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Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
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do treasure tubers exist or are they bugged
>every raid has twin memechete builds
So cool!
Tetsuo's lower half is disapointing.
Is there a balance patch in the making?
If so, what are your hopes ans dreams?
So are the stamps floor specific? I just beat Max Sharp and I'm sure I explored every area but I'm missing the 7th and 8th one. Do I just have to run around checking every area on those floors? And do you even get anything for doing this other than one Death Medal?
So I read on Reddit that some people got a free golden frog in their reward box. I didn't get one though? What's up with that? Also claimed it gave like a metric fuckload of experience compared to the one from the quest.
Did the cut screen for when riding the royal elevator change for anyone else?
Pic relate
One stamp per floor. Some stamps are not on the main, fixed levels, so you need to wait for the tower to change and have a random level in the floor you want, which might contain the stamp.
That is my theory at least.
Remove d/cing killing the character. Instead it just remembers what floor you were on and starts you on it again.
I've lost 500k to the elevator glitching out.
Increased fucking boss drops.
I think they changed it make there be an additional load screen to stop the elevator glitch since it hasnt happened to me since the patch. I sure fucking hope so anyway.
Sorry I don't want fags stealing my shit. I don't run dual machetes though. I run hammer + machete offhand.
>Tfw dipshit got fucking rekt the moment he entered my waiting room
what the fuck, haven't seen that before
wish i had someway to get an express pass
Now you realize that the streamer put elevator-chan in harm's way.
What a fucking faggot.
Im case the requesters missed it last thread
Rhycol- LET IT DIE (130)
Taking requests too if anyone wants to rip the songs off my videos
>make boss metal drops 100%
>half the kill coin cost of revives on floors 20+ at least
>cut floor 23+ mid boss HP by at least 25%
>maybe lower machete damage
Thanks, guess I'll putz around the first few floors then.
Another question, does anyone know what the Taster Passes that you get as login rewards do?
twin memes is a bad build. you want a butterfly, iron, or bat in one hand and the machete in another
They let you use the express elevator, express train, and get a free decal
>make game easier
it happens, dunno if it'll happen here
Hot Iron and fists have become my favorite weapon
Fists are pretty fast and the Iron is really good on close range, and even farther away chips off a lot of health.
Only on floor 10 tho, but enjoying it
posted in last thread
>do 1hr expedition
>get 3k gold and some healing items
>do 12 hr expedition thinking ill get 10k+ gold
>get 2k and fewer healing items
what is even the point in doing longer expeditions?
Fists will stop being viable by floor 15. And iron is already shit at floor 1. You can use it for however long you like because of the R1/L1 parry it has making it useful, but you can just learn to perfect block and use that easier. and not waste your time with a garbage weapon.
If you're lucky iron claws or machete will drop for you. They are both really good.
>can roll through snail clouds
>Only on floor 10 tho
I hope you enjoy being forced into the meta, E machete>longsword>lightning rapier soon
>iron is bad
>iron+ two shots GOTO9 when you first meet them
>iron is shit at floor 1
>it's my main weapon to use (not just the parry) up to floor 30 which i just used it to kill the boss
>mfw trying out Red Hot Iron +, +4 for the first time
What's the point of these side rooms that dont lead anywhere?
I really hate the iron...when it the hands of enemies. For some reason, I always get hit at least once even with basic screamers and with Haters it hurts like a fucking freight train.
So far my favorite weapon is the hammer because of the good combo. Wish the Rage move wasn't 2 stacks but eh, what can you do.
To be fair, I found the machete blueprint, only to not have money for it and died to a machete hater.
But, I am using Iron+4 and almost one shotting everything
Literally running a butterfly knife is the easiest counter to machetes. The R1/L1 attack is quicker then the dumb combo or leap attack
Money. Materials. Women. Blueprints. Completion ist fulfillment.
stamp machines
if you're low on coins but wanna go somewhere high in the tower the side rooms can skip multiple floors at a time
Is floor 40 the final one, or is there more?
often have more materials in them and also sometimes shortcuts to levels higher than you'd normally have access to, unlocking certain things earlier or getting better materials than you should
Sorry, it's shit. The glinty pistol can two shot goto, and so can the longsword or memechete. Gotos easy as fuck. Sorry you thought your weapon was good.
It does less damage, slower, then any of the sharp weapons. You can still like it. It's still bad. It's just BAD it's worse in every regard then the weapons you get at the same level as it. Including the hammer, and even the fucking firework launcher, which upgrades into a god beast that can two shot people.
It's R1 is a parry, with less frames than the perfect block, which does the same thing and doesn't take a weapon slot...
Sorry guys IM SORRY. Your weaponfu is bad.
This seems like some weird talk show I'd watch.
Or a prelude for an AV. That I'd also watch.
well fuck, wish it lead back in to the main rooms so there was a sort of shortcut.
iron does far more damage per hit than the machete, assuming same rank
Chance of finding a special room like the secret vendor, or getting a rare item
Sometimes they will lead to side routes to get higher into the tower and unlock elevators above your max height.
Is this where she reveals her nipples?
I bet you think that large number at the bottom is the ATTACK DAMAGE :^)...
It's the weapons durability, go ahead test it out you fag.
People are already catching on to the futility of this grind and quitting. They could have cleaned house by having it Day 1.
So the rooms reset? because those in the image stop going up, they're just in a loop.
