric and Tychus or other heroes who can do good damage to high-health heroes.
Kiters like Tracer or Valla or Lunara could stay away and alive if they can dodge his hammer.

His damage is low but that chromie damage is just shameful

The chromie was AI for half the game, oddly enough, Alarak and Guldan weren't.

Reminder that if you look up the dictionary definition of "anti-fun garbage", you'll find a picture of Chromie. You get to play "dodge the skillshot or be instagibbed while she has zero risk of dying" all game long, and she's still getting more fucking buffs.

Pick a hero that counters her. Play tracer or illadin and jump past the front line and fuck her shit up. Fuck even Thrall, Lunara, and butcher will fuck her shit up

Can't do that in QM.
Even if you play a draft mode and draft a diver, they will only run Chromie with heavy peel so you will never ever ever ever ever ever reach her, and if you do, you get stasis'd or 80% slowed and she fucks off.

Making an even more cancerous version of Hammer was a mistake.

i....sense............dearth......................within this palce.........

Git gud

Veeky Forums, the only place on the internet where people bitch about chromie or think varian is op lol

Chromie is only a B+ tier hero

That doesn't not make her anti-fun garbage, user.
It doesn't need to be OP to be fucking annoying and fun-sucking to the max.

Another example is TLV, the worst design in the game by far.

>better than raynor

healing magic......quaint......but useful

Well, she is pretty unforging to play against. You can eat a Kael'thas Q, but not a Chromer Q/W.
Pleasantly surprised her damage turned out to be as high as it is. Tempted to try playing her again.

>also tfw no winterveil helper elf chromie skin

>one third of roster in S tier
>varian included
>especially twin blades varian


fury varian is the biggest bronze trap in game.

The only heroes on that list I enjoy consistently playing are Malf and Varian. Dear god, why are all the good heroes the most boring fucking things.

>two powerful ultimate

>zeratul S tier
>on solo queue tier list

who wrote this

Looks like tentonhammer

It got me to Masters before the nerf.

>been qued for rank for 8 mins now
I just want to try ranked and get my placement

>get first kill of game
>get winning kill of game

nova brawl can be pretty okay

>first game playing ranked
>my team won with us being 5 levels above them
I'm now afraid I'll get a shitty group after this good of a game

>save teammate with holo
>kill someone with regular attacks
>sniping still targets that think they're clever



>li li will eventually grow up to be a lard ass like all other pandaren

>we still don't have an adult female pandaren

>tfw furries will never be burned alive

>play qm
>get put on a team with diablo, azmo, tassadar zarya and me as uther
>basically no damage
>vs a premade 5 man party that's hand crafted to work together well having 2 assassins a specialist/assassin a tank and a support/assassin
>lose horribly
Why is this shit allowed

truly the worst feel

Play HL, get a Valla, Valla gets Strafe vs enemy team comp composed of Kerrigan, Uther, Rehgar, Arthas and Azmodan.

Everyone screaming like mad children (or man children) at Valla for her ulti pick.

Valla going solo deep on Azmodan, only to die a few seconds later from a timed gank. This is repeated 5 times and we lose the game on Sky Temple in 15 minutes.

So this is the power......of Solo Queue HL?

Next patch is going to be the final death of this game as we speak, once people run out of their free stimpacks and goodies, every sane player out there who wants to improve will quickly realize that this isn't the game where you can do that.

When is Strafe ever a good pick? It does 0 damage and that's all it does.

>valla going deep for one of the beefiest heroes in the game

I don't think this has anything to do with solo queue, desu.
And yeah, curious to see how the changes to hl and tl will pan out.

game can't get any deader


it's ten matches you need to play before getting assigned to bronze league isn't it
with the nexus challenge taking place is there a chance of me being able to pick li ming and be a shitter with her before anyone else can do so


What's to expect after Ragnaros?

Strafe is longer range than your autos, lets you stay mobile while dealing aoe damage, and gives you another dps option while blinded. Most importantly, though, it pauses your stacks, so if you get zoned off a teamfight for a bit or if autoing is too dangerous, you can strafe and keep your 10 stacks. Strafe doesn't do great single target damage, but zero stacks valla does even less.

It's mostly a preference/situational thing, though. Both the ults are good.

Not sure what the lowest is, but I imagine it's somewhere in Bronze. Has anybody placed B5? Just curious here.

Some troll, probably. Zz.

Everyone, including myself, were asking politely at first as to why she picked Strafe vs an enemy team that can lock her down and just cancel the ult.

>the response wasn't "all muted noobs"

This has VERY much to do with solo queue, desu. Whatever happens, this game needs some voice chat, since Blizzard will never, ever, ever, acknowledge that some of their designs (yes, I know it is the developer's fault here, not the player's, but!) are flawed and since 10% of the game's population follow the so called pro scene who make up the strategies to win games and since Blizzard decides to nerf every one of these strategies into the ground with their "everything is viable" mentality, then you'll end up with a game stuck in a design balancing loop that will never cease, making it a frustrating experience not only for the player, but for the developers themselves.

