GM and Chrysler fags unironically put a "BBC" inside their car

what kind of cuck trucc do you drive?

I hate this board


>pls stop making fun of my truck!
Should have purchased a civic. I got my si for 3.3k

I actually had an old chevy c-10

>report your post
>I am not a robot
>select images of storefronts
>pic related, Vatozone
>report submitted!

Kek and the old world car gods have conspired against you. Repent and Kek will bless you with eternal dubs

i dont have a truck

this is a shit thread taking up space that actual discussion could have taken place in but no we have to have memes. fuck your Si, you could have had an actual sportscar for 3.3k

What are you cuckolds talking about?

All this cuck brainwashing has me dreaming sick dreams you nasty fuckers

I didn't want a sports car I wanted a hatchback civic, so I got one. Why would I buy a beat to shit rustang or crapmaro? No advantage over the civic

Butthurt your wife's daughter is too busy enjoying her BBC?