What substances have you driven on, Veeky Forums? Everyone drink drives but what about coke, weed, etc?
What substances have you driven on, Veeky Forums? Everyone drink drives but what about coke, weed, etc?
>Everyone drink drives
Do we? I haven't driven on anything, I like my licence.
And (coming down on) shrooms
The last one is probably the funnest
If you do any of this you are a degenerate and don't deserve to drive.
I don't give a shit if you die but don't endanger everyone else on the road because DUDE WEED LMAO I DRIVE BETTER WHEN I'M BUZZED BRO. No, you don't, you just think you do because you're fucking plastered.
I popped like 1000mg of aspirin once and drove down to the shops to get groceries.
Pretty trippy when you start driving with a headache but drive back without one.
weed lmao, won't do again since I have a fear of driving home paranoid
Weed, coke, and codeine.
Also drove on LSD but that was on a moped not a full sized car.
>mfw 600mg dxm starts to kick in when commuting home
>not taking dxm in the morning before work
I drive better high than most drive sober, bro. Chillax and please stay in the slow lane.
who doesnt drive on weed
Going to jail
Holy shit, you're a fuckin mad cunt m8
Extremely drunk
Overtired with a mix of the above two
Pretty lightweight
lol pussy
i'm an athlete so i rarely drink
most i've done was 3 vodka redbull cocktails them drove 40 mins home with 4 passengers with me
Driving on hallucinogens: Brain hyper-focuses on one thing and you want it to be the actual driving. Works great when you have a copilot to remind you where you're going and keep an eye on the speedometer
Driving on stimulants: Probably the best experience as long as the dose is small and regularly upped. A little bullet bumper of powder is the best although there's probably some specific trucker pill that would give the same experience legally
Driving on opiates: "Just go around me, Man" You might spend an hour getting ready to pull out of the driveway. You WILL drive suspiciously under the speed limit and just forget about making left turns in traffic everyone seems like they're zooming
All of the above hardcore drugs I've always been sure to only use in moderation when driving as I'm sure I'd drive about 110, crash into people or pull over and take a nap respectively on large doses.
Weed and alcohol are probably more dangerous to me personally as I'm so accustomed to having a bit of a buzz from one or both that sometimes I still get behind the wheel with a bit too much "wait, what am I doing?" or "let's get reckless".
>420 get
Praise Kek.
Same lol
Ever heard of habeus corpus? Go read the bill of rights, kid.
>This reply posted from Pennsylvania State Correctional Facility
alcohol: quite dangerous, I did it once or twice but I try not to whenever it's possible
weed: it just makes me more focused on the road, and to me I feel like I drive better, smoother (would be a different story on a track)
Cocain: I did it only once and it changed nothing to my driving. it was probably a little bit less smooth than usual but I didn't overspeed or thought I was a professionnal racer
mdma: same as cocain
shrooms/acid: can be quite dangerous if those are really trippy.
I once had to really focus about I was just high on lsd so the trees on the side of the road weren't really moving by themselves
I had an acid flashback while driving. Raced home to enjoy it in peace and it stopped as soon as I got out the car.
Jokes on you, that cocaine was medicinal :^)
>what substances have you driven on?
Asphalt, mostly. Also gravel and dirt
Just weed now. I don't trust myself driving drunk anymore, I've done some really regrettable shit while drunk, and I don't wanna repeat that driving. Being said that, I do occasionally drive with a bottle of shiner bock or two to drink in the car, but never to the point of drunkenness
I'd sooner drive stoned as shit than even a little drunk. And I say that having abused both very heavily. Weed doesn't shoot your motor coordination all to hell.
Still not a good idea, fucks your attention span. But if there's nobody else on the road there's nothing more comfy than a landbarge on the backroads at a low cruise with a good buzz.
Speed made me drive like franklins special ability in gta v
Alcohol, weed, amphetamine, morphine, codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, raw opium, dexmethylphenidate, hexahydromethamphetamine, zolpidem, lysergic acid, probably more.
Faggots like this user are why I don't own a bike
Ex junkie fag here, let me give you the rundown. I'm 6'0" and 150lbs for reference.
Alcohol: I don't drink anymore but when I did I drove and never had an accident, 3 shots and three beers and I drove my friends home. I was always able to stay between the lines and was the desegnated drunk driver because of this.
