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I can't believe there's still people that think this useless piece of shit is good.



post shit teammates comparison charts

you simply play with too many shitters that can't utilize her, sombra is really good in some maps.

Are we getting christmas skins or can i spend my shekels in something else

tfw main Zarya just to fuck with D.VA players

>he still hasn't figured out sombra's spray pattern
>he doesn't play with ULMB on

lmao noobtard

Jamison Fawkes! And Reinhardt Wilhelm!

She's literally a troll pick in diamond and above, I love golds telling others they play with shitters.

already confirmed for 13th


No, we didn't get any skins for the last two events so I wouldn't get my hopes up

>losing Hanamura defense badly
>lose first point
>switch to Sombra because fuck it
>pick apart respawning people
>hack the Rein shield from high ground
>hack the widow after she jumped off map and before she hooked back up
>they can never have a single 6 person push
ok so it was Hanamura point B so we'd have probably won anyway BUT IT WAS FUN DAMMIT

>Kill Ana and Mercy
>Our support thinks its a good time to play super aggressive


>She's literally a troll pick in diamond and above

let me know when you've actually played a game in diamond and above


did something change in the last few days im not aware off?
someone today told me to pick zen instead of lucio because lucio is shit, did the 3 tank meta push him and his discord up again?

What's wrong with it?


Love the golds pretending they're in diamond meme

Come back when you are not underpowered as fuck.

Purple is fun but she doesn't do enough damage for an offense class

One damage per round base would probably do it though

it's a meme at mid ranks, but sorta true because you need to have a pretty high level team to actually utilize speedboost.

>still complaining about a tier 3 toon

get good

Sometimes it just doesn't work. You press q and the animation plays, but not the actual attack. Happened twice to me already.

you know that pros literally use her in some maps right shitter?

it seems like you get downed even if you're like 5 feet away from the actual earthshatter model, it can hit players that are in the air (like pharah rocket jumping), and it downs you if you're on top of the payload

yeah i would say ana/zen is the meta healers right now, if the enemy team has 3 tanks

I would rather they bring back right click mccree then be in this tank meta.

They also use bastion, doesn't makes him a good hero.

She's literally the definition of cheese pick, don't call others shitters and pull up the "muh pros" card when you don't even know the why.

>nooooooooooooooooooo 3tank meta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love people who think what happens at pro levels of play even remotely applies at the level of play we are in

these sluts are my fetish

is there a psychological thing behind this? is it really pic related

why do you feel you know the why, shitter?

Anyone know what skins are being released in the Christmas event?


S Tier (>=95% Usage Rate): Lucio (97%)

A Tier (>80% Usage Rate): Reinhardt (88%)

B Tier (>50% Usage Rate): Ana (68%), D.Va (68%), Roadhog (67%), Soldier 76 (56%)

C Tier (>20% Usage Rate): Zenyatta (34%), Zarya (32%), Tracer (26%)

D Tier (>5% Usage Rate): Winston (16%), Genji (14%), Mei (14%), McCree (6%), Widowmaker (6%), Sombra (6%), Reaper (5%)

F Tier (b-but d.va op nerf her not rein XD

I get 80-ish FPS at ultra maxed everything, what are some tweaks i can do to hit 120 without making my game look like crap?

>Gets used more so is better
Is this one of those new-fangled memes?

Don't forget to completely ignore Lucio too.

>implying i don't play with pros already

>win games with cheese
>b-but its not a good hero!!!

if it wins you games then who gives a fuck if its meta or not? just because you play with other garbage players who probably aren't even playing their respective meta heroes correctly doesn't mean that everyone is as shit as you are.

Am I the only one getting tired of the random spam of images of this guy.
Feels like shilling at this point, and I don't know what for.

those are pro level stats. why would professional players pick a worse hero more often retard? unlike you they play to get food on the table. if d.va was better than rein, they would use her more often.

>that comp

>the most balanced hero

>Ana:Nice shooting, Jack
>Jack: You always were a good shot

its just one samefag, simply report

I see a lot of pros run torb these days, to a good result.

Some even in tournament games.

This is what generation Z does in their free time. It's the most cancerous, trivial piece of shit game ever made. When I was a kid at least we played games that required some amount of focus, thinking, and cooperation. You can play this fucking shit while jerking off and streaming it on the cancer-tier website known as twitch.tv without thinking a single difficult thought, designed for a generation of retarded lazy fatasses with collective ADHD, severe attention needs, and the attention span of a four year old.

The world is going to go straight to hell when generation Z grows up. They're kids who grew up with social media, an entirely digitalized life, everything handed to them on a silver platter, without any experience whatsoever of actually doing something outside of their fantasy world of video games and porn. A generation coddled to hell in the so-called "education system" and by retarded leftist parents born with brain damage due to their hippie parents doing drugs in the 70s.

