Whoever designed this shit needs to be shot
Thanks for this completely pointless inconvenience Europe
>lug studs
>barely even a tiny ass lip to rest the wheel on as you try to get these things in
God damn I'm mad
Whoever designed this shit needs to be shot
Thanks for this completely pointless inconvenience Europe
>lug studs
>barely even a tiny ass lip to rest the wheel on as you try to get these things in
God damn I'm mad
i don't get what's your issue
you can't put them on ? are you mentally challenged ?
It's just so pointless, and it makes a simple wheel change into a pain in the ass
Use the othe end of the wrench to hold the wheel in place and screw the studs in with your finger.
my bad i read lug nuts
well i never saw a car with studs to be honest what's yours ?
they are not hard to use, but they are fucking stupid. I hate benz with the short lug studs for donuts.
youre fucking retarded and/or weak as SHIT if you have problems with those. i hope your daddy tightened the bolts after you were done playing.
You're a fucking idiot. Buy some wheel hanger pins.
Damn near all eurotrash cars use lug bolts/studs.
>using weenie pins
>not putting the massive rear wheel on a car with carbon rotors on with one hand and shooting the titanium lug bolt in with an impact with the other
You must be hourly
But if you were to kill the guy who invented bolts, many things would have never been held together.
>needing this extra shit when you can merely use lug studs/nuts as a wheel retention system
Then you're probably doing it wrong or overthinking it. They're just bolts. If anything they make the wheel easier to install because you only have to align one center hole (the wheel on the hub) then just rotate the wheel so that the bolt holes line up and bolt it down. With a wheel that uses nuts instead of bolts, you have to align four or more holes, depending on how many holes per wheel and fish the studs through the holes then tighten the nuts.
You're welcome OP. In case you're afraid to click, google "wheel stud pilot pin"
>needing an additional tool to install a wheel
This has been covered and called both a "weenie pin" and "extra shit".
now try doing all this one handed at chest level with the suspension drooped into positive camber
Have you actually never taken a wheel off a car and are theorizing what it would be like? Because that's what your post sounds like
There are situations where lug studs are an absolute bitch, though.
If you or some fuckhead at a shop crosses your threads and seizes your lug bolt, you are up shit creek. You can't exactly cut a lug bolt as easily as a lug nut, for one, and now your wheel hub is fucked. For a car that uses studs, you just press in a new stud.
>For a car that uses studs, you just press in a new stud
Ya, that takes a whole 5 seconds.
I've seen many VW's and Audi's on the side of the road with sheared off wheels. Is it because they run studs instead of bolts?
I think bolts are stronger than studs at least for holding force if the torque specs are any indication. A Quattroporte only specs 75 ft lbs with bolts, a Model S which doesn't weigh too much more but has studs is 130 ft lbs. Also it looks like more than half the thread is confused. You either have a stud, which goes through the back of the axle and the wheel is held on by a nut, like American cars, or a bolt, which is threaded into the axle, Euro style.
>all these yuro appologists
I worked in a garage for years and cursed anyone who brought in a VW or bmw product
These are the most pointless fucking wastes of aggravation i've ever encountered
>but what if you break a stud, isn't it much easier to replace a bolt than pounding out a stud?
No, no it fucking isn't because now you have to replace a fucking hub since theres half a bolt stuck in it
Whoever designed these thought, instead of being able to replace a wheel on the side of the road at night while its raining, the person just says fuck it and abandons the car to buy a new piece of european junk
You ever had the misfortune of pulling a stripped stud out?
Not to mention this shit. I like my BMW, but some of the quirks are infuriating
>No, no it fucking isn't because now you have to replace a fucking hub since theres half a bolt stuck in it
The last time I snapped a lug bolt, after removing the wheel the rest of the bolt came out by hand.
also, they aren't even stronger likesays
you know why you replace head BOLTS with STUDS on almost any performance engine?
Because a bolt is applying force in two ways, torsionally and compressionally. its being stretched in two different directions when torque is applied.
A stud removes one of these factors. when you tighten a nut down on a stud, you are applying one type of force instead of two
breaking studs is a pain in the ass but unless its a large ass diesel or an FCA product breaking a stud on a regular passenger car was a reasonably rare occurrence.
>its being stretched in two different directions when torque is applied.
New flash: a lug stud has torsional force applied to it as well, its just that its splined into the hub.
