I ban him, I ban him edition
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I ban him, I ban him edition
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Reminder that twinks are noskill shitters who can't invade for shit and get mad when they don't have a huge advantage like in ds1.
performance increasing mods when?
About to start my first DARK SOULS game on the PC. Starting with DARK SOULS III. What can I expect?
Definitely going to commit a crime.
lots of homolust
What the fuck is wrong with her arms
>Starting with DARK SOULS III. What can I expect?
Remember that timing of dodgerolls is more important than to WHERE you're dodging. You can dodge right INTO an enemy's attack just as long as your timing is right.
Other than that, there are no pointers honestly. Explore as much as you can, check your inventory for Estus flask shards before leaving Firelink into a proper level and so on.
DS3 is the most straightforward souls game aside from Slashy Souls so it's pretty self-explanatory honestly.
You shouldn't start with a sequel. If you want to get into this series start with DeS, DaS or BB.
Can someone make Yukaslegion face sliders for DS3?
does nobody twink the settlement anymore? sitting here dry fingering myself and nothing
that's hot
>Be UGS user
>Swap to 2handing a shield to counter quickstep fags
>not switching to pocket CCS
>''hmm, these Souls are pretty good I've heard and they look fun as well. I should play it.''
>''let me see here.....Demon's Souls, a few Dark Souls games, Bloodborne......''
>''alright, it's obvious, I should start with the 3rd Dark Souls game. Seems logical''
Why do people like you do this.
Do you have brain problems?
>not one-handing it and parrying them
Yeah, I'm not become the fag to beat a fag.
Something about slapping a shield on someone's face feels good as hell.
Fight fire with fire my man.
I can never get parries like that. So I just don't lmoa
My favourite thing about quickstep is how it locks you out of your rolling attack and yet is ONLY included on weapons where their rolling attack is objectively better than their R1.
Probably the single worst pvp WA in the game now that Neck Swipe has been buffed.
it isn't hard almo
seems pretty hard for me lamo
just press l2 at the end of all their quicksteps oalm
they usually *teleport behind me* *backstab* *legion etiquette* *gay bow* at me if I do that, so I just stopped trying aolm
u wot
2H R1 on daggers is fucking amazing and their best attack by far
Are you the user who's run around with the Pontiff Knight Curved Sword in the past?
they have to stop quickstepping to do that, so just attack normally
you should ALWAYS try to be the parry king malo
no curved swords are for queers LeMayo
[points down]
The 2HR1 comes out slower than the 2H rolling attack and doesn't combo into a followup; they both have the same range. There's never a time where you would want to have the 2HR1 come out after an evasive action instead of a 2H rolling attack, which is why having quickstep force the former at the cost of the latter is so silly. It was designed to deliberately be suboptimal. Good dagger players will spend much more time rolling than quickstepping because the quickstep puts them at a frame disadvantage against anything faster than a UGS while rolling actually gives you options.
like i said i can't attack normally while 1handing because i use a fucking ugs normally
i'd rather just slap a shield on instead of trying to be a parry king for epic montages olam
Guise. Are there any weapons well suited to a pyro/melee build?
Like, something that either scales well with int and fth or dark on its own, or any weapons well suited for buffing/resining.
You forgot the extra iframes on Quickstep and extra range on regular R1.
you don't need to attack normally because you're going for a fucking riposte you silly goose
no excuses loam
Onyx blade, dark longsword are the basic ones.
If you are in here Hildiga, that was a fantastic duel. You were pretty good with that dagger and I was pretty good with my sword. I probably won because of estus advantage but still, great fight.
You said
>they have to stop quickstepping to do that, so just attack normally
And that's not a quickstep enemy .
>they still exist
ironic death tho
How do the Dark souls 2 DLC stack up from best to worst?
I see them from time to time on the arena, so yeah.
>Buff fags
Fucking laughing my ass off hard for real fam a lama
erry time
>duel charm fags
oh no my dark pine whatever will I do
jk I'm laughing
you said
>i can't attack normally while 1handing because i use a fucking ugs normally
and I proved that you didn't need to, quickstep or not omla
in my opinion, but really I love them all
you are changing the goalpost, the target is fight against quickstep
The most fun I ever had in pvp out of any souls game was definitely bellfagging as a royal swordsman at low soul memory
but people still play DS2 sotfs that is
You're a fucking shitter and I'd have won if you weren't addicted to your sippies in a "duel".
