Sexy female ezreal edition
Sexy female ezreal edition
gay ppl must die
Stealing 1 image from waifufags, thank me later.
Xth for Katarina
besterest girl
Fluffy tails
I'll thank you now, user.
Ill post one that fits the OP theme too
Who here would love to see old dig band up together again and play in the lcs?
I demand the full image
isnt this one of you?
not me, dig were fucking shit
I wanna see M5 again
Does anyone wanna play with me?
I'm not level 30 yet, but I can play top or support OK. I'd probably get beat hard bot mid and jungling seems really tough but I can try it.
Not every retard comes from here, a lot do tho.
Where is Giraffes now? Smochi got married? Also the hafu bitch with the fart fetish, forgot her name.
Reese got actually v&'d. I think ImThem still posts here because the thread tracker seemingly got fixed.
Haven't seem Watsu, Marine or Blackstar posts for a while though.
No more ~Darius posts, SEGGS GING X-DDD, Luxfag's pic.
>turning someone as beautiful as ezreal into a disgusting babymaker
I would puke on you if I could.
>was silver 3
>placed in bronze V
>afk for 3 minutes to use the bathroom
>lee sin spergs out and tells everyone to report me
>they do it even though i'm higher level and outfarming my enemy laner
like are people really that eager to report people for no reason, HE SAID REPORT HIM I GOTTA DO IT DUDE
What is a lolgen?
That is the full image
>Rito is thinking about nerfing Karma
>meanwhile Naut support is sleeper OP
>a better Leona in everyway
>winning games after games with him
Why arent you getting freelo right now?
Rip user...
I wanna hold Jinx's hand
Also what do you guys think of the new lore? It's alright imo as much as I like the idea of Jayce being that constant super perfect good hero cliche I also don't mind him being serious and kind of an asshole, wish he was more of a smart ass though. Cait's was kind of boring and forgettable desu, but than again that is Caitlyn in general. Vi's is okay. Assuming Zaun gets involved I'm curious to see what they do with Jinx. I hope they don't give her some "she's just misunderstood" type of bullshit she's not meant to be sympathetic, she an anarchist.
depends on:
1. Your region
2. Are you a cute girl(male/female)?
I'm getting freelo with Ryze thank you very much.
No, I'm not, sorry.
hell yeah
>not waiting for the boosted retards to drop off before starting your placements
Smochi became a janitor
Giraffes stopped posting
ImThem still posts, just earlier he was crying about m-muh series
Blackstar still rarely posts
Marine/Watsu don't post anymore
Stoaga left too
Because I'm a Braum pony who doesn't even own Nautilus, let alone know how to play him.
I don't understand your question. What do you mean by "where"? Like what skills you should practice first? Or are you looking for a board or thread to have an audience for?
Drawing from life is important no matter what you want to draw. It sounds like bullshit but a huge part of learning to draw is being able to look at stuff and break it down to lines and shapes, and if you want to draw cartoonish stuff you'll be looking at other cartoon artists and copying them.
That being said it's more important to draw what you like drawing and have fun with it, no point in drawing real life shit if you hate it, but I do it because I want to and enjoy getting into the "flow" no matter what I'm drawing.
Thats what im doing.
At the same time Im also trying to just raise my MMR.
I'm collecting my Vel'Koz freelo
All you need to do is fill the enemy team's screen with an endless barrage of projectiles and stay the fuck away from the enemy team.
Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.
Where did Bandle go?
MarineRevenge was in a vg game the other day
late post for bird nerd
giraffes is playing ff15 and watching voltron
smochi is single and busy shitposting while not studying for college
i have no idea what ur tealking about with number 3.
reese is fine
imthem is still alive and well
watsu lurks and is the main tard wrangler for the lolgen discord
marine is still alive and posts here and there. havent talked to him in awhile i need to see how he is
blackstar is kill, havent seen him in 5ever
Maybe I should become the next /lolg/ celeb? I feel like I've got the pizazz and style to make it!
reposting because I'm angry raaah
>go 7/1
>almost 300 cs
>4 tower participation
>this all earns me an S at the end of the game
>lose anyway because our top lane poppy goes 0/5/0, says "bye", and manually disconnects
>I got an S in a losing game, but I have the same loss as the poppy who intentionally left, and I lost the same amount of lp as the poppy who intentionally left
This is honestly a flaw. You can call me shit and to carry harder all you want, but it's honestly a flawed system and this is why.
