Did we died??? edition
has info on all upcoming meets, routes and videos.
Meet photos:
Vids from previous meets:
Lone Pine:
Ramen 9:
Fatman II:
Playlist with earlier videos:
Did we died??? edition
has info on all upcoming meets, routes and videos.
Meet photos:
Vids from previous meets:
Lone Pine:
Ramen 9:
Fatman II:
Playlist with earlier videos:
Other urls found in this thread:
So were yall serious when you said you got fucked by the chippies?
did n/o/rcal actually die?
oh no!~
I can confirm i almost ded
>mfw timing belt pulley seized
luckily the belt didn't de-track or snap
>inb4 degenerate marijuana cesspool
how many bent or cracked wheels, taking bets now
is anything planned...
t. definitely not a chippy
>t. cherries and berries
Emperor trump will fix our roads and put a halt to the unjust damage to our stock alloys
>Implying the great sith lord Trump has any jurisdiction beyond the wall
it's just too far, he can't be bothered
yeah, a few of us got caught
Aww im sorry to hear that. Was that because of these threads? If so probably not a huge coincidence it happened soon after 2 wrecks.
Does BlueBRZGuy have an initial D plate frame?
story on what happened, howd yall get busted?
Rip n/o/rcal
Press F to pay respect
i seriously don't know if these chippy stories are troll posts are not
Show up and find out :v)
I did but I didn't get an invite to the normiebook group so now I'm in the dark forever
>general N/o/rcal meet
Is that a rare Rodger?
calvin wans mom caught up to us in pic related and PITted the lead car (civic)
then she torque steered into CVPI and t-boned him
it was all over after that
No cops or arrests or anything, hard to get arrested for just driving around, especially with the amount of slowfags we have.
Just taking a break for a while until things chill, and maybe people stop crashing/driving like shit.
Should be an autocross or track meet posted once I can get shit going.
Been to a meet already? Message me on the youtube or vimeo channel with bread on hood to get updates.
update: it was the water pump pulley, and it didn't exactly seize
Sure officer.
You won't catch me that easily, you pig.
If you have an Initial D plate frame I saw you driving on 880 S last week when there was a body in the road closing northbound
Your turbo looks a little dirty broski
>maybe people stop crashing/driving like shit.
never gonna happen unless you wait long enough for self driving cars to come around
will there be such a thing as touge mode on self driving cars? probably a good way to get carsick
he doesn't, he has a british flag on the rear bumper and a jew license plate
and a sonic sticker with a pot belly
that's an alternator br/o/
>mfw it's obviously an a/c compressor
time to remap
>100% euphoria
Newfags. Its obviously the exhaust recirculation pump.
nobody on Veeky Forums actually has an EGR, right? I expect all you fags to have deleted that shit to save 10 pounds and free up space for turbos.
I just bought a used Jetta and I don't actually see much of a benefit to the work of removing it.
Should I?
it's a water pump
who here /chronic/
Blackhawk cars and coffee this sunday, who wants to park their shitbox next to some vintage ferraris?
y'all dead
Do you guys have pics or videos of all the wrecks that happened last meet?
only on the inside
They don't post pics of the wrecks because they don't want everyone else to know how reckless and shitty at driving they are.
if you're so good at driving meet me on the page mill road touge, fucker
>Tfw no car and lives in Arcata
>Tfw gf would get pissed off i went
>being nocar in humboldt
how do you even survive?
>not buying this and namefagging as the tougebus
you are seriousy goofin' br/o/
>trip dubs
Soon I hope. Oh, and
>not doing rain tooj
>mfw for once my toogay is dry
this has been the weirdest week
I use the shitty bus system, I go to HSU and live on campus so it could be worse
>tfw no touge through the redwoods
Wait so wtf happend at the norcal meet
>t. SoCal fag
Calvins mom sucked us until out balls were desicated husks and then we crashed