Ahri is a pure waifu edition
Ahri is a pure waifu edition
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>only play soraka
>learning anything
yeah, he should play adc,top,jungle,or mid
i guess he learned a lot about those too!
>no snowdown yet
The waiting is killing me. All I want to do is roll a cute legacy poppy.
When is snowdown starting again?
learning the game isn't about what champion or role you're playing. you're just dumb and have some idiotic idea that supports don't do anything and you post about it a bunch because you're unironically autistic.
What's the best way to improve. I started at the end of season 6 and i'm trying ranked for the first time. Always struggling against gold level players in lane worse cs, getting ganked, dying.
There is no snowdown shop this year
If I get offered all-star Akali I'll buy it, otherwise not buying any rp
Play a bunch of ranked
Can't really say anything based on meme fest that is normal games and so far you have been doing pretty well in ranked.
Expand your champion pool. If you practice only one champion, that's good, but first you have to get familiar with the basics of the game, and you can only do that by playing a lot of different shit.
Ummm lolbabs?
>no snowdown shop
What? Can you back that up
CLEARLY jungle alistar is the pick that will replace Leesin
Well, I haven't only been playing raka, it's just the first I've gotten to level 7. It has taught me to keep my silence ready for champs like mf or yas after lane to completely negate their ultimates and save people. Banana slinging in lane from the botside bushes makes them waste their trinkets on those bushes instead of the rivers, making it easier for my jungle to get some. I've learned how to properly dodge thresh and blitz hooks, or at least to silence where thresh will be/where blitz is to minimize my adc's fuck up. Idk friend, like I said I'm new and just trying to minimize the damage I can do to my team while being as helpful as possible. I haven't even played against/with all the champions in the game yet.
lulu buffs hwen
>First game, I took Lethality runes instead of AD and had no early game vs a Trynd. I got shit on
>Second game wasn't even a game. Both Chrome and the legacy client crashed at the same time and my cpu got hung up. I had to restart, and take the remake-loss
>Third game, I ban Annie and I have to fight my main counter, Yasuo
>I win because I took AD runes like my dumbass was supposed to do in the first place
Hey, at least this shit is happening in Dynamic Que 2.0, right? right? >__>
Some tweet or forum post, I remember reading it on s@20
>6/4 in promos
>go from Plat 4 to Silver I
kill me please
> >_>
dunno it was mentioned on like one line of one ff20 article that i cba digging up
Supposedly it's not coming back in favor of bigger/more general deals in the shop itself (read: more bundles)
actually I forgot why I made this webm
You're doing fine. CS in lane is just practice, play more and you'll get the hang of it. Learn how to trade and punish farming and cooldown usage.
Your cs overall is quite low, I imagine you aren't farming properly lategame. It's hard to really learn how but just try to think about farming past 20 minutes, it's super important.
Warding is very important and while you are ok, you can do better.
Not dying really requires practice, you need to know matchups and who can 1v1 who at what point in the game.
Expand your champion pool
More like displace the leesin, am I right?
Your farm is pretty significantly low for the game times. If you're gonna one trick a champion, you can't be slipping in things like farm and deaths.
>builds cinderhulk
>doesn't build any HP
you are retarded
and no, rylais doesnt count. go echoes next time
Cutest girl in League
Prove me wrong
What do you guys think about Hecarim mains?
>the only one with any brains on red had to go against the thinking man's champion
wew you worked hard for that one
tfw no big dick gf
Reposting cause I want opinions
>play yi vs lee sin
>team makes a bunch of mistakes, lee is 7-0 by 16 minutes
>we win anyway because we have twitch and 2 tanks
>i eventually get enough farm so i can join in fights without instantly dying
>he had 77cs by end of game, i had 280
so how are your placements going?
i have exactly 4800 IP, should i take brand or zyra?
>posting pictures about a game played on August 9th, 2015
you had 282 farm, not 280. Is everything else you said a lie too? I bet you died to your krugs.
You are building yi really badly
build should be tank boots+bloodrazor+bow early core, then build tank boots/bloodrazor/bork (out of bow)/cleaver/DMP/MR item of choice, usually hex or visage/GA
Also, don't do exhaust/smite again
t.D5 jungle main who plays him a lot
i want to BULLY shyvana womb until its as large as a watermelon
Brand seems fucking OP right now
I was getting there
next deadmans or randuins
tyty was a struggle
user you'd have issues filling a shotglass in a week.
>August 9th, 2015
>not even congruent with the other """""""dates"""""""
Here is a (You) for your troubles, you poor bastard.
