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Also first for how did you let it die you idiots

>last thread was archived with 636 posts
ded gem

Third for Ying is the cutest elf of the world.

>mal'damba and makoa are the only support and tank I can tolerate playing
>both get nothing but buffs

where is buff/nerf list

On the Paladins Wiki

>cassie and andy are the only champs I feel comfortable playing
>they completely dominate the meta and probably won't see nerfs any time soon because low rez is retarded

>Literally one second off from saving the last thread
Didn't the thread before that one die early too?

>Drybear saying that they want to make Cassie and Androxus more accessible to bad players
I don't understand these people sometimes.

ded game

I want to violate Skye ;_;

does anyone have 20 pounds of elf ass

get more dead games like paladin on deadgames.com

Ying was asleep so her illusions couldn't keep necrobumping the thread.

>Mfw they're totally okay with Ruckus not being able to solo tank

>tfw mained drogoz and grohk because quake flashbacks
>drogoz is now a different flavor of pip in terms of damage
>grohk is now on pip-tier in terms of healing

why would you force this "intended role" bullshit
who else am i supposed to play to freely fly around the map and get sick aerials
it was fun for fuck's sake
why would you nerf fun

are they adding a new hero this month? or do i gotta wait until next month

They've teased about Tyra this past week.
Expect her to show up on OB 40, which should happen on the 19th.

The intended role shit is really what's killing Paladins I reckon. When people would talk about Paladins, the most common compliment used to be that unlike Overwatch, you weren't so limited to your role. This was a STRENGTH and they're ruining it!

>tease about Tyra

The latest Q&A by Drybear and Alfonso.

>tfw no ymir

>Wanting Mei in the game
Dude reconsider

They've added one every month or so so far. In fact I expected one in the last update.
I'd say It's pretty likely we'll get one next update.

am I just fucked with eac?

I want Evie to hit me in the head with a snowball filled with pebbles and laugh as I stain the pure white snow red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dead gem


Really makes you think.



Is it possible to gift crystals?

Grover is so broken i love him


Gz user

>Tell whole team at game start to not buy Aggro
>Only the Cassie listens
>3/5 people buy Aggro
>Enemy team has 2 frontliners
>Idiot russian ruckus doesn't think to buy Wrecker.
>Calls everyone else noobs

Really makes you think.

He's a shit healer though.

Is he? hm. I thought he was pretty good. How do all the healers rank?

had few games with him where i went 100k+ dmg and healing

Pic related is some quick calculations I just did.
As far as healing output he's just above Pip and noticeably above Grohk without healing rain.
Maldamba and Ying can both heal at a much higher rate unless your entire party is inside your healing radius (which won't scale Yings healing or Maldambas RMB heal).
This is ignoring ults of course which does bump up Grovers healing output for a short while and maybe would put him on top if you can manage to use it often enough.
Also, it's normally frontliners that need healing and Grover needs to be near them to heal. All the frontliners need to be close to their enemies to deal much damage while Grovers damage scales the further he is away from a target. This can lead to a big conflict of interest.

>mfw stacking morale boost on makoa and ulting every couple of minutes

Ill try that...

Also general question. Whats the best char to play right now if you cant aim like a russian hacker?

Followup post with the theoretical maximum.
I take it back. If you can keep your team clustered around you, Grover becomes a pretty great a healer good luck with that though.
Can anyone think of a good way to incorporate ults into the calculations?

Do one with pure heal builds please

Nando, Makoa, all supports except Pip.

What card builds would you consider make a pure heal build for each char?

grohk-rain and todem cooldown from ghost walk
Mal-grout cooldown
Ying-image duration
Pip-cooldown from hitting allies

A scale would be nice to see from 1 target to 5. Tried to calculate this before but failed.

Use to go 38-6 with nando.
New patch 18-8.

I have become the great salt lake.

Rain has been nerfed to what it says on the card right? I'll try calculating it with best case scenario team of grohk, nando, makoa, ruckus and buck for the max and just grohk for the single.

Sounds unrealistic... Wouldnt a meta team be better? Say, nando, bk, victor, andro + healer?

