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Quality OP good job

Me on the left.

A link to the previous thread:

No shitty engines this time. Good

Webdev > gamedev

in your dreams, pleb

Where's your game?

I stayed awake.
Lets make progress today boys.


>random unrelated anime pic
not nearly as bad as some """gems""" that people shat out lately but it's bad

What are some good gamedev-related books to read?
I have loomis, animator survival kit and a C# book.

>he didn't notice the agdg logo
Shameful display to be honest.

I know you guys probably get this every day but where do I start?

In short, I'm educated in film faggery but I realised through the course of my studies film wasn't my passion. Games were.

I know nothing about games design, programming or anything beyond very base level mods(Literally changing damage values).

I'm thinking of just picking up a game engine, setting out a goal to make a very basic turn based shooter and going about it by running head long through the walls and walls of tutorials I'll no doubt need.

How to you make velocity change with direction in Unity? I don't like this keep-sliding-in-old-direction thing that happens. I want it to feel like changing with transform.Translate, but with the bonus physics stuff.

i could scribble agdg on a turd with a toothpick, take a pic of it and send it as the op
it would be equally related

>new thread
>same guy complaining about engines in OP
>same guy complaining about anime in OP
Don't you ever get tired? How about getting a life?

jokes on you op, i'm a different guy

So how about that Unity, huh? Isn't it just the worst? Am I right?

joke's on you, I'm op not the guy you're replying to


joke's on you, I'm someone else completely

Do it faggot

Darker waves yes no ? ???

game design patterns.
gems of game design or gems of game programming or whatever it's called.
Those should keep you busy for the next 5 years

reminder to all who are participating in Ludum Dare, to test a web build (even with just the default empty project) and where to upload it and everything.

that sounds like a decent start. I know there are youtube videos specifically on gamedev, maybe someone can recommend them to you

yourengine + tutorial on google is probably good enough, as you learn you'll be able to google the more specific things

Why don't you make them move to the left?

If you want to make 3D games then either Unreal Engine 4 (Blueprints are good for beginners) or Unity are good enough choices.

If you want to make 2D then you can try GameMaker and some people also recommend Unity but I've never used it myself for 2D so take that as you will.

Once you choose an engine just stick with it for a couple of months and google beginner tutorials for it, all 3 of those should have plenty of documentation and tutorials by this point. Remember that small scope is super important, and that it's better to dish out several one-level small games (Tetris, Space Invaders, generic platformer) than working on one large game. (At the beginning)

I plan to make them flow.

take me to the internet, i wish to shitpost /agdg/

I've implemented the basic controls, and started working on the camera of the game. is this good or should I scale the character down a bit?

background is a placeholder

Alright, so I want to make 3D games in future, so Unity 3d would be the one to go for, right?

As for small scope, I'm literally just thinking Chess with guns.

I also assume making your own engine is for people with 4-5+ plus experience and something I, for now, shouldn't even be thinking about. Right?

what about two feet for the little guys? it's a bit hard to read

throne looks good though

why wont pug dev give himself and his baby bleach yet?


okay, I need common items and useless items ideas

empty bag of cat food.

when i turned on my computer it was to grind away at some bullshit game but i smashed that Veeky Forums button and saw this thread

its thanks to you guys that I will dev this morning

Changed the town to be about cube chickens, added a new enemy that is a cowboy chicken, it spins in a circle and if its sight bounds catch you it will shoot at you.

I added a tumble weed enemy as well, its just a tumble weed with eyes. My next goal with this level is not only to add the puzzle cubes with their goals but to make the insides of the buildings (will have a couple NPC's relating to each building) and hide a switch in each building once you hit all 3 switches the wood floor/street outside opens up and you enter a small underground cut out section that ends the level.

Man, I've always assumed doing cinematic animations is extremely difficult, and I was right.

>Alright, so I want to make 3D games in future, so Unity 3d would be the one to go for, right?

Unity or UE4, yes.

>I also assume making your own engine is for people with 4-5+ plus experience and something I, for now, shouldn't even be thinking about. Right?

Of course, assuming your goal is to make games. Plenty of people just want to learn coding better and they pick up enginedeving by themselves, but for them making games is a means not an end. They won't care if 2 or 3 years later they have no game made.

Every morning every day you need your cadence

you should make the character cuter

And last question, big thanks for your answers.

Should I do anything in regards to C#/C++ or should I just learn it through learning to make games?

better when its moving?

yeah, it's better

Learning to program is a feat in of itself.

I'd personally say that trying to learn:
>coding fundamentals
>game coding concepts
>a 3D engine
all simultaneously, it'll be a hell of a task.

Not to mention that a UE4 tutorial probably won't explain core coding concepts as well as a tutorial specifically about them would.

Hmm, okay. So I'll stick to the last two in your list.

Programming is not that hard to learn.
Art is the whole issue.

>design patterns

Are you not using the game logic?

Threadly reminder that Justin Trudeau has made, completed and released a game while you still haven't

First you think that programming is about learning a language, I, too, fell for this. However programming is algorithmic thinking. As with poetry you can describe a feeling or an emotion, with a program you basically describe a set of events. Like you can not just say "walk on the ground" to the computer, but you have to define walking, you have to define what does it mean to touch the ground, you have to find an efficient way to check this in your code etc. Some like to use the recipe metaphor, as in programming is just like that: you write a cookbook.

There are games which can help you get into this (, or there's a pretty good book called the Art of Programming.

After a while, the language won't matter.


That guy is either the biggest bullshitter ever lived, or the most based leader there ever was.

No, I'm not. I just wanted to see how the Matinee performs before I bother wasting time on my own cutscene maker with in game logic.

I don't know how to use game logic in matinee though if there is a way.

I'm pretty sure all the people who say programming is "easy" don't really know how to program.

