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Do you heel and toe?
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Do you heel and toe?
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I drive barefoot and use my big toe for the gas.
only if you dont know how to properly drive.
sometimes I do, however not like pictured because my pedal setup wont work like that.
I do the foot roll since my pedals are so close together. i hardly ever drive fast enough on my way home from work to need to brake and downshift at the same time.
Ive got an automatic but I still heel toe the gas and break to get that ultra responsiveness
>my pedals are too close to heel toe
>they're also too far apart to roll my foot onto the throttle
I will never Dagumi in my shitbox.
for you buddy
My brake pedal is way higher than my gas which doesn't allow for heel toeing really, I drive an old pos blazer so don't really need it anyway
all brake pedals are higher than the gas. when you step on brake they even out
only on a track and racing sims
it's completely useless on a normal roads and honestly, just plain try harding
No I mean like way higher, no worries though it's an old pos with a worn out gearbox so don't really have to worry about downshifting quickly
it's fun
I not only heel toe, I also double clutch my downshifts for minimum syncro wear. How many nerd points do I get?
I'm addicted to heel toe downshifting and revmatching and I have to force myself not do to it at this point
how do i do this on my automatic?
Shift from 3 to 2 (or 2 to 1, etc) and apply the gas simultaneously
They do it in this vid somewhere I think
Oh yeah you gotta left foot brake too
So you come into a corner hot, trailbrake into the corner with your left foot on the brake, and then move the shifter down a gear while giving some gas with the right foot.
I drive an auto.
Yup, gotta go 100% racecar everyday. Every stop sign and light for me once the gearbox gets warm.
No, I got very big feet and a small car.
In my stupid racing sim, yeah.
Every day driving? No need really.
shouldnt your foot be off the clutch when you match revs?
Go sit in the corner and think about what you said
autobabby status confirmed.
Nah I just downshift without the clutch.
I'll bitch slap you.
isnt the point of revmatching to match the speeds of the gears in the gearbox? if youre pressing the clutch the rpm wont go the gear
would this really make much of a difference to the longevity of my trans?
more like ball and ball
i had to replace my rubber gas pedal (damn you drive by wire) and went for a metal one for the sole purpose of allowing my shoe to glide across the surface for a more precise rev match while i still have a good grip on the brake
I have 6 piston brakes on 13" rotors. If I depress the brake pedal enough to roll my heel onto the gas, I'll lose a few teeth on the steering wheel
No because I would have to re-learn how to step on my brake pedal since I've never lifted my heel off the floor to do so. Pressing the brake with my foot lifted off the floor feels weird.
If you have shitty syncros and need to speed them up. On a good clean shifting box, you only aim to match the revs to the wheel speed to keep the car stable on down shift.
Only when the idle screw falls out. And honestly I "ball of my foot / outside of my foot"
When I'm bored and there's no traffic around, yes.
Why not just screw them together?
Real pussy feels weird, best stay a virgin.
New driver here. Whats the point of this and when should i do it? Does it make going into a lower gear smoother? Also whats the order? Clutch , break, gear, heel?
No I just release the clutch slower and the revs match automatically...
So how did all those other people do it before manumatics became normal on super cars?
It's useful on track and fun to do sometimes in daily driving before roundabouts or B road twisties.
Nope, not worth it
My f150 is the same way but my boots are wide enough to bridge the gap, so I usually do
yes. On track. In my automatic small suv.
Maybe a little. More useful if your synchros are kind of on the way out like mine, dunno about that guy's.
My gas pedal comes from the top, it is short, and it sits above my brake pedal. I can't reasonably heel-toe. So I just engine brake early and only use the brake when coming to a stop.
I do.Except I kinda roll my foot rather than actual heel-toe. Never knew anyone else who knows how to do it nor have I heard anyone else do it. Idk i feel better doing it than slowly releasing the clucth to downshift.
nah. just feels uncomfortable and im not boy racer enough to need to do anything but quickly shift down normally.
different gas pedal because some autos have it too far from throttle.
had to replace the whole thing because the sensor went out and was putting me in limp mode
Can someone explain to me like I'm retarded what heel-toe does
I'm reading wikipedia and I still dont understand why its done
No, too tall
I can't twist my leg to reach the gas pedal
It's how you operate the brake, gas, and clutch pedal at the same time with only. 2 feet. It has no application outside of a race track but it is fun to do if you can do it correctly.
This is a neat idea
Yes but I don't use my heel, I use the side of my foot to blip the throttle.
While you can get by easily without it. But driving in mountainous terrain with that skill in your book really smoothes things out.
I roll my foot, the gas and brake are ridiculously close in my E21
The other anons are making fun of you, but I think you're talking about double clutching which is a legitimate thing. You only really need to do it with unsynchronized gearboxes (still fun to do with synchros because muh dagumi)
i've got big feet and small pedal spacing so when i try to do it i end up tapping the clutch with the top of my shoe. size 14 problems.
>What's the point of this
So you can come out of braking from a higher speed and take off fast once you don't need to slow down anymore. Only racers do it. New drivers should not.
>when should I do it?
>Does it make going into a lower gear smoother?
Only if you're dumping the clutch and you've timed your shift PERFECTLY with the revs it should theoretically be at.