I don't know what the fuck they were thinking when they came up with this "pick a talent, pick an ulti" system, because it's fucking stupid and it just gives you the illusion of "viable" builds.

Let's face it, how many heroes out of the complete roster have more than one strong build with the off chance at having another two viable builds in case of certain situations. Not many I'd say.

Isn't Uther the only one capable of reliably shutting down her Strafe, though?
>game needs voice chat
Ehh. Not sure about this one.
Most things below masters are at least somewhat viable.
>"pick a talent, pick an ulti" system
Hit or miss. Some Heroes have it pretty rough, whereas others are a bit flexible. I don't love it, but it isn't the first thing I'd heavily criticize about the game.

Kerrigan was playing out of her mind as well.

The game needs more staff to make it better, I agree. That would be the main thing, but at this point it is safe to say that Blizzard has relegated this to "f2p garbage that's bringing us some cash here and there".

Funnily enough, they are shelling good prize money on tournaments for this shit instead of using that budget to get more staff, push more updates and refine the game even more.

E-sports is a disease I tell you.

Well, if Kerrigan lands her stun it doesn't really matter which Heroic Valla took.

That might help. Doesn't feel like the game'll ever really "take off", though. Never losing that "babbys first moba" hasn't helped, and they've done the WoW thing of only coming out with barely enough content to keep people hopeful.

Yeah. I'm not sure why they're trying to build a compeitive scene in a game that isn't really being played.

>guy first picks zeratul and says it's what the pros do

Thankfully it was just smurf placements and I was able to dodge. Which is, like, -600 points on a ranked account, whereas losing is, like, -200.

>the punishment for wasting a few seconds/minutes of everybodies time isn't as severe as picking abathur and pressing Q on somebody then afking
>alternatively hovering support then switching to murky at the last second and say you're going march, then hoping somebody else dodges

>punishment for dodging is triple that of losing/afking

Meant this. I'm tired.

Zul'jin is all we can be sure of, chances are Valeera with be the second hero for the set. Blizzcon Leaks have stated both Kel'thuzad and Reinhardt are also somewhere in the works, and the axolotl leak still leaves Aidan somewhere close to done.

Aidan will likely be in January for the Diablo anniversary. So I'm thinking it might be him after Rag.

Ahahahahahaha nice one

as someone has already pointed out, ax's leaks were mostly about wow characters (and some diablo ones)
probably we wont get so many wow heroes in a row so expect some starcraft/ow guys (at least, I hope so, where is my goddamn gui montag)

Next hero should be around New Year's. Right?

I think we all know who it is.

I'm not getting murky's and abathur's in my league, I now have to deal with the last bastion of cancer which are bad plays & talent picks.

I feel sorry for you dawg :(

Back to my rant though! What the fuck is up with this insane push for e-sports nowadays?

It's the biggest money sink a developer can have and most of the time, it isn't even feasible to build an e-sports scene for a game that's not only competing with better, more established peers, but a game that's as lightweight as you can possibly imagine.

I can only dream what great features and improvements that money could've done for the game.

Who do I buy next?


Ragnaros on day one with real money

sylvanas gets a price reduction next week.

>everyone early picks assassins/specialists
>force late picks into tank/healer instead of being able to react to enemy picks
I hate the moba community.

>tfw tank and support main

It's nice to always get what I want except when I get forced onto ranged assassin and embarrass myself.

Boo hoo, at least it isn't fucking quick match

>Entire team has actually legitimately no crowd control
>Against the Butcher
>I shut him down for 99.9% of the game with blinds as Auriel but the one time I die (lol 70 second respawn) he just walks at everybody else on my team and kills them because our comp is garbage

Got Dehaka and Vikings to 10 boys, didn't buy Dehakas' master skin though I really don't like it.

You made the right choice, it's one of the worst ones and you can barely even notice it

Reading on the new seasons MMR, can anyone tell me if my MMR is getting completely erased if I haven't played anything ranked in S2?

Or will it take my QM mmr into account after I do my s3 placements.

Asking this because missing out on one ranked seasons definitely seems worth it if it finally allows me to start from scratch.


Imagine being this guy

in bundle with cute skin

>shaman always has both hes before he draws 15 cards
I'm starting to get mad.

Wrong door, pal. The gay orc procession is two doors down the hallway.

Why are qm games where your team consists of 4 supports and an afk gul dan against a team with proper roles the most fun you will ever have? Uther the tank, Medivh the dps, lili the healer/dps and tass the specialist. Actually winning like that is the greatest thing ever

When Will hots finally make some changes to roles. Got in a match yesterday where our support was a tassadar and enemy team got a kharazim and malf. This game really needs to make a difference between healer and support.

>Quick Match
If you wanted balanced comps then don't play the shitter mode.
Tass is getting rework probably Early January, for all it helps you cope. He's getting Life Leach from shields baseline, but the talent that makes shields last forever is GTFO (which is good, since that's the entire point of shields that they're burst protection). But he's also getting many dmg talents, which makes it fair to assume they want him to be sorta like Kharazim and Tyrande, able to build support but equally as viable when built full dmg.