What is the shittiest state to drive in and why is it Florida?
What is the shittiest state to drive in and why is it Florida?
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fucking this.
everyone here drives like a complete autist and the constant rain just makes it worse
and god help you if your car's A/C is broken during the spring, summer, and most of fall. the heat is fucking unbearable
>people who have no idea what the roads are like in places where it actually gets cold
Just fuck right off, I hit more potholes on my way to work than there are in your entire fucking states.
Pennsylvania has tons of potholes, and bumpy country roads everywhere. Nice scenery though, especially in fall.
Nebraska is eight hours of corn fields.
Half of Wyoming's roads aren't even paved.
All of them because universally underfunded and undereducated.
But then you get to drive home and have hot sweaty sticky sex with your gf and then jump in the pool/ocean
it evens out
You wouldn't have to jump in the pool if you didn't live in a sweatbox shithole.
Also hot tubs are comfier.
It's Indiana.
Every road here is flat and straight, no opportunity to have fun in a little car like a Miata.
No one actually knows how to fucking drive here. You have people going under the speed limit in the left lane daily. Factor in everyone drives a fucking truck too so you cant see past anyone. Also no one uses their indicators.
Winter is fucking stupid because we get just enough snow to warrant salt but not enough to justify getting snow tires or having 4wd. So you are forced to put your nice car away for half the year.
Only thing nice about here is no front plates and no emissions inspections. Not really sure if it's worth it though. I heard commiefornia is great for driving
>Pennsylvania has tons of potholes, and bumpy country roads everywhere. Nice scenery though, especially in fall.
New York is the same way except our roads are worse because unlike PENNDOT, the NY DOT can't even be bothered to put reflective strips on the road.
Also no one in the entire tri-state area can drive.
That's the best part. Nothing like her riding the shit out of you while sweat pools at her nipples/chest raining all over your face with that crazy frizzy hair due to the humidity.
Sliding sweaty bodies together feels so good and natural.
sorry m8
texas cause no touges and no taxes means roads are maintained like shit
>Toyota HQ/everything moved to Texas
>might have to move there
fuck fuck fuck FUCK
At least I can meet scotty
NJ here, PA somehow makes our drivers look good.
This. Their mentality towards taxes means their roads are shit. I'm from Indiana, but I always breathe a sigh of relief on I70 as I cross back into Ohio (my current home). Ohio's roads are in SUCH better shape.
Miata bro: I went to school in Bloomington. There are some really neat roads south of Bloomington if you like twisties. I'd take my bike down through there to unwind on the weekends.
Why? Potholes, rust, straight roads.
BTW Florida is awesome for driving. Explore more.
Oh wait you were serious
Nearly 70% of the roads in upstate NY are equivalent to that of Baghdad, it keeps the dropped ricetards off the street so thats nice
How are cops there?
West Virginia
By the book, generally. But contrition can work. I actually prefer it over the "good ole boy" bullshit.
We know not to go over 80mph on I70. The first 10mph is point free.
>No one actually knows how to fucking drive here. You have people going under the speed limit in the left lane daily. Factor in everyone drives a fucking truck too so you cant see past anyone. Also no one uses their indicators.
I drive a semi, you'd think the long straight highways would be a cake walk but it's almost a constant idiot induced annoyance.
Also, does Indiana allow open carry? A few times I saw a biker,always a black dude, maybe a purple vest, always solo north bound on 65 with a gun holstered very visible.
Florida wouldn't be so shitty if those faggot fucking Yankees would stay the fuck out.
Does the Ford Taurus doing 58 in the left lane with a shock of white hair peeking above the wheel and the left blinker going for 11 miles bother you in Floriduh?
Only when the license plate says anywhere north of Florida.
Louisiana statistically has the worst drivers, and I fucking believe it. If you go to Alexandria, prepare to add near death experiences to your daily routine. 2nd place is Texas, because it's full of old fucks who do 45 in a 70, and 70 in a 45.
This is hilarious mainly because my roommate is from Louisiana and always makes me wonder how he hasn't been in an accident yet
>always goes at least 10 or 15 over in residentials, at least 25 over on highways
>fucking awful at parking his Hyundai, takes 3 tries half of the time to get in the lines
>took a two-hour road trip with him last weekend, missed probably five major and noticeable turns, even with me saying "hey we need to turn here" three times in increasing increments of volume
He's like a little brother to me but holy fuck I hate driving with him.
kek, I was driving around the Catskills the other day and there's some bretty gud 2ghey routes (as long as you don't mind a 400+ ft. drop if you fuck up)
catskills are goat. If the condiitons were better it would be as crowded as TN/NC routes though
>Koreaboos and Mexs trying to overtake you with sub-par Hondas
>Indians cutting you off with entry level beamers
>BOOMERS and their Porsches/old muscle junk who never shut up
>20,000 people on each road
>Smogged up to shit in major cities despite tons of car regulations
>Busfags on every corner
How can you not mention the third-world tier roads?
