>le dolan drumpf a rayciss XDDD
>lol Drumpf a racis XDXDXDXDXDXDXD
IDK what a watercooledind is but he seems like a pretty cool guy.
i know rite
simply eric
good. shit wheels. shit owner.
Literally who and why should I care?
They make ugly ass rims for shitty stanced cars.
I don't care for stance but those wheels are nice and would look good on 80s, early 90s cars.
But they ain't.
Ok, so what happened? Did the CEO come out and shoot up a bunch of MINORITIES while screaming MAGA or what?
>I don't care for stance but those wheels are nice and would look good on 80s, early 90s cars.
I've seen wheels like that from the 80's, but maybe in a much smaller diameter.
They look like they would be extremely popular in the Gulf because geometric designs like that are Halal as fuck
Alright, you cuntbag, fucking spell it out. What did Whateverface McWatercooled do, why is it bad and why should we care?
Owner called someone a nigger using the company's instagram (or w/e stupid social media it was) for "like"-ing a picture of his girlfriend.
Little white boy owner went on a insta rant PM to some black guy texting his 'girl' and how he's a nigger POS and blah blah blah.
Apparently her response was "He's a good friend". Fucking kek and his business is fucked.
shitty jpeg but here ya go
Oh wow. So much rage, so much borderline autism. Well done, you.
Bets on how soon we see "Our account got hacked"?
Stancefags really are mentally ill
Jesus, so this is what c.uck outrage looks like
>Gets busted for not following fair housing laws and keeping minorities out of properties he owned in the 70s
>Oh he's not racist at all
Do we need to go over this again?