>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made
Last thread
>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made
Last thread
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what faction is objectively the best
Definitely not TR
Definitely NC
TR is underpowered; ergo cannot be the best
VS are fags
Any cobaltfag know Sightilicious? Anyone know his sensitivity/360 cm? If you get farmed by him, ask for this user plz. thx onii-senpaitachi
I'm a cobad and i've never heard of him, or should I say, you.
Fuck off.
>decide to try planetside 2
>this general is dead
>cancel the client download at 90%
well that's disappointing. this looked so promising
Is this general necessary to play the game?
that's pasta famalam
Error. No text entered
can't wait to see what genius plans Werl comes up with next :)
We're lucky to have such an in-tune with the player-base """youtuber""" leading this game!
I know we haven't talked in a while and you can't actually give me this but I have a Christmas wish
pls give NC MAX solid fuel launch system
golly gee, I, werl, will mak planitded 2 balanse agin
Spoilers work here right
how would the three factions weaponize giant alien spiders
ty werl
>open up /pol/ in the next tab
>whole 2 threads already going about it
meme of the year
2016 is the meme
>implyign we aren't the mene
The memes are within us.
NC has the nicest guys :D
some of the girls are okay too
oh gosh, am i a mene?? :DD
So I finally figured out where all the actual money comes from in this game.
It's not from cheater-whales
It's from brand new players who get sucked into the game and actually like it, but think their guns suck and want to skip the grind to 'upgrade' to something better, and end up spending $200 before they know what they've done.
The game has a constant churn of new players doing this over and over and over - that's how they make money and keep the lights on. It's not from salty vets buying the odd cosmetic, camo, or bundle.
That's why they're adding a bunch more guns to the game. People literally just whip out their credit card and buy all the fucking guns, and more guns in the line-up = more profits.
After they finish adding the current bunch of NS guns, they're probably going to add a few more guns just because
rly mks u thik
was that you spamming that on /pol/ ten minutes ago?
I'm a salty vet who spends a ridiculous amount of cash on this game actually.
Played solidly through the lifetime of PS1, Started PS2 in beta phase 2 and been playing solidly since. I buy the bundles, I buy gold weapons sometimes, I buy helmets and camos and decals and horns and all sorts of bullshit.
Am I a salty whale?
aren't all whales salty? i dont know of any freshwater whales)))))))))))))))))))
>NC has the nicest guys :D
And girls :3
>repeatedly rebuffs my sexual advances
MGOTW was right about u sluts
okay I'll be honest I only know 4 girls in NC and 3 of them I basically don't know a damn thing about and have only casually talked to them in passing
the third is a friend of mine from another game who I invited to play planetside and she's awesome
I don't think planetside's the best place to pick up chicks though. Have you tried a library?
ive tried ur mums place n it works evrytime lol
b-but I live there
>Have you tried
I don't get the point of the "ravenous" weapons, what's special about them?
They just look like the normal weapon with a basic green/black skin applied, why would anyone pay smeds for that? Is there anything special about them?
Most of the Silver/Gold/Platinum weapons in the game are compatible with in-game skins, if you apply one over the top it will replace most of the metal look but still leave some gold/silver highlights which can look really nice, these ravenous weapons can't have skins applied to them so they just look shit at all times.
Someone explain this to me please.
The Ravenous weapons are getting their own directive tree, with their own Cross-class reward at the end of it.
So if the Ravenous weapons are holiday only deals then anyone who doesn't buy them will be locked out of that directive.
Sweet, buy them now unless you want to be locked out of content.
but are they gonna add new vehicles
>inb4 sunderer
how does in-game cosmetic studios babble works?
how much money does it net?
>inb4 free
Can I make an IFV looking sundy, instead of the Skullbus, say move the terminal port to the back where the door is supposed to be?
You can make a sundae look a bit like the vehicle in your picture but not for free and you can't move the terminal.
It has a cosmetic that looks like the front there though.
My menetracker doesn't work anymore, hasn't for days.
The overlay displays but it doesn't track any incoming or outgoing memes or vmemes.
DBG broke the API?
I was talking more like how to submit my own design, but yes I noticed they are all applique on the existing models
New vehicle
Benin :-D
somewhat sleek, angled, 8 wheeled with standard harasser/flash/sunderded tires. Wide flat top
1 driver
1 gunner
4 passengers
(it's a valkyrie ground mirror)
starts with M20 basilisk on top
can fit all harasser weapons + C75 turret :---D
mans in the back get portholes, so they can stick their guns and fire at ze enemy :DD
they sit 2 per side like a valkyrie
menes r b& now
the idea is to follow the philosophy behind infantry fighting vehicles: a tank slash infatry transport for those situations where you can't spare infantry transports AND tanks. So
a sunderer is 200
a lightning 350
an empire specific MBT is 450
I'd say cost 400, slightly above the lightning and double the tsundere, but below the combination of 1+1.
