What's Veeky Forums's consensus on this lad's new show?
What's Veeky Forums's consensus on this lad's new show?
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Good fun.
Anyone expecting a serious car show can fuck off, it isn't meant to be serious.
There is already a GT shitpost thread. Look up in the catalog you blind fuck.
Pretty good so far, the constant repetition in episode 2 got pretty annoying but besides that it seems to be a return to form.
The celebrity bit is a waste of bandwidth, and the american driver isn't very good, but these are small issues
How does someone so rich have such fucking bad teeth? Even third worlders have better oral hygiene
because british
I like "The American" but they need to move on from "he thinks x is communist" and do some other American jokes
Just feels like watered down Top Gear but I'll give it two more episodes to see if it gets it's own rhythm.
I'm surprised it only took two episodes for Clarkson to make himself sound like an idiot.
>praises the BMW for having no adjustable settings, says adjustable cars are like restaurants where you have to make your own food
>oh, look, every part of the Vulcan is adjustable, you can modify every aspect of the car to suit your tastes
its almost like the cars exist for completely different reasons.
>Look up in the catalog you blind fuck.
It doesn't have Grand Tour or GT in the title. So you can't search for it.
Veeky Forums even fails at shitposting
It's actually surprisingly entertaining IMO. However it's not much of a car show anymore. When Clarkson said no other car comes close to 1hp-1kg I got a little triggered.
Clarkson is not a great car journalist, he is extremely biased by praising everything british even if it is shit.
>he is extremely biased by praising everything british even if it is shit
Aside from constantly taking the piss out of the British motoring industry.
I'm pretty sure most of Veeky Forums lacks the capacity to understand sarcasm.
Love it.
The lads are having a larf pissing away Amazon's money.
Good for them. Life is for laughing.
t. I'm May's age
It's shit
We're streaming the new episode right now if anyone wants to watch.
only 15 minutes of the second episode is watchable
Oh yeah, its on the channel list. Second button from the bottom left.
I was wrong, we're on episode 1.
>Some critics even attribute Clarkson's actions and views as being influential enough to be responsible for the closure of Rover and the Luton manufacturing plant of Vauxhall.[61] Clarkson's comments about Rover prompted workers to hang an "Anti-Clarkson Campaign" banner outside the defunct Longbridge plant in its last days.
Implying Rover cars weren't complete rubbish.
Wow u beat me to it. I live in ky, small town, not well off by any means and my teeth are sooooo much better then his. Do they not have dentists or orthodontists over there?
I don't understand where the massive budget went. Not on creating funnier content anyway.
Be 60
Chain smoke
Drink gallons of tea daily
James takes no shit from anyone
Well, the P6 and SD1 were great and the grocery getters they built at the end were quality cars (if you change the HG)
what about the beer? He has a prominent beer belly 2bhfam
I thought the first episode was pretty terrible. Not the worst episode of "top gear", but probably in the bottom half.
But I'm going to keep watching. The second episode was fantastic. Better than the first in every way.
I liked the way they did sort of the local major news for the area they were in in the second episode (which wasn't in the first)
The driver's monologue shit was incomparably better than the cringey stupid shit in the first one.
The lap was done much better in the typical top gear fashion than the stupid camera work on the M2 one.
The first episode's showcase of the track was just... really bad and thankfully that's over with.
More funny shit.
I just would have liked them to showcase more than one car. It was just the Vulcan. Each episode is like an hour long, not the "34 minutes but an hour with commercials" standard tv episode.
>The celebrity bit is a waste of bandwidth
Ugh yeah. Like what the fuck.
charlize, no.
Are those his actual fucking teeth?!?!?! Fuck
James May is a team killing fucktard.
Probably my favorite parts of the skit.
The little banter about Top Gear was the highlight of episode 2 for me
yeah I mean who doesn't like the E type Jag. Give the guy some credit.
