what's your EDC fagg/o/ts?
this is what i carry at work
no, i'm not a rent a cop, i deliver bread
to keep it Veeky Forums related my work truck is a 28ft 2001 freightliner step back
keys shown are for a '99 f150 and a '13 taurus
what's your EDC fagg/o/ts?
this is what i carry at work
no, i'm not a rent a cop, i deliver bread
to keep it Veeky Forums related my work truck is a 28ft 2001 freightliner step back
keys shown are for a '99 f150 and a '13 taurus
Other urls found in this thread:
this is my off day/not at work carry
these are the most common pistols i carry and only one at a time. there are others but usually just one of these 3
EDC threads are /k/ territory and perhaps /b/.
Is this for what stuff you keep in your pockets/on your person on a daily basis?
EDC = everyday carry
You forget /g/
How can an asshole even recover from that?
> Wallet
> Phone
> Keys
Don't need a gun in everyday life.
Also, this. Fuck off, OP.
So... a wallet, a phone, a keycard, some hand moisturizer and my car key?
if that's what you carry that's just fine
my options to get to work are either through the shittiest part of chicago or the second shittiest part of chicago. the second shittiest part about 8miles out of the way but because there's expressway involved it takes the same amount of time.
they still shoot people on the expressways though.
9/10 times this is what I have on me.
This plus phone and multitool.
But multitool is in my car.
>a vape AND cigarettes
if regular jackoffs could have CCW permits in Canada, that'd be fuckin rad.
Regardless, this is NOT an Veeky Forums topic. sage.
I like the taste of the vape and can get away with using it in more places. Also it's easier to use while driving.
The cigs are mainly for when I'm waiting in my car. I do a lot of waiting.
Ask gm, although they want to know too
EDC 5+ years as I was able to carry in a no permit county
He actually has three knives. And a gun. He must have the bread-cravingest niggers ever on his route wherever it is. Then on off days, a gun for each hand and one for his dick too lol.
You just had this thread on /k/ you massive homo
I hope you guys told him he's a dumbfuck. I hate bread truck drivers now.
Nice gun
I have thought about getting a firearm, but I only really want a S&W 610, and they're hit hard by meme tax. So I can't really get the motivation to get anything.
what the hell is meme tax?
someone on /k/ told me to put it on /g/ so i put it here too. suck it
People like 10mm auto. People like a revolver that uses it.
The price is hiked up ridiculously. $1750 for a handgun? Naw. That's meme tax, dumbo.
America: Where a Daily Commute Requires a Handgun.
America: where your country allows you to have a handgun
>hey guys, check out my pathetic excuse to show off muh GUUUUUUUUN
>this is totally not just about the gun, you can look at the wallet right above it
Requires/Allows are different words. One is not so negative. One implies a major problem.
Noone should NEED a handgun... i'm from the UK. Contrary to what most Americans believe, we can have guns. Anyone can get a shotgun certificate, after passing a basic background check, allowing them to possess as many shotguns as they can safely and securely store. Beyond that, a firearms permit allows rifles, but only for good reason; i.e. Target shooting, hunting, etc. Handguns? If your country is safe, no civilian should need a handgun, an automatic weapon, etc, etc...
i guess. seems to be priced that way only because it's rare though. .357 out of the same length barrel is more powerful iirc.
To be fair, the gun is the most expensive thing someone will probably carry on their person, depending on the cost of the gun and whether or not they carry an absurdly expensive phone or keyfob or something.
>hur muh gubmin gona keep me safe u dont need no guns pls mohamed more cum.
Im not even a burgerclap, but you're a fucking faggot.
i can show you the rest of my guns if you'd like
here's my short guns
You might be right! I'll look into it.
I am a hipster for what it's worth.
and here's the long guns
i meant to link this to you
That's a really sexy revolver sir.
god damnit
paranoid white guys who have anxiety going to the grocery store?
