Common Sense Pastebin
TDM Teams
Ohio and Chile
Official Veeky Forums PS4 Community
Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
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Common Sense Pastebin
TDM Teams
Ohio and Chile
Official Veeky Forums PS4 Community
Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
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First for fun and aesthetic
spent like 90 minutes trying to search for a transparagus or guardshroom and there was none to be found
Would've had her with 1 for sure
Hanekawa thread
If I buy DM from US store, will I have them when if I play the game on EU account?
Kill all quests aren't bugged, the haters just kill somebody and your quest is fucked
>If I buy stuff on a different account will both accounts have them.
Think user. Really think about what youve asked. And feel shame.
>level one hater with fists and no armor managed to kill me
That's clearly a bug, dipshit. It's completely out of your control whether or not a hater aggros on an enemy long before you arrive.
Buzzsaw hast the best goretastic finisher
>sleep with 40k on bank because i forgot to spend it
>not a single invasion
god bless Chile
Ohayo is struggling to beat Juggalo Jungle, step it up you guys. I'm MI and I kidnapped one of your hunky boys, I'm not leaving the waiting room, he's mine now
>push saw into head
it's one of the more boring ones
>Decide to start playing again since I finally got rank 2 characters
>Come across 4 blueprints on floor 11
>Head back to base
>forget my express pass ran out
>3k to travel inbetween floors.
They need to make that initial fee round trip. Stat. Fucking christ. I refuse to be shoe-horned into PvP
never talk shit about my weaponfu again
captcha "kill agency"
>not the revolver
also holy shit fists PLZ
>get it to 15 finally
>150% attack bonus
how high does this shit go?
Chile best country, also after the rape we gave them they dont dare to attack us
Good job anyway senpai
>has captchas
user you fuckin faget why arn't you a plus member?
360% on rank 20
I'm using a premium 50% stamina reduction drain from dodge rolling and a premium 30% one together. My fighter without those decals had rolled 5 times before getting exhausted can now roll 22 times before I get exhausted. Now I'm just rolling everywhere to travel from A to B on my floors =')
Did some testing, with 30% decal alone it's 7 dodge rolls before I get exhausted and 50% decal alone it's 9 dodge rolls before exhaustion.
what's the best way to shit gold?
Damn, good try user.
>giving Asian moot money
i keep killing my previous fighter but he just dies, why am i not getting him back?
Ingest it.
Sup Spergs, how's being lonely? Lmao...Its me, Chad Thundercock, and my bitch Stacy.
Why do people act like the game is a flawless masterpiece when complaining is the only chance we have of actually getting shit fixed? I would like to be able to do all those broken quests one day
it's the default wepon son. it's gotta be stronk to be at least somewhat viable.
Just did my first waifu beheading. It was Ohio so I'm gonna assume it was one of yours
can i access the floor 11 boss by taking the elevator to floor 11 or do i have to go down from 12 every time?
>Come back while getting raided, boring ass slowmo fight
>Finally over
>Immediately into another
I could've made like 4 times what they stole during that 6 minutes. It wouldn't be enough to revive my guy, but it would be enough to make me a bigger target. Yay. I hate this system
>Its me, Chad Thundercock
>name is actually Chadthunderdong in pic
Pretending to be your popular brother again?
once you unlock the gate you can take the elevator
>you don't need to kill GOTO to get to 25, retard
Why are you against us user, are you some sort of homo?
>no one has found or made a good rip of ARCHAIC RAG STORE's song yet.
feels bad, senpai
Ohio Gozaimasu!
I didn't see anything in the pastebin, has anyone figured out the secret to finding stamps? I am trying to clean up the first 10 floors before moving on but I cannot find a single machine on either floor 6 or 8, it's driving me nuts
I am a massive homo, I'll behead your waifus and kidnap your hot boys. MI STRONK WHOOP WHOOP
What's the matter user, stamps got you stumped?
Is aynone else feeling psychologically exhausted from playing this game?
You have to manage your characters, you have to manage your durability, you have to manage your money, you have to manage your SP, you have to manage your defenses, you have to manage your TDM score, any of which you can get fucked over on by either the vindictive self-absorbed playerbase or the money grubbing developers, and getting set back in any one spot can ultimately cascade into fucking over every other thing.
I set my T3 level 75 lightning rapier striker as defense for my base overnight and surprisingly defense succeeded about 12 times, but it also failed like 16 times, which made my rank drop from 2700 platinum to 1100 1600 gold. I set aside my T4 striker that I just unlocked the abuilty to buy, to level one of my other T3 striker to add another defender to the base, but past F2 dev haters are now all katan wielding clay armor geared level 98-100 that I cannot even scratch with my level 5 T3 thats in progress of leveling, so I basically have to grind COEN and F11's GOTO-9 but every time I go to one of those floors I get raided and about half the time defense succeeds but the other half some bronze manages to shit all over my defender in the process taking a crapton of my point, my revenge list is now basically full of silver medals that got there because they managed to raid me.
I don't know how much more of this shit I can take bro, I guess I should just masturbate
threadly reminder that this is the best song
Sure you do, shortcuts to bypass him don't unlock until after you kill him.
Its called decision fatigue, it happens to me to when I play games like the newer fire emblems and Space Hulk. Having to manage 12+ fucking units individually every turn makes me turn the game off.