>d5 trash giving advice
soraka is unironically THE autistic "i heal u lol" champion
who says i cant bully her for some days in a row then stop? otherwise i would need a new man part
So, is Kog ADC good/playable yet? I've had a few games where I felt pretty strong but I'm a mediocre ADC at best. Kog used to be my fav ADC before they ruined him with that shitty gimmick, but now he only feels like a shell of his former self, with the ulti changes and mana cost on W. Currently building Tri BotRK Rapidfire IE.
>playing league so often you can't understand a joke
wew lad.
are you the only one in the oce lolg club
There's nothing that Kog does right now that any other ADC doesn't do better. Play him AP mid or not at all.
>ten whole real dollars to unlock baneposter singed
aaaaaaaaaa i dont need it
I have 6300IP who should buy?
Do you think I build that stuff in that order? It's obvious naruto boots bork bloodrazor are core.
Kog might as well be in Azir/Kalista tier atm
are u ok
opinions on what?
The last panel makes absolutely no sense in the context of the other 5
Art is standard "so bad it's funny kinda" tier
>>playing league so often
I got the joke, I was just taking it a bit too seriously, as if someone could be that retarded :^)
Its these final exams man. Ill be glad when next week is over.
what happened user
rune pages :)
>finish season 6 at gold v
>7-3 placements
>silver 1
I'm okay with this. Was expecting way worse.
Good luck out there /lolg/. I believe in you.
Best OP
That is not being disputed. Re read what I said, and think it over.
>such palpable anger
>I feel like i can relate, somehow
What happened, friend?
>Start playing Kayle
>she has 54% win rate top
Does this mean she's going to be fucked soon?
Is this because NA lost in the all star?
'Cause they played pretty poorly
not unless they nerf her ult
after dyrus makes a video about it
Syndra nerfs when?
but supports dont do anything worthwhile
No, she'll get nerfed after some pro starts playing her and all the redditors play her.
t.Kayle main
So a shotglass is 1.5oz
The average watermelon is 318 ounces worth of fruit. For arguments sake, we will ignore the shell/skin.
So if we continue from the speculation that you would struggle, within a weeks time, to fill a shotglass then we can assume your maximum yield per week does not exceed 1.5oz, however we will generously assume you can output a maximum of .25 oz a day.
Since you proposed to take a break every "some" days (we'll call it two), it would take you between 4 and 5 1/2 years to "fill shyvannas womb until it looks like a watermelon"
in whatever twisted fantasy world that you can actually do this to a fictional character, of course assuming your semen does not leave the body making your debauchery even more disgustingly rank, her fury would have eventually built up long before this and she'd kill you instead.
No she just can't carry as well as you think. She can do great dmg but relies a lot on her team because of the massive utility she brings. You can be fed as fuck but if you're the only one doing damage it's sort of meh. Kayle excels when there is at least one other fed person on the team for ult/heals.
Am I a good goy yet?
>being alive isnt worthwhile
Next patch senpai
it really isnt when you play a useless shit role like """"support""""
if you consider it useless you dont understand the game
also this game is not for you
>liandry's only had time to proc once
Yeah, they need to get on this champ. Not one of those "full guttings", but a nerf at least.
Anybody got tips for effeciently laning with a garbage support? I at least want to be able to cs
Kayle has had over 50%wr and had the best wr in top laners last season.
I belive the only reason riot dont nerf her its because shes rarely played.
>save ungrateful cucks like this all the time
kill yourself
cs better
Git gud
>Riot will never understand that picture
>We're stuck with people spamming reports because their tiny ego took offense from a teammate saying "Can you place a pink in river please"
I heard placements are fucked up right now so I wouldn't bother playing unless you're d3 or above
>Go mid for once instead of support
>Both of bot goes afk less then five mins in
This is why I play mage support to avoid shit like this.
>"Can you place a pink in river please"
>"WTF you still havent warded that fucking bush?!!! REEEEEEEE!!!!"
>"afk at fountain this fucking support doesn't know how to ward, so what if they keep clearing it and pushing us to tower buy another one, don't leave me alone in lane to buy one REEEE!!!!"
fucking lul
>play a warwick game for the first time in months
>can't do anything before 6 apart from secure dragon
>by the time i'm useful my bot has fed, top has fed, mid is just about going even and they have a 9/1 hecarim running about
now i remember why i stopped playing this shit champ
I-i am not a slut!
>be a support main since s4
>never have issue with anyone telling me to ward, becuase I know my goddamn job
>I report people who hate for literally no reason and are cancer in general but most of them are on alt accounts / hijacked ones
it does feel pretty good when the community agrees with my opinion, as well. it takes a lot for the cancer to be too much, so that all the cancer rallies together to get someone punished
i actually thank my support whenever it isnt a bumbling retard
cucks, thanks for the (you)s
Zhonyas, banshees, and hexdrinker
Also build some magic resist and don't feed
Not too difficult
there's literally nothing wrong with being a slut
Don't worry, we know
The people who play you are