You enjoy dying, I'll enjoy FREEDOM.
>White guys
Check your privilege senpai
3 knives and one gun vs 3 guns and 2 knives
Keys, wallet, garage opener. Notebooks, pens, motorcycle gloves and scarf in backpack.
>He must have the bread-cravingest niggers ever on his route wherever it is
Ha, unlikely. More likely he thinks of himself as a little badass ready to spring to action and become a hero.
What model Sig is that?
>nothing bad ever happens to anyone ever and my safety isnt my responsibility.
youre right. no one should NEED a handgun, but we dont live in a perfect world where everyone cares about each others right to live
Do you walk around with armor just in case you get hit by a car?
This isn't a bad idea tho
The Nox is neat.
How would armor protect against a fucking car? Also why do you care about what people choose to do with their rights? Shit can happen anywhere anytime, one small precaution (like a gun) isn't some crazy out of this work extreme
You can make it so you bounce off. So wear armor, you can always get hit by a car. It's as likely as your rationalizations.
> Its as likely as your rationalizations
Don't you fucking come at me like that. You don't know shit about living near niggers and spics.
4,000 pound cars don't give a fuck if you're wearing a little bit of metal or not. You're still getting hit by a fucking car. Your argument doesn't work because a gun can end a threat, while your armor does fucking nothing.
>going places you need to wear a gun not to wear a watch
step it up senpai
a good rule of thumb is to spend about as much on the gun your assistant carries as you spent on your shoes
But I do. I deal with them every day. Never had a situation where I needed a gun.
It can create one, too, which is usually the case with the wannabe heroes. And the armor only needs to deflect the blow, like an airbag.
>be leaf
>will never be able CC legally
Just annex our shit up, senpai
I like how your first reply demonstrates how dirt poor you are and your second one demonstrates how bone dumb you are. Really a nice blend.
while protecting yourself from an automotive collision on foot seems unfeasible, people do often buy cars based on safety ratings especially those with families they take care of. one could argue that air bags, pillars that can support the cars weight, and crumple zones act as a sort of "armor".
>being such a gutless beta bitch that you feel the desire to carry a blade and gun everywhere you go because you can't put em up like a real man and defend yourself
Fucking pathetic Roflmao
Literally zero excuse for being such a literal weak bitch
>because criminals think like I do!
The point of gun ownership is crime prevention
Think Ender's Game
if eating bullets is your defense strategy best of luck to you friendo. armor in a situation where firearms are involved only affords you few precious seconds to recover and return fire.
wearing armor without the means to retaliate and end a threat, is useless
Only reason to carry a gun where I'm from is if you are a criminal
Even then you'd only need one if you can't defend hand to hand against a 7ft 160kg enforcer
>crazy virgin starts unloading in shopping center
>No vest, get hit in heart, hude ubder table, dead
>vest, get hit in heart, hide under table, not dead
Not every situation that involves firearms is a Clint Eastwood shootout. No drawing from the hip... no duels... wake up kid
> It hasn't happened to me!
> Therefore it never happens!
Like another user said you're dumb as rocks, and poor too? Bad combo m8. I can name many times where a gun has successfully de-escalated a situation without even having to be fired or even fully pointed. Ill list 3 off the top of my head
> Working on my truck. Random ass dude runs across the street with a crowbar and starts tryna start shit
> Grab gun. Immediately breaks down and starts apologizing begging for mercy
> he and i both walk away unharmed
> Be at home, hear weird noises outside near my truck
> Go outside with gun, see someone in my truck bed
> rack shotgun really loud
> be surprised when 3 people peak there heads out from out my truck
> one underneath in the rearend, one inside the truck bed, one by the driver side wheel that i couldn't see initially from my angle.