I understand your point, but why are the torque values almost always much lower for lug bolts than lug nuts on otherwise similar cars, like in my example?
I'd rather have bolts over lugs and use this "extra shit" so when the inevitable mongoloid at a tire shop crossthreads your shit, you only have to replace a bolt instead of removing the entire hub assembly.
>muh studs
kek. last time i checked golden gate bridge used bolts not fucking studs
Why are you taking to your car to a cheapo tire shop. Also, does anyone actually think that cross threading or stripping lug nuts or bolts is a regular thing? It's not, even at shitty shops. Maybe if you put it in a 1/2 air impact across the shop, ran at a full sprint with the trigger pulled, and stabbed it into the hole. Doing things normally it's almost impossible to fuck it up. I've only seen damage at shops done from overtorqueing with impacts, especially on acorn nuts that are mostly hollow and like to mushroom out.
you're pretty fucking stupid.
LOL, this guy thinks tire shops don't hire the cheapest labor possible. I guarantee some 16 year old who just changed a tire for the first time 2 months prior put yours on. Yea, let me go to a Ferrari dealer to change my tires to ensure a "technician" can put them on. lol
kek this. the deadshit down at costco tire shop doesnt give a fuck about cross threading shit, they just keep rattling until it stops moving or snaps
You two are fucking retarded and have clearly never worked on a car before.
You also have clearly never had a job where you're working with customer's goods.
People at tire shops, retarded as they may be, take wheels on and off all day every day. No matter how stupid they are they have it figured out. If they regularly strip out lug studs, which would cause the dealership to eat a cost more than the profit they would make on 4 tires and an alignment, they wouldn't be there anymore. I have a feeling all the people in this thread that are worried about these things are people that somehow found a way to strip one out while in their own backyard. Even if it did happen at a shop who cares, they are eating it anyway.
bmw owners unite!
>You also have clearly never had a job where you're working with customer's goods.
LOL, hopelessly projecting your feelings much onto the mouthbreathers who are doing whippits in the back before changing your tires?
>You two are fucking retarded and have clearly never worked on a car before.
i take care for my car so ive never treated it like im a high school drop out and its rotation job #791191
>You also have clearly never had a job where you're working with customer's goods.
how many burger flippers take care in bigmac assembly?
>Muh projecting meme
Anyone saying anything negative about other people isn't projecting.
When you go around and say things that are completely based in ignorance someone might just call you out on it.
>i take care for my car so ive never treated it like im a high school drop out and its rotation job #791191
Dank memes, if that were true you'd know just how hard it is to cross thread any steel fastener that doesn't have damaged threads, let alone when putting wheels on.
>how many burger flippers take care in bigmac assembly?
That's not working with customer's goods
The good news is your write like a high school drop out
If they strip and stretch the fuck out of your studs they'll wait till you come back then tell you that you need all your studs replaced. They'll find a way to make money no matter how bad they fuck up.
People get their shit cross threaded all the time. A lot of dealerships and quick lube places in North America fuck up the simplest tasks like oil changes, they'll strip the fuck out of the drain plug or double gasket the filter.
>not using weenie pins
>he thinks shooting the titanium lug bolt in with an impact is the proper thing to do
enjoy stripped lug holes eurocuck
You don't know anything.
>if that were true you'd know just how hard it is to cross thread any steel fastener that doesn't have damaged threads
its incredibly easy to if being careless and stupid, like every greasemonkey ever
>That's not working with customer's goods
no, its not working on a product for a paying customer
i may type like a drop out but at least i dont rape underage girls
yes. thats the point he was trying to make.
or that its atleast easier
heartbreaker is one of the most anti-eurocuck posters on this board you fucking newfag
what the fuck is that?
>its incredibly easy to if being careless and stupid, like every greasemonkey ever
Stop proving my point, you don't know what you're talking about because your mechanical experience ends at turning the key.
>yfw newfags calling old fags new fags
he likes eurocuck cars still
>its incredibly easy to if being careless and stupid
are we talking enthusiasts working on their toys or deadshit minimum wage losers waiting for 5pm to roll around and not giving a fuck about the 69th car that just rolled in for the day?
Dude nobody knows who you are newfag.
he likes the european badge cars such as ferrari californias and maserati quattroportes because popular opinion on Veeky Forums is that those cars are shit
>not filtering retarded tripfags on sight
kek you only have yourself to blame
You don't understand because you can't understand because you have no experience.
