To improve your experience and heal this comfy board from all the cancer, here is a quick quick guide to Veeky Forums:
DO NOT respond to Alphonse
DO NOT respond to Brosifine
DO NOT respond to !mjet
DO NOT respond to lap times posts
DO NOT respond to GM BTFO/what went wrong/why is X so bad?/corvette threads
Actually DO NOT respond to x BTFO/what went wrong/why is X so bad? threads
DO NOT respond to V6 vs V8 threads
DO NOT respond to ecoboost shilling threads
DO check the sticky before asking for advice
DO search for QTDDTOT threads (questions that don't deserve their own threads)
DO search for a general that might interest you:
>/dat/ - Daily Ausfag Thread
>/dbt/ - Daily Bike Thread
>/ovg/ - Racing Vidya
>/osg/ - Sticker General
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>Veeky Forums - Toyota
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DO NOT get baited into FWD vs RWD vs AWD
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ONLY shitpost if it's funny
With common sense we will keep Veeky Forums great! Enjoy your stay!
Other urls found in this thread:
Should this be stickied? Vote here: strawpoll.me
Before it's too late!
>DO NOT get baited into FWD vs RWD vs AWD
This is a real discussion though.
Bump because this should be stickied and mods should abide
Discussing is fine but 9 out of 10 of those threads is a RWD circlejerk.
Stickie this mods pls
I wish mods would handle the these threads.
Mods don't do shit, that's why trolls go unpunished and people have to keep posting these.
>trolls go unpunished
So you would rather have less freedom here just so you dont have to deal with trolls?
Just ignore stuff you dont like user.
Rules suck.
Shut the fuck up and go back to r/cars or jalopshit or whatever faggy place you came from
>Draw me like one of your German cars...
Believe it or not Veeky Forums has rules too, newfags. If you don't want rules you should stay in 8ch.
Freedom without regulation allows for cancer to spread. Only mod tools can fix it effectively.
And yet Veeky Forums still can't discuss it without acting like retarded children
And anybody who knows anything can type a few lines to explain pros and cons of each. Instead we get LOL RWD KEKOLDS BTFO fastestlaps_civic_vs_brz.jpg
Only newfags call others newfags, Newfag
And fuck hotwheels, I've been here since before chanology, so fuck off with you're r-eddit bullshit censorship and fuck off if you don't like what makes this place
If you don't rules you should leave, desu.
Fuck you, it's the mods job to decide what content is allowed or not, why don't you go over to /qa/ and go whine like the little bitch you are with all the other redditors, too bad your cries will go unheard
Who pissed in your cereal this morning?
Veeky Forums is literally shitposting about cars: the board
If you want serious discussion there are places for that, they're called forums go there and leave Veeky Forums FFS
I'm sick of these fucking whiny outsiders who come to this site and bitch about the culture of it
This faggot
>it takes this little to trigger Veeky Forums
Daily reminder that you all had Autoib
Daily reminder that you all chose to stay here and continue to complain.
Daily reminder that you cant fix Veeky Forums
>implying crying about the rules not being enforced doesn't trigger any other board in this site
ITT No fun allowed.
go be triggered somewhere else.
Are you guys undercover GM fan girls who ran out of things to post?
Don't you ever quote me again faggot, I'm bitching about the complainers
>Don't you ever quote me again faggot
ok ill try not to :^)
well arent you an entitles little cunt
>just ignore it it'll go away
Probably the fucking dumbest argument to ever exist. Tell me, if you ignore that giant cancer lump do you think it will go away at some point or will it fucking kill you?
If you retards genuinely believe Veeky Forums is only good for unmoderated shitposting, there is truly no hope for you.
Listen, Veeky Forums is fantastic platform for ''intellectual'' discussion, anonymity allows you to have completely unbiased, honest conversations. But you fucking idiots instead prefer to use anonymity as a tool that allows you to be a jack ass without consequences.
I get what you mean about the rules. Veeky Forums should be user moderated first and foremost. But there has to be a tipping point for fucks sake. When you get to a point where there is literally nothing but garbage posts, someone has to step it and clean it the fuck up.
No, faggots who come here bitching about board culture and trying to change it to how they see fit are entitled little cunts
All trolls want are replies and attention, no matter the kind. If you ignore they'll have less incentive to bother.
>muh culture!
It's pretty damn obvious that you haven't been here long, lurk moar before posting faggot
>muh culture
You're goddamn right >muh culture, this isnt r-eddit so stop bitching and complaining to try and turn it into r/cars
>m-muh board culture! m-muh safe place! :^(
The board '''''''''''culture''''''''' you have right now is OBJECTIVELY garbage. I hope I don't have to explain to you why.
If you actually like it this way then I don't want to speak to you anymore.
>implying r/cars is a lefty safe space
Why do you insist on coming here and fucking it up for everyone?
Then fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from, you're not welcome here kthxbai
how old are you?
Not an argument, take your libshit galaxies somewhere else
How's high school?
I'm probably older than you honestly
Then how old are you, kiddo?
You first
You are a teenager. Thought so.
Wrong again boyo
i fucking hate this board some times
It fucking hates you too
Then you are more pathetic than I thought. lol
Is this Veeky Forums's version of a SJW?
Fuck meant to quote
>fuck's up his own post
>calls others underage and pathetic
I bet you are perfect
Obviously better than you, and that's all that matters right now
It's funny how retards don't know the difference from common banter and shitposting..
Thank you.
Kek, he keeps fucking it up
You're welcome
It truly was the best year in Veeky Forums history.
sticky pls