That's because it is mandatory to have a reinhardt or else the whole team has already lost

Nobody is complaining about Reaper.

we actually won that game

gm is a load of shit anyway, too many egos in one place.

Delicious pasta

>it is mandatory to have a reinhardt
so you agree that reinhardt is better to have on your team than d.va

so rein is stronger than d.va

so if d.va is op, rein is even more op

is that what you are saying

D.VA can play the role just as well, if not better

Is elnumber a toxic player?


>D.VA can play the role just as well
and what role would that be

tanking? as in blocking damage?

even winston blocks more damage than DM and wistons shield is fucking ass

The only toxic thing here is your thin skin, pussy.

>the hero that should excel in 3 tank meta
>rendered useless by D.Va instead

Are the lootboxes I currently have going to turn into the seasonal boxes?



>power creep let balanced heroes in the dust

In other news, water wets.

Yes, Tanking, and don't pretend Defense Matrix is underpowered.

did you even look at the stats you genetically inferior troglodyte

post your SR gold shitter

Does that mean you want to fug?

D.Va can eat most ults completely.

>Most HP of any character
>Defense Matrix
>Bad at tanking
Seems legit, you sound like she is worse than symmetra.

reminder that if you play any other lineup than this you are a mediocre team

so can sombra. does that make her good?

>muh stats

DM soaks up entire ultimates and cancels out a majority of the offensive ults in this game, stuff that can't be represented numerically.

>post your SR gold shitter

only people in actual gold would use gold as an insult.

>is there a psychological thing behind this?
They enjoy playing the hero, they enjoy being subservient to others in a game, or both.

The healslut angle is similar to doing nuzlocke runs, or all those wacky streamers playing heroes with random objects. It's just adding "meta" objectives to your in-game actions. Unless you're throwing the match by sticking to Mercy when a better hero is suited, or gagging on dildos when you could be rezzing, there's zero harm in the thing.


>Most HP of any character
good job feeding the enemy's dps their ult

>Defense Matrix

>b-but it deletes muh ults XD
ultimates are only a fraction of the damage your team will take. rein blocks more than twice as much damage as le OP DM :((

fuck off gold shitter.


Too lazy for the image.

>hugeberry will never go full ss with you

>400 armor
>shield that counters all projectiles
He was never supposed to counter D.Va. She was just bad.

>good job feeding the enemy's dps their ult
Don't worry, you can just use DM

what are /owg/ thoughts on Tracer, i dont see her posted a lot around here

I'm master rank on the ps4, am I even slightly respected anywhere


>good job feeding the enemy's dps their ult
tanks are obsolete now

no it doesn't

>ultimates are only a fraction of the damage your team will take
eat a gravitron, blizzard or nano'd soldier q and tell me how much of a fraction you managed to mitigate there.

>on console


>smurf as IIIIIIIIIII at grandmaster level
>I never speak or chat
>mostly play Mei
>everyone assumes I'm "Mendokusaii"

I don't know who that is. Is that an insult?

>no it doesn't
now you are just baiting

stop fucking replying to me gold shitter


He's a weeb swedish player on cloud9 so yeah

Reinhardt nerfs fucking when?
Lucio removed from the game fucking when?
D.Va and Zarya buffs fucking when?

>People use winston's shield more often/In better situations
>Must mean his shield blocks more
Need a better source

why is this fucking game taking so long to find a qp match, FUCK is saturday it should take 10 secs max

I don't have a dog in this argument but you're meant to break through Winston's bubble for many reasons, such as breaking LOS.

When you see DM you usually use that time to reload or bait D.Va into dropping it, so it'll naturally block less damage.

>muh global stats
>DM has less capacity to soak up damage than a static 600 bubble

whats next, winston being a better hero than dva?

>stop fucking replying to me gold shitter

>actual gold using gold as an insult

woah projecting

>tfw no Smugberry to smother me with her blueberry cheeks
This dimension sucks.

if you've used an anolog stick for longer than an hour you'd know how untrue that shit is

>Join QP
>Instantly have 'Victory' appear on screen
>1105 exp from doing nothing
Well, thanks game

All righty, folks, who of these would you like in the game?

>buffing tanks
Nerf them all and make the game all about DPS. They are boring and slow the game down. The HP pools of characters are blaoted anyways.


>Solo queue for comp
>Get a permade team
>Stomp with Dva
>They friend me
>Guy with 2 hours takes Dva
>"Just take Rein or Lucio dude"
>We get stomped

you can stop now gold shitters.