>There is only 2 healers 1 supports and 2 abortions
Why must things be like this hi rez?

Maybe. Though having an andro, bk and viktor all on the point at the same time as a healer and nando also sounds unlikely.
Here's the updated self heal numbers. Grohk also has 2 points in totem duration.

Wait, shit. I calculated half in one speadsheet I was saving for the group heals and half in another.

Actual numbers this time. Grohk is starting to look better.

Evie is fucking unplayable with the blink card nerf, everyone is doing her job better

What is Hi-Rez even thinking

Boohoo she is much less of a cancer now.

Ok, here's the group heals including both the Grohk heals.

The only problem is that with Pip using maxed out reload, his cooldown becomes -2 meaning that you could spam it as fast as you can mash 'Q' if you fail to take account of cast animation. I've taken the cast speed as the same as his LMB (1 second) and have listed his final output as such. If anyone knows what it actually is let me know.. I also feel that gift giver could possibly push his healing output even higher.

Pip confirmed for best healer ...Unless I made a mistake

The card has a 5s cooldown on its effect. So at best it's twice per 8 seconds, bringing it to about 1500 (maybe a bit more if you consider Gift Giver 4). But yes, Pip does theoretically have the highest potential healing out.

Oops. I didn't even realize the card had a cooldown on it. Probably to stop him being able to create a permanent mini Grover ult.
I thought I had found a gamebreaking exploit for a minute there.

I also miscalculated the exact same card on the single heal cooldown. His single heal is actually 200 per second on average, not 160.

S, heal Pip looks like?
Medical Exec 5
Reload 5
Pep in Step 2
Jog 1
Sturdy 1

If you're set on playing healer pip, that would be the type of build you want.
Putting some points into Shrewd Move might be a good idea but you'd then need to be scoring assists and kills regularly on top of your healing duties to get much effect from it.

I dunno what hacks you're using but cards max out at 4 points



Not yet amigo!

5 seconds later, it dies






>Top play: Cassie
>Its just her shooting randomly into the point from the backline and getting a triple kill

lmao good general boys

>Thought about buying a christmas chest
>Almost certain there will be some sort of giveaway or discount around christmas time so I don't
fug I want to roll something terrible so I can hate this game even more


So, how are you guys enjoying the new Russian malware that installs itself without permission?

I've been lucky enough to not have to to download it, yet.

its russian, so yes

It downloaded itself via Steam on December 7th. It's why that new loading screen appears.

I didnt find it in my process list or my installed programs list, whats it called?

I dont see any loading screen though

EasyAntiCheat or EAC. It was in my system files directory.

It appears as an overlay on the tiny screen that pops up when you install the game.

And check your services tab because it only appears as a process when Paladins is running.

the downtime between ranked matches is killing me senpai

what is this?


delet this

I like_ everything in the chest. I think the worst item is the Kinessa Beanie, but even that looks pretty cute on her.


>have this error
>do what they say
>mouse and kb dont work after doing that
>cant run game anymore
what do? is it finally over?

how 2 remuv anticheat
is it too late for me

1. open Task Manager
2. run Paladins (optional)
2. go to Processes
3. order Processes by name
4. find the one called EasyAntiCheat
5. right-click on EasyAntiCheat and select "Open file location"
6. look for EAC.exe or EasyAntiCheat.exe
7. delete the .exe
8. never play Paladins again because it will try to install it again

o fuck
how am i gonna get my good goy gems now

Who /onlyloginforweeklygoyimstals/ here?

I'm actually having trouble rationalizing it now after the spyware """"anticheat program"""". Game is going down the shitter and the laughable lack of activity in the threads is symbol of that.

This has been me for a couple weeks. I did actually play 2 matches when the Ruckus skin came out, one match during the free chest weekend and I can't remember anything before that

I only play a few matches and get my good goy crystals nowadays.

I don't even care about EAC anymore.

Xboner here. I have a spare key for the closed alpha. Any takers?



giv bufs

Cassie is the strongest hero currently

But if she's on my team


Hey your cassie had more objective time than theirs :)