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>queues blowing out to 30+ minutes
>subs dipping below 2 mil
>only groups for half the content is real money/gold carries
>cash shop expanding next patch
>PVE and PVP balance never been so bad
>population never been this unbalanced
>Nost untouchable by blizztard in the motherland
>stress test was an unqualified success
>forced to hunt down streamers to try and stem the tide of people leaving retail for vanilla private

Have you signed up for Nost 2.0 yet bros?

I've got haste gear from demo though will it be worth it to go for affli?

>nighthold dropping tuesday
>7.1.5 tomorrow

who /hype/ here

I love how desperate for attention Nostfags are.

>queue for random heroic for cuck satchel
>changes every single queue in the game from DPS to tank


friendly reminder to counter-funpost in nosg


You forgot @ Illidan in the OP


Go back to r/wow


Nost can't provide me with Helya upskirts which means it's terrible.

>Helya upskirts
you have 5 minutes to explain this meme and no one gets hurt

What did she mean by this

Nah. Aff is all about mastery. Haste isn't bad exactly but it only helps for affliction single target which will never beat demo on current patch.

Distilled autism, like most forced memes, just ignore it.

If I have to explain it to you it looses all meaning.

Explain the current state of the game to someone who hasn't played since 2006.

Name a less funny meme/spam than this lynris shit.

I bet you can't.

wait this spoilered helya upskirt thing is pretty bad

bugs, overpopulation, and chinese

Typical Blizzard game. Interpret that as you desire.

oh wait that's nost lmao

daily grinds v3
raiding is dead

>rank 34 level 900 UH artifact
>horde on alliance dominated pvp server



the daily grind is even worse than ogri'la, netherwing and that spore faction

The game isn't nearly as much about preparation (Attunes, rep grinding, etc) and is more about execution raids have plenty of mechanics now.

Raids are completed faster because it doesn't take the death of your social life to obtain gear.

Between raids you can get gear through mythic plus dungeons. You speedrun the dungeon against a time limit. Faster you complete the dungeon the more chests you get at the end. Dungeons have levels which go higher as you complete them.

Couldn't tell you about pvp because I don't do it.

You choose your spec at level 10 and learn abilities for that spec, you also have a talent tree for only your spec but it's split up into 7 rows of 3 and you choose 1 in each row.

There are flying mounts now but current expansion content doesn't have them enabled yet.

Inflation has done silly things to gold in this game.

>horde on alliance dominated server

How do people ever let themselves get into this situation unless it's something they're actually looking for.

I did the Kurenai grind and I thought that took quite a while, then I had a look at the others and I gave up.

I was new to legion and thought world pvp was like other mmos where there is objectives not just FFA outside

other games have bonuses/disincentives if you stack on side too\

little did i know it was just 90-10

ret pally or mage

>MFW Nost won

Ah, my condolences user. Consider a server transfer if it gets too horrible.

I don't even get what this gif is trying to convey, it's just some retard who can't hold still with their phone

Why is she so happy?

Because Nost won.

>It's a pc@ episode

how do I change this channel

When should i d

>Have a job
>Have actual goals that you don't just give up on
>Have aspirations in life

not that hard

>Every faggot and shitter at skyhold has their bis legendary
>I don't

>being THIS mad

You'll get you legendary when you stop giving a shit about legendaries

>When you snipe the tier 3 just right

That's what a typical Nost player does.

I'm playing cataclysm, I'm already level 85 and the fucking trainer doesn't want to sell me the fucking thing to level jewelcrafting beyond 75, anyone help pls?

T3 is ugly though

>using a pre-WoD title

I've gotten 2 god awful shit legendaries so far.
I just want a good one, since I hate being out dps'd by shitter who are legendary carried in my raid.

You have to get the training to do things beyond level 75 in the profession. Go to a trainer in a major city.

I just said the trainer doesn't want to sell it to me for no reason

Yeah stop caring. If you were good you'd be outDPSing shitters anyways

good shitposters: spitty, sawicky, runeheal
bad shitposters: everyone else

Sawicky is awful
Spitfire just PvEs
I miss Runheal.......

>good shitposters

I wouldn't say he's a good shitposter himself but it's easy to shitpost about him

Have you leveled JCing up at all? it needs to be 50 before you can learn the next level then you can learn recipes after you get 75 points in the profession.

Anyone know if this effect works on Blood?

What can crit aside from Death Strike?

i figured it out I was trying to level up enchanting at the jc vendor ty for trying to help my dumb ass user

no problem, I've done similar myself way back when.

Can an Arms Warrior help me out? I want to get into PvP but I don't know specs/builds/rotation, etc. I'm also very new to WoW PvP so I need some basic rules, too. Thanks.

Blood Plague, Heart Strike leech from trait, and Consumption don't have critical heals. The damage just crits and you heal for the critical damage.

So no.

Use FR build for arenas gives more burst damage

and use the overpower build for bgs and rbgs

use bladestorm to avoid stuns and get out of roots

don't waste your charge on stupid shit either

good shitposters: samefag, samefag, samefag
bad shitposters: samefag

Any US / Horde want to spam heroic dungeons or anything?
I'm a dps and only dps since I'm a one trick pony.

Vjera here, AMA.

are you single

>see a priest as a dd role for m+

fuckin dropped lmao

>Have you signed up for Nost 2.0 yet bros?
why sign up already got my account there.

Ask in the guild chat ya doof

don't use best girl for your avatarfaggotry pls

with love, anonymous.


I've been using Misato since before Veeky Forums was a thing.

are you looking? I've always thought you were best /wowg/

That's fine but could you please stop now.

Aren't you dead

sure, sent you an invite accept it my dude and lets go

i cant wait to see what you guys post next

this game is ded

Not right now, no.
My heart stopped for a few moments.

I can't heal and shit-post at the same time.

>Not right now, no
Well you're still the best to me. Keep being you.


so exciting right keep posting please


>dumb whore pretending to be a girl that people actually like

I don't know how you can even tell

>ausshitter thinks spriest is bad for m+ 7 and up

well I may be approaching 10,000 dry Dark Whelpling kills but I'm getting crazy lucky on these fishing pets.

I will give you mine if you want.

>dumb priestcuck trying to defend his class never being invited

i will literally never invite a priest for a m+ in any role

you mean the one I gave you


Just as bad as the degenerates tbqh

at this point i'd be tempted to say sure since there's not even an achievement or anything, but I doubt you're on this dead meme server

I don't know you.

> Pretending to be me.

Sure you don't.

You didn't name the Spectral Tiger Cub I gave you, either.

>being in a guild literally full of sodomite filth and deviant degenerates

Oh shit, yeah probably not.

lmao who are you orbiting?

>still over a month until Nighthold

kill me

Excuse you. Apologize. We are a guild of pure Aryan Trump supporters
