Is Veeky Forums one of the cool Veeky Forums boards? I feel like if my IRL friends ever caught me browsing Veeky Forums, I would be less embarrassed because I only browse 'cool' boards like Veeky Forums and /sp/.
Is Veeky Forums one of the cool Veeky Forums boards? I feel like if my IRL friends ever caught me browsing Veeky Forums...
none of us are cool
This. Veeky Forums is just easily explained.
/k/ is kooler. We dont have too much weeb shit going on here other than intial D memes
That being said half of us are busriders and the other half is daddies money.
Yes, it's a very cool board.
No, this board is even gayer than /v/ and /a/, people here spew funnyjunk level memes and still think "u mad" is a viable thing to say in the current year.
I'd say Veeky Forums is pretty socially acceptable, since cars as a hobby are still fairly socially acceptable.
Moreso than ponies and nazism, anyway.
>in the year 2069
>still mad
Veeky Forums is normie central
u mad or nah?????????
Bro do u even lift bro?????
wtf is happening in that image?
She has to eat all the eggs.
haha what do you think they smell like?
Veeky Forums is shitposts, trollposts, shitty troll posts, and the (very) rare discussion of cars.
My mom thinks I'm cool.
Veeky Forums is one of the worst boards on the site
>he doesn't realize all normies view carfags as fucking weirdos
>he doesn't realize even the biggest betas view carfags as faggots
how? it's fantastic
Go away.
for shitposting
its terrible for everything else
shitposting is the only thing Veeky Forums is good 4
I can usually have nice conversations on /mu/ and /v/
That's a good description for every board essentially. Just with variation in amount of shitposting to discussion ratio.
that's why this board is perfect. it has a perfect amount of everything. once the crybabies leave it will be heaven
i hate agatha
nah people are just better at hiding it because it's a normie hobby. I am completely unable to be told apart from a normie when posting identifiably with my vehicle and what not on Veeky Forums and when interacting in real life but I most certainly am not one.
This place is fucking terrible but we keep coming back.
It was ok at best when we had tripfags like equinox and frolo but those days are gone.
Now the years have gone from Mustang vs M3 to Corvette vs GTR.
The board is pretty good, the problem is butthurt GM fangirls
This board would be a lot better if underage faggots stopped their sour grapes shitposting about cars they see passing their school bus.
There are no "cool" boards on Veeky Forums.
That said getting caught browsing Veeky Forums would be less awkward than getting cahght browsing /mlp/ or something
I open up Veeky Forums and browse Veeky Forums in front of other cunts on the bus or train.
Normally I just do so at traffic lights but my cars getting fixed so yeh
Wait how the fuck do you have Initial D memes? Initial D has nothing to do with gunz.
they've got fucking /ak/ which isn't better
Wtf is this picture?
Just seems really easy to explain that I browse a car and auto forum cause I like it as a hobby. That and Veeky Forums. Can't really explain the other boards as easily except maybe Veeky Forums.
>muh reading comprehension
Nah, Veeky Forums is actually a pretty decent board. Not fantastic as some other user said, but its reasonably on topic, shitposting isn't out of control, and its neither too slow nor too fast of a board. What more do you want from Veeky Forums?
>IRL friends
pic related
>lesser boards
pick one
Why are you /r9k/ weirdos obsessed with that ugly little troll of a girl?