if Lockheed made a car, would you buy it?
If Lockheed made a car, would you buy it?
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if it was made in the 80s or 90s yes
if they do it now it would look like any other crap
The question is, could I afford it?
Not after seeing how poorly the F-35 project was run, no. I'd rather get a Boeing or a Northrop
they already tried.
Considering Northrop made the mail carriers, I would like to see what they could do with a civilian vehicle
It is an old S-10 chassis bobbed and with a shitty "longlife" 4 cylinder engine.
How can American plane-cars even compete?
>Iron Duke
So it doesn't make power, but the fuckers last a long time and it wasn't intended to be a performance vehicle, it was intended to be a reliable fleet carrier you mong, and Northrop hit the fucking bull's-eye when they designed it
If Honda made a plane would you buy it?
Maybe if I was a toothpick manlet
Would it have vtec?
if Mitsubishi made a car, would you buy it?
the replacement is coming and they are going with another custome one off made by a specialty company like AMGeneral.
they should have just bought JDM Nissan e-NV200s.
>already right hand drive
>80 mile range means it can do 2 typical routes before needing to chage.
>EV so it will have a lot less maintenance and energy costs for the USPS.
>stop and go low speed crawl is perfect for an EV
>is actually safe in a crash since it isn't some government custom that will get exempted
>already in the states as a nissan and a chevy
dont they make truck toppers?
but I like the loud Iron Duke shittyness that I can hear so I know the mail is outside
I agree with all your points except the only thing I wonder is the quality of the battery array, mainly because Nissan/Renault
Fuck yes I would
same battery pack and EV drivetrain as the Nissan LEAF. Which means it is very rock solid.
i have had two LEAFs since 2011, as leases. even with all the DC fast charging I do. which makes the battery hot. I never had a problem.
If Porsche made a tank would you buy it?
Porsche's tank failed to win the Tiger competition.
brap brap! Muh fighter plane heritage coming through!
Huh, but is it using the new gen Leaf's batteries?
>$1.5 Trillion car
>doesn't do anything better than the car it replaces.
No, thanks.
>tfw no MiG car
>stukka guys make a car
>6' bed
Ptsssshhhh can't even use that for WURK.
They got nothing on the mack garbage trucks with a well sealed air system.
All to move 40 feet.
Seriously, every single one sounds like it has open manifolds.
They do make a light business jet. The HondaJet.
Would a Mazda plane have a rotary?
If Apple made a car, would you buy it?
Possibly, but not a wankel.
>engines attached at the wing instead of the fuselage
As cool as that looks, what advantage does that have over fuselage-mounted engines? I can only think of cabin noise reduction
Wing spar can be smaller/lighter support because there's less weight on the fuselage
i was going to tell you are retarded because how the wing spar needs to be stronger because the wings are on the engine
and then just before hitting the button i stopped and thought
i should do that more often
Yes. In flight, the wings hold the fuselage up, not the other way around, because that's where the lift comes from.
yeah, i figured that out, i'm just happy i thought about that before starting to call you names
have some more blackbird
And the wings generate a lot of the drag, which is what the engines are there to overcome. So, engines on wings and just let the fuselage go along for the ride.
>but it has a slightly smaller radar signature
Why aren't the turbines at the front?
Considering the speeding fines here in norway it might just be worth it.
But the weight the wings have to lift is the same, you still need similar amounts of lift
yeah, but the wing doesn't need spars for weight on the wing itself.
it does need stronger spars if the weight is on fuselage
I see your point, so the area stays the same, but the whole airfram is lighter
Cars? Lol those props are better on a fan, m80. If they made an airconditioner, I'd totally buy it.
you need to get to max speed for this to happen
like when a passing maneuver goes wrong
usa really does make the most aesthetic warplanes.
i've been strangely drawn to the swede planes
absolutely not. I worked in automotive and I know people who work in defense. the QC in automotive is so so so much staggeringly more intensive than defense shit. In defense if the government likes what you make, you get a blank check and don't need PPAP or even a proper BOM. If you tried to build a car like defense contractors build vehicles it would probably have the performance of a sentra, the reliability of a alfa romeo, and cost as much as a 911.
and end up buried in a new mexico desert. after being produced 3 years after its originally slated SOP.
no country besides ussr comes close to usa in cool fighter designs. i swear every fighter usa adopted since the f-14 has mean aesthetics. its hard to take any fighter pre f-14 or non-US designed planes seriously
you have literally 0/10 taste
say that to my face fucker not online see what happens
>somebody clips your side mirror
>$95,000 to replace under warranty
by accident they send you the wing mirror for version B
Kek, sold!
this picture probably cost a few hundred grand to choreograph
How bout I slap your shit, bitch
probably the result of some autistic engineer messing with the center of mass / lift / thrust.
They do
If you sell your house, you might be able to afford it
Lockhead makes a car
>spends ten years in development, prototypes capable of various tasks, design is solid
>NTSB changes requirements, forces Lockhead to dramatically change design at the last minute
>new prototype can do some of the things NTSB wanted to do, but not all
>production model cant drive at night, in heavy rain, cant operate safely since it's marketing division now sells the car for a different role it was intended for
> Car hits the market place, kills dozens of skilled drivers, National and international regulatory agencies receive kickbacks from Lockhead, preferential contracts for construction in every country were accidents take place
>car continues to be made for 15 years while the steady trickle of avoidable deaths continues
Naw, I'll pass
Because Porsche kept trying to push the electric transmission and Germany didn't have the resources.
Does it have a turbine or somesuch JET engine?
How is this different from any current car manufacturer?
Kek that blokes face
What if they miniaturized planes into street vehicles? What would be your wing ride?
That looks like someone ripped the propellers off a 30 year old helicopter.
>not driving an airbarge
Only if it's styled by and has the performance of the SR71
So you want it to burn fuel, and take three states to turn?
Sure, if I get to go mach 3+
>So you want it to burn fuel
I would prefer if it did.
Might get cleaner air further form the body of the plane
C130 for haulin muh dirt bikes
CL1200 as a daily
Yes, because it would be able to hover.
stuka best
>insulting the A-4
You truly are a lost little lamb
If Messerschmitt made a car, would you buy it?
Why are Honda still jerkin' their gherkins to this Asimo thing? Robotics has progressed to the point where bipedal robots are practically commonplace.
Eurofighter might be a meme, but it's one of the sexiest planes going.
it's literally generic post gen3 jet fighter
inline engine propeller > gen 2 jets > gen 1 jets > radial engine propeller > gen3 and later
doubt it
but BMW made engines for Messerschmitt aircraft so BMWs are almost messerschmitts
the 109 was powered by a Daimler-Benz engine tho
My Mikoyans dont agree
>forward-swept wings
mah wingman
i swear this fwd meme is killing me
There are super Dimonas powered by 13b engines.
BMW made engines for the FW 190 though.
it's actually an industrial accident involving a small employee and in order to keep it quiet they offered them robotic limbs and a job as company mascot
nearly every plane before jet engines had one.