If I was hipothetically to get a twingo, should I get one with the sunroof or without ? Without should be more rigid and stiff, right ?
If I was hipothetically to get a twingo, should I get one with the sunroof or without...
Bierz z szyberem pedale
nie bedzie cieknąc xD?
Podobno są bardzo dobrze zrobione i szczelne, były przypadki jak ludzie ze szrota brali Twingo, wycinali faltdach i wpierdalali do innych Golfów i tego pokroju gówien. Jedynie co to możesz się spodziewać rany kłutej od najebanego Seby który postanowił ukarać posiadaczy samochodów ze szmacianym dachem. Ale były też wersje ze szklanym o którą się otarłem i do tej pory żałuję
>Without should be more rigid and stiff, right ?
You'd think so, but the sunroof is sturdy as hell thanks to its frame. It's more rigid than just a piece of sheet metal.
kurwa to pora uzbierac ze 2 k cbl i kupuje xD
thats actually really impressive.
I think the combo of sunroof+truning the seats into a bed is too good to pass.
Zdecydowanie warto bo są tanie w utrzymaniu i memowe
I thought the same but then I saw how thin the sheet metal is and still the car is surprisingly stiff, so I guess the difference isn't that big or there's next to no difference since the sides are stiffened as fuck.
But even when that car is safer than most of the competition BACK THEN it is not the safest today. Especially for your legs since the front is short as fuck and in case of a crash, the engine block has to go somewhere.
Don't get one and get a sedan if you're too concerned.
>tfw kartoffel and only understood this one
my current car provides literally no safety so anthing is an upgrade
it's harder to break into the one without the sunroof I guess, but the sunroof is way too fucking cool to pass up if you can get one with. I have the electric glass roof one and it's the tits, I absolutely love it.
It's really fucking easy to break into a Twingo so it doesn't really matter.
The amount of cyka and kurwa in these kurwa languages is astonishing.
We can pretend that you don't use fuck in every single sentence
cyka blyat
Are you tall?
Sunroofs can eat into valuable headroom.
>those are not car fluids
>car is not opened in any way
>driver probably still in there somewhere
Damn. What even was that car??
Google Search shows: Daewoo Tico
Have some happy motorsport instead.
Yes it was a Tico. The article title says
>father and daughter died in a crash with a truck
Used to drive Tico. I was really not into cars then. Now, when I got to know like, the basics, I've discovered I've actually been a VERY brave young man making it go 110km/h.
Jesus Christ it even was repaired after a crash. Thank you lord Twingo that I survived
I've never heard of Ticos but after googling it, FUCK, it's A LITERAL TINCAN.
And this dude is hooning up a mountain pass with opposite traffic and he STILL drives in the fucking middle countless of times.
If you hoon on mountain passes, FUCKING STAY IN YOUR DAMN LANE.
dubs decided!
let the twingo madness ensue.
apparently the mods favorite fuccboi fagphonse is spamming again.
have to keep this thread up
Whoever wants to post the infamous twingo tits, could do it now without any problems.
Each time alphonse is shitting up the board, there's no mod around for an hour.
Twingo cake!
Twingo trailer!
The Tico (AKA 3rd gen Suzuki Alto) is pretty popular in Poland because it's cheap as shit. Gets BTFO by the Twingo in every category, bar the price youtube.com
Holy fartcan
Z faltdachem obowiązkowo
Lol moje oc
Wtf. What kind of retard would tru to cut through steel bars reinforced canvas instead of braking the glass with a rock?
Also using can opener on tin roof twingo would be still easier.
100%! każdy cultstylowy golf/jetta ma dach właśnie z twingo. Łatwo poznać po charakterystycznej lotce z przodu. Widziałem też duże fiaty, małe fiaty ostatnio nawet hondę jazz z tym dachem. Mini coopery pickup robione na europe dla redbulla miały ten dach skrócony o połowe
My twingo stays outside for his whole life with me. No issues with sunroof. And i keep opening it every day of summer
Also it's winter tires tiem
Also, remember in previous thread when we talked about 106/saxo being deathtrap in case of crash safety? Here's some body structure that I can look at while waiting for muh new used tires.
