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Persona is the future of SMT

I am the future of /smtg/

SMT is for casuals.

We should create a world of cute boys

I agree, I'll join your Reason.

nanashi smirks.jpg

>Persona 5
>Get cucked by your girlfriend

>Devil Summoner
>Kill your Girlfriend's mystical shaman princess ancestor from ancient China

It's clear to see who wins here

make sure to vote you cool guys

Stop posting this trashy game.

I'll stop when SMT4A stops reminding me of DmC.

Yuri on Ice

Wew, 5 shitposts right at the start of the thread.


cute boys had been always a part of Megami Tensei

Killing shitposters has always been a part of Shin Megami Tensei general

>the yellow controller laughed "you are wrong"

Shut the fuck up you fucking lawfag.

Dumb YHVH poster

I think you should stop posting.

no u


imagine being this mad on the internet

Why does the demifiend glow in the dark?

>F-fuck you

nanashi used taunt.jpg

I actually didn't make that reply with a DmC reaction to respect your wishes.

But that's fine. I've got more, and I've got more SMT appropriate filenames.

To be honest I can't imagine anyone retarded enough to actually enjoy DmC and then go post screenshots from it in a completely unrelated place.

You're a big meme.

>Fatlus was so butthurt over Nishitani being a lawfag they made their own megami tensei

>a completely unrelated place.
uh oh...

It says Dante, not Donte da demon killah.

>defending anime Elliot Roger

>Featuring Donte, from the shit taste series

If Barbas doesn't remind you of YHVH and Dante doesn't remind you of Nanashi with slightly less retarded hair, I can't help you.

Nakajima literally did nothing wrong
There's no harm in sacrificing bullies in order to summon Loki to rape people

Actually he reminds me of le fox news man because Western devs are incapable of being tasteful
>SMT invented big talking heads
>Donte invented shitty punk hair

It's hard to be mad at the guy

>Nocturne wins every time

You can stop making these.

Nakajima did fucking everything wrong, literally doomed the world to apocalypse because he's an angsty little bitch and would have gotten fucked into the next dimension many times over if it weren't for about 20 instances of plot intervention.

but he gets the girl and saves the world from the destruction he caused


better link here. set it to expire in 12 hrs


you're right i should use oovoo

He still caused thousands of deaths along with the loss of billions of government dollars and probably caused serious political fallout between the U.S. and Russia. I haven't read the third book because I don't know runes though.

Yeah same. First two were rad tho. Famicom game picks up after 1 right?

Go back to r/megaten

The famicom game is based on the third novel iirc. When you get the chance you might as well play KMT, it's entirely translated and a solid game if you like classic megaten.

Well, this IS smtg after all: shitpost my thread general.

I already beat both I and II on KMT on my hacked Wii, II is probably my favorite Megaten I've played. I'm just a Famicom fanatic so I'm dicking around with the original on my EverDrive and using passwords and all that, just grinding along when I don't feel like playing anything else. I'm printing out maps though, not in the zone to draw that shit.

Personal is the present of SMT

To add to this I can't fucking wait for the translation of II for the Famicom to be fully playable. The version out now is super promising, and it happens to support save states on the ED, as well as having an actual saving system. It's going to kick major ass. As always huge thanks to DManufacture if he's lurking.

the wings are quite a bit different

wew i really hope they reuse p5's assets to make a new mainline. those models look dope

Seeing those even stats in every single Persona physically hurts.

Are you sure it doesn't hurt balanced?

you are legit the gayest nigga alive



Hey /smtg/
How's your day

>Get anxious this week about finals and crap
>Get anxious about other crap
Guess my week was crap

i just started working full time, i cant wait for the sweet, sweet release of death.

>tfw wagecucking looking for a real paying job

same feel, dude
What're you working as


Grind for mag with only Hacker Nemissa and Zeed. Then sell it all.

got a puppy, not sure what to call him yet (pascal) but he looks like he's wearing a tuxedo. looks like a lab. we just found him near an abandoned house.

i've been feeling a lot better anxiety wise. been putting into practice not over-thinking things. specifically been having obsessions over philosophy and consciousness. it sucks ass. but i feel like i'm making some real progress.

Become a nihilist and never worry about social interactions ever again
If I try to make coversation and somebody gives me a funny look or awkwardly ignores me I just think "what a nigger"

I don't have anxiety about social situations.

I share your attitude though, never understood why people, especially around middleschool age or younger, will instantly sneer and feel contempt for someone trying to initiate conversation.

I live in the north so most people are either ultra-liberals who fear other humans, or ultra snooty busybodies who will blow you off since they're too important.

Making the 4A cast babble about cheesy friendship shit all the time when they don't even feel like real friends was cringy and retarded.
I almost regret going Bonds on my first playthrough now.

It's not too late to change that, kid

That's cute & that's good on you user, keep up the good work with anxiety. How do you do it
My anxiety goes from a 0-10 whenever I think about stuff like my college education & future.
Like this whole year, I hated it cause I felt like I never achieved anything & put some burden on people
It sucks, but I just move on but its never really solved

They're all useless too except for Navarre.

Isabeau is good as well, luster candy + healing.

Depends on your anxiety and the severity of anxiety that you feel. I'm on a med right now called propranolol. Was originally made for high blood pressure but due to how it works it also helps for coping with anxiety attacks.

If your anxiety interferes with the quality of your life and / or is all you think about, that is a point where you should seek some professional help. I've been in therapy for 3 years since I developed an anxiety disorder. Therapy will help a lot if you aren't already having sessions, depending on the therapist. But majority of the time if you have a good therapist, they will teach you how to cope with anxiety as well as how to "diffuse" anxiety and get over it entirely.

