What's the best car for the postapocalypse, Veeky Forums?
Has to be simple to repair, resistant to EMP, good for offroad, etc.
Pic maybe related, maybe not, I don't know much about those.
What's the best car for the postapocalypse, Veeky Forums?
Has to be simple to repair, resistant to EMP, good for offroad, etc.
Pic maybe related, maybe not, I don't know much about those.
I guess it depends where you live
I'm in the UK and live on the outskirts of a small town near a load of fields so there's always a muddy Series 3/Defender roaming around. There's also a used car dealership that only sells Series 1, 2, and 3 Land Rovers so really finding parts shouldn't be too much trouble.
As for simplicity to repair, I can remember looking through a Haynes manual that my dad had for a Land Rover (for some reason) as a kid, so I'd just dig that out. Even then they're supposed to very idiot resistant.
Even the last of the series 3 could be started with a hand crank and as far as I'm aware used carburettors so EMPs shouldn't be too much of a problem.
As for offroad, they drove from London to Singapore in 1956 and the UK is nothing like the jungles of Malaysia or the desert of the Middle East so I shouldn't have too much of a problem
Own a CJ-3 made in 1951, they are good reliable workhorses
They are simple to work on, can get decent milage on highway (they cannot go faster than 60km/h, at least mine cannot)
They are good on offroad and can do quite a lot for their age, though they chug loads of gas when on 4low
I live in the south american country side and drove mine from the countryside mud to the sandy beaches, and it did fine all the way
Anything carburated, with a points ignition, that's dirt simple to work on and not a lot of wiring. No computers.
All the essential parts on these are shielded to surpress radio waves or something so that radio equipment can be used with less interference. Most of them are also completely waterproof. The original plug cables are faaaaaat. Only thing you'd need is an extra coil for one of these (maybe) and an extra set of points to use in case you couldn't file the first set. You may need an extra voltage regulator, but maybe not, everything on these is heavy duty (for the time period and it's size) That's basically it, maybe some wire in case wirings fried.
I remember reading something that said any vehicle that wasn't running would probably start just fine, but you never know.
These are pretty much the same thing.
go for an older diesel truck like a cuck-vee or a land crusier 70
>tfw not riding eternal
Lifted, reliable jap brand, fuel efficient, can haul shit.
Yeah, probably this.
Is Lada Niva the Eurofag equivalent of these?
>post apocalypse
You need yourself an old school carbureted adventure bike like a KLR.
Too fat for that.
First of fucking all, we are talking about apocalypses here, so you can just throw the idea of keeping a whole car whole right out the fucking window if you want to live.
Let's look at dear cuba for a moment. See what those motherfuckers did? Alright! Now we're talking.
On that bombshell, I bring to you: an isuzu diesel 4 banger shoved in the engine bay of a stripped-down ford ranger pickup with a stick shift.
It's got a cupholder!
It can run on waste motor oil!
You can use it to generate electricity by jacking up the back end and letting the tires spin a belt!
machine gun mount? You betcha.
Good luck finding parts for a fucking military jeep when everybody's hoarding shit. Good luck getting real gasoline.
>picking the least reliable car on earth for the apocalypse
>wake up
>need to forage
>go out to old landrover
>Only vehicle that hasn't been broken into in the whole villiage
>still full of gas even!
>climb into it, put in key and turn
>Go out, hit starter motor with rock, climb in, put key in, turn
>go out, jostle some wires, try again
>Starts, and sputters
>go out, hit carburettor with rock
>try again
>Starts and goes to life
>charge warning light is on
>go out, hit alternator with rock
>smoke starts coming out of dashboard
>go in, jostle wires
>smoke stops but turn signal is now on for some reason
>hit turn signal flasher with rock
>no more turn signal
>put rover in gear
>first doesn't work today, but second does
>all well and good. Let out clutch
>suspension collapses due to aging rubber
>rear end now saggy.
>drive five miles
>out of gas and spark plugs are now fouled.