Ehhh miałem kupić Twingo z faltdachem ale wszystkie co oglądałem zardzewiałe jak skurwesyn. Kupiłem przez to pic rela guwnopudełko ale przynajmniej 0 rdzy
Chuja kłade na deathtrapa, nieważne
czy jebne w drzewo w 106, twingo, mx5 albo e36 i tak zdechne
106 and 306 had pretty epic rustproofing indeed
That torsion bar rear suspension likes going to shit though
Also used winter tires 8€ a piece apeared to be Pirellis and they're awesome. Now I get why all those hypercars ride on p-zeros.
Do you really care about stiffness in a car that won't have more than 75hp, probably less than 60 even? Don't be a nigga, get a fucking sunroof, roll down the windows and go for a nice drive in the countryside with some chick you want and then show her the Twingo magic. Pic semi related.
Sunroof are stiffer because sunroof has massive frame and steel bars that go transverse.
don't mind me, just reviving the twingo thread
Jak mowa o jakiś zjebanych tico albo twigno to zaraz tyle polaczków wychodzi z ukrycia.
Wiem, że jesteśmy biedni ale aż tak?
ale twingo to ty szanuj
Dobra sory. Dubs nie klamią.
Ale tico to szajs
My Twingo was digging a hole and it hit a water pipe, now it's stuck and everyone's mad at me Veeky Forums, what the fuck do I do
What's the deal with Veeky Forums and twingo ? As a french guy, seeing those silly ugly cunts of cars here kinda impress me
You know, because they are ugly as fuck, they break in 2 2 and they mostly suck ass
nah dude they're cute
and they're pretty reliable
It's pepe the car
>nah dude they're cute
it's only cause you see them under angle and on picture
I assure you that seeing them everyday from age 5 to 20 will make you change your mind
(plus look at those ugly ass door handle, like damn it it's shit)
Hon hon hon
Waddup fellow twongos
Nah, I see a ton of 'em every day and every time I do it makes me smile
wait a minute..
>tfw will never fuck a twingo
Why is this ugly piece of junk so liked over here? Is Veeky Forums autistic?
Have you never seen GM vs Ford threads?
I dunno, why is your mother so desired?
beep beep my friends
I wonder which one is his favorite
twingo's sunroof
the sun roof actually improve rigidity specially on the older model
turkey as insane gas price i think but they're not in europe
Hot off the presses
looks like a prime candidate for a Chicago sunroof
It's an exaggeration
Be thankful that you don't live in Uruguay though, see Twingos here can cost as much as USD 9000 too
Still not sure what to think about a black paintjob on a Twingo.
On one hand Twingos are lively looking cars and nice colors fit really well, on the other hand I like black cars.
but of course THIS is not okay tho
the FUCK must be going on in your country if they steal fucking renault badges from cars.
I mean, come the fuck on.
who edited the one on the left to add the weebshit? i imagine some autistic guy going, HMM THIS JUST DOESNT WORK FOR ME, BETTER ADD MY AUTISTIC HOBBIES LUL XD.
Why so angry?
Not him, but weebs like to stick their stupid shit in everything. I've seen diagrams of things where some retard weeb has stuck a nearly transparent layer of some generic le anime girl over it for no reason. It's like Chris Chan forcing sanic/sonichu into everything.
>I've seen diagrams of things where some retard weeb has stuck a nearly transparent layer of some generic le anime girl over it for no reason.
that's almost creepy
Would a Hayabusa engine fit into the engine bay of a Twingo?
I mean those big bike engines are only like 1 liter, right?
this is a v12 Panda btw
>this is a v12 Panda btw
No shit, Sherlock
>dem wheels