Threadly remonder that failing a raid doesn't jeopardize your premium decals.
Maybe stop worrying about defending and TDM for a while?
The game becomes soul crushing in a bad way as one shot deaths continue to become more common while you need 4 hours to revive a character or 2 hours to go grind a new one by going to the same floor over and over to level after every death
>war ensemble green metal
someone help me out
I think he might be talking about an alt path from akami, but i'de much rather beat the boss first.
floor 16 jin die
You are a nice person and fun to be around. Other people enjoy your company and find you agreeable.
Don't you just love the feeling when you finally find a blueprint you don't have on the lower floors?
>woke up
>cat puke on my floor
>can't figure out if i wanna drop 60 on a new controller, Odin Sphere remake, or Nioh preorder
>coffee tasted a little bland
>ohio and michigan are battling
>michigan is putting up a great fight and pounding your boipussies
>kidnapped some guy named SCREAMING from you guys
Today started off shitty, but it got better. Michigan stronk WHOOP WHOOP
Thing is I just reached floor 25 and difficulty is real, if I don't have enough money in the bank to accomodate elevator use, new gear, and other shit I won't be making it anywhere, and I can't have shit in the bank until I can defend it, and I can't defend it until I level characters, and I can't level characters in TDM for some retarded fucking reason, and I keep getting invaded while I'm leveling in the tower, its just a vicious cycle dude, not to mention they removed fucking dev raids from the list so now the handfull of us that are higher rank are the only way the countless low rank people can get up in rank, and TDM is the only reasonable way to make money, fucking should have studied as a kid so I could go to MIT and make a fucking AI that can flawlessly manage games to put F2P practices out of business.
forgot pic
thanks lad
fuck off nerd
Threadly reminder this is the answer to all your questions
the only way is to explore and find them. its a pain that they dont respawn so unless somebody writes down every one theyre really hard to inform people about. ive only found 1 post floor 11, im not using any that ifind though because i want to make a solid guide on locations of them all once i have higher ranked characters and can explore.
>Can't find a Michigan fag to raid
I want to bash some skills in, come on now.
>Scratch Metal supposed to be plentiful
Killed a bunch of those slow blade-robots and not a single drop.
I got stuck in this loop too user, don't worry, focus on leveling characters, just go to Coen, the gold and or blue metal you get for killing him and the BP in the next room will pay for the elevator.
We're playing smart by staying in our waiting rooms and raiding all day
make me, you bully
How do I have the most effective raid defense possible
Don't you have a refilled ebt to waste on steaks and ribs?
This, plus there's no safe way to grind new characters because there's strong haters on any floor.
I still enjoy the game, but it's starting to get irritating.
What's the metal bats r1 do?
Quick parry
Is there a list of all boss drops/metals locations yet? I need Candle Wolf and Milk Black Metals
I took tier 3 strikers, farmed coen about 7 or 8 times each and maxed STR and HP gave them a machete and sent them to defend. Its has worked flawlessly so far, turns out 7 machete fags will really put a dent in most players. Not to mention that fighting 7 guys back to back can take awhile and 1 guy ran out of time.
Whatza matta, yuh don't lllyke a liddle steak n ribs?
What connect to Heimo-Jima? Trying to make my way there now.
It's a bunt attack. There's an enemy in the game that throws baseballs. If you bunt one of them and run around the bases and score a run, you get a trophy.
newfag question:
what does it mean when someone sends a hunter?
Thanks Senpai.
Someone sent one of their fighters to attack you so they can get money, they are usually no more different than a Hater
It's a bunt, read a baseball manga and you'll probably get a few chapters explaining how it's some kind of super effective forbidden technique.
Should I do machete + crossbow or dual machete
Ha holy shit alright.
Defender -> Striker -> Defender -> Striker -> Striker
Give em all memechetes and tank decals.
Defenders being harder to kill lets them stall for time, if they take too long then the striker comes in and they double team.
That said, don't bother with defense at all if you aren't at least grade 3.
>Steam Iron's R1
God damn, how is this even fair to anyone else
Never go ranged + melee.
What happens is that your fighter just mostly uses the ranged weapon and they are awful with them.
If tdm ranks do reset the system is doomed to leave everyone at bronze as more people quit.
Yeah, I saw that one. I guess I was trying to figure out where that lower line connected to. But for now I'll keep going up the WANOKI path and see if I can loop back down from there.
Honestly, bias for either side aside, who do you think will win MI vs OH?
>tfw knife R1 punish machetefags
OH has been ahead for 15 hours, it can probably stay ahead for another 9.
HAHAHA it fucking worked.
Got rid of the gorillion DOD arms blue metals I had sucking up my storage space.
I use it against machete fuckers, they can't do shit
If a Jackal appears on one floor and I leave that floor, can I immediately return to the same floor and reset the timer?
Wait, are dev raids gone permanently? Where does it say that?
I just reached reach tier 3 fighters and wanted to train up some defenders so I would stop dropping to bronze.
yes, that's usually how it works in every game
It doesn't say. The game thinks there are too many players in bronze and silver so it won't list dev rooms. gotta be gold+ sorry user.
No, you can never go back. In fact, there are jackals in this thread right this very second. You should leave, now.