>go and steal a ford escort.
i just will modify the rear part to a camper
have you ever driven one of those?
It is exactly like what a smart person would think its like.
Slow as ass, fragile, and fuckey.
Hon hon
honestly for a post apocalyptic scenario I'd consider not using a car at all
the efforts and cost of keeping it going would probably outweigh the benefits, with fuel being nearly impossible to find and probably way overpriced if someone does pick up production again
I'm surprised no one has considered electric cars yet. It's nowhere near as cool as a fuel guzzling V8 mad max style, but electricity is at least easier to generate than fuel.
Of course electric cars are threatened by EMP, but there's a pretty good chance you will never be exposed to an EMP anyway.
I would definitely consider a CJ2. they are incredibly fucking simple and designed to be worked on in a battle field with minimal tools
Only option for europe.
Fucking hell that is sexy.
>EMP meme
underage, literally every vehicle made will protect itself against an EMP
>inb4 le military
yeah no shit, if you're carrying around enough comm gear to run a town then yes you need to have emp protection for your Civic
Leave out the monstrous speakers and you're good to go...
I thought this story was gonna end with
>next day, apocolypse happens
>Leave out the monstrous speakers
For what purpose?
>he doesn't want to do radical guitar solos in the apocolypse
Diesel Datsun pickup
What is this? A concept vehicle?
Renault raccoon concept
probably any motorized camper
if it breaks down then you at least still have a place to live and find another camp from.
Are there any cars that can run with no electronics nowadays? I mean that you can repair only mechanically?
older diesel pickup with mechanical injection. Not sure how you'd start it though.
>how you'd start it
Isn't that just electrical with no chips and shit though?
I would choose a old Simson S51 Enduro with the electromechanical ingnition system since it contains 0 semiconductors and therfore is EMP resistant.
Also it needs only 2,5L/100km and can be repaired with basic tools.
I'd ride a bicycle
That's the true post apocalypse mode of transportation but no one is going to make a mad max movie about that.
and if you can't find a bicycle, well, I hope you like rickshaws
I live in South America, so probably this.
probably an old hilux with lower compression and mods that will let it run on different fuel
hhhhhheh heh heh
They were fat because at 6v they pushed double the amps for the same watts
Good one. I'll remember that for when i am drinking with the landy guys again. They actually love jokes about how shitty they can be
>You can use it to generate electricity by jacking up the back end and letting the tires spin a belt!
Something like that, the details escape me, it's been months since i did any reading on the ignition systems. They also screw into sockets at the distributor and on the plug for watertightness and radio surpression. I have a cutaway pic of the wires with all the different layers that go into one of their mil plug wires but it's on a different machine. Mines 24 v but the same-ish plug wires apply. The coil outputs somewhere in the neighborhood of 30,000-40,000v to the plugs.
An apocalypse will leave plenty of vehicles for parts since SHTF will look like the rest of world were SHTF is fucking normal.
I'd ride my older Harleys to conserve fuel. Points ignition, decades of parts, standard as fuck and I can tune the carbs to run on garbage petrol very easily.
Waste oil and plastic bottles are being made into "gasoline" in Aleppo right not. There will be plenty of both until oil production spools back up again.
Apocalypses are temporary. Coal, oil and NG are easily accessible in many areas. Manual machine tools will survive and can be run off generators to help fix other machines and vehicles. If the grid's down you can still gas weld and braze. A surprising amount of tech is robust.
>that face
when you are part boat and left in the desert
HMMWV was designed to resist EMP from the factory
slow as fuck
needs a shitload of fuel
I'd just steal this guy's bike
You would get a bolt of my crossbow.
Also these are only available in germany and eastern europe.
I mean, aren't all diesels resistant to emp?
Not all diesels are EMP resistant, only old ones with mechanical injectors and no semiconductors/ECUs and stuff.
>You would get a bolt of my crossbow.
Doesn't even penetrate common motorcycle armor.