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2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/
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Installation: wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php/VH/Setup
FAQ: pastebin.com/ZtDHt64k

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Gonna split fox games and the google drive games because waiting on these MEGA bandwidth limits to clear is tiresome when the gdrives finished so quickly.

torrent incoming

>playing h-game
>simple system, simple rules
>am so fucking bad, just keep fucking up
>so bad i feel nauseous and almost cried after setting up a long combo but having it all ruined by a dumb oversight of a simple rule

what game?

The previous thread is this one Nobody's gonna update that ghostbin, huh?

Orc Castle

I was the same until I stopped trying to make "beautiful" combos and just went with the easy ones, like saving at the very start and try put several tripping traps in front of her that crashes on a enviroment trap, then make the girl run in circles until you recover the sp for more traps.

Ok guys I've stopped translating futaring because the other collab guy began to shit on my fetish and other games I translated (NTR)

Sorry for the normal people that wanted the translation.

>the other collab guy
>other games I translated

Good, futa is degenerate af, only NTR is worth a damn.

Who the fuck are you talking about?

I am the translator here that is working on the capture scene and I have not seen any discussion/comment ect on the sheet like what you said. Nobody gives a fuck about your fetishes.

If you don't want to continue working on it, fine but please don't make shit up.

For my part, I've got some real life shit to take care of right now but I'll do what I can to make sure translation is finished by the end of December.

Calm down, man.
He's going all out with the bait.


Answering the guy who was playing VPM in this thread.

You need to have quite a few lewdness points.
If you want that specific guy to pop her cherry i would recommend fighting monsters while naked (be sure to have the Protection Magic activated, dont fight back when they try to grope you or fuck you in the ass), go to those vents in the city since they will flip your skirt and show your panties or vag, fall into traps in the dungeons an just continue playing and getting more events.
Once you have (i think its about) 150 lewdness try talking to him again and always choose the bottom options.

I played one of the later ones by the circle which wasn't translated. Thought it functioned mostly the same and set up a ridiculously long trap which had a silly huge multiplier that one hit ko'ed her from near full health. Immediately got a game over. Fuck. Seems you weren't actually meant to beat the heroines in that one.

>141 GB of VNs, 3D dress up games that get boring after a few hours and a hundred of poorly made RPGs
These packs are utterly useless without an actual list of games in them.

Where's a good place to learn japanese sex slang that you'd find in eroge?

finally out, been waiting most of the year for this, god I hope it doesn't suck.

>male protag
>multiple girls

It sucks by default already.

Any good yuri games?

The only time I dislike multiple girls is when they are not fleshed out and only have 1 scene each, there is literally no reason to hate it for no reason, it's not like it's NTR or scat.

You have a list of the actual games you FUCKIING GG RETARRFDDD

The only circles that are yuri centric are Nyaatrap and Tsukinomizu, but Tsukinomizu is more of a mix between tentacles, futa and yuri.

>make the absolute irredeemable weakest unit in the game that gets wrecked by level 1 skeletons
>make all units automatically focus on going after him and ignoring all other units to get to him
>make him mandatory in half the missions including the final mission with over 100 enemy units
>make it an autogameover if he dies

You said there was a list of actual games. Where's the list of actual games?!

in the link r tard

Countless translated games about my fetishes when?


>tfw no game ever does bdsm right anyway

I feel your pain(not with bdsm though)
Whenever I read some scene I should like, I keep thinking how I'd do it differently and better

>yuri vampires
>corrupt (money/morally) nuns

It'll take a few halloweens but I can wait

You know what sucks the most?
If I write my own scene, even if it's better than the original it still doesn't feel the same as if someone else had written it.

not that user, but I feel the opposite. my biggest loads come from my own ideas or what-ifs from someone else's work.

Now imagine if you also did your own art for the scene
I swear fapping to fantasies is much easier and more satisfying then trying to pursue your ideal scenes in some solid form

ded already

I wish people like you are tripfags.

Ironically, it shitposters started name/tripfagging they'd get LESS attention nowadays, what with filters and such.

Is there an up to date translating guide?

I only find old shit with out-dated software.

I've been looking around for over 2 hours.

Please help a fellow user out.

Name of that?

I think that's his point.

Ok, hgg2d, let's settle this:

What are your three favourite zones, starting with the best?

1. Slum

2. Secret cult hideout

3. Bandit fortress / bandit lair

1. Own room
2. Street
3. School
I guess it would sound very boring to most people.

1. Battlefield/Arena

2.Church/Religious sanctuary

3. City/Town

1. slum
2. dungeon
3. forest area

i'm suprised there's not more people with slums or cities high up, most games i've played have a bunch of scenes there

What am I missing and how do I find it?

Pretty sure someone answered to that exact question last thread. Something about getting kicked.

absolutely not what I expected.

What do you like about your own room? I mean it's a bed, a closet and maybe a table. Genuinely curious.

my nigga.
Slum is best area.
Especially combined with exhibitionism gone wrong.

