/dg/ Destiny General
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On 4chanX, how do i make the reply links normal?
make sure unchecked
>didn't update trials
>didn't put a - between /dg/ and Destiny General
>didn't put the new This Week at Bungie
god horsefuckers are unbearable
They still show up like this
this is what happens when people get lazy.
I'm only willing to play it on the hardest diff and I'm stuck
don't kid yourself, the bump limit may be 750 but threads will survive until the 780s, you just wanted your horsefucker name in the OP.
meh ok i'll take that all of you still are VERY LAZY FUCKS
Anyone up for some trials?
Also, Gladiolus, Prompto, Ignis, Lunafreya and Noctis dying kind of ruin the game for me. Why bother having fun with the boy band if they all die?
>he didn't 100% the game
glad i already beat the game. You're a stupid fucking nigger and deserve to be castrated for posting this.
>Tfw you set up your Telesto to shit shitty shotgun rushers over
Using Telesto is way too satisfying to use and the sexy look it got just makes it even more great than it already is.
IB 4/6
Who you got
German engineering
And me
If you still playing in like an hour I might hop on
Remember my hours are like 3 hours though
>And me
no thanks
Its cool.
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who aren't excited for SRL
>tfw all artifacts attuned and no trophy
>tfw a glitch keeps me away from 100%
fucking kill me
Same character?
They're fixing that Tuesday
if you are on the bonebox1, do the ol' switch profiles in game trick and all your stuck cheevos will pop
fuckin noob fgt
what about piezfor?
ur all faggets I would dust no problem
>le gamefaqs spoiler posting
Plus the games been out long enough that everyone already knows anyway.
i just assumed there was some equivalent, like in your menu under settings where you change characters, above it is "switch profile"
it logs you out of your profile, but relog in using the same one. on ecksbauxjuan it will unfucky fucky achievements 99% of the time
>that faggot "muh gf doesnt like dedstiny" post on leddit is near 5000 upvotes and has gotten gold twice
>you are all now breathing manually
havent followed destiny in a few months, we know anything about destiny 2 yet?
It will come out next year on PS4 and Xbox One
The same people who made TTK are making it
>no PC
rip. hopefully it looks good enough to justify buying a ps4 than
gotta get them special figures for exclusive content tm
there's rumors of a PC release but nothing concrete
it would be nice though
There's been rumors for it since that contract got leaked years ago.
sounded sure of himself, so i figured something concrete had come out.
Glad the dream is still alive then. if its console only i'll be playing with like 2 friends, if it comes out on PC i've got a dozen.
Bungo will never release it on PC
They are too lazy to encrypt anything, so all things they dont want people to find would be found on day one
>TTK releases on PC
>people immediately find out that sleeper simulant is timegated
>people immediately find out that all those exotics they think are hidden are just timegated
yeah, would have killed a lot of hype for TTK thats for sure.
Image the Destiny Y1 scandal where TDB and HOW content was found to be on disc since launch. Bungie couldnt hide anything like that if D2 came out on PC
anyone wanna help me go flawless? I've never been on the lighthouse
ded thred, ded gaem, dad orbit needs your help gardians
kill yourself
>play IB
>3 red bars an enemy team
>they teleport around, pick up the spark without an alert ect
Just ban every one who can't keep a stable connection to the game, let them go drown in pve.
srl sucks I just want icebreaker for combined arms
>/b/ for first time in awhile
>timbywuff furfag on page 1
Didn't the boners drive him off? wtf
Yeah. He found refuge in /b/ and started his own trap corner. Turns out thats a pretty big niche market.
Hey siddy, guess what?
he's not even a trap, he's a disgusting overweight fag
Need 1 for trials, we're 372 and 382
Part favor
Take a knee/rodeo
Awww, yeah!
That's pretty shit tbqh
Nah, m8. It kills.
that is shit.
Party favour is shit even with a god roll also. It's an inferior hawksaw.
If you get one with rifled barrel counter balance and rodeo it's the best in its class
Okay champ :)
Thats a lot of salt and jealousy you're blindly flinging in a rage there, little buddy.
Don't h8, m8. It kills guaranteed.
kk senpai, so I have a Braced/Hical/Hidden Hand Clever Dragon, but I'm jealous of your party favor? cool
stay sub 1000 elo where trash rolls like that fly
Platinum here in every elo class buddy. I also have the exact same clever roll with unflinching just in case i'm against similarl armed people.
Party favor blows that out of the water its that good.
>rodeo instead of counterbalance
>HLS and appended, two straight trash perks that do nothing
>Headseeker which literally compels you to aim badly to activate it
Sweet one m8 yeah its a god roll
You just aren't good enough to handle its unique shot pattern.
>he's platinum and thinks he's better than me
I'm top 1% in every playlist but OK
>its unique shot pattern
What, you mean it shoots bad and I'm supposed to believe it's good? kk
Nah, m8. People shoot bad. Guns just shoot. If you're missing you're the problem. You just gotta git gud.
>datto has been on twitch for two days trying to solo aksis
So this is true autism
watching him is true autism
>complete a vanguard bounty in crucible
>going out of your way to watch someone you don't like
>he doesn't know about the ghost bullets of y2 hand cannons
you can see his stream in the directory for destiny on twitch my dude
is anyone even gonna come back for the dawning?
I know a few of my normie friends are, if only for SRL. So probably, there aren't really any triple A releases coming out.
Schrödingers update
I never left
i'm in love with yellowteacup!
I found smoky's smurf account
and i thought slayer soloing siege engine was dumb
>nothing to do on destiny until Tuesday
>no way to watch new JoJo or Keijo
Y liv
browse dank memes you weeb fuck
>want to get a god roll Distant Star
>physically hurts to solo IB
Oh well. Smallbore/hi-cal will have to do.
>implying I don't already do that
you have bad jokes and should feel bad that shit doesn't even make sense
post it fucboi
god damn it, wrong image
>posting the same image I posted a few days ago
Raid with me and beanbag
2/6 for boner raid
its a long shot but, blame stray for the idea -beanbag
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You're a fag if you play Titanfall 2
>tfw i wish they would put colors on the name or something
>TFW i was too retarded to read the description and it would tell me the trail color i have already.
pointless and literally autistic
stay jealous
All those sparrows you wish are really thoroughbreds