Third-world in that there's potholes and grooves and shit everywhere. And SO MUCH trash on the side of the freeway.
And those fucks get more federal highway bucks than they give. Arizona funds THEIR shit and we have WAY better roads.
That's just one of the reasons I hope those calexit fucks get traction. Fuck off California.
Who /I4 commute/ here ?
florida driving varies so much though.
old farts/flyover snowbirds driving around aimlessly plus white trash reckless driving
>miami/south fl
spics and young people driving recklessly
>orlando/central fl
combination of both plus yuppies in base model audis tailgating you all the way up to your driveway.
I4 is a nightmare but, the second I pass like boynton beach going south I'm already more stressed.
People SFL either go 20-30 over speed limit or go 10-15 under. Theres no in-between.
Every time I drive down its a fucking near death experience.
>people merging into your lane not watching
>people not paying attention
>people braking on the highway for LITERALLY NO REASON. and then speeding up. (Why is this so common?!)
I don't understand how south florida is so assbackwards.
Also all the highways are set up dumb as fuck and are constantly being changed so your GPS fucks up half the time.
I hadn't been to Tampa in a few years, I'm glad that the I-4/275 interchange was finally completed.
Now if the rest of the city could figure out how to finish a road construction project, that would be great.
Nebraska here
It really is as boring as you would thing it is. Plus the constant road construction fucking sucks.
I've forgone commuting on i4. I would much rather pay tolls than to go on that dogshit third world road
As a s/o/cal native, allow me to elaborate on why this is true.
>shitty baghdad tier roads because caltrans is too chickenshit to fix anything
>any ongoing road construction has been going on for the past 10 years. Fucking China can do the same amount of work in 10 days. Why? Caltrans and the state legislature are too chickenshit to do anything
>fob chinks in $80k+ cars who paid $80k+ for a license because they'd fail the driving test the moment they touched the steering wheel
>mexishits blasting their gay circus music in their amigotrucks loaded up the ass with improperly secured shit (hence all the road debris)
>road debris from above because, you guessed it, caltrans is too chickenshit to clean anything up
>people driving 20 over the speed limit everywhere but the touges.
>those who don't speed are momcows in landbarges or some hipster faggot in a prius on the phone doing 5mph
>touges are clogged with the above, but throw in cyclist bitches wearing rubber pants who think "sharing the road" means only sharing with other cyclists
>There is more CHP on the touge than on the freeways
>CARB. Nuff said.
>rush hour starts at 3, ends at 9, even on holidays. Combine with stagnated road construction for massive lulz.
>heaven help you if your AC is fucked
At least the touges are dank if you go when everyone's asleep...
>live in Hawaii (specifically Oahu)
>always traffic
>the only touge is kinda in a residential area, and the bruddas treat it like their personal motogp course
>pretty much nowhere to go off road
>the really epic roads are on Maui and Hawaii, and you'll pay up your ass to ship your car to another island
>tfw surfing is what keeps me sane
Florida has really good roads thanks to its climate. The shittiest places to drive are the Northeast and Midwest during the winter, where there's not only a lot of snow and ice, but they also salt the hell out of the roads.
>lives in a tropical paradise
>finds a reason to complain
>tfw you will never have comfy rainy days with a pale qt grille
why live
More like 7 months out of the year
>shitty baghdad tier roads
This so much. There is a road going through a neighborhood near where I live that has had so many fucking cunts in their dumb fucking suv tanks run over it everyday taking their kids to school that it has become FUCKING WASHBOARDED TO SHIT. And this isn't in the ghetto, this in a neighborhood where all of the houses cost at least half a million dollars. There is a goddamn HOA and everything and that shit never gets fixed. The roads where the giant trucks coming down from the gravel pits aren't even as bad as this road. I don't get why California in general is so bad at maintaining it's roads.
>500k houses
yeah, that's a ghetto for CA.
upper class area = multimillion houses, no HOA because the populace isn't human trash
>yeah, that's a ghetto for CA.
No it isn't. Clearly you've never been to the ghetto.