Weed: do this every day, nothing to it. Sometimes it's a bit uncomfortable driving faster on small roads, but never crashed on weed.
Inhalants: just dont. You black out and wake up and do stupid shit like try to step out of a moving car at interstate speeds. Woken up in the middle of a roundabout, highcentered. Woke up trying to drive down a mountain, offroad, in a firebird. Woken up trying to drive up the staircase to my apt complex. Dumb shit. Also, you'll sideswipe everything and not care/remember.
Coke: enhanced reflexes and sped everything up, you'll want to drive fast. Really fast, and you'll be mildly-wildly overconfident depending on how much you do.
Meth: made me want to drive around for days (if you can make it out of the house), and I did. Toured KY and TN for 4 days straight.
Heroin/morphine: just dont. It slows everything down to the point you don't care if you crash and die or not. Depending on how much you do and what your tolerance is like you can drive on it though.
H/coke combo: mixed hard drug feelings come in waves for me, I've heard it's the same for some other people. Youll be fast and speeding one second and then physically feel your body and brain functions slow down. 30 secs of this or so and you'll have a moment of clarity and start to speed up again. And this repeats for awhile depending on dosage.
Xanax: you won't remember shit. The next day your car will have new dents and there will be shitloads of miles, probably be crazy shit in the interior. Fun though.
>Everyone drink drives
Pffft, haha.
Enjoy the jail time faggot.
One of the most terrifying moments of my life was driving home at 4 am in a snow storm while on the tail end of my first acid trip.
I've done other dumb shit but that was the worst.
Acid: driving is interesting. I tried this twice. Driving is actually not hard, but I only wanted to go in straight lines, and I saw horses everywhere. Music was to intense to listen to for more then 20 seconds (pink floyd and the like). Drove 60 miles one way, turned around and came back. In retrospect I'd have rather stayed where I was to enjoy the acid.
Muscle relaxers: these made me vomit and driving a chore. I just wanted to get where I was going and sit there.
Mescaline:it was like driving normal except I was one with the universe. Didn't get to do very much though.
Mixed drugs: it is possible if you know what you're doing, depending on what you take and dosages.
Just learn with small amounts if wanting to do this as a hobby and it helps having someone else there. There's a number of times when we'd have been dead or seriously injured if it wasn't for the passanger. Zoning out is real, and magnified with drug usage. I've been very lucky ymmv.
I drive home from the Coachella music festival on 3 total hours of sleep after 4 days, having done mdma and LSD earlier that day. It was the single scariest drive home of my life.
Ever tried Tramadol? I've blacked out while driving on it before and the passenger has woken me up. I'm not as experienced as yourself though so I dunno how that would stack up
>drive drunk
>crash into a tree next to your house
>wife comes out and looks at you, disgusted
>hops on chad mcneighbor's cock, divorces you and takes half your stuff
drunk driving is the definition of being a cuck
>Music was to intense to listen to for more then 20 seconds (pink floyd and the like).
what about eurobeat? would you start seeing RX7s instead of horses?
I've driven on 1,450 mg tramadol. It felt like normal though because junkie tolerance.
I live out in the fuckin boonies so drinking and driving is a local pastime. Driven hammered probably like 100+ times, blacked out around 3, driven high probably around 1000 times, on acid 3 times, shrooms twice, benzos maybe 10 times, those were the worst out of all of it, totally fucks your spatial awareness.
this was all when I was younger btw, still drive high or a little buzzed after a night out but ive slowed down exponentially. worst thats ever happened to me was drifting off for a second slowing down to a stopsign and ending up in a ditch, car was fine
>drinking alcohol
In Canada? Yeah naww got my green card, bud. Ayy I said,"bud" lmao. Stay offended
I don't think so, I've heard of it though. Is it anything like robitussin?
I probably would. The closest I have to euro beat is rave music, and it's pretty good on speed.
No, you don't. Your reaction time is slowed.
A friend and co-worker of mine was seriously injured when some hugely negligent asshole faded out while on something (toxicology report pending) and crossed the double lines, hitting his car head on with a full sized pickup.
Basically all you drug abusing shitstains would be better off to the world if you ODed instead of being the outrageous and unnecessary risk that you selfishly decide other people need to deal with.
