League of Legends General - /lolg/

Eve's big fat ass edition.

>All-Star music video:

>Memes, contests and other good stuff:

>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:

What build is now good on Viktor? Do I still rush Rylais after the nerf?

Why am I not allowed to dodge at no cost when I get matched with a Riven OTP that got autofilled to support?

vg vs vg on na when?

twerking is for niggers

>only plat last season
>literally lost 6 placements in a row
I'm honestly expecting like bronze 1. Got my first S of the season though, so hopefully things are looking up for a while now.

riven support it's like a better leona!

Can someone identify the Artist / Artwork?

>mfw shit at Jhin
How can I improve? I'm basically new to adc but I'm losing every single game, lane and farm. Last game we lost a 4 vs 5 because I was shit while their kog was machinegunning everyone.

nah I logged into the legacy client to check and the stuff was still there.
logging back into new client has made it all re-appear


no, rylais is dog dick on most mages now, its niche is properly defined again as it for people like karthus or taliyah

see if you already closed the tab

if you're bad at adc, start with someone like ashe or cait, not jhin.
jhin is a weird blend of adc/assassin, it ain't easy

>You will never transform into Lux

>Literally Bottom of the barrel.

Alright /lolg/ I've got a clean slate and I'm ready to be molded.

I've got nowhere to go but up.

First to roll 5 decides what toplane champ I main to get to silver.

>no more 40% slow Qs
this is gay

once this memeloving circlejerk known as all-stars is over, a real tournament is being played next week for the first relevant tournament on the new season.

Group A
>Samsung Galaxy (World's Runnerup, roster unchanged)
>Vega Squadron (Wildcard from CIS, has Edward)
>J Team (Taipei Assassins renamed)
>Immortals (now with Flame/Dardoch/Cody Sun/Kasing (or Piccaboo)

Group B
>Kongdoo Monster (roster unchanged since promotion from Korean Challenger, new coach oGsMC from Starcraft 2)
>Dark Passage (Wildcard from Turkey, literally whos)
>Team Liquid (Reignover and Goldenwho as new players, Piglet back as a starter)
>Giants (who cares EU lul, nobody even knows what their final roster is)

despite the obvious fact that Samsung is going to go undefeated and absolutely destroy the tournament, it should be relatively interesting to see some of the new rosters/new meta stuff.


>ashe or cait
Those are boring though.

ga-ga-galactic power! transform!


Newish player and did my first placements and got placed in s4, happy about it. Now how do I avoid getting cucked all the way into Bronze?

Boring, but easiest to learn and the best for learning adc in general. If you want someone """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""exciting""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" or """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""BIG PLAYS"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" then go twitch vayne jinx or whatever

Oh thanks, good thing you linked your reply, didn't see it before jumping here

But user, if your mom doesn't twerk for niggers, she won't be able to afford your christmas presents this year.



silver is the most common result for the original placements
if you remain in silver the next season you are placed to bronze possibly even if you win all 10 games

>Get put on my off-role for five out of six placement games
>Get shit on for five out of my six placement game


Did you guys know plat players doing their placements against low gold will duo queue a Thresh/Blitzcrank full damage lane?


I just wanna fucking jungle man. I can usually play my off role fine but I inted so fucking hard and I'm gonna go 1/9 at this rate.

What is some good trash talk I can use to tilt my opponent?



Compliment them for something they did well, making them think that you're an ironic asshat.

aww, that's adorable!

how much dust is it?


500 you autistic goat

R stands for outplayed

What do you mean, dust? Champion essence? It's 500.


i thought you got a soraka champion shard -_-

i didn't open the pic

i wonder how much blue dust it costs

I just sent a friend request to every single person on your friends list, and I'm gonna tell them I'm your friend.

Then I'm going to embarrass you.

Please do.

I wanna cuddle Jinx and smell her licorice scent

Also what genre of music would champions be into?
Jinx - Punk/Pop
Lucian - R&B



I don't have niggers in my country though I have abos

probably the IP cost of the champion minus the shard's worth in blue essence if you decraft it

Looks like we got a weiner!

tell them u fukked their mum last night and she told you that her son was a massive geyboy and that his waifu was shit

I don't know what it is with poppy lewds but god damn they always get me.

Can I carry shitters with fiora if Im sub plat shitter myself too?


Nocturne - Dark ambiance

Oh shit you're in luck. Currently Glass Cannon AP Akali is pretty bad but AP Bruiser Akali is very strong.

Runes Masteries in image, consider a second page with flat mr blues for ap lanes.

Starting item will normally be either cloth 4 or longsword 3, I don't think the other ones make sense anymore.

Build order is gunblade >mercs/tabis > sunfire/sv> the other one > more tank stuff. Don't build any other damage, you don't need it and you don't scale with it. Obviously adjust your build against all ad/mostly ap/ whatever

If you have any questions you can add me on na wizard hat but I won't be playing for a week or so

>i have to play le ebin outplayed carry champs to carry xdddd

play poppy or maokai if you are a toplaner you fucking cunt

>Stop playing for a month
>Ahri best mid win-rate
>corki non-trash win-rate
>Twitch 57%win rate
>Nautilus 52% on toplane
>Sion support best win rate

What the fuck did i miss


Did you have this all written out on stand by?