Never thought I would see someone bragging about being too poor for AC
West Virginia
>Shitty Baghdad roads
If you've ever been to Baghdad, you'd know that their roads are light years better than California.
I mean a ghetto for CA, by the midsized mostly white american city standard of "ghetto"
>where the people who make between $30 and $50k a year live
Yes, but California also has real ghettos where people make $0 per year. Trust me, where I live is not the ghetto. I said $500k minimum, there are plots of land without anything built on them that are valued at 1mil and up close to me. And those plots aren't super big either.
Wew lad go south of West Palm and be prepared for old Fucks merging into the highway at thirty, then slowing down even more when they can't find a spot going half I95's speed
This is true.
FL roads are actually bretty gud. The drivers are shit, but at least you don't have to avoid 12" deep potholes created by the plows at the end of winter.
And while traffic is fairly shitty in my area, most of these roads were built up in the past couple decades with expectations that it would be a busy area. This differs from other older cities in the US where the population keeps growing but there is no room to add extra lanes. Every major road here is at least 6 lanes and divided.
Is there anywhere people actually use the left lane for passing only?
In Illinois people get triggered if you try to pass them.
I'm in Illinois. People do an ok job yielding from the left lane. I'd say more than half of people will move over if you're going faster. I lived in Arizona for a while and no one would ever get out of the left lane.
Can confirm. My fiancée just bought a lexus last year and had to spend $800 in repairs because of hitting a pothole at 55 mph. This state is broke AF
Dude fuck Ohio in the cincinnati area though. Everything he talked about is like 210 times worse in this area. I75 has been under construction for 12 years, but the road are still shit. Somehow shitty drivers overflow into all surrounding areas, where people just sit in the left lane going the same speed as the car to the right of them, so I always end up having to be a jackals cutting over 2 lanes at 75 just to get around them. Unless there is 100s of them like every day. And god forbid you get seen by highway patrol because apparently they only look for out of state plates, or people with no front plates, rather than their own shitty populous.
The ONLY good experience I had in Ohio was cruising through Central Ohio where there is fucking nothing.
Seriously. Fuck Ohio
Better than South Florida. Most of the time you have to pass on the right because people in the left two lanes are doing 55mph on a 65mph interstate.
The problem is absolutely nobody signals though. You end up with so mant fucked up accidents on I-95 which should never happen. And when you change lanes, you just have to do it really quickly because even if you use your turn signal, somebody from behind you will be weaving in and out of traffic and will change into that lane next to you without using their signal even when you have yours on. The old people and tourists have no fucking clue where they are going and all the foreigners don't understand US traffic laws for shit and drive like it's a third world country. I would say it's amazing they passed the exam, but I'm guessing a good 2/3 of them are unlicensed.
Worst as in roads or just getting around? Cause Louisiana and Texas take it on the latter.
>when you live on the boarder of both
Ay bylat
As for opposite, what's the comfiest state to drive in?
Oregon, scenic drives all across makes me hard.
Speaking of, is 5a closed or something? I drove out there last week and it had a gate and combo lock on the entrance.
Louisiana wins over Texas. There is a notable difference transitioning on the interstate from Louisiana to Texas. The quality of the road increases significantly.
Can you give any examples, I might be moving there in a year or two and I would like some twisties but I know the south half of the state is largely very flat
I was just over in the Cape Coral area visiting the folks. Trying to drive out to Pine Island was hell with all the old people and illegals on the road.
Factor in tourist season out on the island, and I'm surprised more pedestrians don't get run the fuck over. Red tide totally fucked up Charlotte Harbor too, so fishing was almost a waste of time.
New Jersey has the worst fucking highways on the east coast imo. My dad and I drove a Uhaul from south carolina to Connecticut filled with my grandads stuff he didn't need anymore but my dad could use (tools, cabinets, etc), and we also has his antique 49 international KB-2 on a trailer. New jersey was a fucking nightmare to drive through. Terrible drivers (new york was guilty too) and pot holes everywhere
KB-2 you say?
highway to the keys is the only nice drive in the state
Old fuckers always are driving on the wrong side
California roads (LA county anyway) has comically bad roads. Seriously; i'm in mexico right now and the cities here have better roads than my area.
Scenic Martin highway out of Stuart is also really nice.
>South Carolina among the worst
>North Carolina running close
Seems legit
Love these kind of photos
New mexico basically doesn't care about speeding as has it's fair share of straight/open roads as well as windy mountain roads.
North Carolina has some of the best twisties in the world, though.