> Everyone walks away unscathed
> 4months ago
> Someone keeps knocking on my window for 3 days striaght at like 2am
> i confront them, they get hostile saying my mother owes them money
> tell them to fuck off, he gets really hostile
> Rack shotgun
> he leaves
No one was harmed
4 bonus. Before i got a gun, one situation that made me want to get one
> thanksgiving 2014
> Truck alarm goes off
> i go outside
> spic inside the truck fucking with the stereo
> Grab him, pull him out and start beating him
> He reaches for a knife, i barely catch a glimpse of it, i immediately jump back keeping good distance
> He lunges at me a couple times laughs and says "hahah bet you won't try to hit me now huh bitch? Come on, hit me and get stabbed motherfucker"
> he gets away
So not only are you ignorant,you're also plain dumb. I can already see your response to this
> hur dur that doesn't count! Because i said so!
>carrying an american branded copy of a Croatian gun that stole design characteristics from an Austrian gun that stole striker fired theory from an 1895 Savage gun
>in the year of our lord and savior Donald Trump 2016
Phone, wallet, and keys. Half of these fucking posters should go buy a purse or something.
mass shootings like you describe, make up an infinitesimally small percentage of shootings. while in your hypothetical scenario it does seem like it would save your life, most self defense situations involving a firearm are not like that.
I could have ended all those situations without a gun
Seems the easiest way to go about it was standing in your front door with a shotgun, but not the only way. Than again I'm not a weak looking beta who grabs for the 12ga straight away. I usually grab my baseball bat or put the pit bull on his leash if saying fuck off cunt isn't enough
>be nigger
>have beef
>trailblazer pulls up and starts blasting then peels out
>thank God I had my vest yo
I'm guessing that's the reality for most shootings :^)
getting close to multiple or armed attackers solo, isnt conducive to a long life. however, judging by your logic, if a wheelchair bound individual used a firearm in self defense you'd call that person a pussy beta.
You're literally proven how dumb you are with every post.
I took boxing for 7 years, im 6ft 200 pounds, i know how fragile the human body is. You're telling me you'd want to go toe to toe with 3 fully grown men because you think you're a badass? Go ahead. You think a honorable duel between a crowbar and a baseball bat is going to he a sick ass movie scene battle with 2 melee weapons, youre a retard.
You think a guy that thinks he's untouchable enough to go to someone's house and start shit is going to be scared by a little baseball bat? You know the rest of that story is he broke into my house with 2 to 3 buddies of his to rob the place. And he intended to end me aswell. I got it all on audio, his plan to break in, steal my guns and take me out. So your saying a criminal like this would get scared off by some baseball bat and a pit? You're beyond fucking retarded.
Not much of a criminal if he is afraid of a gun... if you had the guts to be tough without a penis compensator in your hands maybe you'd have had the same effect without using it
Guns really don't help unless you are dealing with other weak bitches
Any situation I've been in if I had pulled a gun my family would be dead next day. Sorry not sorry you live in a little bubble surrounded by gutless fucks
>this fucking guy
Bit detached from reality, are we?
Did you not read my post? He came back to next night with 2 to 3 buddies, at least one of them were confirmed armed with a handgun. To break into a house that they ALL knew had a resident that was armed. You're saying hes a weak bitch if he charged into a dangerous situation where anyone couldve gotten shot. Anyways back to what i said earlier
> Those situations don't count!
> B-because I said so!
> I would've done so much better without i gun guys! I-i promise!
No. I'm not from the land of the weak. Guns aren't used to intimidate or defuse. They are used to kill and only kill
But keep thinking you are tough for running inside and grabbing a shot gun bevause some drunk is yelling at you, fucking pathetic
>the literal definition of an internet tough guy
Is webm related how you would "handle" the situation?
