Why does Veeky Forums likes miatas?, They look gay
Why does Veeky Forums likes miatas?, They look gay
It's all most can afford
They handle very nicely and have lots of aftermarket support.
Can you just not into cars or is this weak bait that I've just fallen for.
Post a picture of your car.... that is if you have one.
>Good handling
>easy to work on
>two seats because no one here has friends
>small enough for manlet's tiny little legs
>they're really good for autocross and drifting
>looking gay is a pro considering most who buy them are young closeted white males
>Mix It Again Tony Alverez
>easy to work on
>50/50 weight distribution
>loads of aftermarket
>decent fuel economy
>pop-up headlights
>easy to drive
What's not to like?
The universal cheap chassis that can be transformed into anything
How does that make it good?
>Giving actual responses to a retarded teenager who just yells "gay" at things
Wasting your time
Is somehow even more insecure than OP
it makes it fun
Better driving dynamics, easier to work on, less understeer, more oversteer
Doesn't understeer like an Audi
>decent fuel economy
These aren't valid Veeky Forums reasons to like a car
OP doesnt have a car. please ignore this busriders thread
thanks - mgmt
>decent fuel economy
>These aren't valid Veeky Forums reasons to like a car
they are though
a miata is probably the best car you can get with a budget of 3 grand
Veeky Forums is full of young adults who are poor and therefore like cheap cars.
Look how much love the geo metro gets.
>They look gay
>watches Grand Tour episode 2
>immediately comes to Veeky Forums to shitpost
Do you own a car?
Lel haven't actually seen it yet, but Audis are well known for being the worst offenders when it comes to understeer
Probably has to do with the entire fucking engine hanging infront of the front axle
Engines should be between the axles, like in the car I own
It's loved because it drives incredibly well, especially for the price. It's not really a case of poorfaggotry like the metro
>Veeky Forums likes miatas
>They look gay
Pick two
That's one of the best looking miatas I've seen
Its cheap, parts are plentiful, lots of them around, decently reliable, huge aftermarket selection, easy to find with manual transmission, RWD
You look gay.
Everyone is gay for Marty tho.
I was going to post the same thread, they are over-rated, low-power, EZ-riced cars, however they aren't many shekels.
how does rwd make it easier to work on? not trolling, just a complete noob.
I like gay looking cars
I like light and small cars
I like cheap and simple cars
I like good gas mileage and I seldom drive over 60mph
It's the perfect car unless you want to go fast as fuck.
Seperate suspension in the driving wheels and steering wheels means less shit can go wrong/less shit you have to diagnose.
Not really a selling point unless you're a complete retard.
they're a meme car.
>when you think modern miatas aggressive stylistics will get rid of gay stereotype but mazda canada is not helping at all