Does anyone else feel like they always have to go fast? Like they can't handle going the speed limit in the right lane.
Boy Racer
I apex corners all the time on the street. I most assuredly look like a massive faggot, but I'm having fun.
Bikefag here
>apex corners only when I can see through the whole thing (know every local corner I can do this on)
>slightly speed everywhere, not enough to be dangerous
>only dangerously speed on open country roads
I notice that if I come back from a hoon, I can't calm down in the city. So I often keep my bike in 6th so it doesn't have the torque to suddenly get me in danger.
>I notice that if I come back from a hoon, I can't calm down
This, there's a reason I bought an automatic minitruck, a 4cyl can't pull 3500 lbs of truck anywhere fast. It even has some perks
> A.) I can tow my 5spd hoonbox away if I break down
> B.) it is hard to fit spares, parts and tools in a gutted Miata
> C.) No more walking 5mi to the bus 3 hours early for work because I grenaded something in my only car
> D.) no more dealing with a twin-disk in hellish traffic
> E.) my domestic-partner can't drive stick, so now he isn't trapped in the house and can actually buy groceries
> B.) it is hard to fit spares, parts and tools in a gutted Miata
> E.) my domestic-partner can't drive stick, so now he isn't trapped in the house and can actually buy groceries
The speed limits often are set artificially low for the road design at the behest of insurance companies, gas-pinching feds, and municipality revenue departments, especially on US highways
Pic related. The number of people that go 75-80 down this 60mph limited bit of highway is insane. The locals have sometimes parked four revenue department cruisers in one spot.
And it's definitely not because it's a tiny autobahn clone.
Where I live, there is a largely undeveloped area, with long, straight roads with almost no traffic on them. My buddies and I will go and drive really dangerously down them late at night sometimes. We've never seen any cops down there. I just got a new car and am hoping to take it out there, BUT there have been reports of an "older red BMW speeding in the area" (just like my new car) and the cops are supposedly "on the lookout".
I only really drive like an asshole in deserted roads. Sometimes I'll weave through traffic, but only when I'm ""racing"" my friends. I also just turned 18, so I guess it's just a phase
well done
>racing in traffic
this is how you kill people then go to jail for life
I don't actually race in traffic, that's why I put the quotes around it. I just mean that if I see someone I know I'll pull up beside them and like cut them off or something. Never anything too dangerous.
Turn yourself in before you hurt someone.
>achmed in his base 3-series hitting apex's at 15kph around a college campus
I ain't shitting but it's the most goofiest shit I've seen
Because of this faggot I can't get a good insurance rate until 25.
I've been driving for almost 3 years and never had an accident, or gotten a ticket.
Fuck you asshole
As a liter peter rider, I always find these threads amusing. Not to be condescending, but you guys don't know shit about going fast until you've been on a sport bike (or the car equivalent which is basically a 1200hp 2jz)
>I speed everywhere
>I never use my turn signals
>I make an effort to cut off at least 3 people per day
>I wear a short sleeve shirt and tie
>I own a bluetooth headset that I wear at all times
>my car is stock but I drive as if it's a track car
Wanna guess what model BMW I drive??
where do I even go to learn how to drive fast? I live in Tampa btw.
I drive a fucking 2001 Rav4 2.0L and I do it.
I don't give a fuck; I just have fun.
"if I see someone I know I'll pull up beside them and like cut them off or something. Never anything too dangerous."
>never anything too dangerous
>cutting another shitty driver off intentionally
Pick one you little shit. Or pick neither and turn in your license.
But your bike can't do 200mph+ like lightly modified* 'Stang, Camaro, or Challenger.
*I mean tuned with gutted cat
>I just mean that if I see someone I know I'll pull up beside them and like cut them off or something.
You should fucking kill yourself right now.
Just go drain your oil pan, and chug the contents.
I legitimately want to make you dig your own grave, and force you to look at me as I put a 147gr Federal HST +P round into your skull.
You make me sick.
