/wotg/- World of Tanks general

Cheese sandwich edition

NOPAN (elite weeb club)

AWOO (weeb friendly)

>where do I look up tanks
>how do I find people to platoon with
join the Veeky Forums channel in game

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Miho is my Tankfu

Second for catgirls are furry.

one post a day keeps the weebs away

post some wolf girl

my AWOO collection must grow

CW edition

What about girl cats?

Leopard best tank.


did he die


nth for anime

You've done such a good job of keeping the weebs away :^)

He was forced to become a father. He never had time for tanks again. RIP


1st of back to back crucials

second game

anyone knows when this sale thing ends?

>BT-7 artillery
is that actually artillery or just a BT-7 with a howitzer


that doesn't answer my question
let me reword it
does it function as artillery or as a light tank

>Tier III Russian Light Tank
nigga please

Check the website
>TFW Tomorrow is the last day of campaign and your clan is in 2nd place
I can't wait to try out the 121B with my fancy new camo.

so it's a shittier BT-7 that can't be used as speedy artillery
wew lad

WG Coding 1/2


>at that spot


I went for the screenshot to prove Hat wasnt hallucinating and I gave up some good damage for the cause

Ye found it, thanks.

You're welcome

kr > mutz

t. salty advent buyer

>it's a "AWOO invites a PRVDA tactician to t8 strongholds

Was it PRVDA or PRAV?

Was their name RebelXBandit or whatever?

I think you mean delighted advent buyer

Not him, it was PRVDA, PRAV's retarded brother

>6 games
is that all you could manage before the BLACKED mutz was released and you lost the will to play the kr?

Which lines do I grind now.

>MT-25 for LTTB
>T-150 or KV-2
>Sturer Emil
>AMX M4 45

what do you have already?

mutz > kr

>play E-75 and Batchat
>get Mutz
>you're awful in mediums


can't position as fast
no damage
I can do the Cromwell but this shits tier is hard.

kr will be better when it's turret gits gudded next patch

>150 less hp
>significantly worse handling
>kr will have solid turret armor next patch
it's debatable now but the mutz will have been firmly overtaken in 9.17

mutz already has a bouncy turret along with more pen, better mobility and 150m/s faster shell travel speed among other things.

kr is a good tank but the mutz is better right now and it will still be a slightly better tank post patch, the only really standout feature on the kr is the gun dispersion values.

atleast get an actual game sample size on it before you praise it and try to compare it to other tanks.

any more news on the Strv-S?

>significantly worse handling

the aim time and accuracy make up for those lad, if you think you figured out a tank from playing 6 favorable games in it you are in for a surprise when its in a not so favorable match.

praising a tank after a few games is the most stupid shit you can do, my first IS7 game was an ace with 8.5k damage done it took me 50 more games to realize that tank is pure trash and outdated.

The aimtime being .18 seconds shorter does not make up for the difference in soft stats
playing against the is7 should have taught you that

happeningcon 1

If you don't want to grind all the way to a tier 8 to learn what to do in a medium, play the T-34-85, the T-20 and the E8 that comes before it, and the Comet until you git gud.

some one is recording it right?

>reminder that oberst needs kicked for leaving AWOOs first tier 10 stronkhold

twitch tv/jetto5

watch us wait for 30 minutes

10/10 special offers

>literally no other clan doing T10 boxes
Awoo too strong, scaring faggot clans shitless

rip the meme

awoo confirmed shit. cant even beat bulba

>kays at top
wow you guys suck

We reached teal recent today, so I guess you could say that we're pretty elite

>1600 rWN8
that is barely green

That scale uses turquoise as the color above green, not teal
The only scale in which teal is present is the wotlabs one

Ive given up on wn8 desu

I dont play my tanks Im good at anymore

that push tho

>his wn8 starts with 1000

why? is my 10001 wn8 not impressive?

>his wn8 starts with 2000

Senpai, where do I get the GuP crew addon? Is there a voice pack that comes with it? Also where do I get the addon that shows tank stats on the side in the garage?

What features are worthwhile on XVM for a relatively average player?

Have some Yukari for your troubles.

Pls help me someone.

rope yourself faggot

some xvm versions show stats (wr, dpg, ..) on the tank icons in the garage, just search for it in google
make sure not to use mod packs that include forbidden things like reload timers
no idea about the anime faggotry

>some faggot light tank at the start of the match who dies in the first 2 minutes: "heh watch out guiz we only have a 48% chance to win you'd better pull your weight"

Why are the worst players the only ones who care enough to use XVM?