It'd be the vehicle you would bring for small squad gameplay, ghostcapping without calling in the whole server faction :---D
Armed enough enough to kill a vehicle you encounter, ie a deployed sundy, and able to carry mans but without the SMA mechanic but for your squad.
3000 HP and tank resists (like a lightning) or
3000 HP and sunderer resists
wrel :-----D I'm gonna get ur job
I just threw a used teabag into my toilet from the doorway, it ripped apart mid-air spraying wet tea-leaves all over the floor and when the main body of what remained landed in the bowl, a splash of water flung itself out, sailed back across the room and landed on my foot.
I think i'll kill myself later tonight.
k... keep me posted
it works fine for me
>werl is now nerfing shotguns, because shotguns are sooo fucking OP and will give you 10+ kdr
>meanwhile boltshitting guns that have average kdr 3 times that of LMG's are fine and infilshits are getting buffs every patch
>shoots ankle
is of skill ))
>enlarged head hitboxes
>still manages to miss shots
/yell maxes are so overpowered. they just mow down everything and nobody can do anything about them. if youve only ever played planetside youd never know they were overpowered because even in a 1v1 you have no chance of winning
/yell benin;DDD
/orders ged in de galagsy we benin boissss :-DDDDD
>that guy who wont stop yelling 'CUM FOR ME' over prox
>make a macro that spams v1 every time you m1
>Not using a macro that presses honk every six seconds
Pretty sure they're getting buffs every patch because it's what the majority of new players play
wrel isn't making changes based on what improves gameplay, he's making changes based on what keeps players coming to the game or attracts more players.
This is how most of the ps2 pros play
t. shitter
Hitbox modifications aren't in common use but radarhack is. It is fucking ubiquitous.
Problem is, once you know this, you begin to doubt everything.
That guy who came around the corner already pointed at your head, despite the fact that you were not at default level compared to him. Had someone spotted you? Were you in a dildar you didn't know about? Did you just get meme'd on by a god or were they actually using radarhack which lets you know everything anyway?
It happens a lot because radar is undetectable so people often use it on its own. Just go look for videos on youtube, there's plenty considering the low population of the game.
Happens a ton. I started running with sensor shield 4 and it STILL happens.
>Flanking along a path, no enemies or shooting having taken place here for the past 30 seconds at least
>As soon as I'm 5 steps out of cover some guy pops out and headshots me before I can even stop and aim at him
So I've started changing my behaviour to bait first, being prepared to run back into cover immediately after faking a move forward to test.
There's also some players who seem to always magically know where you are, and it's most noticeable when I've got one of these players on the run/cornered and spotted so I can see the direction he's looking. If I feint in one direction and go the other - they ignore the feint and know which side of whatever cover I'm going to come from.
Oh but wait there's no cheaters in this game and I'm just 0.5 kdr shitter
aim better
>my dear friend is tying to set me on a blind date with his coworker for some reason
>apparently she's smart, funny, has a good job, same social status as me etc.
>saw one picture and she's qt, slender with a nice gap, fit body and child bearing hips
y/n? never been on a blind date
yeah but what empire does she play
better than most dating methods t b h
>better than most dating methods t b h
really? I've never tried that, it kinda feels awkward. I can talk and all but still. First few weeks of a relationship are weird even if you knew someone before.
I don't think anyone but us plays this shit game
>Play for years
>None of my IRL friends play it
>Finally convince one to play
>Tell him my server
>Tell him which empire my main is on so that both our mains may play together
>He makes a vanu
>Refuses to make NC
>Tells me if we want to play together I should just play VS like him
I feel utterly betrayed
Why would you play a game that you think is shit?
I love planetside 2, it has problems but I like it and it's fun to play, so I keep playing it. If you hate the game, stop playing. It doesn't make sense to play something you don't have any fun with and hate.
>Why would you play a game that you think is shit?
To win the war? Duhhh
I can't wait for the kazoo horn to become available :3
t: 0.3 kdr
Why does Pepsi MAX with scotch feels so good?
just checking on you :3
Jeez mom, i'm talking with my friends on skype..
suck his dick