Whatever bro at least I will live to wreck another shitbox after an accident
>440hp to the rear wheels
dear god tell me this isnt real
>Not +P+
Kill yourself, my man.
have to speed up in turns.
>guy behind me
>go through sweeping corner without braking
>look in rearview afterwards
>guy is now way behind me
>nothin personnel kid
probably was just some grandma driving though
>buy stock hayabusa for $4,500
>goes 194mph
>free ecu flash
>$5 front sprocket change
>goes ∞
>I do this
>I also get mad when people ahead of me don't
>can't handle going the speed limit
What? Are you suppose to handle it? Speed limit + 29mph is my minimal speed
Don't you fucking hate it when you're hauling ass down the highway doing 90-100 and then some fuckbag decides to change lanes right when you're behind them and then decide to fucking switch lanes once I've slowed down
I would do this in my old shitbox in hopes a drunk driver rear ends me so I
>cash out and buy a new old shitbox
>send a fag to jail
Also when you are going fast and someone pulls out in front of you from the curb.
If I got in a crash because they pulled out in font of me I would probably be blamed for going to fast. This has happened on too many occasions and I have to put on the brakes.
>possibly get injured or die in a highway collision
>but hey, I cashed out enough to buy a shitbox, amirite?
Exactly, fucking people don't see you going fast and decide "Hey lemme shit on this guy and fuck up his mood by making him slam on the brakes"
>not racing the police
>not racing supercars
>not racing boomers
>not always driving the slower car
>not winning anyway
Enjoy the next 5 years in court and chiropractic offices... or dead.
If I'm not driving spiritedly, I'm not driving
I've got nine lives and only used up 2 when
>I nearly died on the toegay (i love you based guard rail)
>some gook literally pulled out a katana on me and threatened to kill me
I don't mind using up another one to get another car.
You cuck, cash out by fucking up someone elses ride? Jesus guy
>what is relative motion && kinematics
>it's his fault officer! I was driving recklessly and he got in my way!
Why not work a save up for a down payment and get a new good car faggot?
Why not learn to drive and get out of my way, faggot? You're on the I-5, not the autobahn
Must suck to not wanting to go fast and live life instead of driving at the speed limit and enjoy life a little better
Fastest I have gone was ~130 mph on the highway, only I'm not a dumbass who speeds near other vehicles
>I'm not a dumbass who speeds near other vehicles
So what is the point of speeding alone in the middle of nowhere?
I thought you had to be 18 years or older to post here.
I seriously hate people that stay in the left lane and go the speed limit. Good on you op, for not being one.
>moving goalposts
What's the point of anything?
To be
I drive 80 to 100 on the highway and 60 or 65 on regular roads. 35 on residential.
I feel like I can't go back to driving the speed limit.
I love it when other cars get agrivated at my speeding and they try to "out fun" me so i just gas it and see if they have the balls to drive 100 on the road. So far nobody has gonne over 65.
I'm much more comfortable driving fast than driving slow.
That said I try real hard to behave while the sun is out.... doesn't always work.
i come home late at night most of the time with almost no traffic and i almost always speed
>The speed limits often are set artificially low for the road design at the behest of
>pic related
I don't always but I LOVE out-turning boy racer types.
It's really fun
>last night driving
>pull up to light in my Ford Fusion 1.6 liter ecoboost(tm)
>Altima coupe pulls up next to me, seem really impatient while waiting for the light (constantly rolling forward)
>light turns, he screeches his tires setting off
>whatever, floor it
> I have an anemic engine off the line but has good midrange power
>punch through first turn at 40, overtake him
>he tries to punch it and panic brakes
>I hit 50, then take my feet off the pedals, tear through turn at 45 mph
>he doesn't catch up to me til the next light
I love it. I'm a boy racer too
>this guy lives in my city
Or not to be
>when the right lane is moving faster than the left
Is this bait or do you actually think your fusion makes any usable power
yeah why even build highways if there's a stretch of desert I could easily go 70 on that fuck highways man
gotta go fast