Dueling Network General - /dng/

Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2384

Fuck You Edition

Last thread: ● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
YGOPro (Windows): mediafire.com/file/baj95caex5si0n3/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy.exe
YGOPro (Mac): Shit outta luck
ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project (High Quality YGOPro images)

Useful Links:
Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:
OCG decklists:
TCG decklists:
TCG/OCG news sites:
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:
Official /dng/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Pendulum Evolution (December 23rd)
●OCG: Tyranno's Rage (Feburary 25th)

●TCG: Pendulum Domination (January 20th)
●TCG: Raging Tempest (February 10th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.

Other urls found in this thread:


Of course I can't remove you, no matter what I do you'd just post anyways so there's no point. No honor :^)

Also first for waifu

did ya miss me?

Not particularly.

Mai waifu

Semen demon can't wear skirts for girls with smalelr birthing hips

>still NO banlist
>STILL no scans


Do you miss me, /dng/?

I wonder how will RAT decks stand against good old Yata garasu lock.

>No honor :^)
So if you are defeated in a shadow duel by any of us, would you still uphold this "honor" and never use your trip (if you still remember it) or post TGUstuff again? Because if so, I'd be totally down with dropping this trip right here as long as the stakes are equal between us my dude

CG is cute! CUTE!

its not just dropping trip
its not posting at all mong

>and stop posting TGU
Now that's crossing the line a bit, of course I'd still post waifu if I found new art, I can't hoard it all myself.

You retards have proven yourselves unable to detect me when I post anonymously, so I guess you could kid yourself into thinking I've stop posting I guess
I guess that makes sense, but this current trip would drop and you'd cease your crusade to end trips for /dng/ then. Is that reasonable?

post superior cardfu and everything will be fine.

Sounds good to me.

Alright hosting right now my dude


So far i see Witch of the black forest, Sangan (duh), Yata-garasu, Cyber stein and CED, can someone guess the rest?

Magical Scientist

TIV and the dragons (i recognize redox)

Jump Festa is next week any idea on what the new mechanic is going to be?

deck masters
dm super bby


Please no.

i should have expected this.

>i summon chaos emperor drago -
>drancia eff

What's the besst ygo game for gba?

the fuck is wrong with that kid?

how do i explain to the shitter of my cousin that i can use the effect of phalax again if it went to the graveyard?

What old top-tier decks could be enhanced and made even better/more streamlined by modern cards?

>Not baiting drancia/whatever backrow

Bye, I'm not disclosing my tripcode though because people use public trips to shitpost, also it's a RARE TRIPCODE.

GGs Core, you played well throughout my man. Guess its time for you to drop the crusade though :^)

Eternal Duelist Souls is the best anything

When are we do for another round of Buster Blader support? The trap is great for making the lock but the protection effect is completely useless

You were one of (if not the only good) trip posters, good luck my man. TGU ain't my gal but if I had any of her to post, I'd put it here.

In Max Cry.
Along with second round of Zodiac.

Chain Monsters:
When a chain link ends on the field, you can summon a chain monster from the extra deck, with a level equal that chain link number or less. Each player can only Chain Summon once per Chain.

Deck Masters look like Planeswalkers or the ruler mechanic from Force of Will. I like it tho.

>once per turn you can return a domino monster form your field to your hand/deck/extradeck and especial summon a domino monster who's value if equal o higher than then returned monster

this set, just got to wait. the effect is ok, using welp to search it, pop it during your opponents turn to summon buster then use its effect to save the welp from being destroyed. During your turn you can use welp to summon BB or if Buster dragon is still around use its effect

magical scientist 1 when? make him work like IF with a hard OPT

Why is he so handsome?

Because he's dante

this just the other day another was added

does ygo cards have references to another franchises?

is it worth getting a box of fusion enforcers for eidolon cards? my locals has many autists who go for any anime shit and ive got some fluffal stuff lying around in my binder already

self to konami
also vania, mgs
those as one offs

Instead of a new mechanic, they are going to retool the Ritual mechanic.

>retool ritual
>just did spirts
i wonder how user feels



someone spoonfeed me neo abc decklists
ill shadow duel yami kaiba or smth
pic related old proof im the real mariomon


>im the real mariomon
N-NANI?! Mariomon-senpai!!


what about it

Add that odd-eyes orica.

I've gone over your previous official matches! Studied them! Because of you, I don't make horrible misplays and over-extend! The sacrifices you made on the alter of entertainment has allowed me to become the duelist I am today!

what official matches

The ones that are recorded on Dueling Network's dueling archives.

Let's get this going again, hosting

If Polymerization/Fusion cards, Legacy of a HERO, and such work even if generic materials are "listed on the card" like 1 DARK monster, why can Prisma not send generic materials, Fusion Conscription/Reserve only search specific monsters, etc?

Is there some minute wording difference I'm missing?

>this card's name becomes the sent monster's until the End Phase.
hint of needing a name

> you cannot Normal Summon/Set or Special Summon monsters with the added monster's name, nor activate their effects.
name mention

Reserve dunno what to tell ya but prob the same for consistency

>the shitposting reaches critical levels last thread
>I end up killing off Iron Core
>Marionigger actually returns
Fuck, what have I unleashed?

Also, if anything this confirms my prediction about him from last thread
>mfw me, Dia, and 2baka did this on a smaller scale
>esprits ended up being hot garbage
At least my secret Legacy of Yatas ended up spiking for Burgers



The best floodgate there is.

Special set with alternative types of cards, when?

And again, hosting

Seems kind of busted

Have you ever seen a miracle before?

Why the fuck is pic not unbanned yet, is there something that can abuse the shit out of it

this nigger

Why the fuck Grand Mole is not unlimited yet.

KoA forgot about it

In order to free it we'd have to shitpost hard about it, like Bestiari.

Maybe it'll work for Wind-Ups and Inzektors too

There'd be that really annoying period where every chucklefuck would run him at 3 in retarded shit like kaijus or anti meta and no one really wants to see that.

It worked for TER.

>tfw want Wind-Ups to be playable again because I pulled an Ulti Kitten from a random pack I got for $1 at target


How do you cheat on YGOPro by putting in cards into your deck during the duel or manipulating draws? I'm sure Veeky Forums would know this.

HTML5/Java/PHP Based online YGOPro.

Just released. Still in Alpha.


it's shit

Simply awful.

i give it a month before Konami shuts it down

You run rat


The function is pretty good. It's ugly at the moment, but I care less about art assets and more about who well it works, and it works pretty well.

What's the point of using it over the already existing YGOPro or, god forbid, YGOPro 2?

because it's the closest thing to playing IRL you fuck

not everyone wants handholdingpro doing everything for them, especially when you are using it as practice for IRL

Nexus is automatic.

someone test nexus with me
I'm hosting

I'm the only one who didn't start yet

what's a good game to learn to play?

Better than mexican network where people can just spend their life doing nothing and say "xd surrender u hax" you piece of retarded shit eating faggot

>you piece of retarded shit eating faggot

If I wanted to play IRL I'd play IRL. Manual dueling is an assload of hassle especially when you run into fucktards like this guy is talking about. It doesn't work so well online compared to actual dueling because anonymity is a bitch.

At least in automated duel systems there's a timer to keep the opponent in check and I don't even have to listen to their chat if I don't want to. I can just play the damn game.

There is no manual option on nexus

There is no manual option on nexus

There is no manual option on nexus

I never said there was.

That's where my original point of 'why use this over actual ygopro' came from.

Then might as well play on ygoPro you imbecile.