Never driven drunk
Driven on:
I'd say shrooms is the only dangerous one since your vision is warping around sometimes in shrooms, driven at least 5 times on lsd and while peaking twice - great time
I don't do that anymore. Not worth the risk, I can do plenty of drinking or drugs as soon as I get home.
But I have driven coming down from mushrooms once, High on marijuana many many times, and drunk a handful.
One day it hit me reading the news this lady got 30 years no parole for running a stop sign drunk and killing her elderly mom in the passenger seat
Not fucking worth it m8's. If your going to do drugs or drink do it at home and don't sit behind the wheel
Everyone's driven on drugs but who here has driven on dogs
I'm like 5'6 maybeee 5'7 and weigh 165. For the record I'm by no means what someone would consider "big" you must have been a total skeleton
>drive drunk all the time
>"friend" still gives me shit about ONE tiny fender bender
>try weed for first time
>oh fuck there it is.jog
>hate the feeling
>puts me on edge because of "sinking" feeling
>have to go home and drive these other fucks home as well
>speeding down 35 mph roads
>feels slow and sluggish
>windows were all down never noticed I'm burning hot
>lights were intense bright
>harder than drunk driving
>can't stay between lanes
>get home jerk off sleep
>drinking and driving
Never, I don't much care for alcohol.
I drive while high on the devil's lettuce often tho.
A couple of beers tops
Makes driving and listening to music so much fun holy shit. If I've taken some it's small amounts which makes me more focused
Concrete, dirt, gravel-ish, sand-ish, icey, tarmac.
>driving on something that makes you dozy
>ever clear
>Party liquor
I wouldn't recommend it
Driving drunk is the worst. especially when you dont know how drunk you are, and there is no one to stop you from driving drunk.
aside from that I have driven after rolling, which was difficult.
on acid, which was.... trippy
coked out, which is the best.
i cant drive on weed
slightly buzzed is okay as long as you can handle things, and can rely on muscle memory.
Should I try coke? Never done it before and I have very bad impulse control and access to pretty much all of my finances
It's the perfect drug for you, please make it a habit.
I haven't had an at-fault accident in 20 years and never while intoxicated.
>should I
Well that's like asking "should I try alcohol", you don't need it whatsoever but you could try it, no substance is bad on it's own it's how you use it.
I personally enjoy the feeling of clarity, focus, social, energy, confidence that stimulants give. On a night out I'll have couple of beers and a small baggie of speed, connect a lot with people and have tons of fun
I've ridden a scooter through heavy snowfall buzzed once.
Ironically that was not the time I crashed it.
More ironically still the time I did crash it I didn't slip on snow or ice, I slipped on road grit.
And if you're very impulsive to begin with stimulants might not be for you, I get this yes-man vibe on stimulants
nicotine, i guess
Hey Veeky Forums, any of you finish a sigar really fucking fast and got a nicotine trip while driving? Seems like the only legal thing you can do while driving but still get severely influenced by.
Been driving on SSRI's (antidepressants) just fine until today. Felt weird, like I wasn't really there, but I was still driving fine and perceiving hazards. Was just in danger of zoning out a bit on straight roads.
coming down on lsd(after visuals were over so it wasnt that bad)
300mg of DXM
which is probably worst than being very drunk and driving
>makes you dozy
Not really, shit effects everyone different.
I mean sure the comedown makes me dozy but I rarely smoke enough for coming down to be a problem
underrated post
>no substance is bad on it's own it's how you use it.
heroin is pretty bad
also that shit the russians cook up using battery acid
I tried driving after smoking weed quite a few times, really enjoyed it. It's a great feel to cruise around late at night, having the road to yourself and listening to some of your favorite music. Tried xanax and driving once, had a bad time. I'm lucky nothing happened.
Personally only makes me dozy if I've been smoking my little small-dose bowls all day. If it's my first one or two of the day I generally stay up nicely and even get more active if I sprinkle a little keif on top.
Generally speaking weed, especially in the tiny amounts of high potency strains that I smoke, only gives me a really nice fuzzy feeling and takes my attention span down a peg, assuming and as long as I'm not slamming bowls back to back. Seriously, a little pinch is good for an hour and a half, maybe two.