The fact that you made babby's first platforming collisions in GameMaker doesn't make programming easy.

programming is easy


No one said it is easy, user.

What's a good frame rate for animations? 60 frames of animation per second isn't really practical for a lot of reasons...

2D animations?

Programming is not hard =/= Programming is easy.
Everything is not just black or white.

And you'd be surprised to know that not everyone can make the babby's first platforming collisions in GameMaker, this is an achievement. A small one, but one nonetheless.

Yes, 2d 3retro5u pixel sprites

You're not writing an operating system or enterprise grade software here, user. If you're doing something where programming it is hard, you're either retarded or doing something way out of the scope of a typical indie game, or probably both.

Programming is fucking hard

Anyone got tips on "comfy" ? Looking for anything on google to get the brain juices flowing but it seems comfy is just a meme word and I can't use it to find answers.

Guess I can only use what I know...

Right but his point was that making babbys first platforming collisions isn't actually learning to code

youtubing and googling how to do specific things and copying that isn't actually understanding programming.

It's a decent enough way to learn, it's basically how I did, but there's a difference. You should absolutely also do programming tutorials that teach theory from the ground up.

I only use BP in UE4 because I'm a joke, but that knowledge is invaluable. Even thinks like pointers which I'll never use. Understanding programming requires a lot of things to come together, a lot of knowledge and understanding.

How much resource management is too much? I was thinking of making a mage class which generates unaspected mana through one set of spells, aspects that mana to an element through a spell or an action, and consuming that aspected mana through higher grade spells. There is a maximum of 9 orbs total and this would be on top of managing traditional mana costs. I'm afraid it might be too clunky, but I suppose I can see for myself after I implement it, probably?

Comfy is entirely subjective so yeah.

Those are usually just 8-16 frames, and each frame is displayed for enough ms to make it look good and smooth. Sometimes it's even fewer, like in old RPG maker games a walk is just like 4-4 in each direction.

This is one of the many things that make programming hard. You have to know so much just to understand scope properly.

>go to marketplace for your respective engine
>find comfy scene
>base game around it

You can invest in your game user, you're going to complete it, aren't you?

If not

>go on cgpeers and download asset pack for free
>if you actually complete your game then buy it for the license


There are different forms of comfy

Roaches are gross

Gameplay can be more important for comfy than the environment

e.g. Euro truck sim

The planes instead of having this "swing" motion should shake very tightly IMHO, the air at that speed doesn't make you wobble slowly.
In the cutscene the moving plane stays almost still, rolls 70 degrees to the right and flies off only afterwards. The maneuver should involve both of these motions at once. It starts rolling while soaring and stops just as it adjusts.
I made a little scheme here for a one-cut cutscene. Some motion blur and slight shaking could make it juicier.

I wish I had 4 hands :(

>Programming is not hard =/= Programming is easy.

>IMHO, the air at that speed doesn't make you wobble slowly.
It's the pilots correcting trajectory. Have you ever driven a car before?

Honestly if you're planning on doing this for long term and don't want to just mess around, I'd recommend at least reading a programming book, or doing some programming tutorials before picking either Unity or UE4. You need C# for Unity and C++ for UE4.

As the other guy mentioned, the language itself is not really relevant, it's the "programmer mindset" or "programmer logic" that you need to grasp, so you really don't "waste" any time even if you decide switching to another language later on. For C++ I recommend "Jumping into C++" , just torrent the PDF or something. It's a lot more beginner friendly than Stroustrup's books.

Haven't read C# books so can't recommend any on that part, if any kind user would be willing to give their 2 cents it would be nice.

Have you ever driven an aircar before?

how do you even make a game without programming? you are not gonna get to a finished game without programming at all I wager its impossible

Programming with GML seems to be a 2 steps forward 1 step back type thing

I made it so when you are damaging an enemy the animation changes to be slower to show a registered hit, I want it to cancel after a few seconds so you can't be constantly attacking. but alarms in GML kind of suck.

learning how to over come this.

What's the point of asking yourself such questions?

I'm asking the thread

There are plenty of games on Greenlight where the submitter didn't even do any game development, let alone programming

Don't be silly, comfy was made from "cozy + comfortable", it's not some alien word that spawned itself from a void.

And it means exactly that, though some people misuse it because "comfy" is a "good feeling" so they use it to describe any "good feeling" even though it's incorrect or inappropriate. If you ever see someone say "yeah went to beach with all my bros and there were people everywhere, shit was comfy as fuck" then kick him in the baboons cause dozens of sweaty people together in the sun is neither cozy nor comfortable.

The only thing comfy requires is a dangerous or inhospitable environment for contrast. Example: cold outside, warm inside.

You don't know what you are referring to lad, that's done at a much slower pace and with more than a motion on the side, in user's cinematic it's like they're floating on water and they don't even slow down while rising. Look at 5:05

Are you stupid? It's obviously possible all you have to do is pay someone to program for you.

That's programming, user, hid behind cute colorful boxes.

Yall know any other idea what to call accessories (items with effects you can equip only 2 of) other than accessories

With RPG Maker

Artifacts. Talismans. Depends on the setting, really.

hes a bastard, that fireball sun thing
i like it.

might need to remove a skelly though, since there's a little too much shit going on

why do the Ludum Dare themes suck so bad? 33 and 36 were outright terrible, and 34 was one vote away from being unsalvageable.

if we end up with shit like "wait are we the bad guys?" i'll still join, of course.
but I'll pick a different theme for my entry, scoring be damned. i'm here to make games, not write stories about the nature of morality. fuck that pretentious shit.

just wait for comfy jam

Modern day setting

what if he took some sort of inflatable sofa thing and laid there on the warm sand, covered by a parasol thingy.