"He thinks donald trump has some pretty good ideas"
"He spells colour without the U"
"His favorite food is fried pizza"
Thank you someone understands
It's ok but shit compared to Top Gear. Top Gear when they where still the hosts that is.
A massive cringe all throughout. Actually didn't manage to sit it out. Lost it at the bum fumbling part.
Top gear is dead, GT died in the womb.
They seem to exclusively cater to retards, 8-year-old, but especially to retarded 8-year-olds.
What a fucking trainwreck.
So far some bits were cringe worthy.
I wonder when they will lower the level of the cars they reviewed. They always get too hyped up when reviewing a hyper car.
You can praise all you want about a 1m million pound super car because you will never buy it. But once they start reviewing a 100k pound super car they can be more objective because they can see themselves buying that car.
The quirky not so car related stuff have always been a coin toss. In episode 2 it was ok.
Some of the best ones were when they take a 2nd hand car and do tests and modifications with them. But it looks like they wont be doing that and just go for the biggest and best cars with their insane budget.
BBC told them they specifically cannot have a celebrity segment, leaderboard for celebrity lap times, or have the celebrity drive a car.
The new track is shit. There's no runoff areas, so you can't go as hard as you might with certain cars. Since the driver is "The American" why not just do the hot laps at an American track like Horse Thief Mile? Then viewers could go out there and compare their times with the leader board.
First episode was good. Second was poor. I am still positive about it. Lets hope they dont double down on the "making a comedy movie in a car show".
literal normie shit. Never see them relaxed and geniunely make jokes they wanted.
> the hosts become unusually ecological as they attempt to create cars made of truly sustainable materials before taking part in what’s billed as a green motorsport event.
I'm holding my judgement until episode 4; that seems to be very old TG.
worse than top gear. shit show for the lowest common denominator full of zero calorie producer jokes.
You have to admit that dead celebrities is pretty funny.
First episode = Was ok, still a top gear clone in every aspect but relatively pleasant to watch.
Second episode = Staged garbage, a complete waste of 1 hour of my life.
I'm glad I'm pirating it instead of paying for watching.
It got kinda old the fist episode.
The first thing that came to mind when he said that was the Koenigsegg One:1
Its literally in the name for fuck's sake
I like how they banter with the locals
1st episode was okay
2nd episode was bad
I already knew the military part would be shit after I watched the trailer so no surprises there. Hopefully the next episodes will be better stuff.
Also them sitting at a table in the studio is uncomfy as fuck compared to old Top Gear.
Also "So he's not coming on then" is not funny, stop it.
where did you get that from?
you might literally be autistic if you couldn't grasp the difference.
So, how do the exercises actually work? Do they use blanks, or rubber bullets? How can the people training tell whether or not they've been hit? Ditto for the "terrorists" they're fighting
Rarely, simmunition.
Exactly. And the Hennessy Venom GT.
But he said nothing else comes close. Grrrr.
Fuck off BBC
I've seen every episode of TG (new ones) and Fifth Gear off torrents.
I have Amazon Prime. I have 3 amazon fire tv sticks in the house
I haven't seen any episode of the new series.
Nuff said
The Vulcan comes with a team of mechanics that set the car up for you, apples to tables.
James' antipathy toward the Crown will never not be amusing.
But the way he sucked every imaginable dick off P1 repeatedly bringing up its British origins, only for it to be the worst of the trinity is noticeable.
I liked it apart from the repetitive nature of the military scene, which almost seemed like filler
100% needed more queen bantz
but for fucks sake they were in south africa
where were the car alarm flamethrowers?
or the indigenous armor like the ratels or a rooikat?
>MFW no olifant
They tried to make it for an American audience and by doing so they ruined it.
Not too fond of how heavily scripted some of the big pieces (like the whole military test thing) are.
Still hope they'll do some more stupid challenges in stupid/inappropriate/cheap cars. That was the best part of Top Gear in the first place.