It has nothing to do with any sort of austic enthusiast versus a dude out of his mind on brake cleaner fumes.
To cross thread an undamaged,relatively large, horizontal steel fastener takes more work than to not.
Because step one is literally use your hands.
posted as user for 8 years before deciding to tripfag.
thats why no one knows me.
you know what he smells like when he sleeps too?
O totes.
Tell me one thing about me that only someone that has been posting for 8 years would know.
I don't think many people in the world much less Veeky Forums thinks those cars are as shitty as I think (and know) they are, though the pre 2013 QPs have their charm
Do I change smell when I fall asleep? Can't check myself, will need some scientific info if that's a thing
lurked mostly.
posted very very little
i dont know much about you buy i lurked your posts for a very long time.
well you sweat alot when you sleep so you change smell that way
Dank memes bro.
Who posted these?
you are gay
you live in a trailerpark
you take awkward photos in the shower loljks
you raped an underage girl
your name is ethan
even I know these things and I've been here for no longer than two years
Ye olde Euro fuse, my nigga.
Try lifting an 80kg wheel onto a hub to put the wheel bolts in (:
you did. lmaoooo
Tire monkey here. The easiest way to get wheels on is to sit your butt on the ground with the lower end of your knee in line with the body of the car, then pick the wheel up with your hands and legs and align the wheel with your hands while your legs support it.
How are you a tire monkey and not using a lift, do you want permanent disability in 2 years?
you cant do that when you're working at a dealership.
takes too long.
I hate those.
I have an impossible time lining up the wheels, rotors, and the hub to get everything together.
We have an in floor lift like this that only lifts the car up a little bit, same height as if you were jacking it up with a floor jack.
We're hourly, so time doesn't matter at all.
the idiot probably has aftermarket wheels that don't fit the hubs.
I have wheel bolts, but my wheels sit on the hub without falling off
I don't need to hold the wheel up while putting the bolts in
They should have used self sealing stem bolts.
You at very best extremely casually browsed Veeky Forums.
Explain this image.
you work at walmart dont you?
i have never seen this before
Who's car is this?
nigger do you really think for the last 8 years i know which trip fag was which, what car they drove, or who posts what images?
fuck man you must have alot of fucking time on your hands to browse this board and know that.
i browse this board when im at work on my lunch and when i get home from work. thats it. i told you i lurked and browsed and posted
out of the total time i was on this board in the last 8 years i posted 10% or less. the rest was lurking.
/b/ /k/ Veeky Forums are my boards.
clean ass em1 tho. not really digging the blades though.
god damn I kek'd. post water retention
You know a tripfag is really clutching for straws when he tries to namedrop.
Lee hates delsols.
Yep. Just realized I actually had a picture of the lift in question. Happened to get two black 2008 v6 pathfinders that both needed a battery at the same time.
ayyy im a former walmart tech too.
that job built my resume into the dealership world. i honestly miss it. easiest fucking job on earth.
honestly if they payed more than 16$ an hour id leave subaru and work at walmart for the rest of my life as a tire lube tech.
europoors will defend this
>You either have a stud, which goes through the back of the axle and the wheel is held on by a nut, like American cars, or a bolt, which is threaded into the axle, Euro style.
This, Jesus fucking christ
>before deciding to tripfag
You arent even using a tripcode you newshit namefag. Get the fuck outta here.
Just put studs in user.
dont need one
>take (insert overpriced European car manufacturer) to the used tire shop where only one guys speaks english
>pay 30$ a tire for mounting and balancing
>watch the mexicans very carefully thread the bolts in
>all fucking five of them
>before using the impact to put them on.
Even the shittiest shops know how to put tires on.
>things everybody knows
I love you
You're retarded.
Aka you're a pretend old fag.
Apparently I don't have it.
No, because we're not idiots who strip lugs.
Woah where did your chest go dude?
wait a minute..
> fuse blows
> get some fuse wire or a nail
These are fucken awesome
I had to replace a hub last year because tire tech stripped two.
A wheel seems to stay on better with bolts than nuts. I had a car lose a nut and the other studs snapped. On my car with bolts I don't know how long I was driving with 80% of my lug bolts.
I been here since like 2011 and i know that.
hubcentrism bitch nigga
I've been here for about 2 months and know that