>Links and Resources
>Links and Resources
Other urls found in this thread:
Camilla a best!
Azura a shit
DEF still stuck at 8 even when promoted, what do?
Promoted to Knight or General?
That's not too bad, she'll probably level it one or two times, and even then the promotion gains'll help her out when you get her to general. I like making her a paladin personally
Takumi is the qtest
you are genuinely retarded. do you also think that I actually believe you're retarded or do I need to specify that it's just an insult?
I always pick general for the animation.
Micaiah nukes the boss easily
Sothe blocks the way as everyone else files out
This will be a 10 turn clear for max BEXP
What the fuck is with that guy's hair?
It's a bird
Severa is the ____est.
is Severa a stargirl?
You mom is a shit
This is my wife, Ophelia. She is a pure maiden.
>pure maiden
>walks around half naked
Do you think Laslow secretly sucks her tits on the side, cums inside and makes her hide it from her father and his best friend?
No, that's what Hisame does.
>Being a cuck
Laslow isn't a daughteru fucker
>pure maiden
>walks around in a bikini with her tits hanging out
I like Hana
>gets the pickle dick
We heard you the first time
Wasn't me, I'm not a cuckposter. I just like the pairing.
That's just the standard dark mage outfit, it doesn't mean she's not pure.
And she is my wife, not Hisame's.
unloading in Azura
unload the sauce on me bro
whatever you say, cuck lol
Azura is fucking garbage
>western art
Your waifu is cute. I can understand why my waifu likes her so much.
>/u/ shit
Fuck off with this shitty one sided meme pairing.
>Waifuing Soshit
How can taste this bad exist?
/u/ fags are delusional in general
>look two girls are friends
>Cluck posters are literal closet homosexuals that live for the sake of sucking cocks
>/u/ fags are closet clucks who are letting girls do the clucking to warm up to letting men do it
So are we ever going to get our tanned big-butt tall basketball girl back?
>not remembering
That was Drill. He revealed he used an alternate trip to shitpost about Oboro just for fun.
Except Drill never translated shit. And Tharjafag was shit at translating too. /feg/ gave her a lot of shit and I'm not surprised she snapped the way that she ended up doing.
Should've probably asked for titty pics from her though as proof.
>Wanting a blog-posting shitposter
She/He did nothing to contribute to /feg/ unlike my main man TharjaAnon
>actually believing that retard who still used names like Cyrus despite them being wrong
He was just some faggot who was good at attention whoring and shoddy translations. Nothing more
Stop trying to force this shit.
Using a translated name is basis that it's a bad translation? Okay user
>It's the Oborofag fanclub again
You guys are really fucking desperate for some "girl" online. This is pathetic.
It's obviously just one person. Probably Oborofag himself. Ignore etc
But I never talk to any girl otherwise
I recall when people thought Awakening didn't had true hit. Then Fates came along, that one actually didn't had true hit and everyone cried bitch tears when 70% hit rate wasn't reliable
So uh, I took a bit of some time off of /feg/ but what the fuck happened?
There's no discussion going on, the last few threads have had nothing but rampant blogposting tripfags, and even anons are joining in on shitposting without any real discussion of the game. It's literally just fucking waifu posting everywhere. The most golden part is that TharjaAnon faggot is somehow still here by some strange feat.
Why isn't /feg/ dead yet?
>unlike my main man TharjaAnon
You left /feg/ before Awakening was released?
He's cleaned up his act. He's one of the better tripfags now
>Why isn't /feg/ dead yet?
I don't even fucking know
That's not praise.
>cleaned up act
>does nothing but beg for attention, post waifushit and whine and try to play janny
Keep going this shit is gold
>what the fuck happened?
Waifufags migrated after "le ebin xD" 12yo cluckposters infected the general. Now the threads are dead pretty much all the time. There are also the tripshits and namefags samefagging all day.
Nah, I left after the whole thing with Awakening went over. But I came back and checked every few months and a common fixture was always some shitspamming guy talking about Tharja in his first posts.
The fact that he hasn't been permabanned indicates to me the mods aren't doing their jobs
Why are everyones eyebrows uneven?
I cant unsee this shit
Yes, I sure love his engaging posts where some guy mysteriously acts some asinine question that leads to 20 blog posts about himself, what he likes and why he likes it over the course of a whole thread. Or how he's always talking about what he likes, how he likes it and how its important that we all know his tastes and opinion on everything.
don't forget they pathetically keep each other afloat by responding to each others posts with barely seconds between.
The same 12 year old shitposters drove out any chances of decent content being posted here.
ArtistAnna, Oborofag, TranslaterAnon, Frenchie, etc. All of these people were occasional shitposters but at least they provided shit to talk about. Now it's just fucking waifubait posting and TharjaAnon/CamillaAnon/ChercheAnon just spamming the ever living fuck out of this board.
/feg/ needs to fucking die.
No. The other 3 were okay in small doses but that fag was a shitposter
>being mad that tripfags and attentionwhores left
maybe you should leave too
Shitposter or not, she (probably a dude more likely) did a metric fuckton of translating when the DLC's first came out so I'll always be thankful for that.
That being said, I'm not thankful for the next few weeks of shitposting from said user.
>ArtistAnna, Oborofag, TranslaterAnon, Frenchie
>all people that Tharjafag hated
Makes ya think
Is Tharjafag a janny? Might explain it to be honest. But yeah, those four got a lot of fucking shit from "random" sources of anons who mysteriously disappeared once they were driven out
The shitposter didn't disappear, he just goes under the name CamillaAnon now.
>/feg/ needs to fucking die
I hate this meme. If people really wanted /feg/ to die then they would stop posting here.
Needs and wants are different things. Like nobody wants to put down their sick dog but you need to if it's suffering a lot.
Are you saying that people are emotionally attached to /feg/?
>le ebin "popular pairing dictates canon" maymay
It's not even popular.
HoF literally proves it's canon. You lost bro.
Somewhat, maybe not the thread itself but you know any action to kill /feg/ would be met with resistance by every trip because then they wouldn't be able to circlejerk anymore.
Except it doesn't
Not him, but Ophelia does get shipped with Hisame a lot, only other person that comes close is Solel.
>The Weeknd
Someone explain this meme
Hisame is such a shit character though, he deserves to die a virgin
He makes good music and he's said in an interview he enjoyed Conquest.
>Hisame is such a shit character though
Just like Ophelia, your point?
I'd miss the art. People do a good job scrounging websites that I apparently don't know about to get some nice art of characters that I enjoy. Other than that, this general is pretty much worthless.
Every character in Neo-FE is shit, don't even bother trying to argue otherwise.
By that logic Rhajat and Percy are also canon, and they don't even support.
not that hof means shit but still
You sound upset.