>they could have done a "build your own alarm/anti-theft system on a cheap car" challenge
>we missed Clarkson fitting fireworks to the passenger seat of a beaten up Opel to protect it from thieves
>not making the american wreck small imports
>not giving May volvo to modify every episode
>not letting Hamtaro do something with didges or mustangs
>not making clarkson do off roading with a stock f-150
missing so many opportunities
>got kinda old
they needed to dose it out like pic related
but they played it out the first episode
>okay all your guests will die, we get it
>Veeky Forums
E03 and E04 takes place in the UK and it's a Italy road trip and a car-building skit respectively. Hopefully, it's back to them fucking around since they're back on home turf.
My opinions on the episodes
>Episode 1
M2 review was good, Hypercar battle had some good moments but apart from that there wasn't much that happened, though I excuse them because they had to explain stuff like the new Track, Tent, segments, etc because well, it's the first episode.
The celebrities dying bit was meh, it went on for too long but maybe it's just a one episode joke or maybe they will interview some celebrities in the next episodes
>Episode 2
Vulcan review was alright. Talk segments in the beginning & the middle were even more forgettable than last episode.
James's "spinning" trip was boring af. I get that they did it because it's some South African thing, but still. It's just people doing donuts in the same car, with some stunt driver tricks that have already been done to death by stuntpeople all over the world over the years. And also James had no reaction besides "You're constantly redlining it". There was nothing to that segment
Another dead celebrity bit. Oh well, atleast this one was pretty short
The military training bit was pretty fun atfirst when they went full Groundhog Day, though it got kinda old pretty quickly and the first part was pretty much meaningless. Part 2 finally went into detail with the car. James hating on the monarchy was also funny, though from that point on the segment went straight downhill. I didn't the "Hammond trying to stop Clarkson to review the car" joke and the end went on for way too long. Throughout the whole segment it felt to me as if the producers played some ArmA campaigns together, and then tried to replicate them with this episode or something. Imo it should've just been a review of the S8 but still with all the chase scenes and stuff to keep the connection between the Audi A8/S8 being the badass action movie car, but whatever
I'll give the next episode a shot. And if that doesn't improve, I'll just wait till the show is finished and watch some episodes when I'm extremely bored or whatever
Only because he's the one driving it. In older TG seasons where say, Hammond was the one on the McLaren, he happily mocked it. Basically, Clarkson considers the ones he drive as being the best while the other two's are rubbish. It's how it's mostly been in the old show.
How did they manage to make it more scripted than Top Gear?
>now THIS is jumping the shark
I agree. Fans have been complaining for years how bits are scripted but now they just said fuck it and made it all scripted without any of the subtly that was on TG. M-movie when?
>the worst
If you honestly think any P1 owner or anyone who genuinely likes cars cares that it is slower around a track than two other cars, you are a complete cuckolded virgin.
I swear if we dont get any TGT specials i am going to ragequit this series is shit
The writing during some of the sequences is really bad, especially some the low level American jokes. "Real" challenges ,such as the Counter terrorist training, don't seem natural, where as they could pull off similar scenes well in Top Gear.
The whole anti-American shit is annoying
I enjoy a good bantz like everyone else but there's no way in hell I'm going to watch a show hat constantly bashes me for being the greatest country on earth
Why do Brits like to make jokes at us so often, do you guys really hate is?
You guys didn't really fall for the meme did you? Like you don't actually believe America is even a good country let alone the best one...?
If the above is true then no we don't really hate you.
America is objectively superior to Britain at least. Your free speech is so damn limited and now kinky shit is illegal.
lol dont forgot who brought civilization to north america you buffoon
BBC marketing team on damage control
kinda trash
Because they're still based out of the UK so they had to find a course in the UK that wasn't overtly British because that would hurt the theme they're trying to go after.
Sure, but that doesn't respond to what I've said. How can you defend the advances your government has made into ruining the idea of free speech?
I guess they never really understood it, since we had to revolt just to get it....
can't stand that autist
Terrible, TERRIBLE scripted "jokes"