For myself, I just don't let my thoughts snowball into an anxiety attack. Whenever I notice an irrational thought or something that I think about ad nauseum I just ignore it like every other random thought and allow it to pass without causing myself unnecessary stress.

If I'm not about to have a panic attack or if I feel relatively calm I challenge the fact that I'm feeling anxious and do things to calm myself down, physiologically and emotionally. I try to breathe slower and focus on something around me, like my keys or just how I'm breathing.

My anxieties aren't based around everyday things. I have a lot of absurd thoughts and irrational fears that are vague in nature so they're more difficult to diffuse (in my experience) than say, worrying about whether I'm going to do okay in a job interview.


To get to the point for your situation though, it sounds like you have a lot of fears about the future and you probably spend time ruminating about them and imaging the ways things can go wrong. If that's true, you'll need to prevent the anxiety from snowballing and encourage yourself to think about more positive things, like measurable goals that you know that you have the capability to achieve.

It doesn't matter how small or insignificant (cont)

if you can set a goal and achieve it, it will put you in the right mindset to continue to set goals and find out what your limitations are. Be wary though to keep your needs in mind. Your goals may even be related to your needs. Doing something to de-stress or put yourself in a good mood might even be a good start. Don't push yourself too hard, be aware of the fact that your mind and body have to rest in order to maintain your health. Chronic stress sucks ass, and I believe it's the cause of the majority of 16-28 year olds complaints of being constantly tired and stressed out. Being stressed out for a long period of time will just wear you down.

Some of this may not be relevant to you, if it isn't then feel free to ask specific questions. Best wishes man

I definitely like the old wings better, but beyond that it looks quite nice.

Thanks user, I appreciate it
I did keep a small notebook for small stuff like cleaning the dishes & doing homework
It makes me feel accomplished & keeps my mind busy from causing anxiety onto myself

Like right now, I'm trying focus into Real Estate but at the same time, I have a nursing certificate & its like a huge setback cause I failed that big nursing test, that's probably where it began, thinking about it.

I may talk with my doctor about taking some anti-anxiety stuff, but I'd rather not have that unless I need it cause I'll probably use it more often than I thought & I don't want it as some crutch for when thinking about it becomes harder on me.

Hey /smtg/ hope you had a great day today

the famicom game is actually kind of an alternate continuity thing, it's nothing like the 3rd book
nakajima goes insane dies at the end of the 3rd book

thanks my man

god damnit
nakajima goes insane AND dies at the end of the 3rd book

>I may talk with my doctor about taking some anti-anxiety stuff, but I'd rather not have that unless I need it cause I'll probably use it more often than I thought & I don't want it as some crutch for when thinking about it becomes harder on me.

Good attitude to have. Too many people in mental health have the attitude that medication is some easy street or fix-all cure for your problems and problematic thought patterns.

I've been on medication for about 1.5-2 years and I don't think it's made much of a difference at all. Recently got off an SSRI and dealt with some awful withdrawal anxiety, but I feel like the propranolol is probably making the anxiety attacks have less physiological power over me. Less heart racing and hyperventilation.

They can be a world of trouble by themselves anyway... You never know how you'll react to a medicine until you take it, and some of them take a while to be effective.

They're really not worth the time and energy needed to experiment with them and figure out what works for you. Though if you're like me they probably won't make a difference and just make you more hungry / have less sex drive.

I wouldn't go for a psychiatrist first. It's like going to the urologist about a kidney stone just because you've been having back pains. Therapist will help you a LOT more in learning how to manage your anxiety and develop more healthy ways of thinking. They will also help you come to the decision on whether you really want to go through with medication or not. Been to the funny farm twice so that's where I started, unfortunately.

Good luck though. People can go through phases of anxiety in harsh times like this, so I wouldn't fret if it isn't interfering with your daily life. I had social anxiety when I was 13 but didn't know what the word even meant. But I couldn't stand going into a crowded room or doing a presentation. Now I fuck around in public and mess with my friends. Got class clown my senior year.

Thanks user, I hope that your cards fall in favor some day
Guess we just want people to talk about stuff like that so it at least makes it easier & get an understanding with others

get a room


>failed a class and missed the deadline to withdraw before thanksgiving because no one told me and the class was pure shit
>parents going to murder me for it after happy fun holiday break
>ended up playing yo-kai watch 2 trying to not think about it but the guilt keeps creeping up on me

i'm fucking terrified
o-other thank that i finished my christmas list... haha... ha...

I hate college. getting an associates degree is emotionally painful and i just want to play vidya and draw

why this

this actually made my day thank u

Hah just wait until you're done with it then the real fun begins

Like shit. I woke up at 1am and there's no alcohol left. How are you supposed to go through an entire day without booze?

i can only imagine...
WELP. thank god im finally 21. now i can legally drink my sorrows away

Buy some, i guess. I personally don't drink or I'll zone out & crash. Why do you wanna drink though
I feel it man. But don't worry, I'm sure things'll be ok

Just think positive, you two!

>Why do you wanna drink though
What else am I supposed to do?

You're only making the problem worse.

>I'm sure things'll be ok

Whatever. Water under the bridge for now.
Right now I'm actually planning my future dream team for Su/Mo right now. And yes, it's Megaten related, no surprise.

One half of my dream team is gonna be Flynn, Walter and Jonathan lol. maybe a nanashi too. i might make nanashi a pyukumuku because its shiny is green and its cute and tiny like him

Probably best avoided by not drinking. I only drink once every few weeks anyways

I don't do drugs because then I'd be poor

Now what if fat albert and the gang did the drugs

Lucifer made sure he died in the end so its all good.

Lucifer won in the third novel.

Night bitches