First off bravo and sencond Jesus man no need to hit the ground running.

Twitch became crazy man
he just needs farm to delete practically everyone else in a handful of seconds

I already play poppy,very often too. I just feel that If I had the different champion maybe I could have had made a difference when ahead.

ivern is the best jungle too

he also disappears on spot

Post fat asses.

>implying lucian isn't secretly white inside and listens to deathcore while purifying niggas

So just like he always did.

Only now there aren't lucians and dravens killing him every minute in lane.


You missed the part where youtubers started releasing videos on the "le ebin korean challenger strats" AKA some guy who's good enough that challenger is clown fiesta to him and just fucks around in it.

Get ready for ADC Sion and ADC Ziggs.

I'm getting off this ride right fucking now.

also it's the data for the previous patch, currently twitch was nerfed and stuff

>botlane manages to feed a tear ezreal

Skill order is always Q level 1, you need to learn how to CS with Q. Once you're comfortable you can sometimes take e level 1 to try and all-in, but generally you want to go Q > W > Q > E for easier farming and shroud to farm + trade. Get ult whenever you can, and max q > e > w.

You mostly just want to farm until 6, but you can win trades as long as you aren't against irelia jayce trundle renekton quinn. Darius is tricky to trade against but with practice you can do it.

Your trading pattern is q, wait for q cooldown, auto, shroud, q auto, and run away, e when available. Against some heroes you can't use shroud to trade because you'll need it to escape.

Your easiest lanes are Riven, Yasuo, Maokai, pretty much any tank, Ekko.

At 6 if you have revolver you can pretty much allin anybody. Also look for tps, you can generally 1shot adcs at this point.

Once you get beefy you mostly want to splitpush, you should be able to 1v1 and maybe 1v2 if you're decently farmed, and after winning a fight you can vamp it all up. In teamfights you want to wait for them to use some cooldowns offensively and then jump on squishies, and use shroud on top of their backline to play around your cooldowns and force them to split up. Memorize the champions that give true sight and be very careful around them, if you get revealed you're fucked

No I started writing when I got the get

>99 lp


6.25 patch when btw?

Yeah then I'll tell him that he is probably handsome IRL and the crippling depression will set in


really? huh, so we have this broken state for quite a while

a lot of people are
i would say thank you, but then my /all is turned off

>She will never sit on you

dont make me depressed again user

Best girl.
Best lover.
Best wife.

I wont play my leaguefu until I'm gold.

>meaningful kennen nerf on pbe
wew lads

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

tfw no girl gamer gf with fat ass

I'm doing the opposite, it's a journey together through the shit and the glory.


fucking finally

Oh my god please more

>Placement game
>Gold border PL kid with ecks dee spam picks VEIGAR ADC
>Lose the game
>After the game he says he's better than us all
>Enemy team doesn't report him

What can you do in these situations ? Losing the game cause someone can't pick ADC is extremely frustrating and I wish I could kill that PL kid until he'd be in a blood bath. I usually stop playing when a game like this happens, but it still pisses me off that a potential win was thrown away because someone trolls in fucking ranked.

Also cancer to people saying "can I x role ?" after selecting 2 fucking roles in que.

what game is she playing?

Bully the bf.

Diablo 3.

>tfw you find the sauce

Goodbye, lads. See you in fap heaven.

I want to protect this smile


How does nightblue manage to be so cringeworthy jesus christ.
I don't like qtpies music choices but at least he has a sense of humour and doesn't talk like a 14 year old buzzing off sugar

Get good taste and stop watching streamers.

curse of the autistic goblin jew
with a dare i say, autistic reddit weeb crowd

>he has a sense of humour and doesn't talk like a 14 year old buzzing off sugar
>fuck dude lmao dude wtf lmao dude thanks for the sub dude fuck dude thanks for donating rekt dude wtf dude fuck dude bro mate dude fuck fuck lmao thanks fur sub and ubboat dude fuck lol garbage fuck trash dude fuck dude

very entertaining

That looks to be contradictory.
Get good taste in what?
>Stop watching streamers
What do you do between queues or if you're playing an off role?

>hell yeah



I rather listen to qtpies goofy ass voice than nb3 say
>CAN I GET A VO-HI-YO IN THE CHAT kapperino in the chaterino animes
and his voice is way worse to listen to

holy shit, you just made me remember that Diana is a champion in this game.
like, I legitimately forgot about her existence, I don't do that even with champions I never play (jinx, anivia, ahri and shit)
I'm gonna try her out top right now, thanks user.

Nth for ever declining gold efficiency

would you an ahri in Christmas?

>not liking 90s hip hop
>not liking current hip hop

Shiggy Diggy Doo I agree with everything else you said though. Also at least QT doesn't blast his music so loud that you can barely hear him or the game. The only streamer allowed to get away with too loud music is Tobias Fate.

Following off this, I think the thing I prefer more is that qtpie doesn't try to constantly talk during his games which is what nb3 feels like, who just fills his games with non league related chat and can't go 5 seconds without talking.