If you want to be smooth as butter just downshift and slowly ease off the clutch. Once you hear the car jump up in revs a little you can release the clutch fully.
>still using the clutch to shift on a manual gearbox
No, I'll rev match downshifts, but that's it. Pedals are too shitty without alteration.
it works so good! as soon as the gear shifter moves towards a specific gear, the RPM adjusts to make a seamless shift.
Same. Solely rev matching works well enough for me, and especially because my car has short gearing, revs quickly, and is easy to match rpms.
How is it possible to rev match withoutrev matching?
Also how do you goys slow down for a right turn on a green light? Do you just downshift without heel-toeing?
Incase you couldn't tell new manual driver here
my feet are too big for tiny miata pedals to do that
He's not rev matching he's letting the synchro do it for him by letting clutch out slowly.
As for your question depends on car turn and how fast I wanna exit.
You could downshift b4 the turn.
You could just ride it with whatever gear you are in.
Or you could go through turn and downshift after if the engine isn't liking what you're doing.
You are not racing anyone. Just do what feels right
>if you want it to be as smooth as butter
Unless you are taking your car to near stall before downshifting your passengers are going to notice that you are using your clutch to drag the engine back up to speed both by ear and through the change in deceleration.
They may not be able to understand, if you are in ameriland, what is wrong but they'd feel like something is wrong
The synchro already did its work when the gear selector went in the slot. Long before he even thinks about letting out the clutch.
If you depress the clutch pedal and go through the gears with out letting out the clutch pedal the synchros for each gear have been working and finished their work for that whole time.
Excuse my ignorance. Then is the clutch plate grabbing and bringing the engine back up to speed. Im not sure one could have a non roigh shift without using any throttle just letting the clutch out.
Do you mean rev matching without heel-toeing? You just blip the throttle while downshifting to bring the engine speed to that of the transmission.
For turns I just downshift and use engine braking to slow a bit, and the brakes if I need to. Never going fast enough to really use heel-toe on the street.
Pretty much. The deceleration will be noticable because it is not simply engine braking but bringing the whole rotating mass back up to speed
There's no lurch and it's smooth of the throttle is blipped high enough.
>posts a miata
you fucking serious? It's easy as shit with stock pedals
Cool, I'm glad it works for you. I have two issues with them. One would be just rolling the foot over for the blip, this would be much easier with the FM pedal in that first pic. There's too much space between the pedals here, the accelerator will slip off my shoe most times, or I won't have enough foot on the brake.
What size feet do you have? I've got 11.5 wides, might make it easier for me.
Just gotta get that twisting ankle action going. Blip the throttle with the outer edge of your foot, not the ball
The other being to angle my foot to blip the accelerator. This works more often than the side blip, but the heel of my shoe will sometimes catch on the mat, carpet, or transmission tunnel before the blip. In either way, it isn't a heel-toe action at all, there's just not enough room for that. I have 9.5 shoes.
Could be the shoes, I have some new balances with the foam wedge sole and they're terrible to drive in
My favorite driving shoes are high top vans or chucks
My gas pedal is both 6 inches away and 4 inches lower than my brake pedal. I couldn't heel toe if I wore fucking clown shoes.
However I could maybe nail a 2x4 to my gas pedal. Will update if it works.
modify the gas pedal then you fucking mongoloid
No, my throttle is mounted on the floor so it's really awkward to heel and toe in my car
See I roll with the top part of my foot not the heel.
Try keeping the left half of your foot on brake and tilt foot so right top part of foot hits gas. Don't try and use your heel
Try to swing your right knee to the left when blipping the throttle
That's what I'm trying in the first picture. The right part of my foot won't hit the accelerator just rolling the top over. Not going to use the edge of my foot on the edge of the brake in a situation where I'd be heel-toeing, just not safe. I'd put something on the accelerator like the FM piece so that it's easier and more consistent for me. But again, I just don't do it enough to bother right now.
My brakes grab so hard very early and I have such a lead foot that I would probably stall if I tried heel-toeing
Damn how can you guys even say you drive manual if you can't heel-toe? This is basic shit, manual 101
They've gotta start somewhere.
I think its jut a small feet problem then. In my car to roll I only have the left half of the ball of my foot on the brake, and the right side of my foot only touches half of the throttle. it was all about practice to get my foot position correctly but once you find the spot its super ez.
forgot to add I have a wrx not a miata.
Thigh hits the steering wheel, or I still can't get my foot high enough on the brake pedal to avoid clipping the carpet or tunnel with my heel. 34" inseam.
Are you in a Miata and how tall are you?
Yeah, 6'1".
You're pretty close to my height, so maybe this'll help. Move your seat all the way back. Instead of swinging your knee to the left, knee of pivot of the left part of your foot while easing down on the break and tap the very bottom of the gas pedal. Remember to get the clutch down first with the left foot.
Watch this video at 1:05 at .25 speed over and over again for a visual representation.
I hope that helps you out getting some nice downshifts in the near future.
Fuck typos. I need sleep.
This has to be bait.
Adding to that, you don't really need to have the shifter in the neutral position when blipping the throttle. Just having the clutch disengaged from the engine should be fine.
Appreciated. I know how to do it, the car just makes it a bit inconvenient for me, that's all.
No problem. Need advice with anything else?
how you gonna be 6'1" and wear a size 9.5 shoe.