>linking the one game where ev did damage

Do I hear wedding bells?

Guys... HALP!

I tried installing the GuP crew addon, but some of the crew members weren't replaced. As I understood all the image files were like germany-1 and this should have replaced the images for them. Anyone else have this issue before?

Some tanks are fully replaced, others aren't.

Check the crew pictures and count. Rename the filenames in the mod so that they replace the right ones.

Where the fuck are the default crew pictures located? Some website told me theyre all batched into a .mo file that you can't do anything with. It told me to download a .poedit program to swap pictures. Only problem is the poedit program is just a translation reader.

Also all the crew members that used to be anime aren't the moment I reopened the game.

What do you mean check them and count? For example, Ackerman in the 2nd, image with full anime crew, is germany-3. Fehn is germany-28. Schlip is germany-29. Weidling is germany-30.

Why is there a random germany-3 in there? That means I can't just count and guess and replace.


real wolfgirl hours
who up

>real wolfgirl hours

not our fault you live in that shithole

That's for editing names.
Something went terribly wrong.
Count by the icons in the personal data of each nation's crew. Rename files accordingly.

How in the mother fuck do I swap crew pictures? There is NOWHERE I can edit the default crew pictures. There are not even files to view the default pictures whatsoever. I installed the GuP pack but not all my crew are GuP girls.

Russia has like 15 pictures to use, yet my entire russian fleet of tanks has 60% non anime crew.

but seriously what do I get
>T34-85 or SU-85 or MT-25
>T-150 or KV-2
>Sturer Emil
>AMX M4 45

I can vouch for T34-85

I still don't understand what you mean.

I've found those two missing crew icon men as jap crew member 28 and 29 under personal data. That's me starting count at 1. Then I copied and renamed GuP images as japan-28.png and japan-29.png and it does nothing.

catgirls are furry

Should I just do all repair for first skill of jumbo?


Outta my way burger fucking shits

>bottom player
>lowest tier
>chance to win >10%
>this is every fucking match I've played in the past month
I'm gonna fucking kill someone
And I hope it's a fucking wargaming employee
because this shit's unforgivable

get t34-85, kv1s or comet
emil and amx are awful to grind through

Help. Copying and renaming files did nothing. I thought it'd be as simple as copy the image you want for your crew member, rename it japan-29 (because the crew member is 29th jap under personal data) but that personal data icon didn't change, meaning all other icons wouldn't change if I bothered copying and renaming them.

if tanks only fought tanks of the same tier, this game wouldn't be such a piece of shit, christ
what's wargaming's excuse for this uptier bullshit?
at the very fucking least, they could not make the disparity between tier not so fucking abysmal, jesus christ
it's like they want everyone who doesn't own tier 10 tanks to fucking destroy their goddamn computers
who's dick do I have to suck off to stop being fucking uptiered

find system32
delet this

I just want 0/+1 matchmaking, and I played when the IS saw M3 Lees. That or make tier strengths much smaller.

The jump from tier 4 to 5 is small but the jump from tier 6 to 7 is adding like 400 health. The health jumps are so ridiculous. 850hp on VK3601 and 1400 on the Tiger I? Then +100 on Tiger II? Then +320 on E-75 and finally +650 to the E-100

The disparities are too big for this shit.

Another example

>KV-1, 640 health
>KV-85, 870 health, +230 difference
>IS, 1230 health, +360 difference to KV-85, can see the KV-1, almost double it's health

Tell that to someone fighting KV-220s in a T-46
This tank is fucking abysmal for it's tier, and they expect me to fight things even higher?
I'm sure you'll say, "use your mobility"
What mobility?
Anything can neutral steer faster than this piece of literal garbage, and the accuracy on the move is like firing a shotgun with a single pellet in the fucking shell
This is what I fucking mean by the disparity between the tiers being so awful
What are tanks supposed to do with guns that can barely if at all pen, and when they do they do fuck all damage, meanwhile the enemy can point and click on you and delete at least half your health, and reload in seconds?

>finally face tanks of my tier and lower
>do good

what makes you think you are supposed to fight those tanks?
that is the typical shitter mindset (no offense), engage the closest tank that pops up
dont pick fights you can not win, just gtfo
the sooner you realise that the sooner you will consistently do good

it's kind of hard to not fight them when I'm the only one left because I've been cowering away from the enemy team because I can't fight a single one of their tanks and they're the only ones left
quit defending uptier you faggot
what are you, a shill?

>enemy track gets hit
>they repair in under a second and keep moving
>my track gets hit
>takes at least 10 seconds to repair