It's very specific but girls getting naughty on the internet really get me going, also being caught masturbating, being peeked undressing...


Agreed, but it's usually a bad sign.

These are indie devs, so they're on a short budget to begin with. Most of them will fuck up even with female protag, so them succeeding with the harder male protag would be unexpected.

>Netorare Imouto Misaki
>can't climax when having her first time with her brother
>climaxes when working part-time from having her nipples rubbed by the old man owner's elbows

Old men are sex gods in hentai.

My feels organ is destroyed

>Rural Town
>Forest/ Lake area


fox files from mega

Her brother is awful at sex and has a tiny dick while the old man is a sex master

noise, thanks user.

>Her brother is awful at sex and has a tiny dick
At the very least that's not true

1. Farm
2. City
3. Orphanage

Is there a worse feeling than playing an h-game thinking its an h-game, but really its just an RPGmaker game with nudes every like 2 hours? I feel dumb investing like 5 hours into Maple Climbs the tower and getting to the point where theres nothing but exposition and combat but no fugging. The girl was cute too so I kept hoping for something good.

Most of it can be inferred from context while playing the actual games. It's not rocket science.

Basically 90% of the games I play.

Feels even worse since I usually end up making a partial for myself before starting the game (which takes like 30-minutes or so) and then after a few hours find out it's never ever going to get good.

Please tell me how you would translate "ecchi kimochi" during a sex scene senpai

Anyone have a mega of the most recent update of Parade Buster? It looks pretty great.

So, what are the best NTR-RPGs to play?

And this is why I only play games with combat sex.

They're all boring shit in my opinion.

Any big changes?

Feels especially shit when you don't even speak moonrunes

>spend over an hour doing the last mission in the new SRPG after spending like 6 hours grinding everyone to level 30

I'm not quitter but fuck this, I'm downloading the goddamn CG set, he has over 100 soldiers and when he starts to lose he goes full retard and decides the best option is to blow up the kingdom instead of letting his brother have it
fuck that faggot

I think only new weapons, extended smothering dialogue, and the new girls pictured. But they look great, which is why I'm asking.

I told you it needs context.

It could either mean a kimochi that is ecchi, or an ecchi that is kimochi(ii).

Thug Hero Party

google m1zuki

Why is elf village rpg not in the pastebin?
I'd like to know if there is a translation, so I guess not.

have my lewd over 200 and still can't trigger this event. any clues?

have my lewd over 200 and still can't trigger this event. any clues?


None of the pastebins have been updated for half a year, no one bothers to do it.

Wasn't there a new Future Fragments demo? Anyone got a link to that?



Is this level the only chance you have of getting the amazon chick?

You get her two levels later, but only if you don't kill her on this one.

Thanks. She didn't join after i completed the level so i thought i messed up

It's not out until I can pirate it.
I played the trial and it made me suffer from not being familiar with Japanese in general and Japanese history in particular. It's atmospheric as fuck, but sex is very scarce (even if it wasn't a fucking brothel) and half of it is you watching the girl gangraped several hundred years ago. Also it's still same old 640x480 RPG Maker struggling to be a VN engine and BGM suppressing speech.
Yes I'll nitpick because the better the game is the more this technical incompetency of devs hurt.
One must be a certified weeb to enjoy this fully imho.

So this is how a faggot with a degenerated sense of taste looks like, huh.

Where is the recollection room in Parallel Fantasy IF+?

Maximum homo, burn it with fire.
I'm especially salty about this one because the dev went full faggot mode after making Cherry Crysis, Reuninon and Fleur, all of which were different kinds of good.

Why none of actually good games are getting discounted in the current sale, I would have actually bought this one.
By the way, Pronant Story from that circle is also as good as DSS, but it's getting remade now, so wait for it if you haven't played it already.

>no DLsite RJ/RE work numbers

>no titles

It's almost like you don't want anyone else to seed them.

anyone happen to have a mega with PHantom Knight english version by Masurao? Because I can't find it properly for shit

What do i need to run a wolfrpg game?

A computer.

Japanese locale or an emulator (such as NTLEA), sometimes custom fonts.

1. Forest with
2. beach and
3. mountains nearby.
Applies both to RPG Maker and Minecraft

1. Pub
>There are games with pubs but no H taking place in there

2. Slums

3. Any town while naked

Speaking of missing English versions of games, I'd like me some Ona-Ken! -International-

Gaben was too much of a pussy to sell it despite it being greenlit (what a surprise), so I can't even enjoy my regional -75% discount for a castrated all-ages release.

This looks pretty good. Is there a translated version?

I found the one on nyaa but I don't think it is in English.

Any suggestion on the best Tsukinomizu game?

>look at artist's works from 4 years ago
>artist has a nice, distinct style and his stuff looks good
>look at artist's current works
>generic shit
Pic related is before > after. I hate when this happens.
The worst part is, he deleted his older works from pixiv as if he was ashamed.