Duriel Edition
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>Diablo 2 spam filter
>Old D3 OP
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Duriel Edition
>USWest or USEast?
USEast or Europe.
>Channels to chat with other anons?
Try 'd3g' or 'op md2ga' (on east)
>Diablo 2 spam filter
>Old D3 OP
>Previous thread
I'd like to congratulate and thank everyone for the 4 or 5 successful Diablo 2 threads; thought this would die within 50 posts.
God Bless and Praise Jesus!
Sweet Satan, we are on a roll.
Yea keep jumping in portals in unsafe zones like that
I've heard that summon necros can take on ubers, and tips for making a cheap but viable summoner?
What weapon and what helm would you recommend?
i-i don't trust 150 ping to battle.net to play hardcore
Is panic alt+f4 a good option in hardcore (battlenet) or is it better/safer to save and exit from a game?
tfw duriel didn't give you a chance to respond to his question
xth for 194 hp
>Is panic alt+f4 a good option in hardcore (battlenet) or is it better/safer to save and exit from a game?
This is not PoE.
Why is my literal nigger of a merc not attacking anything
Nevermind. Nigga has to level once to start attacking
I don't understand
Save&Exit I'd wager. It's also pretty easy since the button is huge.
Thanks. I just remember there was a way to do this without sandboxie. You used some modified file and passed the the cd-key-file you wanted to use as a parameter.
enjoy your steak
Is the EU necromancer still here? You can get the tiara for free ;_;
Spirit PB
4os Dusk
+1shapeshift GC
Are any of these worth more than their charsi value
dusk depending on defense
GC obviously worth something to someone
saracen's to make a poor paladin 5% happier for free
>63 hp
Another EU necro here, I couldn't really even use that because I still need the light res from my Lore lol.
I've been playing a lot of LoL but seeing this thread really made me want to start a D2 save again.
Fucking Duriel though, I don't know if I can deal with that shit. My only tactic for it has been to stack perfect emeralds in weapon for insane poison damage.
Uh yea I;m still here. Tbh that tiara outside of that +2 skills is pretty shitty, no fcr no resists, but I can make use of it.
You could put an ort in a rare helm, too.
I'd use the fuck out of that circlet if I was on EU. +2 skills is great and teleport is immensely useful, but the most important thing is that all helmets look ugly on most characters except for circlets.
>poison damage
>can't get past duriel
sounds about right
Do you mean MASSIVE poison damage ?
Based duriel keeping it clean
First duriel norm when you don't have shit from MF runes is tough.
You don't have to try and appear all cool like you never died to duriel in your life, it's anonymous here, your reputation means nothing.
duriel is easy as fuck m8, just drink 5 thawing pots before the fight and spam health pots
Is there a recipe for downgrading the quality of an item?
>mf runes
thanks for the bump
I meant runs obviously
God fucking damnit, get some transmogs, this is triggering me.
I recently bought Diablo 3 for PS3 because it was cheap and jesus christ how frustrating the game was back when normal rifts cost 5 fragments.
Also no Greater rifts so your endgame was literally rifts and bounties.
>no Greater rifts
So you're missing 90% of the game
>tfw you have 5 more buttons than a Hammerdin but manage to be even more boring
So I figured some stuff out: you have a decent chance of buying a bone wand from drognan with raise skeleton, skeleton mastery, and/or corpse explosion only if you're exactly level 13. Then you can make that into White for the skeleton mastery and corpse explosion bonus.
Is that a good idea?
I could probably get an arm of king leoric if I really wanted to but I'm worried the bone prison would get me killed and I'm playing hardcore.
I'd have a teleport staff on the switch.
I don't think white is worth it for summon necros. +summoning, +necro skills or +all skills are the best because they buff up your clay golem, summon resist and revives for minimal hardpoint investment on top of buffing the skeleton skills.
What should I use then? Spirit sword?
>have four ramaladni's gifts
>nothing to use them on
Just save you ramalamadingdongs for future use.
If leoric's is 2spooky, then spirit or hoto or a rare wand with some good shit on it I guess. I think leoric is regarded as more or less best in slot, though.
Use King Leoric wand. +2 to necro skills, +3 to raise skeleton +3 to skeleton mastery.
It's dye he needs, it's not an awful set up just awful colours
I always go for archon transmog, on any character.
Is it possible to build a decent melee zon?
>le EG is bad
Gulag on suicide watch
yuros on maximum damage control
Vanishing dye.
All day every day.
tfw blizzard slowly killing off diablo 3 with boring copy + paste seasons
>b-but we get necromancer next year!
just no
>blizz slowly killing off a game
they tried that with WoW but all it did was make it popular with normalfags that only have time to play 2 hours a month, and buy insane amounts of boosts and pets off the cash shop.
Because D2's ladders died so badly due to being the exact same thing every time.
Which one of you fine gentleman want to help me kill diablo on normal difficulty?
Drood Is Poor
The problem is, keeping up a stream of consistently good content for more than a year or two after a game is released is very difficult.
People on the team eventually want to leave and try new things, and you get a different dev team that might not understand the game completely, and definitely won't have the same set of skills and designs the original team had.
