>not tailgating just for fun and to test your reaction times
Low T beta cucks
Not tailgating just for fun and to test your reaction times
>only tailigating but not hitting breaks when someone is tailgating you
Low T beta cucks
>ABS+handbrake+down shifting
react to that in time.
You can't.
People like you are exactly why accidents happen.
When someone's jammed up my backside on the motorway, I like to drift from side to side and see if they get the message. If they don't, I do it harder until the back end kicks out. Then they learn.
On regular roads, I just coast down to 20MPH to see how mad they get. At night, because the HIDs are blinding me, I have to stop and block them until my eyes adjust.
>swerving to the point of losing control to get your "message" across.
>stopping in the middle of the road in the nighttime to get your "message" across.
>"People like you are exactly why accidents happen."
Lmao. I hate tailgaters as much as the next guy but some of you out there need to cut back on this civilian traffic enforcer shit.
Not to excuse tailgaters behavior, but nearly every situation I see in my area (on the highway) is because of someone in the left lane not keeping right except to pass.
I only tailgate for a couple of seconds at time to make drivers realize they are going under the speed limit on the left lane.
That shit it's so common here I'm thinking about getting an LED sign installed in my windshield
i tailgate everyone on the road. i have to be in front. it literally bothers being behind someone, even if he's going resonably quickly. i want to follow my rhythm undisturbed. i overtake everyone. i have literally never drove more than 1 mile behind someone. if there's a slow queue behind a truck or something i start overtaking cars one by one with risky overtakes squeezing through them.
if i get behind someone going slow and i cant overtake them i start yelling after a minute or so, and i will do anything to get in front. ive often done overtakes so aggressive the person in the other lane had to stop not to have a head-on. i might be an asshole but whenever im passenger with other people they always take twice the time to get to a destination
..... are you serious?
yes. i also queue jump at lights literally every single time, overtake in roundabouts, overtake on the right,. i regularly hit 130 mph on motorways and i wait until the last second to brake if i see someone merging into my lane. then its a compilation of tailgating, hazards, and, after a while, horn until he gets out of the way. this gets some people angry and some of them even brake check, i then in turn overtake them on the right and brake check them right back.
I tailgate cause I drive a Subaru and its nice to see cucks move out of the way after seeing the bonnet scoop in their rearview mirror
I like having a fast car.
>live on two lane road in rural southwest PA
>because of oil and gas and redneck culture in general, brodozers everywhere
>drive 15 over the limit and still get tailgated
>usually pull over to let them pass
>after they pass, i tailgate them for a mile or too and then pass them
>they usually get pissed as fuck, but are too slow to catch up
Yeah, fuck you redneck faggots in your brotrucks 2bh.
please never drive on a public road again
but ive never had an accident
and when you inevitably do, I hope you're the only one that dies
you sure about that? i think im pretty good at this. ive been doing it every single year for three years, i dont think most people could manage a week of driving like me without having an accident. also having a fatal accident is pretty hard and rare thanks to how safe cars are nowadays.
>cruising at 15-20 over limit on windy road
>single lane that goes expands into two, for a few hundred metres, then back to a single lane, rinse repeat
>bro truck tailgating me, can see him already struggling at this pace
>slow down to 10 below limit cause this faggot is starting to annoy me
>tailgating intensifies
>road splits to two lanes, brotruck aggressively overtakes
>let him ahead
>spool turbo, overtake him and merge ahead of him before it forms back to one lane
>slow back down to 10 below the limit
Whew. Almost had me for a second
Wrong pic lel
its all true bro. its probably a medical condition. makes me very angry feeling like im wasting time.
>trolling brotrucks
>turbo spooling
Mein neger. See, you know what i'm talking about. It's the little things in life. :^)
Kek it's hilarious putting your foot down and losing the brotrucks knowing they can't do anything about it :')
Contrary to what you were told growing up as a millennial, you are not a special snowflake. You do not have a "medical condition" that makes you angry if you're "wasting time."
Your just an idiot that is going to seriously hurt or kill somebody someday
i hope not. what i worry about most is scratching my car. clipped mirrors once. it was a 2 way single lane road, pretty wide, closed the overtake 1/10th of a second too early and clipped mirrors with the guy i overtook. it was 150 for a new mirror, dont want that happening again
Okay tyke that's enough computer for the night.
Get some rest you've got a big day at school tomorrow.
not night in europe bro. 3 pm here
my father's also been driving like this for like 30 years and only had 3 incidents with other cars. he was never found at fault in either of those as well
I ain't that guy, but give it a rest son. If you're gonna throw bait, make it remotely believable.
all of what im saying is true. perhaps driving in america is different. there are quite a bit of cunt drivers here in europe, especially where i live (italy). im just cunty to an extreme and so is my father and we are at the wheel. unless my mother is also in the car. hes been driving like a cunt for 30 years, had 3 accidents and ran off the road twice.
Bro cut it out
You really think anyone would buy you and your father driving like Mr. Magoo for 33 combined years with no accidents lmao
i said he had three.
>ABS+handbrake+down shifting
I will enjoy watching you spin into the central reservation though.
which is not many considering he does ~ 45k miles a year. he has to travel long distances for work
You live in Italy but are able to mess with brotrucks?
that wasnt me. i would never be a faggot like that. if i see someone that wants to go faster than me, ill let him overtake, then see what he's got. i can count on my hands how many times that happened
is everything bait to you? lmao. you cant believe a person would travel 45k miles a year?
nice memes bro, how many more of "le bait" memes have you got left?
Idk. How much more do you wanna share about your pretend life :')
ive got all day
You are what's wrong with America
>americans doesn't understand the left lane is for passing only
>city skylines traffic
>obsessed yuropoor has to bring countries into this
>not aware there are other continents than America and Europe posting here
You sure are american
>At night, because the HIDs are blinding me, I have to stop and block them until my eyes adjust.
A rear-facing work light does wonders for that.
So does an intimidating rear bumper with a Reese hitch and a triball or pintle ring. People picture what it will do to their toy and back off.
Best was driving a repo truck with push bar and wheel lift. It's hilarious watching people look at you fearfully when you pull into a parking lot not knowing if you are coming for their overdue vehicle.
I love my rear mounted light bar on my shitbox 4x4.
topkek user top fucking kek
> OP has never watched someone die.
Oh, to be 16 again.