Read what you say before posting, faggot.
uh oh, she's onto us lads...
Zweihander or Astora Greatsword? What do you guys think?
I proved that 1handing was irrelevant so go ahead and parry quickstep along with everything else
that's not moving the goalposts
look, don't argue with me just because you can't parry son, I'm only saying how it do
>DaS2 pvp was perfect
>5body buffs
>many other overpowered retarded shit before nerfs
Let's not kid ourselves, it was fun as fuck but not perfect.
And I do miss many cool weapons, i-frame backstepping, 2H ultra parry, better riposte and backstab animation, among other stuff
whatever fag suck my dick
Which souls characters would its lead developer definitely insert his hard, throbbing nippon cock into?
what the fuck is even that
none of that exists anymore, why even bring it up?
might as well bring up 100% invincibility strong magic shield 30 sec TWoP spellswapping dragon head glitching RFS infinite stunlock etc
both are shitte. Pick whatever you like more for style points.
i stopped playing that long ago, don't know what was patched and what stayed
now that was plain mean
>You can dodge right INTO an enemy's attack just as long as your timing is right.
dude that's the same for all souls games lmao
*points down*
>jan, almost 1 year ago
>literal who
Go away
Fucker's too heavy, though.
>Think the GS moveset in II looks retarded
>Learn that's actually how you're supposed to wield them
Then get a greatsword, you little bitch boi. You can't handle real mans weapon.
All those moves look like what DaS2 made you hit like at times.
B-but the Astora GS and Zewi are light enough. I am a r-real man, I am!
looks really cool when the blade shines while he swings
>profaned greatsword and slave knight armor, guantlets and leggings have the same metal and engravings
>slave knight set says that slave knights' skins were "charred black"
>ariandel is the home of both Sulyvahn presumably Gael
so is DLC2 going to have more shit on the propane flame or just more nonsense
because we've had nothing but "eternal dark" endings and an "eternal flame" ending sounds nice
and they're fucking trash, see the connection?
But fugs is the heaviest and fucking trash
Except FUGS is actually really good now.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA what a fucking meme
All right then, recommend me a good GS/UGS that is
>Longest UGS
>Highest AR for smallest stat investment
Now that Ultras can't practically have enough poise to trade with one another, FUGS has a decisive advantage over the rest and the fact that the high weight reduces how much poise you can stack is irrelevant when you need 0 poise to trade with almost anything anyways.
Best UGS: Profaned and Lohtric. Honorable mention: BK for the combo potential.
The others are just plain bad. It's a shame but that's how it is.
I wish I met more turbobuffers
so rare these days
I made a thing
Black Knight Sword
>good GS
Literally most of them
Can't ever go wrong with the fucking Claymore.
>UGS that is
>prisoners chain
this is some DSP lvl shit
>hurr he took my buff out
>just fucking kill me
>what a fucking joke
>that's why I hate online play
>have about 15k souls
>invade someone
>host is hiding somewhere summoning the same guys over and over
>manage to kill 2 of them twice In a row and a 3rd once
>host DCs
>have 310k souls after
What the fuck? I'm level 20 I can effectively boost myself to 70 or something
I miss useful moveset.
Infinite iframes and rolls were a mistake.
supposed to be a twink
Phantom had to be high level that got downscaled
>invade a fucking "host fights everyone in a row!!!!" FC at pontiff's
>interrupt and attack the host
>3v1 gank
>kill the two reds, host rolls around and chugs till he resummons his personal fuckboy red
>he and fuckboy hound me across irithyll
>fuckboy runs me down with a swordspear
I technically won, I guess?
>how dare he counter my creative and fun build
>that's it, time to make a thread on /v/
>parting flame with black flame, serpent and fire surge
i love running behind the pillar and healing when I fight one of you faggots
Do you guys think soul would be better or worse if NPCs had no freindly fire?
In DaS1 people would just pull out several stacks of blessing and mushrooms for being dishonoraburu. DaS2 must have been the only time I wasn't forced to play nice. Great times.
>HAHAHAHHA bullshit
>invade in undead settlement
>see a gank squad approaching by the ravine bridge
>equip cat and run out to the bridge
>get pummeled and jump off the bridge
>they follow me and die from fall
>this has happened atleast 4 times the last hour
Why do people do that? Do they think you don't take fall damage or do they think "hey he survived I should too"
I do the same mane, I scrapped that character after one session
>I died
>did I win?