Honestly I think it's better to make a great game, maybe give it an xpac and then leave it to be remembered as a great thing forever.
Running it into the ground trying to keep the wheel turning forever is just kinda jank.
Diablo 2 needs buffs to shit and/or ridiculously gear dependant builds (99.9% of anything you can build) that anyone who has played the game for a long time could easily point out and some intern fucking codemonkey could edit in within a day, tweaking attack rating and defense mechanics, bugfixes like making mana burn not do 255x the damage it's supposed to, and increasing drop rates of top level stuff by a considerable amount so playing solo selffound without literally cheating is possible with more than 0.01% possible builds.
That would give the game like a decade of two of more lifetime because everyone wouldn't be forced into running the same five cookie cutter objectively best builds all the time. I'm one of those guys who plays the mage in every game and I can't even look at the D2 sorc anymore because she's so boring and pidgeonholed.
what realm boi?
>enigma is made with jah ith ber
>guy wants enigma for a ber
what did he mean by this?
maybe he made a shitty enigma with a shitty armor during first week and wants an upgrade
What if you want to make Beast or Infinity bruh, you'll need that ber :^)
Why do all diablo 2 guides only list a single weapon? This includes guides with enigma so it's not because of a teleport staff on the switch. Wouldn't it make sense to have, for example, claws for traps and a weapon for kicking on the switch? Or a throwing javelin for lightning fury + a stronger spear for melee damage? Or a wand for summoning and a wand for poison/bone or simply switching to beast after summoning?
You're reading shitty guides m8, I see switch weapons in every guide, even on wikis.
Hey i need help on some quests on East SC Ladder.. i'm a cold sorc on hell.
Why the servers are so fucking shitty?
Anybody want this? It looks decent but I can't bring myself to vendor it for that price if someone else could put it to good use
I guess you could sell it to a double swing barb that wants to farm hell maggot lair with those phys immune swarms
You could use it on an assassin to kick gloams to death.
>seeing gloams on hell
>not pressing save&exit immediedly
>tfw merc can now easily kill physical + light immunes thanks to venom from treachery and enchant + cb from obedience
Assassin has Cloak of shadows, blinds the fuckers.
I don't think enchant adds much damage, just a ton of AR. And I don't think CB works on phys immunes. So yeah, thank treachery.
wew, venom seems really strong then
Max Skele Mages or Revive?
I feel like Revive is much better but I'm only NM so what do I know.
respec into poison nova on hell and grind The Pit for all eternity
Fuck lads yall made me want to play d2 again
I'm considering putting points in bone wall or bone prison instead of either, mainly for the boost in bone armor.
Revive is worth only a couple of points at most. Every point gives you one more revive, but they have a shitty time limit and keep wandering off and poofing instead of leashing if you don't have enigma, so even with one hard point a bunch of +skills with bring it to high enough level.
>respec into poison nova on hell and grind The Pit for all eternity
Are you trying to meme me?
Well, I don't even have one point in Bone Armor desu. What I am doing. I need more hotkeys for all this shit.
True that.
The Pit doesnt have poison immunes except for rare undead poison enchanted
It drops same items as chaos sanctuary or worldstone keep
I personally dropped Zod there, multiple griffons and other meme shit
>still playing d3
What the fuck.
it got boring once my numbers went into billions
id rather play d2
feel free to ask about literally anything about this game
maybe except pvp and item prices right now
where are your charms, bud?
I found an ethereal 4soc Monarch, does the ethereal part make it worth fuckall?
No it's still good. Eth items have a lower str requirement so if your build uses a cta+spirit on switch for BO and that's the highest str requirement item you have it saves you some strength points.
who hc here
I want to beat ubers with a hardcore necromancer with minimal gear. I'm pretty sure summonmancer is the way to go (with crushing blow revives) but I'm not sure what gear and stuff I should focus on. What level of summoning skills should I aim for? Should I be stacking resists? Anything to watch out for?
I'm playing a necro so spirit doesn't seem that relevant for me - can't sell it, then?
spirit is even good on necro unless you land some sick rare head or homu
but its >eth so its fucking useless
The Monsterlevel is over 89 or something, thats why the highest items and runes drop there.
Should i use a Frostorb Sorc, a Tornado Druid or a Skelemaster to farm ? I'll definitly play the Druid and the Nec, not sure about the Sorc yet.
go with druido then
>it got boring once my numbers went into billions
I feel you.
The number inflation in that game is fucking crazy, which would be fine except for a) They fucking scale and b) The numbers keep popping up.
Like, if it wasn't scaled and they kept that shit behind the curtain that would be fine but seeing 100k to 1m to 10m popping up incessantly is just flabbergasting, and not in a good way, in a "Is this really necessary" way
my best hit is like 65 000M so theres that
I don't think I have gear for that shit. Aside from that dagger with +poison skills and +3all from the rest of gear,
you'd be surprised
its my go to farming place with every new character i do
its also tons of XP
orb / nova hybrid soso does great there
so does poison necro but its slower because >travel tiems
and you can do that with shit gear because zombies and skeles are far less dangerous
only things you should be carefull there are stuff like fanaticism arrow skeles or conviction aura
Do you use alot of mf gear or do good uniques still drop without 200-300 mf ?