Rek'sai eats your waifu edition
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Rek'sai eats your waifu edition
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First for Ezreal, archaeologist, explorer, champion, and cutest boy in all of Runeterra. There is no one sweeter or more beautiful than he.
kill all yordleposters
>*insert poke damage champion here*
How do i get a T H I C C neck like this?
I won't bother getting all of the females/males in this game because some are shit-tier or their thighs simply aren't note-worthy.
lux is one of the more fun champs to get insanely fed on
only playing for skin, why did no one tell me you get to one shot people from 2 screens away on lux
I wanna hold Jinx's hand also Jinx canonically smells like licorice
Confirmed Zaun lore incoming most likely Warwick and Viktor and I'm 95% Jinx and possibly Ekko. Good shit.
Your waifu is going to get BLACKED by a time traveler.
You're about to get BLACKED soon user.
>currently 5-0 in my placements even with bot feeding early game in two matches
Feeling good but I can feel the losses creeping up on me.
>tfw you realize the more booty/thighs the more meta they are/might be
yoonie leaks when
thank god my taste isn't this shit
biggest problem wasn't his lore but Riot never actually talking about him again before he was reworked, but he still was far too isolated from any other champions
no, that would make H2K the winner of 2016, and anyone with half a brain can see they weren't the best non-korean team in the tournament
if you have koreans in the tournament they fuck up brackets and standings in groups
As far as I remember, in Anivia old lore she had nothing to do with Freljord, she was the spirit of an icy planet or some shit like that.
I don't mind races/characters being really, really strong. What I didn't like in old lore was that League of Legends and summoners like us, the players, held far too much power. Who is really the champion when I can easily control them? Who was the big bad of league of legends if not us in the first place?
Another thing that I didn't like was shit like nasus, if the point of the world is lore, having isolated champions makes it harder to make new ones
What's the verdict? Default skin means I just own the champ, no skins for them.
literally me
>people outright saying they are going to troll on champselect
>"i queued for support but im gonna go mid. i already instalocked yasuo. report me after game if you want haha XD xP :3"
>"we are 3 premade and here are the positions we are going to play even tho we got assigned different ones. if you report us we will all report you"
How fucking hard will it be to organize the league teams into lobbies like in FGs?
You had a great support? Stick with him if he wants to stay.
Great sinergy with your jungle? Maybe he has the time to do another game. No need to add people as friends.
Your AP Sion mid was fucking cancer? votekick him
Hovering yasuo on champselect? You know whats coming.
Really, what are the downsides? There must be some, but i cant think of any.
hey, is Akali jungle doable now?
holy shit stfu. nobody cares
You act like I'm scared of such things unlike some people I'm not that insecure.
In the current lore they hate each other or at least Ekko is repulsed by current Jinx more than likely they'll be willing to work together but they'll have mountains of grievances. I'm guessing Jinx probably feels betrayed by Ekko for something in the past meanwhile Ekko feels like the Jinx he knew is gone forever and can never be salvaged.
Why are you playing ranked within the start of the season?
>not playing Karthus jungle
Get the fuck out now.
Lulu is cute and adorable and i love her!
is there a more useless champion than malphite? just fucking picking nautilus for the same knockup and actual useful abilities
>be autist and start league
>first placements in season 6
>bronze 3
>depress and ate 3kinds of medicine for a year
>season 7 starts
>have trained one year for this
>bronze 5
>suicide incoming
>and then riot wonders why i hate their fucking shitnigger autist piece of shit game
For fucks sakes Pantheon is at LEAST A
>new client can do new game modes!
>still no lp showing after match
nice game riot
>Placements start
>I can feel I'm off my game and go 1 and 1 in my first 2
Not playing for the rest of the day, gotta wait until I'm not feeling tilted.
What do you guys do between games? I play Pokemon/Read a book I'm reading Solaris[\spoiler]
>Had Yorick shard
>Didnt give a fuck,Yorick is shit
>Now he is cool and looks fun as fuck
Should I get him? He seems so interesting to top and jungle,thematically and gameplay wise.
Whats with the low pickrate though?
>these huge-ass taliyah buffs
>Gold every season so far
>Get some really unlucky placement matches
>End up in Bronze II
Jesus fucking christ this is a got damn nightmare down here. No one bans annoying shit and you always have the chance to play against some stupid fucking smurf Yasuo player that shits on my top/mid. Meanwhile the retards banned shit like fucking Blitzcrank.
Gonna be a long fucking climb. This was the first season I played at the start, never making that mistake ever again.
autismal to play as
hes like tryndamere expect he scales like shit
He's decent at split pushing, has a good chunk of damage that people just don't expect.
most if not all antidepressants/stimulants/drugs will inhibit the performance of your brain in the long term.
Drink lots of water, do lots of sport, and you will improve not only physically, but also mentally. There's a reason why korean teams have fitness coaches.
Spinning Axe (Q) damage changed to [flat 30/35/40/45/50 + 65/75/85/95/105% of bonus AD] from [45/55/65/75/85% of total AD]
Blood Rush (W) mana cost lowered to 40/35/30/25/20 from 40 at all ranks.
For the love of god.
>buffing that sandnigger fuck with the brick nose
any other fellow LAS players? we could build a club.
Uhhhhhh LOLBABBS????
Holy shit those Draven changes.
He's honestly fun as fuck, but he runs a bit into the same issue as Illaoi: You've to hit your E.
What's your IGN name famalam?
>plat 5
thats why
Should I?
