/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

>Free login campaign (December 1st - January 4th)

>German summer event (November 22nd - December 12th)

>Tokyo Fanfest (December 23rd - December 24th)

>Patch 3.45 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXIII Update Thread

>Stormblood Expansion Teaser

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

>Previously on /xvig/:

Other urls found in this thread:


Jealousy edition when?



>censors fuck
auto-blacklisted for idiocy

I stand at the door to Idyllshire on my Goobbue mount. It started as me fucking with some attentionwhoring BRD on our server by covering him up, then I just ended up afking there every night.

How does one become an ebin?

Into the trash it goes.

why are there 2 discords ?
And which one is best ?

Oh just realising the place I am in life right now which is stable, safe and earns me decent money is not where I want to be!

>implying you standing there is actually blocking anything
What server? I wanna call this fucker a faggot.

So the guy messaging you, is it the attentionwhoring bard?

Neither. Stay away.

First one is the "official" discord and the second one was made by Amber and has no rules.

Right? Not like you can't...pass through my mount. I must be triggering his RP.
Nah someone completely different, never seen him before. The bard is a guy named Bakerian Rhapsode.

then change it?

Is catboiposting over?

That's the grave digging part! Time to pack up my belongs and move from all the people who care about me.


>has no rules
You say that like it's a bad thing. Why is the official Veeky Forums discord censored?

Not every post is me...


It is, fuck off to /lgbt/

Catboi posting is secured.

It's over
Don't do it anymore

Good morning everyone, what's on your agenda today?

To vomit after seeing your character.

I don't have the goobue. Is it hard to obtain? Maybe he's salty you have it or something.
Damn, not on that server. What data center is it?

Have fun, I hope you lose some weight over it!

I'm a cat

Primal I believe.
It's a mount from 1.0, can't get it anymore. It's totally apparent that's what he's salty over.


Is it fujo hour?

absolutely disgusting

>tfw still no fujo friend

Good luck!

It's a lame mount really, just get the beast tribe one.


c@s are cool

First one is the 'official' one and has been around for over a year.

The second was made by someone who got banned for spamming and flooding the official one about 6 months ago.

They flooded the discord with bots and spammed the thread with posts and would do this any time the Discord was in the pastebin. They spent weeks if not months whining about the 'discord hugbox' but then went and made their own discord anyway.

is Shitbrix a valid gobbie name

Yes you are :3

>Shithai trying to trigger chemo again

Where did you play user?
Disgustingly beautiful yes?

What hat is that, is it dyable?

if you're a male gobbie


>Seihai trying to trigger me again

Sky pirate of aiming, it's dyeable.

I checked and don't see much requirements for Goblin names. Honestly this is about it:

> An "-ix" ending on a goblin's name designates it as a male goblin while "-ox" is for female goblin names.

Like an another user said you would have to be male.

ok cool

kys lily

wait so Quickthinx is a special snowflake?

>tfw wet pusspuss
where can I find some good dick that's not on balmung

Ah, that would make sense. Blacklist the fucker.

Maelstrom's kind of sucks.


So, they haven't said if there's gonna be any new jobs/classes in the new expansion, have they?

Not my meme

Huh I never noticed it but yeah it's either that or a flub by the translation team. What is his name in Japan?

Is girldick okay? Cause I have one needing some love over on Gilgamesh.

Spuki give me room money

to be fair, with the whole prophet complex he has, it's not too much of a stretch to believe that he considers himself special enough to break naming conventions

Get off my server

why did you breakup with renascales

why did you break up with stratosscales

why did you breakup with neascales

why did you break up with satoscales

I love male au ra so much


What happened to that stupid grey raen that would never shut up about it hurts to live

It stopped hurting
Everything just stopped

Post potato

Yeah sorry.

No way. I like it here.

The (You)s. Looks like it worked.

yeah looks like you're having fun by yourself

Why did you transfer to Gilgamesh?

because he's a manchild who can't deal with his problems and instead runs away from them

Thread status: Yellow
Possible thread derailment detected
Chemo status: lurk mode

You're one to talk stratos

ultrash boogeyman strikes again

Post what you are listening to

I know.

No reason in particular.

go to bed stratos, you have carts to push in the morning

go to bed puttel, you have to fuck your pig in the morning

why did you namechange to run away from you pariah status?


puttel boogeyman strikes again



What's your favorite skin color?

Where do I sit if I want to be /pet without asking for it

On my lap...


In the "free to a good home" box, you stray

Making myself taller music.

Rolling for african queen.

Red Earth!


I'm just calling you a stray cat. They tend to get a lot of pats, but no one to take care of them.

Amazon Chocolate.

Mother Miounne still lets me stay in her place...