League of legends general /lolg/

VladxVayne edition

>All-Star music video:

>Memes, contests and other good stuff:

>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:

xth for breeding shyvana


xth for loyal fox waifu

where r the vg gaems



Why is op always a fucking faggot

atleast show your tits you balkan whore

What did they mean by this?

Banning singed.

>tfw im the one that posted the original pic in the thread you ripped that from

it's been a while B^)


How do I beat morde in lane as Yasuo?

All he does is poke and once he had rylais the lane was over

>inb4 yasuo picker

Don't pick Yasuo.

i haven't played since around april i think. after aurelion sol, before taliyah. i have two questions.
1. is there any way i can see my match history without reinstalling the game? lolking won't display my last played matches.
2. how did this design get through with iron cuck (presumably) still at the wheel?

Rushing Zzrot in mid lane with this guy is some real spicy stuff

you build PD and then win the game by 100-0ing whoever is the tankiest in their team in 3 seconds because you're yasuo

like all other matchups

in order to build PD make sure to dash through every single creep even if you die in the process you still gain gold


Then pick singed only way to beat proxy singed is ban him or pick him.

is garen a low key weeaboo

i bet he sneaks ionian mangas into the barracks at night



Man peke's been gaining weight lately

Its hard to get gold when morde perma slows you with that broken item..Do I just have to wait for laning phase to be over to be relevant?

Quinn is cute! CUTE!

you don't beat morde in lane as any melee champ. morde wants you to get close so he can fuck you up. so what you do, is sit back and farm for the next 15-20 minutes, at which point you can do things in teamfights and morde is dead weight.

you have two options
ignore him completely, which is the better
or make the jungler camp him really hard. (or both)

Also just remember that proxy singeds are playing against their own team, stomp their underleveled team, rotate, take towers, while they run around like a retard.

enjoy your free win.

>Attempt to quit the game or at least take a break
>I haven't launched a game for four fucking hours now

Somebody please help me

I'm stuck

i bet he sneaks in more ionian material than just manga

>Pantheon at A-tier

Absolutely not. Garen is culturally refined. He prefers to spend his time indulging in fine Shuriman cuisine, and learning Ionian's ancient dialects.

Wuju style (Reworked)


Wuju Strikes

Master Yi channels 3 swift strikes in a cone in front of him applying 60/70/80/90/100% of his Total AD

(these strikes can critically strike and will apply on-hit effects to the first target hit).

(the cast time of Wuju Strikes is reduced by attack speed.)

>not fighting morde before he gets rylais
That matchup is a lot like Yasuo vs Darius. You have to be a lot better than your opponent to win lane, due to their non-reliance on skillshots and their point and click damage spells.

iron cuck was fired/quit in feburary

maid outfits really do something to me

>ywn be a rich landowner and plough your maid whenever you feel like it

ironstylus and lyte left riot

How good is Illaoi for carrying me out of silver? Seems she is pretty gimmicky and most people don't expect her damage, I'm able to get away with a lot of 2v1s one I get my ukt and just kill their top lane and jungle

>when you post 20 early, everybody complains
>when you post 5 early everybody is asking where the bread is

What's the total duration (without bonus attack speed)? If it happens all within 1 second, it'd be too strong, but if it takes 3 seconds, then it's too weak.

Rushing ZZrot mid on this guy is even spicier.

[Citation Needed]

read a book or go for a 30 minute minimum walk
plan an RTS for the campaign dawn of war

>wanting yi to have a 750% AD crit
>wanting yi to literally 1 shot you
>in addition to the resets
neck yourself

Could your waifu beat Darius in a fistfight?

Is there even a waifu who could?

wtf i love riot now

Xth for Garen > Darius

what is this lmao??

haha time for football

Has anyone else been inadvertently dodging fucking loads of games with the new client? It keeps not telling me to ban or pick while i'm tabbed out. I just dodged the third game today

Don't get too excited

They hired anthony burch

>what is the image limit for 1 billion dollars

when you post 20 early im just memeing when you post 150 early i wish you cancer

But they hired anthony burch so...

fuck. poro. king.

leona maybe

what the fuck

Ziggs really hates Garen.

you better be fucking memeing on me

can't beat her she's already dead

every ban and other punishments are automated now so it doesn't matter that lyte fucked off

maybe someday riot will say fuck it and tell everybody to press mute if their feelings get hurt

it's real


my waifu is braum.


>Yi becomes a better panth

being dead inside =/= being actually dead

morde can be obnoxius in teamfights combined with a diver jungler
but that never happens ;_;

no because one I'm not retarded two I'm not deaf three I have a sense of timing and four i have two monitors :^)

>tfw we could've gotten heartseeker ezreal but because of his skt skin it won't be released until 2018

>assassin mode
>Ahri and Panth are available

He just redid Jayce's lore.

they are assassins

I honestly dont know when >ahri is a mage meme started

Dario is fucked.

>the ahri is an assassin meme

>SKT Ezreal
What the fuck are you smoking

He already has an esports skin; Jhin is getting the SKT skin

we got the rift too. gg ez

You can still do this today, save up a million and just buy a mansion from Kenya or something. Lot of those places come with nubile house slaves

Why won't they put their casters on stools?
Having a manlet in between two functional humans looks pretty silly

Maybe, depends on build. If built purely to 1v1, then i guess darius has the advantage. If built normally in a game, then Vi should be able to win.

They're both assassins. Ahri is just an exceptionally safe assassin.

I'm always terrified when I see a morde on the enemy team when they have a diver or someone that can start team fights

>preseason 7
>ahri having damage even remotely comparable to assasins, unless she's like 5 levels ahead

retarded or trolling?

When riot decided her role was "kite mage" and not assassin

When they removed her damage bonus and replaced it with bonus movespeed

Bang said he wants his SKT skin to be Ezreal, since that's his favorite champion.


the post with smug ahri was agreeing with you lul

wtf is wrong with you people?

Ahri hasn't been much of an assassin for a while.

Uh, no.

You have to keep sissies locked so they can't play with themselves.

Cant they just delete this faggot?

How is Camille

no she's not
now she's a (((slayer)))

this. it helps them cum hands free


Let's see... hmmm... No_

Hands free fapping?
God I hope I don't actually get banned for this.

heard she is the new irelia

So, yeah.. that Thornmail item that has existed forever.. kind of sucks balls.

Why? It is completely countered by 1 lifesteal item. Please add a passive to Thornmail applies Grievous Wounds when it applies reflect damage.


>not in alphabetical order

no, with anal stimulation of course~ if you've saved up enough you can explode without touching

>Deleting champions

can we stop this fucking meme. They'll never do it.