Even overmeme has a system in place where you lose less lp if you got gold and silver medals in a comp match.
anyone that isnt a really old poster will always be a literal who
>tfw you've been posting since the /v/ days
>tfw you've never tripped so nobody would know you
I probably have upwards of 100k posts here, easily
Scary thought
b-but we have ANX now
What are some unfavorable janna matchups?
>mfw qt and pobelter left after /lol/ was forced from /v/
God I miss those guys
>posting 4/10 waifus
good thing you don't have a trip
>Runs away from the fight
Morgana counters the shit out of her
people with range like control mages, mage ''''''''''''supports'''''''''''''''', etc
someone make vg game pls!
>tfw nobody remembers me
>tfw im a lot of different Xfags here cause I save a lot of pics from different champions, leave for a while, then come back usually with a different champ to sort of avatarfag as
never tripfagged tho
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
tfw you will never ever have a fluffy tail or two...
Is Hashinshin the highest ranked player who currently posts here?
Post Sona lewds please?
Most control mages shit on her.
Super Metroid.
Bruh what they gave her tights? Is Quinn not allowed to be sexy or some shit? I mean the skin was a horrible idea in the first place but if you're gonna do it do it right.
>tfw carrying shitters all day
Also give me feedback on my build.
Post that intelligent Lulu pic
The arena may be buried under the weight of history, but myth folklore and legend derive themselves from anecdote.. Quieted words ushered in from a nameless face, and one such tale has been brought back to life the decrepit chassis of the great Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums arena shambles in to place, will you test your might today?
password: vidya
server: NA
There was a Plat or diamond half-korean or chinese girl who had a meme about killing his baby or something. Avid shitposter.
Kinda happy for them then.
Except for Reese, miss his HYPE shitposts.
I feel I'm forgotting about someone...
Hi there Juggador, it was you I believe
>Dropped to Master in S6
Super Metroid is challenger.
>implying miia isn't a 10/10 breeder
context to this image?
no one likes you thats why
>climactic end of the game team fight
>feel the tides are turning against us and lay down that Taric ult just in time to keep people from dying
>then pop my redemption down on top of where the fighting is thickest
>as soon as ult particle shows up entire team starts to run
>they run right out of the redemption circle
>get chased down and die
Highest skill ceiling champ right here because trying to get 4 other monkeys to pay attention to whats going on and react accordingly is the hardest barrier in the game.
>it's another "lolg celebrities circlejerking about who's been posting the longest" episode
fuck off
next thing we'll have welding posting about m-muh discord
Explain this lolbabs
Salty Teemo (a stream that shows low-Bronze games) had a Twitch who bought Sunfire/Vamp then AFK'd at wolves, farming them like an MMO.
>everytime I use redemption everyone runs from it.
oh my god hackee you freaking nooblord
6-9 decides what league female character l fap to (please be soraka)
anybody remembers that site which tracked vg tripfags and the number of their posts?
oh, don't be mad, it's amusing :3
Zac (solo)
A proto-dank meme from the Golden Age of the game
That's decent, but i prefer this build honestly, gives you so much map pressure.
oh shidd
is this where the 'teitch' meme comes from?
You don't fap and instead practice discipline and play that ranked game
why man
it me
>after years and years and years and years, the pro as heck guide to master yi is still totally viable and will be for the rest of time
I have no fucking idea how to win lane against Darius, please help
inb4 lol just play random ranged champion
>newfags won't know which champ MEOW MEOW MEOW is referring too
unless you have been here for three seasons, get out
ranked right now buddy, i'll even play with you if you're on NA or EUW
Bait out Q.
Or if you're a full tank champion, play save and outscale him.
am I cool yet? can I be a somebody?
How do I gain the healslut support mentality? I just become very angry when playing support.
When he Qs, go towards him, not away
Do NOT fight him for extended periods, disengage before he gets max stacks for his bonus AD
Picks Quinn