Those situations do count and I wouldn't have done any better without a gun bevause like I said standing in your front door with a shotgun is the easiest way
You are a weak bitch for not putting those guys in hospital tho, gun or no gun
Funny how you cherry pick that story out of the 4 i gave you, and also read post names, the guy youre replying isnt me the "pussy with a shotgun". The even bigger pussy is you who'd rather send his dog to get hurt because hes too much of a beta male to be a man. You know there are people in this world that have no problen killing your fucking dog and just going after you for releasing it on them? You are very far detached from reality if you think shit doesn't get sour quick
I live in California, if i would have shot any of them i would've got 25 years in prison, when they broke in, it was coincidence that i moved out that exact day. They broke in when i wasnt home, they ransacked the house and couldn't find my gun safe (because i took it) so they split.
first myth on there about deterrents.
it doesnt matter if someone is afraid of the gun or not. the gun doesnt care. firearms have been proven to be effective means of self defense countless times. not everbody can be capable using physical ability alone to protect themselves or have someone that does to keep them safe. tell me, do you have a mother? a grandmother? a sister? a child? can you without a doubt absolutely say that you can be there to protect them all the time for the rest of their lives? if you believe the answer is yes, you are delusional. why not want the less physical capable to be fully afforded every chance they can to protect themselves.
le ebin penis meme. tell you what friend, if someone ever attacks you or your family with intent to harm them, just pull out you massive wiener. that should resolve the situation
>Ever letting doggo out to bite someone and get put down by the Rangers
No thanks.
true. ending another humans life when not absolutely necessary (and sometimes when it is), even if justified, will leave you with a legal nightmare that will cost thousands. not only that, but youre firearm will be held as evidence for a good deal of time.
>-7 contacts
jesus christ.
> -7.00
I thought my eyesight was shit. Holy fuck.
P229 stainless elite
not OP just Veeky Forums /k/
Reg Dennie was also a truck driver until he ended up in a surprise chimpout. Dude works in Chiraq, not your mother's basement.
wouldnt have hurt to have a firearm in this situation
The UK is tiny and rather white except for tame wogs. You have no crime due to demographics. You need no self-defense because you have no rural areas where police cannot arrive immediately.
OTOH while I was deployed my wife deterred a crackhead assault on our rural property without shooting. The sheriff was pleased and briefed her how to shoot assailants lawfully. I love Red States.
The White areas of the US have comfily low crime rates even when next to dark zones. A few miles north of me is darktown and it's violent. OTOH I haven't locked my doors in twenty years. Self and neighbors shoot often in our back yards of several acres each with no problem. I encourage their target practice since they shoot far more than I.
I'm a racist and a contented Trump voter because I only care about other Whites. I don't shoot other races, they shoot each other because they enjoy it. You Brits have no natural enemies so you can afford to be pussies, but the only thing that would stop negro crime in the US is genocide and that's impractical. Whites are armed so blacks prey on each other instead. Check the stats yourself and be amused.
Carrying a weapon is as ordinary as carrying a tool kit or fire extinguisher. It is better to have and not need, than need and not have. My life is valuable. Criminal life is not. At all.
The most polite crowds you'll ever meet are at gun shows. The hood, not so much. Reality is real. Enjoy your bubble.
>The privilege of being targeted by dindus for vicious attacks
what a fucking privilege
You realize a massive drop in crime rates over that period has happened across the entire world regardless of gun policy.
The leading theory is due to banning leaded fuel average IQ has gone up around 6 points and aggression has gone down.
A wallet and a gun, maybe a knife if I'm going to a particularly shitty area or I might need to cut something.
I'll never understand why or how people manage to carry shit like multiple knives/guns, notepads, flashlights, and other shit.
hmm interesting. havent heard the leaded fuel thing.
>it's a eurocunt is super salty of America's freedumb episode
I need a small flashlight.
That an A5? Dream gun. Just bought a mossberg 835 to use to start duck hunting. Great collection
I recommend a mini maglight. They're like $10 and they're made in USA, come with 2 extra xenon lights for replacement, and have the "torch" mode which functions to that of a candle
>mini maglight
I'll look into it. I'm a short on pocket space since I pocket CC. In the fall, winter, and early spring it isn't that bad but during the summer it can suck.