I assumed it was damage, but the damage lowered as the durability got lower. Is that not true?
it's the weapon's ammunition you idiot. atk is literally spelled out on the weapon
I sure hope they fucking fix all the game breaking glitches first.
Please stop anytime
the number at the bottom is attack damage you retard
attack damage goes down as durability goes down
first 10 floors doesnt have any rooms that take you around a boss or get higher up like that
Do the fighters I station to defend my waiting room get the benefits of my masteries?
>It's R1 is a parry, with less frames than the perfect block
This is literally false.
Sorry guys, you can try it out yourself, make a new character, craft a low level weapon, and watch in amazement as the durability goes down exactly in time with the number, and the damage doesn't go down at the same rate.
Craft weapons are just stronger so it gives the illusion that the pick up weapons do less damage because they are near broken but, your craft weapon will do the same damage on the first hit and the last hit.
>two glasses and a wine bottle
this woman must enjoy hot dick
>fixed UK store before even entertaining the idea of fixing the several ways you can lose progress
Wouldn't count on it.
Of course
>weapon is almost broken
>still triple digit '''durability'''
>Axes have far higher '''durability''' rating even though they break faster than most other weapons and coincidentally hit much harder
i think you're wrong user
Somehow the fact that your character already has their pants off is fitting then.
>worse then
What happens next?
Stupid fuck.
no one knows? no point in doing longer expeditions?
is that premium!? I need that in my life
Don't all weapons have a "Durability Loss" class though?
Anyone else getting funky long server load times while trying to buy equipment/enter R&D lately?
>Raid a guy with the 400 music station playing
Fucking why?
it probably rewards you based on how often your expeditionary force actually engages in combat. you probably just got unlucky with someone that didn't play as long, or your guy made them ragequit for the day
>Machete has 27 "ATK" rating
>Longsword has 72 "ATK" rating
>Machete does more damage.
>coincidentally the machete breaks twice as fast.
I don't know what to tell you nigglet, those numbers are not the attack rating.
Do you have bad eyesight? Do you see a P?
Where can you find the claw BP?
Your mastery modifiers aren't reflected in those numbers. They're purely base.
I have both maxed at 20. Suck a diiick.
>Do you have bad eyesight?
>retard sends a hunter
>by the time i reach him he's already fucking rekt by monsters
Seriously if you want to do an expedition at least equip your scrub so people won't laugh at you
Same, thought it might just be that my WiFi is shit.
And that I'm playing it in a country that's not supposed to have this game.
>Some little 1 tier shit raids me while I'm climbing the tower despite being nearly empty
He's going to hate life for a while with 4 star haters running amok
>level 25 full armor machete and bat jumps out
>level 50 in armor only jumps out
>Go up to waiting room area
>level 75 naked jumps out
Is Machete the best early game craftable? I'm using hammers at the moment. I might go back and farm the blueprint in the first floors if its worth it.
somehow someway we need to find a way to sexualize jin-die and COEN
>Text clearly says ATK in giant yellow letters
>"Nah guys ur wrong it's durability lol"
i send shitty hunters because i know they'll replace op dev haters, and i get shit even if they lose. So, its a win-win
I bet you were a great church boy.
>Premium service
>doesnt offer me a cup of tea
Shit lift. bitch is just trying to scam people with some shitty couch and a rug she found in a skip
Machete has the only true combo in the early game.
Does anyone know the name of the floor the secret shop that sells the jungle machete is on. Been looking for hours on 4/5/6
Angry senpai: Claw pose with random vocal taunt.
Ebony senpai: Cartwheel.
Prim senpai: Busts a body Wave
Delicious Brown senpai: Cups ear.
Ivory senpai: Charleston dance.
Disney loli senpai: You're going down/bring it.
MILF senpai: Bodybuilder flex.
Tomboy senpai: Orchestra composer.
I wish the taunts weren't locked to their slot on the roster.
floor 9 senpai, off to the left. that's where i bought mine. 30k gold
So why does it say things like 20/60 when the green bar under the picture of the weapon in the stat screen is near the bottom and it has less than 20 hits remaining?
Both the location and contents of the secret shop are random.
The only thing that's consistent is that it only appears on floors that only have one connecting escalator.
May the light of the Frogos bless you
Durability is the green bar under the image of the item. Your weapon also starts flashing when the bar gets low and even changes color as it drops to signify your durability is dropping.
Elevator chan just said shes the sole survivor of the Earth Rage.
Why does it say things like the machete does three times less damage than the longsword, and that the hammer and the butterfly knife does more damage than the Kamas, and that the fireworks do the same damage as the bat and the cross bow, when all of those things are demonstrably false?
Ask the devs, I don't know why that number has nothing to do with damage.
Now tell me how we were all le baited :^)
ALL of you fags are wrong.
ATK and DURABILITY are two different stats on a weapon
The green bar under the weapon on your HUD is obviously durability at around half durability your ATK will start going down. When the green bar AKA DURABILITY is at a quater full the ATK value starts dropping drastically and your damage is noticibly worse than the exact same weapon but with FULL DURABILITY
Jesus you fucks act like you've never played a jap game before.
Are you factoring enemy defenses and resistances into your calculations? are you testing these things in controlled environments?
It doesn't add up though. I have a weapon right now that shows up 20/31, and yet the durability bar is almost completely empty.