Try being physically addicted to morphine for years. You are either driving high or driving in withdrawals, there is no other option ( * don't try telling me there is, fuck that ). It's best to take some amphetamines before you drive as a junkie but when zen-mode is your normal it isn't a big deal. My only problem at this point is waking up and people telling me I did stuff (usually good stuff, like programming for work) and I have no recollection of it but that isn't really related to driving.
Oh god. I don't know where to even start. I was a real fuck up back in the day. I drove drunk regularly but that's not even worth mentioning compared to my usual cocktail.
I think the most fucked up I have ever been was after taking 18x of 36mg methylphenidate pills and then balancing it out with 20mg or so of clonazepam. I went to buddies house and took some MDMA there.
On the way back, my pupils were so fucking blown out that I couldn't handle the reflection of lights in my rear view mirror or side mirrors so I turned them all away.
Almost hit a cop and then he chased me for two miles because I couldn't see him (no mirrors). He strangled the shit out of me and then told me to get the fuck out of here
Good times
keep lying to yourself fatass
>no junkie penis shots
Someone offer him $5
You know that you can't get an erection when addicted to opiates, right?
bad idea, ended in a crash (i miss mxe, i was coming off it too)
about normal, paranoia problems
fine, nodding not a gud idea tho
>low dose benzos
great, no more anxiety about crashing and can have fun
>high dose benzos
speaking from experience?
used to drink alot more before driving, i dont fuck with that anymore its just not worth it
pretty regularly, im a heavy user so it doesnt really affect me other than driving the speed limit. i usually speed when sober
i rode my bike after doing a small line once, i rode hard as fuck doing wheelies and burn outs at stop lights
dont be stupid like me guys.
When I was younger I did a shitload of drugs and would drove fucked up pretty regularly. Not proud of it but I've driven on about Goddamn anything. Only two times I regretted driving and almost fucked up.
1. Was when I was on acid and I had to move my car before it got towed so I pulled into a neighborhood half a mile from me. Shit was the scariest because the road was wavy.
2. I had been drinking, popping hydros, and some xanax and decided to leave one party to go to another. Shit was dumb as hell.
Don't recommend it at all. Cleaned up my act and now just occasionally drive a little stoned.
Lil buzzed off some Jack Daniel's, I wasn't trashed but everything was getting funny. I ended up needing to stay calm so I put on "Home Sweet Home" by Motley Crue and screamed the lyrics with 5 people in the car lmao
>Coke: enhanced reflexes and sped everything up, you'll want to drive fast. Really fast, and you'll be mildly-wildly overconfident depending on how much you do.
Nope, stop watching movies.
Tells me exactly how much you've done...
Boat loads.
Daily from 2011 to 2014.
Enjoy your seizures from using to much of that shit.
Oh fuck, they know. Shut it the fuck down.
Shrooms is def not fun to drive on
Cat's were a close one, squirrels ayy I guess once?
Only 3 years?
Amateur hour.
Im smoked on several occasions.
One time i was driving around 2am. The streets were empty. I ended up stopping at a light like 6 or 7 car lengths and just sat there before i realised what i was doing. I was lucky nobody saw hah.
I refuse to drink and drive, but driving stoned isnt really a problem, so long as the roads arent busy
Dank lines of shiba pre drive
Oh boy here we go. This is all from past experience. Please don't drive drunk or high it isn't worth it.
Coke - plenty of times. Doesn't affect me too much.
Mdma - ^^
Coke and xanax - tripping balls, body was all fuzzy and i was beaming. Got home and passed out straight away, felt like i was on a cloud
Weed - first time i drove high years ago i ran stop signs and had barely any control. Swerving and shit. Took a t break last week, but i basically always drove obliterated and it had no effect. Was second nature. Would even blaze while i drove. Doob cruise, blunt cruise. Used to hit the bong while i drove.
Alcohol - ironically i've never driven drunk. I've had a beer or two and thats it. Too scared to get busted and its plain dangerous.
Driven on all these combimations while sleepy and tired. Driving tired is horrible. Being tired and baked is when i swerve a little bit.
Sober now. At least when I drive. It's fun to try things but don't make it at regular thing. Driving high on weed is the only exception to me if you have a high tolerance and are an experienced driver.