The way to climb out the fastest is to stick to reliable stuff and maintain a stable and unphased mentality.
is destruction man ok now?
does any champion fall off harder than shaco?
your mum after i kick her out of the bed
sounds like the perfect setup for a frail tiny white girl to get the bbc
Oh I know how to climb but never been in bronze before. It's not that much different from Silver or Gold but just really kill my motivation to play.
xth for b l a d e w o r k
If you miss your E with three walkers out you're going to lose trades hard. Also, he pushes like a monster and hopefully your team isn't retarded and can secure easy objectives when they send three people to stop you beating on their inhib turret and you either just walk away or take at least one of them with you.
>AP Shaco nerfs
>Draven buff
God bless.
>be playing for 3 days
>try to watch videos on how to play
>do poorly and people tell me to kill myself and spam adds after game is over
i can only imagine ranked
what are good resources for getting better at this shit game
>tfw got a glimpse of what bronze is like when the preseason began
suicide inducing, only won like 2/20 games due to getting assmad at some literal bronze retard running down mid
worst thing is they werent even doing it "intentionally"
I cant even imagine how boring of an individual youd have to be to play kayle
why, does she like doctor who?
"big black" is a myth, pushed by insecure little monkeymen
Better against tanks now. Will still get dumpstered by meta tops like le hammer midget of percent hp damage but can at least provide armor shred for his team while being very tanky
how long should i wait before doing my placements
play a bunch of bot games with champions you like
calling out to any LAS player, building club
pick a character you want to one trick (try and make sure it functions for the two roles you want to run) and play games being critcial of yourself, dont act like the silver players that pollute this general and blame everything but yourself for your losses, there are games out of your hands yes but you wont learn anything with that mentality
Will these make her viable desu?
Ahri is about to sneeze!
Will somebody get her a tissue?
>Banned Victor because I have having to team fight vs that turbo cancer
>Our mid cries that I banned his main
>He picks Cass and proceeds to try and 1v5 the entire game and flame me calling me shit/telling me to kys
I mean... I could understand if you declared you wanted to play him, but shit man. How am I supposed to know that.
I provided banter back by carrying.
Why do people do this though? What is the point of being a bitch for 30 minutes because you didnt get what you wanted? I hope none of /lolg/ does this
is singed only top? i like him but i think i'm too bad for him
i want to play nautilus top/support but he is super expensive, should i just one-trick him
also is support hard
singed is mainly a top laner but you could make singed jungle work if you need to, nautilus can also work in top/support/jungler right now and hes pretty strong with courage existing, support isnt hard but it can be since you have to be adaptable with your lane partner and you need to know when its safe to ward certain areas, its probably about as hard as top and jungle is harder because it requires more game knowledge
i've got a tissue for her :^)
thank you, this is a lot of information
there's a lot to take in for this game
I wanna do bong hits out of Lulu's pussy.
go your position anyway
don't dodge
report them after the game and then with a support ticket attaching a chat screenshot
kicking in lobby is abusable, you wouldn't kick that pre-made anyway but they could kick you
You're in the right if he didn't hover it and you banned it away from him how are you supposed to know that?
Can people actually pay attention during champ select just for once?
Don't you mean with?
the original placements usually place you to silver unless you are very unlucky or lucky
the following placements usually place you much lower than your current rank even if you win all of them i.e. you could easily land b5 even from silver with your 7:3, and for b3 it's nearly inevitable
xth for Yordle butts
>kicking in lobby is abusable, you wouldn't kick that pre-made anyway but they could kick you
Actually there's an easy solution to that
>All members of a premade count as 1 kick vote
>4 man premades cannot kick anyone, 1 solo player can't kick anyone
>if 2-3 solo players vote to kick either 1 player of a premade then the entire premade gets kicked
By empowering solo players you positively impact the queues
Best support atm is who?
>AP Shaco nerfs
Fuck me, I was having fun with this shit too.
>Still no buffs for Talon
>put my pick intent as Syndra/Viktor/Ekko/Poppy my mains
>last pick bans the champ I showed I would choose
>pick a support mid lane and troll
I don't carr anymore. If you ban what I showed I would pick we lose. Hate people who pretend to be retarded
>having fun playing normal
>decide to try rank
>go 4/6 and get placed in bronze II
>all that shit that happens in every game that I rather not type
>suddenly this game isn't fun anymore
who? i haven't played this game in months. need to first time in ranked.
didn't they keep nerfing her tho did they buff her again
>ashe in a
>miss f in b
but how?
Late xth for fucking 5th item randuins 6th item frozen mallet caitlyn is cancer (but not cancer enough to stop me)
also cute boy love
I main Soraka but nobody knows how to play with nerfed CD soraka unless I run 20% cdr in runes as wasted stats early
I wish they didn't nerf it when 800 gold executioners exists
>nexus siege is back
This game is hard.
Can you carry with Sona?
He didn't show anything.
hm, 4/6 had to land you to silver on an unranked acc with 0 ranked games, unless they changed something
I'm retooling a few notches as we speak.
I had forgotten Orianna and Evelynn and I figured I might as well notch a few things.
S3 last season and I went 5/5. Is it normal to get b4?
Anivia support?
chances are, that premade is going to be absolute garbage in game. Not only because most of the time they pick vel'koz-katarina bot or something like that, but because most of the time they just dont even play correctly.
They are probably on skype or discord, so they wont communicate with the team.
If they tilt, they are going to vent on their chat and get even more angry and play even worse.
If they fuck up or they do poorly in a lane, their friends arent going to tell him that he sucks. They are going to collectively blame the rest of the team.
The game is probably going to be a nightmare anyways, why not get kicked and end it earlier?