>thread about shitty driving states
>shitty driving states
>shitty driving
There is every reason to complain about driving on Oahu.
>baghdad tier roads
I just got back to AZ from LA, and holy shit you can notice the difference the moment you cross state lines.
Because people from other states keep moving and visiting here.
MA here, can attest to this
Floridans are absolute shit drivers
>just moved from CO to IL
Jesus fuck kill me please.
Factually incorrect. California gives more in federal taxes than they receive.
Those comfy early morning drives to the Oregon cost on a rainy, foggy, day
Sounds horrible. There's nothing worse than moist cold weather.
>just moved from CO to IL
Why? If you're in Chicago it's not that bad. Chicago is 1000x better than Denver. If you're not in the city then that really sucks.
>Chicago is 1000x better than Denver.
Is this what chicagofaggots actually believe
best roads in the area are just across the river in iowa.
dem togue roads are there if you find them.
Having lived in both it's a fact. I wouldn't even consider Denver a real city, it's more like a Peoria, Illinois somewhat next to the mountains. The US only really has two real cities, NYC and Chicago. NYC obviously better since it's massive, but Chicago's good too. Denver is awful.
Minnesota is pretty shitty all year round.
>6 months of winter
>6 months of MNDOT fucking everything up with construction
>Shitty drivers all year round
>Potholes everywhere
At least there's no emissions testing.
I moved from southern Colorado to Lake County. It's fucking horrid, everything is expensive and there's traffic until 11 fucking PM and everything is at least 20 minutes away.
Ain't no good work in SOCO.
Chicago is pretty special. There aren't many other real cities like it.
Fuck the NYC and whole northeast attitude tho.
Sunrise in Key West with the breezy ocean air is better.
Rain can be kinda comfy to drive in though just because of the noise. And snow is cool because everything gets quiet and muffled and even at night it is kinda bright out. Plus if it isn't plowed, you get the crunchy yet smooth (like crunchy Jif) road feel. But snow and rain with traffic are both terrible.
Yeah the suburbs do kinda blow. And even though IL taxes people to death, the Dems are too busy stealing the money and giving the rest to nigs and don't invest it in roads like they should. So all the main roads in areas like Lake Co are 2 or 4 lane roads that get super backed up during rush hour because the suburbs grew and the roads stayed the same.
>So all the main roads in areas like Lake Co are 2 or 4 lane roads that get super backed up during rush hour
Yeah I noticed that. At least they're smooth and maintained which is more than I can say for roads like Academy in Springs.
>tfw I was commuting from Volo to Buffalo Grove for almost 2 months
God that was awful, at least I'm in Mundelein now.
Have you been to NYC? It's an absolute piss-coated hellscape. The size and population of cities isn't related to quality.
My buddy has a house in a getto part of a moderately rural town, 280k 1000sq ft .25 acre
How exactly does this work when the average salary in California isn't really any higher than it is anywhere else, yet cost of living is way higher due to the insane housing prices?
You rent and pay 30%+ of your paycheck on it.
Let me tell you about Virginia. Pic related. Our State is the source of this meme.
In Virginia, any appearance in Traffic Court has an automatic 150 dollar fee on average.
In Virginia, you are charged 25 dollars for every mile over the speed limit you go.
If you go more then 20 miles over the speed limit, you incur an automatic reckless driving charge. This is a misdemeanor charge in Virginia, and goes on your permanent criminal record.
If you go over 80 MPH, even on the Interstate, you incur an automatic reckless driving charge.
The fine for reckless driving can go up to 2,500 dollars in Virginia.
Reckless driving in Virginia carries a 2 week jail sentence at the maximum. First time offenders can be sentenced to a few days in the clink depending on how anal the judge is.
The average cost of your first drunk driving charge is 10,000 dollars after fines, court fees, and lawyer costs. Don't do it a second time. Its not pretty.
Truckers are not allowed to use rest stops for sleeping. They get cited for loitering. BTW, this goes for regular motorists too. Loitering is a Class 3 Misdemeanor in Virginia, and will also go on your record.
Radar detectors are illegal in Virginia. State Police also have detectors to detect the detector, and having one in the State is a Misdemeanor that will go on your permanent criminal record, and potentially land you in jail.
Darkly Tinted windows are illegal in Virginia, and you will be pulled over and towed away if you attempt to drive through the State with them. You will also be fined.
All of this is backed up by an all pervasive State Police force and local agencies. In the 2014 thanksgiving holiday, the State Police wrote almost 10,000 speeding tickets.